Customize Osdate Script

Customize Osdate Script
Before you consider my project please know that I am looking for a Friendly and Skillful Programmer that keeps communication lines open at all times.

My current site Runs on the Osdate platform.

I Need a few modifications made, I am looking for a Friendly and Skillful Programmer that can do some minor design as well.

Scope of project

1) Fix map issue so it doesn’t load on bottom half
2) must be converted to xml so profile can show

3) much of the functions will be taken away: The following will be removed 1) Flash chat 2) Instant messenger 3) my video gallery 4) Blog 5) Forum ( these can be done from admin panel, I can probably do this myself)

4) when User uploads to his Picture gallery the system needs to allow clearer photos and variety of picture formats. bmp jpeg etc (If picture is too large website should automatically convert it to the proper size) .

5) The “email me now” button that is shown on users profile this will be changed to
“Send Date Invitation”

6) Each user will have an account balance where they can transfer money into For example a user needs a minimum of $5 dollars in their account balance in order to send a date invitation. Users cannot send a date invitation if their account has less than $5 in it.

7) when user sends date invitation the recipient has 48 hours to accept offer, if not then the $5 will be returned to senders account. If user accept date invitation then both accounts are charged $5

8) When a user receives a date invitation they will receive notification by email, “Congratulations… You’ve Received a Date invitation on!”

then user clicks link and sings in to check his date invitation

this is what the Date invitation would look like when they sign into the site:

“BigRomanticguy32” has sent you a date invitation for:
Date: September 15th at 7:45 pm
Location: The Olive Garden
Town: Fresh Meadows

A) “BigRomanticguy32 has agreed to pick up the tab.
B) “Bigromanticguy32 prefers to go dutch.
C) “Bigromanticguy expects you to pick up the tab.

If you decide to accept “Bigromanticguy32’s” Date Invitation your account will be debited $5.00, and both parties contact information will be made available to one another.

If you decline or ignore Date Invitation your account will NOT be charged.

Accept Decline
This Date invitation will Expire in 48 hours

9) I need programmer to make sure everything is working well with the website and the search member profiles are working correctly. i need to make sure the map is working correctly.

Power Of Politics Clone

Power Of Politics Clone
I just copy an old project. However, I can not give you any additional information, just check out the game. Don’t bid on this project if you don’t know German. I won’t help you.

I need a clone of the game at (German)

I don`t know about a similar site in English. An admin area should allow me to give/take money to/from politicians/partys as well as to ban/delete users/partys. Also I should be able to set the price for supporters. PayPal payment should be integrated for supporters.

News will come from news feeds of online newspapers.

If possible, add authentification using OpenID and Facebook Connect.

I do not want to spend too much on it.

Logo And Web Page Design

Logo And Web Page Design

I just need one web page template and a logo designed. How much would you charge for:

1. Design one web page design template. Create 2 JPG drafts to choose from, 3 revisions to the one I choose and then cut into one HTML page.

2. Design a logo. Create 3 JPG drafts to choose from, 3 revisions to the one I choose.

Please show me examples of your web design and logo work.

Thank you

WordPress Install

WordPress Install

This is a very easy task for somebody who knows what they’re doing.

I need you to do the following with this theme (which I already purchased):

1) Install it in my cpanel

2) Show me how to add a newsletter opt-in box in the large box below the header (it’s currently a graphic). I want you to walk me through it step-by-step so I can edit it.

3) Tweak the settings so that the large box still appears but it’s in a 2-column blog format (like when you click on the “blog” link).

Thank you.

WordPress Menu Creator

WordPress Menu Creator
Need menu created for WordPress Menu Creator.

We need to recreate the menu for this website in WordPress:

We’ve chosen the WordPress Menu Creator. And we’re pleased with it, we just don’t know enough css to make the menu look and do what we want it to do. We’re open to suggestions to use other menu creators, but this seems to be pretty good (once we figure out the css.)

Content For Website

Content For Website
We would like to have content put onto a website template that we have recently purchased. Our original site will remain in place to reflect our current product line. The new web address for the new site and product line will be ( with Bluehost as the provider. Winning bidder will download site onto bluehost account.We also have some additional content links that will need to be added to the template as well (approx. 5 links). This project will have to be completed fairly quickly due to recent changes to state regulations. All files,content,links and bluehost login and passwords will be provided to winning bidder.

How to Build a Lava-Lamp Style Navigation Menu

How to Build a Lava-Lamp Style Navigation Menu

A couple weeks ago, I created a screencast that demonstrated how to build a three-level navigation menu. In a response email, one of our readers requested a tutorial on how to build a lava-lamp style menu. Luckily, it’s quite a simple task, especially when using a JavaScript library. We’ll build one from scratch today.


Prefer a Screencast?

Step 1 Create the Mark-up

Before we can create this neat functionality, we need a base from which to work from. In your favorite code editor, create an unordered list for your navigation, and import both jQuery and jQuery UI, via Google.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
	<title>SpasticNav  Plugin</title>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

<div id="container">

	<ul id="nav">
		<li id="selected"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Blog</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">More About My Portfolio</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>


<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>	

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Note how we gave an id of “selected” to the home page. This is fairly standard in most websites; it allows use to target the current page, and style that particular list item accordingly.

Next, we must decide how to best implement the lava-lamp functionality. To allow for reusability, we’ll package this little script into a plugin, and call it like:


Since we’ve decided to build a plugin, let’s go ahead and create a new file for that script, and reference it in our mark-up. We’ll call it jquery.spasticNav.js.

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.spasticNav.js"></script>	

<script type="text/javascript">

Step 2 Beginning the Plugin

To reduce the number of global variables that we must create, as well as remove any possibilities of the $ symbol clashing with other JavaScript libraries, let’s wrap our plugin in a self-executing anonymous function.

(function($) {


Now, jQuery will be passed into our plugin, and will be represented via the $ symbol.

Next, it’s generally a best practice to give the users of the plugin as much flexibility as possible. As such, we’ll give them the option of passing in an object-literal when they call the plugin to override a handful of settings. As I see it, they should be able to:

  • Set the amount of overlap for our little blob. This refers to how much the blob will exceed the height of the navigation menu.
  • Set the speed
  • Set a reset, which causes the blob to move back to the current page item (assuming that the user never clicks on a link)
  • Set the color of the blob. This can be accomplished with CSS, but it’s a nice convenience, nonetheless.
  • Set the easing option.

Now, we’ll name our plugin, and make it equal to a function. $.fn is simply an alias for jquery.prototype.

$.fn.spasticNav = function(options) {


Knowing that we’ll be allowing these overrides, we must make sure that we accept an “options” parameter.

Step 3 Configuration Options

Now that we’ve named our plugin, the next step is to create the configuration options.

options = $.extend({
	overlap : 20,
	speed : 500,
	reset : 1500,
	color : '#0b2b61',
	easing : 'easeOutExpo'
}, options);

Above, we’re taking the options variable, setting some default properties and values, and then extending it with whatever (if anything) the user passes in when they call the plugin. That way, the options they pass will override our default settings. For example, if, when I call this plugin, I pass:

   speed : 2000,
   easing : 'easeOutElastic'

Those two properties will override the default settings, while the remainder of the options will remain the same.

Step 4 Implementing the Functionality

Now, we’re ready to cycle through each element that was passed to this plugin, and implement the lava-lamp functionality. Remember, we can’t assume that the user is going to pass a single element to this plugin. They could, if they wanted, reference a class, which refers to multiple items that should receive this functionality. As such, we’ll call this.each to iterate over each item in the wrapped set.

return this.each(function() {


Within this function, we’ll create some variables. Not all of them will immediately have values, but since the JavaScript engine will hoist all variable names to the top of the function anyways (behind the scenes), it’s generally a best practice to declare them at the top, and then initialize them later.

var nav = $(this),
	currentPageItem = $('#selected', nav),
  • nav : “Caches” this, wrapped in the jQuery object.
  • currentPageItem : Contains the list item with an id of selected. We pass a second parameter to set the context to search from. That way, we don’t have to traverse the entire dom to find this element.
  • blob : For lack of a better word, this variable will reference the highlighter, that will follow our mouse when we hover over the menu.
  • reset : This will store a reference to the setTimeout function that will create later. It’s needed in order to call clearTimeout. More on this soon…

Now that we’ve declared/initialized our variables, let’s create the actual blob, so to speak.

$('<li id="blob"></li>').css({
	width : currentPageItem.outerWidth(),
	height : currentPageItem.outerHeight() + options.overlap,
	left : currentPageItem.position().left,
	top : currentPageItem.position().top - options.overlap / 2,
	backgroundColor : options.color

The reason why we’re calling the CSS method, rather than simply adding a class, is because these values will vary depending on the current page’s list item. As such, we must use JavaScript to retrieve they values.

  • width: Get the width of currentPageItem, including any borders and padding.
  • height: Get the height of currentPageItem, including any borders and padding. Also, add the amount of overlap, to make the blob extend outside of the menu.
  • left: Sets the left property of the blob equal to the left position of the currentPageItem. (We must set a positioning context in our CSS for this value to take effect.)
  • top: Sets the top value as well, and vertically centers the blob.
  • backgroundColor: Sets the background color.

Finally, we append this new list item to this, or #nav.

Next, we need to store a reference to #blob. That way, we don’t have to search the DOM everytime we wish to access it. We declared the blob variable at the top of the function. Now, let’s initialize it.

blob = $('#blob', nav);

Step 5 The Hover Event

We must now “listen” for when the user hovers over one of the list items (excluding the blob of course) in our navigation menu. When they do, we’ll set the width and left properties of the blob equal to that of the currently hovered list item.

$('li:not(#blob)', nav).hover(function() {
	// mouse over
			left : $(this).position().left,
			width : $(this).width()
			duration : options.speed,
			easing : options.easing,
			queue : false
}, function() {
	// mouse out
	reset = setTimeout(function() {
			width : currentPageItem.outerWidth(),
			left : currentPageItem.position().left
		}, options.speed)
	}, options.reset);


To summarize the script above…

  • Get all list items – not the #blob – within the navigation menu, and when they’re hovered over, run a function.
  • Animate the blob, and set its left and width values equal to that of the hovered list item.
  • Pass an object literal as the second parameter of animate, and set the duration and easing equal to what we set in our configuration options. Set queue to false to prevent animation build-up.
  • When they mouse out, call setTimeOut, which will push the blob back to the current page item. If we didn’t do this, and the user didn’t click on a navigation link, the menu would show that they were on
    a different page entirely. This will, after a second or so, animate the blob back to currentPageItem.

And that’s all there is to it! This is a super simple plugin. The next step is to style our navigation menu.

Step 6 Styling the Menu

Without any styling, our menu should look similar to this:

Unstyled mark-up

Let’s first style the “nav” ul. Open your style.css file, and add:

#nav {
	position: relative;
	background: #292929;
	float: left;
Styling the navigation menu

Next, we’ll style each list item.

#nav li {
	float: left;
	list-style: none;
	border-right: 1px solid #4a4a4a;
	border-left: 1px solid black;

This simply floats each list item to the left, and adds a border to each side.

Styling the list items

Moving along, we next must style the anchor tags within our navigation menu.

#nav li a {
	color: #e3e3e3;
	position: relative;
	z-index: 2;
	float: left;
	font-size: 30px;
	font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
	text-decoration: none;
	padding: 30px 45px;

We’re setting a color, floating them to the left, setting some font values, and a healthy amount of padding. Take note of the z-index property. This is a necessity, and will be explained shortly. However, remember that, in order to adjust the z-index, we must set a positioning context, which we’ve done.

Styling the anchor tags

Because we’re not implementing a full reset stylesheet, let’s ensure that we zero out any default margins and padding on our ul and li, just to save any potential headaches.

ul, li {
	margin: 0; padding: 0;

The last step is to style the blob itself!

#blob {
	border-right: 1px solid #0059ec;
	border-left: 1px solid #0059ec;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	z-index : 1;
	background: #0b2b61;
	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0b2b61, #1153c0);
	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#0b2b61), to(#1153c0));
	-moz-border-radius: 4px;
	-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
	-moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 10px #011331;
	-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 10px #011331;

Once again, we set some pretty colors for our borders, and add some background colors (including CSS3 gradients/borders/shadows for Firefox and Safari/Chrome). Once again, we see that z-index property. Without this, the blob will display above all of the text in the navigation menu. To counter this, we must be sure that its z-index property is LOWER than the list item’s! We also must set the position to absolute in order to adjust its top and left values with our plugin.



That’s all there is to it! With minimal effort, we’ve created a really neat looking navigation menu from scratch. Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks for reading and watching.

Rewrite Product Info – Seo

Rewrite Product Info – Seo
i have a site with 500 products and i need each product description rewrote to be unique as well as to implement the main keyword phrase for the page of the product. i will supply the main keyword phrase for each product page you need to implement. previous SEO writing experience preferred….the site is in oscommerce so knowledge of oscommerce is a plus, however not required.


-rewrite 500 product descriptions on the site with SEO in mind
-implement main keyword phrase (i will provide) into product description
-most descriptions are approximately 200 words – your rewrite should be about the same
-english as a first language preferred (please post links/examples of previous product description work in the PMB)

your bid should reflect the total cost to do 500 products at approximately 200 words each…so approximately 100,000 words of rewritten content. this must be manually rewritten content, do not use an article spinner or anything of the like to rewrite the descriptions…i will not accept “spun” rewrites….must be readable by humans and make sense 🙂

i am willing to pay you as we go, for example after every 50 completed and approved descriptions. i will be willing to work with the winning bidder of what works best for them.

please ask any questions you may have.


Authorizenet 1 Item Cart/ckout

Authorizenet 1 Item Cart/ckout
We are looking for someone to build us a 2 page shopping cart/check out page that will hook into We will want this embedded into a blank template on our site. This page is located here:

The order form will only be ONE item: “Google Message Filtering” at $7.00 per unit.

To get an idea of what we are trying to do, please visit this site:

If you click “checkout” you will see the 2nd page; the summary of the order as well as inputting credit card info.

As for the 1st page, we want it setup so that there is a $50 setup charge included in the submission and the minimum user count is 10. The customer can input the total needed in a txt/number box. We want it to also update on the fly so they can see the total price immediately. The other stipulation with the txt box is that it needs to be in lots of 5. ie.. 10 (minimum), 15, 20, 25, etc… If someone puts in a non “lot of 5” number, example 17… it will round UP to 20.

We also want an “I agree to the terms & conditions” check box that needs to be agreed to before proceeding.

We will also need the site to be SSL, we can get the certificate if you put it in place for us.


Website Design- Script Linking

Website Design- Script Linking
Hi there,

Here is what I am looking for and what needs to be done.

1. I am looking for a Top Notch Web Designer who is an expert in
(PHP, HTML, Flash, MySQL, Credit Card Payment (Paypal) Linking, and Script Install).

2. I need a “Top Quality” work done on my Website Project.

3. The job needs to be done within 3- days to 1- week Max.

4. If you are NOT an Expert and Know what you are doing, then please do NOT contact me.

*Here are the things you should know about the project and what I want:

1. This project have been worked on by another designer, but I did not like his work.

2. *I WILL provide the winner an actual “Fully Customizable “Template” to use and build my Website according to my specifications. In other words, you do NOT have create any Template. Rather, you need to plug-in the Content, Pictures, Video’s that I want, and Design it Well.

3. The Site has already been Built Out, it’s about 6 Pages. You just need to take the “Current Content, Pictures, Video, etc” and plug it in, the (New Template), which I will be providing you.

4. You also must “Link” our (Paypal) button to, so it work “Correctly.”

5. You must link the (Membership Script), which is on the Current Web Site now. If you can’t do this, no problem, I will have my other Coder do it.

6. You must execute or finish this project in less than a week. But, since I am providing you all the (Content, Pictures, Video’s, Template & Guidance), this project should not take you more than 3-4 days tops.

7. I have a (Back Up) file, just in case you screw up the Design.

*Please Note:

I know “Exactly” what I want and don’t want. So, this should be a very straight forward project. But, you MUST be a “Detailed” person, who “Knows what he/she is doing.”

Listen, what I am looking for is a “Professional Web Designer” that is very “Experienced” and “Can Deliver” what I want. If that’s you, then I want to talk to you.

*Bid wisely and competitively, because if you are good and can deliver what I want. There is lots of work I can give you, because I consult many “Small Businesses” within my community that need Web Design and Coding work.

Looking forward to seeing your Bids and working with you.

Best regards,

WordPress With Graphics

WordPress With Graphics
Looking for a good wordpress and graphic designer who can make unique designed blog website. The job should be easy for someone well versed with WordPress customization and use of Photoshop.

I could have done this myself but just want to try out the if I can partner with someone for future projects.

If I am satisfied with the price and work…there will be more work on way.

Now please read carefully the below requirements and reply back to me with your proposal.

Please refer the code word “XMA” in the subject line. Else your quotation will not be considered.

The website I intend to make is based on “extra marital affairs”. WordPress and relevant plugins are already istalled on my domain server. I have the thesis as well as another premium theme installed. However, you are free to use any of your own or customized.

I do not have a fixed idea of the site but I leave it to your imagination and idea. However, the below page layout need to be maintained.

The top portion above the header should have the page links created like 1) Home, 2) Marital Affairs Products, 3) Marital Affairs Books, 4) Marital Affairs Community, 5) Contact Us

The other page links just below the header/logo need to be:

1) Marital Affairs
2) Causes of Marital Affairs
3) Cheating Spouse
4) Emotional Affair
5) Surviving Infidelity

I’d like to see an image slider at the first page which will hold relevant images based on the 5 above tier 2 pages. Also the above pages need to be created as category.

I leave it to your imagination to suggest me the best use of the sidebars. I’d like to use CPA, Affiliate offers and also Adsense for monetization.

The site need to have Sitesearch, RSS, Twitter, Facebook, Bookmark, Digg, Stumble Upon icons somewhere prominent.

The graphics and the look n feel of the website will be the main criteria.

Interested bidders may send me your offers with any similar design or even I’ll aprreciate and prefer those who can provide me a rough jpg of the proposed template layout of your idea adopting my theme as specified above.

Please do mention the time required.

If you need more clarification about the project please feel free to ask me.

File Systems

File Systems
Complete two file system schemas (Visio® is recommended to draw a diagram of each schema). The first should be OS on your PC. (NT, Windows 2 K or XP). The second should be Knoppix Linux Operating System. Write a paper that identifies similarities and the differences of the two file systems. Include what the philosophical differences between the two are and how it effects the operation of the two operating systems. Discuss security, file naming, important folders and their uses, etc.

Simple Vb Application Code

Simple Vb Application Code
I require the following code for 2 very simple VB apps/processes:

Basic “Folder Upload” application.

-Main window has a “FTP” setup button, where they can enter their website details: (website address, website username & password)
-Main window has browser button, which opens a dialogue box requesting the user to select any file within the folder they want to upload.
-once the user has selected a file, they can then click on the “upload” button, and the entire contents of the folder in which they selected the file is uploaded to their website.
-NOTE: unless the user specifies a different name, I need the application to create a folder on the website with the same name as the folder being uploaded.

MySql Database & MySql User Creator.(for CPanel users)

-Prompts user to choose a name for the new database, and enter their domain name, webhost username & password.
-When user presses create button, the script connects to their webhost and creates a database with the name requested, and a Db user with the SAME name, and a randomly generated password. ie:

Db Name: myhost_MyNewDb
Db User: myhost_MyNewDb
Password: 4720567

I require the code for this to be usable in Visual Basic 2008 or similar so it can be modified by myself later for different situations.(Note- VB-6 requires translating before it’s usable in Visual Basic 2008, so is not suitable)

I actually have 2 applications that do exactly this, and I will provide them to the programmer in order to ensure my requirements are clear.