Corporate Identity Incl. Web

Corporate Identity Incl. Web
We are selling handicraft stuff via internetshop and local store and we need a new Corporate Identity Design.

That meens we need
-a new logo
-a new skin for our homepage (just graphics and color layout, no coding required)
-a new design for our invoicepaper (max 2 colors)
-full color design for letterpaper
-bussiness cards

Please just bit if you can do all parts of the job

Mp3 Player Script Php Webid 2

Mp3 Player Script Php Webid 2
my site is a site where people can buy and sell guitar riffs/songs (pretty much like ebay but for music publishing)…bit of a weird idea i know but i hope it’s got some legs.

when a user fills out the sell form there is the option to upload their riff (mp3 format) (see at…i have programmed this using php so it uploads the mp3 into my mysql database and my file server..the fields are:

id – (int) – auto increments
name – (varchar)
type – (varchar)
size – (int)
content – (mediumblob)

i need an existing flash mp3 player customised or built from scratch that can play the uploaded mp3’s from the database.

this mp3 player needs to be shown on the item.php page in the item description part.

so for each auction you have the standard description, information etc and the flash player that plays the riff/song. then the user can bid on the riff/song to their hearts content.

i figured this would have something to do with adding an auction id to each song that is uploaded or something like that but it is beyond my scope as a beginner programmer.

if anyone is familiar with the webid auction script that would be ideal

Phpmotion Template

Phpmotion Template
I need someone to create a custom template for me using phpmotion and install it on my website. A black design with a web 2.0 look. I will explain which features I would like and how I would like it laid out. I also have an idea of how I want it to look but I want a professional to really make it look good. Custom design only clean html and css is required. also all metadata configured currectly

Xcart V4.3 Templates

Xcart V4.3 Templates
I am going to be starting up some new X-Cart Stores (all automotive related) and need somebody to design and integrate the templates with possible customization of xcart itself. There will be a total of 4 templates (for different stores)right now with the possibility of more work in the very near future.

I am looking to start this project within the upcoming week want to gather all information now.

Code/install Simple Calculator

Code/install Simple Calculator
Code/install simple calculator

I need simple calculator functionality coded and installed so that will work in post affiliate pro. I think they use smarty templates and PHP?

I basically want the users to be able to input their value into cells B1 & B2 and click a “calculate results” button and be able to see the TOTAL in cell D12.

The changes I would like to make to the calc are as follows. Refer to the attached open office spreadsheet for details and functionality:

-Hide all cells from view except for Cells B1, B2 and D12 and add the following text next to them respectively:
-First, enter how many people you think you could recruit to be paid volunteers over the next 6 months?
-Next, enter how many people you think you could convince to donate $15 per month to charity over the next 6 months?
-Then, press “calculate results” to see what your potential income could be!

-Cell D1 needs to be capped at a minimum of $150 to a max of $600 so that a value of anything greater than the value of 4 in B1 would prevent the value of D1 from going over $600 and a value of anything less than the value of 1 in B1 would prevent the value of D1 from being less than $150.

-I also need to give the final look of the calculator a nice web 2.0 calculator sort of look and feel. It needs to look professionally graphically and match the elements for the site. Here is an example of how I would like it to “look” disregarding some of the information/text in this example:

Online Manga Reader Script

Online Manga Reader Script
I need a script like the ones on these websites.

What is required:

To turn the page, should be set to when you click on the page it changes AND the right arrow key to go to the next page and the left arrow key to go to the previous page.

An online admin section to add manga frontpages and upload manga chapters.

After the last page of the chapter it moves onto the next chapter as you turn the page. If there is no next chapter it will go back to the frontpage of the manga.

While reading it has that chapter/page boxes where you can switch between pages and chapters.

WordPress To Buddypress

WordPress To Buddypress
Well we need a designer to help us make a BuddyPress Theme.

What we have (and designer will, off course):

Original theme:

BuddyPress original theme:

BuddyPress documentation is huge and list of theme calls is open.

And we need someone to code the buddypress theme to look and feel like Comfy with additional features of BP. The look of Comfy should stay and additional second raw of main menu have to be added with buddy links. All BP profiles, Groups, forums should be look like integration in Comfy.

The main Page of the site should include 3 more columns close to footer with latest member activity (blogging, last members, forum postings). The side bar should include members online.

Users can create their own blogs wich should use the main theme but the main page of their blog should display full posts instead of Titles of the main site.

Give us a quote and we will discuss the final price.

Logout Module To Be Fixed

Logout Module To Be Fixed
A logout module in my site http://BABES.ONLiY.COM is to be fixed. It is a php site. Clicking on logout fetches nothing. Authentication and verything else is fine. Also there is one more problem. The wallpapers or rather thumbnails keeps jumping on mouseover in some some browsers like safari. That needs to be fixed too. Please only experienced designers bid


Make 50 Articles

Make 50 Articles
Hello, I’m needing to create some original content for a series 50 similar websites. And I need this done with in 5 days.

I need you to write 50 completely original 250 word articles. I don’t want any spinning, scraping or other garbage that google might end up banning. I just want original written content. It needs to be written in clearly written english. If that’s not your strength then this project is not for you.

The subjects will be all very similar in nature: ie: a name of a city or province followed by the subject on “insurance”

Hello, I need you to write an article at least 250 words in length, completely original, on 50 similar subjects listed below.

The subjects are all on a name of a city or province located in Canada, followed by the keyword “insurance”. So ie:

1) Vancouver insurance
2) Toronto insurance
3) Montreal insurance
…. would be same for all 50 subjects.

So you’d talk about how many people living in the city or province are looking for insurance quotes. Talk about how an insurance quote can save them money, talk about home, auto, life insurance. Talk about why insurance is important, why someone should have it, where to shop for the best insurance rates, and how it can help the person. To make it unique mention something unqiue in a sentence or two about that city or province. To find that info use wikipedia or just google the name of the city and you’ll find unique information on it to incorporate into your article. ie: population, climate, major industries, important landmarks, or whatever, you can find about that city or province.

Each of the articles need to be as unique as possible. (and not copies of each other) The keyword should be included in the article at least 4 times.

I have another 2 of these exact projects to do after this one. So if you can get me this project done this week I’ll give you the next one if you want it. Email me back on here or at my email to let me know if you want to proceed. Thanks.

This is from a similar project, only it was on debt consolidation. But basically the same rules apply. Only for this project you’d be talking about insurance rather than debt.
—————————sample article——————–

Barrie Ontario residents are seeking debt consolidation more than ever before due to the challenging economic climate Canada is facing. Barrie is a nice sized city of almost 200,000 and in this quiet community on Kempenfelt Bay it would seem like debt problems would be the last thing on people’s minds. But for these southern Ontario residents unsecure loans and mounting personal debt is a serious concern. One of the biggest challenges is often not knowing where to turn or how to repair the problem. Between the various choices of proposals, consolidation, refinancing or even bankruptcy it can be very confusing road to financial recovery for people in Barrie ON. The first and easiest step is always speaking with a debt advisor who is an expert in this area. They can help you to evaluate your money situation and find the best possible solution to help you recover. Then they can help you get started in a debt recovery program that is right for you. Often these programs can help you to get back on your feet much faster, with much less stress, and for a fraction of the cost that you might pay otherwise. So if you live in the Simcoe County or Barrie and you’re feeling the pinch then maybe it’s time to get some help. Please don’t try and do this alone. Just talk to an expert. They can show you options that you never knew you even had. Start by filling out the form above to learn some options and begin the process to debt settlement and recovery now.

Negitive Alibaba Article

Negitive Alibaba Article
I need a negative article written about
preferred areas to speak/write about

1. Weak security
2. How easy it is for a seller to be verified once they pay the gold member fee
3. The fact that it doesn’t have a feedback feature like eBay does
4. It doesn’t offer a secure payment method like others websites do
5. The high scam rate of the Ali Baba website
6. The fact that Western Union/Money Gram is almost completely non-traceable non-verifiable and very insecure

The article must be SEO friendly and full, I want you to research Ali Baba completely that includes
owners website scams etc. this is the just the first article that you will do eventually I will post
a part two to this project you see we here at biz brainchild LLC. Are planning to open a site similar
to Ali only difference our site will be much more secure and much more extensive in
verifying its users. So a future article similar to this one will be needed in the future but it will also
in a limited way promote our website. So if we’re happy with the work we will award you the other project
in the future as well. Budget is maximum $15 our budget is tight happy bidding.

Website Project 2

Website Project 2
This project is basically to create a website. I am comfortable with someone using templates to achieve the goal. To get an idea of what I am looking for, you can visit I am looking to have members only/password protected areas, as well as common areas. I am not sure what the price range for this would be, so I would like to get offers based on completing something on the scale of the site I mentioned, and then maybe an offer for a stripped down version that would basically be a way to put private/password protected material on the web.

Website For Organic Farm

Website For Organic Farm
Website with about 36 pages & sub-pages:

Summary: Logo design, a bit of flash work, background music that is continuous throughout the website. Products page with shopping cart and paypal credit card processing capability, two-tier pricing (retail and wholesale). WordPress Blog page and a picture album page.

Look forward to looking at your bids. I will be attaching a detailed file in a few minutes.



Text Content Design

Text Content Design

I have a website with about 15 pages of text content that I put in. (about 1 page content /page)

I am using Drupal, but all the text and content (pictures) are not placed professionnally, I would need a little clean up in each pages.

I want each pages to look good and professional and to have titles and subtitles , sometimes bullet points, etc

Thank you!