Joomla – Few Simple Issues

Joomla – Few Simple Issues
We need the following work done on a Joomla site. We had purchased a template for this site which sits well on this installation however we have had a few problems with it namely permissions and other fixes which need to made.

1. We need you to fix the menu bug. The menus don’t operate/show properly.
2. You need to replace the small logo up on the page with a small flash animated logo in the top left corner.
3. ‘No Account yet’ Needs to be removed so all links line up left aligned in the username password section.
4. Need to turn on feature that once site author status user logs in, site owner can edit any page.
5. Need to have ability to let any registered user be validated by site-owner to come in and post blog on the site (namely one ‘partners’ page).

If you have any questions, please email us. This is my friend’s website. I do not have the resources to help him, so I don’t want to spend a lot of money out of pocket either. As you see we have already used a template for this. We need this done ASAP. As you see these are simple changes – so quick money for a Joomla expert.

Let me know how much you will charge you for this and how soon you can do this. We do not have a Joomla expert onboard, so if you just starting out in Joomla, please pass on this bid. We are looking for someone to go in, and already know what they are doing and do it quick.

White Label – Edit Color/text

White Label – Edit Color/text
I have a page where I want people to be able to design there own colour scheme to fit in with there website

So the middle content with the thumbnails and ad section need to be able to change the background, text, headings, fonts, colours, page width etc so that it will match there website design (header & footer – Telegraph).

You need make it so that they can edit the preview image below using the edit section at the top. It should probably be done in php.

Need this done today. Please don’t bid if you can’t start and complete it today.


Php Script Modifications

Php Script Modifications
I have a php script that was developed by xzero that needs some modifications by a savvy experienced php programmer.

1. First I would like to make the script MULTI-LEVEL ADMIN CONTROLED. This mod gives the ‘Admin’ Administrator the ability to setup Moderator and grants people the ability to manage only certain Function in admin section without the whole site be of risk of being compromised, it also hides some sensitive info (like payments history).

2. I would like a feature called “Feature Ads” moved from the center of the page to the right pane under the cities. This are will host up to 25-featured ads house in a scrollable formats. In addition the featured events will be stationed along the bottom portion of the site above the ads in a scrollable format with up to 15 events. Feacher ads and events are specific to the area it is being posted.

3. There are two buttons that are on the main page that needs some functionality. The “contact us” button needs a functional form attached and the “add your city” buttons needs to be constructed to allow visitors to add their city to the site (US Only). This function will immediate add the new city and will go live once it is approve by admin.

4. And finally I would like this script to be able to allow the poster to Share the ad with other cities. Meaning poster are able post it in multiple cities (up to 10 cities, instead of doing it one-by-one? in additions As an Administrator you can take an individual classified ad, select the Cities that you want to share it with and with the click of a button the ad gets duplicated in all those Cities immediately. (Unlimited or all)

I have attached a snapshot of the site, Please review and provide your input on this POST. Please provide a quote for each number listed and a total price.


Update Part Of Website 2

Update Part Of Website 2
I currently have WHMCS installed on my site. It is NOT a web hosting site. So basically I just use WHMCS for the support.

I have an advertising section now on my site where a member has to create an Advetisers account and then they can login and purchase:

1. newsletter advertisement space
2. banner advertising space

Currently just 1 payment option is available on each of these plans. Once they setup their advertising they are lead to the next page where they are suppose to pay via PayPal then I manually activate the advertising when I receive a payment notification.

I would like to set this up different now and have it be a little more advanced. I’m thinking of cutting out the custom registration page and displaying a page up front that shows multiple advertising options. I have 10 payment plans available. 5 for Newsletter Advertising and 5 for Banner Advertising. once the user adds the item to their cart it is added via WHMCS shopping cart. I currently accept PayPal but would like to add 2Checkout.

Then after their payment is completed they should be re-directed to a page that will THEN let them upload their newsletter ad that they want to advertise or upload the banner they would like to advertise on the site.

They they can verify their upload and Submit it as the final step. Once submited then it is uploaded into the system and I can activate it from my admin panel like I do right now. Maybe you’ll have to setup an IPN after payment is received so the system knows to bring them to this final page that will let them upload their Newsletter Ad or upload their Banner?

The way the system is setup right now is a lot of people upload blank ads or stupid banners but they never make payment so I have to delete these bogus ads every day. This way the person can’t upload their ad until after payment. I also feel that using WHMCS to place an order is much more sophisticated.

Here is a tricky part. There is an advertisers section where advertisers can track their stats to see how many people have viewed their banner or newsletter etc. Would it be possible to have their WHMCS registration details (so their e-mail address and password) be their login details to get into this advertisers area? I still want them to be able to track their advertisements from this section of the site.

Any questions please ask!

Small Add-ons To Php Site

Small Add-ons To Php Site
This is a small job: I have an existing site coded in PHP5/MySQL and I would like you to make 1 enhancement to the live chat feature and to install 1 login script that I’ve purchased.

Please see the attached PDF for project description. In your answer, provide the secret word (somewhere in PDF) if you wish to be considered for this job.

File Upload Site

File Upload Site

I’m looking for a talented designer/programmer to create a simple file upload site!

I need the following features:


– The upload system should allow the user to upload large files (of up to 100mb?) but not be flash or java driven- just php and AJAX
– The user should be able to upload while logged out, logged in and logged in on a premium account
– The user should be able to upgrade their account to premium at a fixed rate per month or per year (paypal payment).

– Not logged in:
– User uploads file instantly (AJAX upload perhaps?) with optional comment, title and password
If the file is an image:
– HTML and BBCode image links
– Link for file to be shown as an image on my site
– Link for file to be forced as a download
– Link for file to be deleted
If the file is another format:
– Link to download after a possible waiting time or password entry
– Link for file to be deleted
– Maximum upload size of Xmb
– file is disabled after X days of inactivity (BUT NOT DELETED)
– Ads displayed

– Logged in:
– Same options as a non-logged in user (with different inactivity limits and a higher upload size)
– User may view their images in a gallery (and create unlimited new galleries)
– User may view files + download counts in a list
– User may ‘delete’ files
– User may upload multiple files in one go
– Ads displayed

– Premium:
– Same specs as logged in
– Much higher upload limit (let’s call it ‘unlimited’ for now)
– View files etc. with no waiting

Back end:
– Admin logs in like other users but can view the admin panel
– View all files/download counts/uploading IP/username
– View all uploads by username/ip
– View paypal transactions
– View and edit user details (including premium/admin status and account suspension)
– Ban users/ip addresses

– I’d like a really simple, clean and user intuitive design and will require the PSD files for later editing
– XHTML/CSS valid
– I’ve no specific specs in terms of the design.. something unique and pretty would be good 😉

I’ve a reasonable budget for the right programmer. Recent or related work examples would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

Frame Pages

Frame Pages
I have an advertising section on the site where members can read newsletters and earn points. They are suppose to read the ad for 30 seconds before they can claim any points.

I would like to update the site so instead of just making them read the ad for 30 seconds I would like to force them to visit the site for 30 seconds.

The top frame will include the 30 seconds timer and then the other frame will load our webpage or whatever it is we’re advertising. When the 30 seconds timer runs out, they will click a confirmation button in order for them to be credited.

So when they log into the members area, go to their inbox, and click on the ad they’re about to read, it should then load the page into this frame page and load the URL that is being advertised in the frame right below the timer. This should probably open up in a new window.

Thanks! Any questions please ask. I would like this started on as soon as possible.

I will select the winning programmer within 30 minutes to 2 hours so please stand by and ready to start if I select you.

Cup Creator

Cup Creator
I need you to create a system that I can use on various websites. This system must give my customers the ability to create a custom coffee mug, and then view the finished coffee mug in 3-D.

I want this program to work and look like cafepress but have more of the functions like zazzle installed here…

Go to the page above, and click on the “Create Mug” link. Everything that you see there is what I want to replicate in my new program.

Also, as I said, I want to give my clients the option to view there finished coffee mug in 3-D.

If you are familiar with this kind of work, and can do this for a very, very reasonable price, then please contact me.
I found a similar program on YouTube, Below….

Domain Listing Script

Domain Listing Script

We require a script (preferably written in PHP) which lists all domains hosted on a cPanel server.

We had a script several years ago which did this using the WHM Remote Access Key. It was only a few lines long, very simple.

Display total number of sites
Must be either real-time or use an automatically updated database
Each domain must be hyperlinked and open in a new window
Multi-Server Support (list generated from multiple servers)

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.


Convert WordPress Theme

Convert WordPress Theme

I have a developer licence for city guide wordpress theme( and I need to do some changes to the theme.

I need to create in the homepage , 12 positions (side by side),two in the TOP, above the MAP, with high visibility, and the other 10 positions, above.You can see a good example in the site ( , I want to show the listings has they show the products in the Dog-Shop. In the image “Popular choice” , It will show how much each listing payed.

The backofice must give me all the control has a bidding directory.
I also need to make some small changes to some fields.

I need someone with good flexibility, because this is a project that I don´t have the all picture now. I am not english native, but I think that you understand me.

Please , just bid if you know that you can do this. Don´t waste my and your time.