Small Gaming Site

Small Gaming Site

I need to do a clone of the site below. I think you should be able to use a cms like drupal or joomla that will have most of the functionality already to go. It should also allow for users to signup and create their own blog. There will be a guides section, faq section, codes and cheats, and also the message board. Users can add to faq, submit reviews, cheats, etc. Should be a simple project.

it will be a clone of

Need Promo Video For Website

Need Promo Video For Website
Hello everyone,

I have a website that sells a product. I need someone to create a promotional video for me to put on my website. I have a script, but don’t have appropriate voice and appearance whatsoever, thus I need someone’s help. So, as you understand your voice and appearance must be pleasant. The video will be about 3 minutes long.

I will provide the text, I will also give you a background image you will have to put in back of a person reading the text on the video.

PMB me for a link of example video, which shows exactly what I need.

As far as reader’s voice and appearance concerned, at least reader’s photo (and better is sample video with reader’s voice) is required for me before making my bid choice.


Php Fix Needed

Php Fix Needed
After moving servers a few months back we have come to use a script which loads data from a dabase and displays it as an invoice in html it is now giving the following errors. However everything is working on the page. I just need to get rid of the errors.

NOTE I CANNOT ALLOW FTP ACCESS. So i will need to send you the file to fix then send it me back.

I need this doing today as soon as the project winner is selected.

errors are

Notice: Use of undefined constant convert_to_sale – assumed ‘convert_to_sale’ in /var/www/vhosts/XXXXXXXXXX/httpdocs/cpadmin/o_view_print_full.php on line 15

Notice: Undefined index: convert_to_sale in /var/www/vhosts/XXXXXXXXXX/httpdocs/cpadmin/o_view_print_full.php on line 15

Notice: Undefined variable: row_count in /var/www/vhosts/XXXXXXXXXX/httpdocs/cpadmin/o_view_print_full.php on line 91

Notice: Undefined variable: row_count in /var/www/vhosts/XXXXXXXXXX/httpdocs/cpadmin/o_view_print_full.php on line 208

Notice: Undefined variable: row_count in /var/www/vhosts/XXXXXXXXXX/httpdocs/cpadmin/o_view_print_full.php on line 217

Notice: Undefined variable: color1 in /var/www/vhosts/XXXXXXXXXX/httpdocs/cpadmin/o_view_print_full.php on line 222

Webpages Done For Webcam Site

Webpages Done For Webcam Site
I need 4 pages created and installed to my php webcam script. The first page is a disclaimer page which I will send you the specs and 3 age certification pages created and installed also on to my registration form. An example of the 3 age certification pages that I want to add to the site is here:

Pages 8-12

I need a professional who can do this and not mess up any of the websites functions, who communicates and will do this in a timely fashion. I have a dead line and I will like to get this done as soon as possible.

Socialengine Php Modul Mods

Socialengine Php Modul Mods
Hi, I want to add some functionality to my existing SocialEngine (PHP) software. Basically, I want to add some more functionality to an exisiting module, specifically:

The Classiefieds Modul will be used to publish stories and needs the following added to it:

the ability to disabel posted listings (stories) with a button that is only visible for a select user group (operators). The listing (story) becomes invisible except for the listing owner (story) and the operator group.

When the listing is disabled, the owner of the listing(story) needs to get a message on the disabled listing(story) that it has been disabled.

The disabled listing needs to have a button for the owner to request a review.

The operator group needs to have a button on the disabled listing(story) to enable it again.

The listings(stories) need to have an wysiwyg editor included where there is a standard text field at the moment.

The listings (stories) need to be separated into different chapters…these chapters need to be choosable in the front end.

The requests for review need to be listed in the front end in a tab (only visible for the operators. The reviews need to linked to the listing.

Where the Listings(story
ies)are created catagories have a further level this needs to be extended to two further levels and the last level should be the only one where stories can be posted or sorted into.

1) You should have experience with SocialEngine (PHP) software.
3) You will work on my servers, I will provide you usernames and passwords for everything.
4) Escrow Payment is released when work is 100% done to my satisfaction.


Articles Required

Articles Required
I require five (keyword rich) 400-word articles on the subject of Lasik eye surgery. Please note the articles need to be of a very high standard , both grammatically and accurately. This is essential. Therefore I ideally would like a native english speaker for these.

You can send me one article you have written as an example. Many of the examples I see have poor grammar in the very first sentence. If that is the case, you won’t hear from me.


Need A Blogg Made Asap..

Need A Blogg Made Asap..
Hi Guys

I need a blog made for a CPA offer the same as


________________________to run on autopilot__________________________

It needs to have download buttons in the same place, related content terms and conditions privacy policy, contact us etc
Our blog needs to have 7 tabs same as the link above and also fill those tabs with content and provide the same disclaimer at the bottom of the blog in the link. it must be SEO optimized have content and videos from you tube relating to it. You will need to also install this blog to our matrix server so we can roll it out at once

this blog needs to clone the the blog link provided above
We needs strong keywords for a Google Adwords campaign to be attached to it so you need to insert Google’s coding and also we will provide the CPA network code so we can trace that too.

very simple task need it done A.S.A.P

will need to see a sample of your work to qualify and also have good feedback from other SL members

If successful we will make this a regular project

good luck

Quote me happy 🙂

Flash Website

Flash Website
I want it to be designed in animation or say flash, Below given are few expamples.

designs to go for the home page:–

Simple Php Job

Simple Php Job
Already done website with admin panel.

1) Need another page created, which can be managed by same admin panel.
2) Navigation links to be renamed. Very Simple.
3) On homepage banner shld be fading n reloving, so we can put 2-3 images later on.
4) Placement of facebook, twitter link on homepage.

Budget: $10-$15, in 1 day.