Webharvest / Beautiful Soup

Webharvest / Beautiful Soup
Hi there,

I am looking for a developer experienced with BeautifulSoup software (http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/).

I need to automate the checking of several webpages :
I am a professional mail router and i use many IP adresses to perform my routing job.
Each of them have a reputation that evolves with time, depending on how many mails i send, the deviation from the average number of mails sent, how many complaints, etc.
Several websites offer free services to check the IP reputation (for example : http://www.trustedsource.org/query/

Of course, checking each IP reputation “by hand” is impossible when you deal with several hundreds IPs…

Therefore i need to create an “IPPanel” kind of page that would interact with a MySQL table (in which i can list the IPs and domain names to check, the URLs of the web pages where to check, and of course the results of the checks).
To achieve this, I need to “web-harvest” the pages.

I came across Beautiful Soup, which is apparently the software of choice to perform such task.

Can anybody help ?

WordPress Theme Modification1

WordPress Theme Modification1
I need some small wordpress modifications.

I have a website : moviehaven.net

I need my post to be displayed like ireel.com. Each category will display 6 videos at a time on the homepage. & the thumbnail will display the same way (video views, length of movie, & Year of the Movie) (Same Graphic Casing for Categories)
These will be custom fields. Also I will need the rating stars as well.

I need this as soon as possible starting now. PLEASE ONLY EXPERIENCED WORDPRESS PROFESSIONALS!

I also need a featured section for the top category.

The view all pages need to look exactly like : http://www.ireel.com/browse/index?f=m&g=2

The left side will feature all my categories. like the link above.

Website Using Drupal

Website Using Drupal
I want to get a site done. After much researching I have concluded that doing it with Drupal will be the best option.

I need a site with the following modules:

User Groups:
One can become a member or a fan. Members request the group admin for membership and vice versa. Any User can become a fan

Every user should have a blog.

There should be options for users to create polls. The results should be generated in such a way like age-groups,gender,location which the user gives in his PROFILE.

Product Browser:
A Profile for products. And Product comparison.

Product Recommendation:
The user fills out a form of specifications and products relevant to that specification shows up.

User Profiles:
The users will have a profile with their blogs,photo albums. A User will also have Fans.

News & Events:
A news and events module fully controlled by the admin.

Groups can message its members & fans. Users can message each other. Messages are private!

I found all these modules already available in the Drupal website. So I guess All you got to do is connect them all and do some modifications wit respect to my scenario.

Please make a reasonable bid. Thanks.

Website Design / Update

Website Design / Update

I want http://www.searchenginesubmitter.com updated. I have created a draft of roughly what I want at http://www.searchenginesubmitter.com/page_template.php

This design uses a template : http://www.searchenginefriendlylayouts.com/layouts/3_column_liquid_layout%2c_header%2c_footer_23.html and I would prefer to use this if possible due the SEO work that has alreday been done. Howver if you have your own template taht works in a similar way then fine.

The menau system is from http://simplythebest.net/scripts/DHTML_scripts/dhtml_script_122.html again I am happy if this used or another easy to maintain menu system is used

In general I like the concept of using clearly marked <div> type designs so I can add content by using php includes in the relevant sections to bring content into the template

The bookmarking code that is currently in the header must be present in the new design

I owuld like the design to use light blue as the key colour i.e similar to existing template but forming a blue border around the central area which shoudl still be white

I would like a more “rounded” and “softer” feel to the site with edges taken off boxes and gentle gradient fills etc

All design / code MUST be serach engine friendly

I would also like a logo and favicon for the site

Please feel free to ask questions



Copy Website

Copy Website

i am looking for an EXACT clone of a discount voucher website, including all features.

All must be searchable vouchers, pages and site must be SEO friendly and have full tracking of links and reporting.

the site in question is “my voucher code” dot co dot uk.

Please check ever all over site and get a good understanding of how it works.

I will only talk to people that have looked throughly at the site and can tell me how the site works, the features on it, and they believe the backend consists of

Ppv Chat With Split View

Ppv Chat With Split View
A would like to work with a long term programmer for the following project. Please don’t bid if you are
not serious or if you are not capable of doing the work
Payment will be done threw escrow, I can deposit 50% into escrow before work begins but please note
that my company does not pay up front so we have to come to a payment progress payout agreement
before I award the job.
I would like you to develop a pay per view webcam software (script) with full ownership and resell rights
that belongs to me together with software that splits live feeds and transfers all contents to other
This is the best way for me to explain to you.
The problem with starting a webcam site is that you need girls! And these girls will not come to your site
if there is no traffic as traffic equals customers therefore there is a lot of people opening up sites which
are affiliate sites (these sites direct traffic to one main site and they get a cut from every sign up.
Now there are people like me who feel this is rubbish as these sites are getting bigger and bigger, you
have to give your customers to them and there is no chance for new sites to develop unless being an
affiliate site.
I would like for you to develop a script (software) whereby a webcam model can register their profile
only 1 time and the models live feed and thier content (pics and video’s) to appear on many different
ppv webcam websites all at the same time.
I want you to tell me the best way for doing this job as if I knew how to do it I would do it myself.
This is how I would like it to work.
1) You get the webcam models or studio that register.
2) You get the middle man – me
3) The webmasters – owners of these webcam sites
The roles of the 3 different parties
1) Webcam models or studio – to perform for money
2) The middle man (ME) to sell ppv webcam websites – these websites will get their models from
me and I get a 10% commission from all transactions.
3) The webmasters – to get traffic to their websites
Important functions of the live split view software
I would like this software to be loaded on a website
· If model or studio registers on this website then these models live feed (if on free chat should
appear on all websites – no re directing from one website to another web.
· If the model is on free chat and her live feed is split to let’s say 100 other websites then she
must have only one chat box and not 100 chat boxes
· Models must only register their profile once (pictures, videos ext once) there after all content
must be supplied to the other websites automatically.
· Full admin module
· Full studio and model module
· Full accounts modules
· This site to act as middle man – 10% of all paid transactions
· Record of all transactions
· If a customer pays then payment should go threw me and all funds should come to me but
credits should only appear on the 1 website that the customer paid. Therefore all models and
studios know they are dealing with me for payment. Webmasters will also get paid threw me.
· Webmasters should NOT be able to access their customers credit card details (only me) but
they should be access their emails etc
· Be able to retieve general information from the ppv webcam websites like, amount of vistors
per day, unique vistors per day ETC.
In short guys I want the following
1) A program that can split live feeds as per above with only 2 modules
Model/ studio module
Administrator including accounts module
2) A ppv webcam script like imlive.com with 5 different template (1 x like ppc webcam site for
demo purpose, I will buy the domain
Please register as a free user and spend some time at www.imlive.com it is to me the most advanced
ppv webcam site out there with unique features like
Live view
Group cams
3 different types of credits
My content
Taking snap shots in private shows
And many more functions
I would also like to start 2 other different shows! Just talk (which means that members can call the girls
at a paid rate.
2 way show where – two members can view 1 girl paying 50% each. Show to be a min of 10 min and
each member has 5 min in control of the show but can view the whole show.
I will email you a list of functions that the ppv webcam software must have! Please note that the live
feed must be of a very good quality and I would like to know from you what platforms you will be using
and your reason behind this so I can determine
Also the frames per second and screen resolution that you will be able to archive.

Joomla Community Builder Code

Joomla Community Builder Code
Have a Joomla Community Builder custom field and need some code to display it within a page as a link. I’m sure this is an easy find, I just can’t find it. I have a CB custom field I want to display just below the Joomla Username. Have that one figure out:

$user =& JFactory::getUser();
if (!$user->guest) {
  echo ” . $user->username . ”;

But then I need to call a custom CB user field and kind of hide it with 6 random numbers before and after the result with a link so it looks like this:


where the 999999 is the cb_credit field and the 121212 is the 6 random before and the 343434 is the 6 random after.

Of course the random numbers would be diff every time page loads. Trying to kind of hid the cb_credit number in the middle.


Compare And Reviews Site

Compare And Reviews Site
We need a complete site admin side / client side (Just Coding) that will be able to have categories and unlimited subcategories, with items, it will compare each item in the same subcategory with custom fields in that sub category. It will handle users reviews and ratings. This Project can`t be using a CMS or a framework it should be coded from scratch. It should be web 2.0 AJAX


Travel Agency Managmnt Softwar

Travel Agency Managmnt Softwar
We are a small Travel agency planning to buy a desktop / web-based application which can help automating our current operations. We are expecting a quick turn-around time for this solution. Hence, preference will be given to the personnel who have already developed this kind of software, can customize it and deliver at the earliest.
Please make sure you are acceptable to the below condition before you bid:
– Should meet the agreed target dates
– After we implement the system, 2 Months support is needed and costs will be paid separately
– Any bugs in the software should be fixed by the vendor without any additional costs
– We will continue your support, if the software you developed is good and will introduce our partners with similar requirements.
– Source code of the newly developed system should be handed-over fully and consistently.
The requirements at very high-level are as below:
– Manages the Reservations and Shipping points
– Inventory Control
– Supplier, Agent management and Pricing
– Fast and efficient quotations, Billing
– Financial Data Maintenance and Reporting including Taxes, Profit /Loss analysis and Balance sheet preparation
– Enquiry Workflow
– Multi-currency margin analysis
– Discount management
– Personal management and Payroll
Please bid only if you can meet the above requirements. We are not willing to try with the people who over commit and can’t deliver. We really appreciate your responses and reasonable quotes.
Thank you.

Omegle Script Needed Asap

Omegle Script Needed Asap
I need a script to do the following on omegle.com:

* Join a chat
* Send a message (Defined in a variable)
* Disconnect

and do this repeatedly on a loop

there should also be a random function to avoid detection so each message will have a random string at the end ie:
this is a spam message [g8u30sk3]
it should do this for every message.

I don’t mind what it’s coded in but it must be fast and work well with no bugs.

I literally need this within the next hour and half so DO NOT bother me with PMB’s just attach the script once its completed with your paypal email.

The person who codes & sends fastest will be paid $100.

Payments will be sent via paypal after script is received and tested.

Find A Shop For Magento

Find A Shop For Magento
Like the Chained Ajax stuff, with drop down boxes based upon previous data select. Something like these:


Where would have drop-downs start with:

1. Display Drop Down with choice of 1 of 2 Companies (domain1 and domain222)

2. Drop down for Geographic selection 1 of 5 available. Then the results within each of the 5 have a similar but different path with each. Like with the US code, the next would be STATES drop down while the Canada would be the PROVINCES drop down. The EU layout is slightly different with UK (see below). Then Optional Search Window for Shop Name

The results would display a tad different also as mailing layout varies with different places in the world. 3 Column layout with below data: Shop Name, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip/Postal, Phone, Fax, Website, Info, and display lines sold (all MySQL Fields).

Results would be sorted and displayed 10 per page with pagination controls at bottom (i.e. << Prev Next >> )

Would need to work with major browsers and need ASAP. Don’t need Magento Admin access for created/edited store locations, will do that within phpmyAdmin, just the front end code.

See attached HTML for layout by Region.

Price Option A: Drop Downs for Shop Names (no search)
Price Option B: Drop Downs with a blank fields for ‘shop name’ search

Google Map Joomla Plugin

Google Map Joomla Plugin
We need a google map component/plugin with features as into this site:
where in every article there is a google map with a marker for the relative bulding (or generally interest point).
There is a search tool too where it is possible so search other points by keyword and location into a few categories (please, see that site).
Maps coordinates should be created by the scripts, should be possible to set the Markers image, the associated image and text.
Into backend should be possible to set categories and maps, so in articles (or module) should be possible to use a tag like {gmap}1{/gmap} to insert every single map where 1 is his ID.
Should be possible to translate the component using an xml file.