Fix Categories & Other Tasks

Fix Categories & Other Tasks
I need the categories organized in a way which will make it fast for the customer to find any given item. ( I need you to provide me with an idea of what you will do).

I need at least two category to be uploaded

I need a way to show or hide categories as I see it necessary (same for all sites)

I need you to ftp main site to other sites

You are responsible for making sure all sites are working in perfect condition and you have to make sure all contributions have been successfully ftp’d to each site.

You have to activate the each of the links, on each of the home pages, for each site.

This may include other tasks which I may have ignored (don’t worry, I will not abuse your kindness)

I need daily updates, daily communication a must.

No monies will go on escrow account, full payment will be issued upon successful completion of job.

I need you to work with a sense of urgency.

Adult Website Template Needed

Adult Website Template Needed
I need an Adult Template for my website. I want the template to be a clone of want the template to have my own website name and own look. Please look at the site before you bid so you know what I want done. I want the template to be easy to edit so I can add my 1-800 number and I want to be able to download it to my server or file manager. I may need the programmer to install it for me.Please contact me if you have questions.

Link To Web Services/json

Link To Web Services/json
We are looking for an experienced programmer to code links/ functionality to a few existing web services in a few PHP pages.

-all XHTML is complete, this is just coding
-The web services are complete and tested.
-The web services use JSON

The code may be written in PHP or Javascript, we are looking for a recommendation on that based on what is faster and more reliable. This should be simple for an experienced coder.

See the attached file to receive a link to the details of the web services, and the list of services that need to be coded.

Must have some online messenger for good communication.

Need right away, ask questions via pmb.

Complete Website For Bar Asa 2

Complete Website For Bar Asa 2
I am looking for a designer and coder to build a website for a bar. It needs to have the following:

Flash elements which are easily updated
STAFF area where staff members can login and check there rota etc
Forum – vBulletin skinned pref.
Photo gallery with easy update – maybe using gallery2 skinned
Menu for our food
Contact page with google map API included

The concept is to make the website look modern, dark, elegant while still looking like a fun place to be. It should also feature the ‘mood’ poster/design each night of the week: eg Greedy Tuesdays, Flirty thursdays – and this should be displayed on the main page (thats what the poster/image would be)

There is not a huge budget for this – I have a price locally from a designer however I want to ensure I can get quality for less by using scriptlance. I have had good results in the past.

The designer NEEDS to communicate via Windows Live Messenger, should be available to start ASAP and can be dedicated to get the website up and running in the soonest time possible. IF there are no problems with the work from the designer and we’re both happy, I would like an ongoing relationship to maintain and update the website as and when its needed.

Post a short message saying “check my profile” – write a human comment that’s not copy and pasted – and confirm your willing to start asap.

I am eager to get this going as soon as an hour from posting… so I won’t be waiting around. I WILL take into account coders past examples and also price.

Thanks and I look forward to working with you,

Social Engine Site

Social Engine Site
I am looking for someone to clone smartlygreen[dot]com

I want all the same features and functionality. The design will be different. It will be built using the Social Engine script.

I will supply the license for the script. Additional plugins that I want are the Facebook Connect plugin and OpenID Connect plugin

Payment will be paid through escrow and money will be released at the end of completion.

Only bidders with portfolios displaying previous work will be considered.

Osc Flash Shirt Customizer Fix

Osc Flash Shirt Customizer Fix
I need the following changes made to my flash t-shirt customizer module. You should be proficient in flash, php, and oscommerce to do this.

Can be viewed here:

And a standard product page can be viewed here:

1. When the users click on “View Image”, we open a new popup with a non-editable version of the same designer application, recreate the current design, zoom in till the maximum area and show them to client. We also update the shopping cart to have a hyperlink to the new “view image” change. Hyperlink will be when the customer clicks on the image of the t-shirt from the shopping cart.

2. I would like the shopping cart hyperlink for the product name (the text, not the image) to allow the customer to view the customizer again with all the designing options they made. This will allow them to go back and make necessary changes to the design. Now, I know that when they do that again and they buy that design it will then create another new product in the shopping cart. Maybe we can have a check to see if they want to edit the existing design or buy a new design from it.

3. Debug the Text Tool tab in the customizer. When the customer clicks, we see part of the ‘Remove Text’ button at the bottom is cut off.

4. Fix the Color Tool option on images. Currently it only works on text. Also I would like the ability of the customer to change the color on more than one area of the selected image. So, we have a single .png image with transparent background, a yellow sun, and a green tree. I would like the customer to be able to change the color of any of these using the color tool.

5. Would like an ‘Undo’ button, so the customer can revert back to the last setting change they made. And, a make a ‘Clear All Changes’ link or button, where we can revert back to the default design for that product.

6. We need to make the Add Image tab to display all of the images currently displayed on the shirt. If the customer uploads one or more images, then it will be shown here too.

7. We need to improve the scrolling function of all effected tabs. Currently the customer has to click and hold on the up or down arrow to slowly scroll. We need to add a scroll bar so that the customer can scroll up and down quicker.

8. Take the image design that is currently selected and have it be the image that is place on the shirt when the customer clicked ‘customize’ from product_info.php. For example we have this link: . We will make the ‘default design’ be the one assigned to the product already. You will see a field on the products table that says ‘default design’ where you can get this image location. Now, if the customer clicks any of the other design options after that and then clicks on customize then we will take that image as the default image on the shirt instead.

9. On the Choose item tab, after we choose a particular item we see some sizes available that are not correct. We need to get the info from the db so that the correct sizes will display that I have setup from admin.

10. We need to add-to the information that is currently showing in the shopping cart. We can add these, the size: size if any, color: color if any, text: example text if any, image: image name (w/hyperlink). Also we made the name be for example Descendents “Milo Goes To College” T-Shirt, but if we selected another product such as lady’s t-shirt, ringet t-shirt, cap, etc..then we want to change this title to reflect the correct product type name, instead of saying T-shirt.

11. Add new field to the products table called ‘customize_link’. We will make values be 0 or 1. If we use 1 as the value on the product, we will show the button located here: whos hyperlink directs to customize.php for that product. It will be located directly below the image of the t-shirt switcher on product_info.php. If the value is 0, then we will not show the button or link to the customizer. We will then remove the link to the customizer on all products next to the Reviews button.

I will give you my site domain once you review my requirements and bid on my project accordingly.

Small Website For Vet Practice

Small Website For Vet Practice
Budget: $450-$800
Listing time: To be awarded 30 Jan
Total project length: Must be live within 13 Feb (14 days of being awarded)

The business
Our client is a group of Australian veterinary practices offering a full range of medical services for domestic pets.


The project
We require a small website with generally limited text content but with very high quality graphic design. The site must be welcoming and appealing to pet owners (especially young generation Y families) and effectively advertise the business’ services and e-newsletter.

The site will consist of 5 main pages + 4 sub pages.


The design
The successful bidder will create at least three styles of the template (supplied as jpg or pdf) using the Home Page content. We will provide feedback, and from this you will develop a final design which you will use to create the site.

The design will:
– be modern and stylish
– have obvious, attractive, horizontal navigation
– appeal to pet lovers / owners and young generation Y families
– complement the style of the business logo
– require no scrolling to see content except on the Services page only, which will offer show/hide paragraphs or some other text display/hide function


Structure and Content of the site

Main Pages
Home Page
About Us
Contact Us
Customer Bonus

Contact Us Success
e-Newsletter Success
Customer Bonus Success
Tell-a-friend Success


Home page will have a small amount of text and 2, 3 or more images
Services page will have a reasonable amount of text (1,200 words) and 1 or 2 images and will require scrolling. Some paragraphs will be hidden behind icons or show/hide buttons as appropriate.
About us page will have a small amount of text and 1 or 2 images
Contact Us will have a contact form, contact details and map
e-Newsletter will have a small amount of text, a sign-up box and 1 image
Customer Bonus will have a small amount of text with sign-up box
Tell-a-Friend will have a tell-a-friend script (we will provide this)

The Contact Us Success, e-Newsletter Success, Customer Bonus Success and Tell-a-friend Success will be a few lines of text only + 1 image


The site will be written in:
Adhere to current W3C Standard;
a CSS based (table-less) design.

Search Engine Optimization
Page ranking is important so you will be able to understand implement on-page SEO. SEO content (keywords) and tactics will be provided by us.


All content, including page titles, page copy and images will be supplied by us.


Provider Skills/Requirements
You will be able to demonstrate:
contemporary and creative web design skills and experience with designing for service business websites;
experience with coding for responsive (web 2.0) navigation, on-page SEO and page structures that can be easily edited and updated;
good communication skills; and
an ability to ALWAYS meet deadlines.

Build Product Catalog

Build Product Catalog
We offer a job to complete all the information about a product catalog we need. This job may be done manually or using software developed for this (preferably). We need to obtain specific data of products (about 700 products models, about 53 brands). The required information will be obtained from some manufacturers websites provided below.

This would be the sequence for each product:

1 .- Find the model of each product listed in the manufacturer’s website.
2 .- Write the name of the manufacturer on the cell.
3 .- Write the category/subcategory on the sheet, to each product model corresponding.
4 .- Get the website of the manufacturer, the description, characteristics and write them on the sheet.
5 .- Download the product image in a folder with the same product name of the product.


– The information must be completed in Spanish. This is not a problem because the info will be copy/pasted.
– Pictures of the products should be named with the same name as the model is provided.
– This operation can be performed manually or accept the development of software to do it automatically (we can negociate the budget in this case).
– The name of the categories to be completed in the cells are in spanish, but it provides the English translation.
– It provides an excel file with a product as an example. In the first sheet, you can see the sample, and you can see all categorys in the next sheets.

***If there are any questions, please feel free to contact***