Web2print – Like Digitalroom

Web2print – Like Digitalroom
Need a web2print programming and a new website design like vistaprint.com, http://www.digitalroom.com. Customers will have the capability to:
1) Select a pre-made template (could be business cards, postcard, calendar, flyers, etc)
2) customer upload own file for printing and preview proof before sent
3) Be able to modify or customize pre-design templates
4) Be able to do all editing with real time preview before order
5) Show be light vistaprint.com as much as possible with its functionality.
6) This programme must be search engine friendly
Admin should be able to:
1) Add templates with ease.
2) The project the customer completed should be PRINT ready – ie, CMYK output of PDF or other CMYK formats.
3) Admin should be able to print multiple business cards per page
4) Should be able to process credit card and or paypal payment šŸ™‚
5) Customize the layout with ease.
6) Should be able to integrate not only business cards, but other print products such as Banner, Offset print digital print,Postcards, Flyers, etc.

Would be happy to work with the right programme to getting the right product.


Openx Tracking Customizations

Openx Tracking Customizations
Please do not bid on this project unless you have previous OpenX experience, and include a mail or PMB with a brief description of that experience. Your bid will be ignored if you do not do this.

The goal of this project is to add an additional level of tracking that is more granular than campaigns. An optional tracking code is added to the standard banner url and it is tracked as a sub-statistic of the campaign. The project also includes extending the existing reporting to drill-drown campaigns into targets and see the impressions, clicks and sales and ratios for that target/campaign and the ability to export these statistics to CSV.

The way the link structure should work is the following:
1. Using a link code such as http://www.domainopenxishostedon.com/openx.php?target=special-keyword

3. The target parameter value, special-keyword needs to be recorded in the database. The target will be sub-statistic of the campaign, so all of the same statistics (Impressions, Clicks) that are recorded for a campaign, need to be recorded at the target level as well. Additionally, the target stats will always be for that campaign, two different campaigns may use the same targets, but the statistics are separate.

2. After the target is recorded, the page must refresh removing the target from the query string so that it does not appear in any http referrer logs on our advertiser’s server.

4. There will also be an integration point in the sale/action pixel to record the conversion at the target level in addition to the campaign level.

The stats would work in the following manner.

In the attached image you can see there are many campaigns on the left that are blanked out. The next column is the conversions. The conversions will show the pixel fires for that campaign. I would like to create a new column after Conversions called ā€˜Target Stats’. The ā€˜Target Stats’ column should be clickable to view the target stats. The target stats page should contain a link to download to .CSV for the currently selected date range. The ā€˜Target Stats’ page should look like the previous stats page but instead of the campaigns on the left the targets should be on the left. All other columns should remain (Conv., Impressions, Clicks, Click-Through Ratio, Rev., and ECPM).

Invision Power Board Expert X

Invision Power Board Expert X
I need a simple php page written for my Invison Power Board. I have a working php script that extracts the needed data from a separate table within the database (already existing). I just need the data sorted by user ID, last visit & page indexed, deletable by checkbox & matching records with same IP address, and to be able to attach a note (only for that member of my IPB to see) (enter text into database table) for common fields such as IP address.

What I would like done is to have a custom page created for my Invision Power Board. This should be easy since it really is not that custom of a page. I want to clone/use the members page (and make accessible only when logged in) which list the members of my site and allows for a (custom) search(by date or matching IP). Then draw the info from a differernt table, instead of populating the info from the members table I want to use a table which holds the same kind of data. The data is different for each member of my site and is querried useing their userID. The table already exist with current data.

What I am doing is tracking visitors to a certain social network. What it does is allows visitors to track those who view their profile page. The data in my table has 2 important fields ā€œconfirmedā€ and ā€œunconfirmedā€. This relates to a confirmed IP and an unconfirmed IP.

Confirmed IPs

This data is the strong data, it holds things like Name, IP, Browser, Referrer, social lnetwork UserID, etc everything but a memberid for my site.

Unconfirmed IPs

This data is simply to see who visits a certain social network Profile Page, it contains MemberID for my site, IP, Referrer, & Time.

We are only interested in displaying the unconfirmed data (who visits the social network page being tracked). We need to fill in the blanks (images, names, links, etc) from the most recent confirmed data.

When we display this data I want all the fields filled. If we only have unconfirmed data we will fill in the blanks with null info on the page. If there is no confirmed info I want the links to be ā€œ#ā€ and the images to be ā€œnoimage.jpgā€.



Xcart Product Quantity Limit

Xcart Product Quantity Limit
I would like to be able to implement a product quantity limit in my xcart store so that I can restrict my customers to only be able to buy x amount of any product. This setting should be unlimited by default, but when I set this restriction from product restriction page it should make the following 2 changes.

1. My store uses a drop down for selecting a quantity of each product. This drop down should only show the number that I have selected as a limitation on the product. For instance, if I configure so that customers can only buy 1 of a particular item, they should only see “1” in the dropdown box for that particular item. All other items should remain unchanged. I Should also be able to set items back to “default” so that an unlimited number can be added.

2. If customers try to refresh page and order additional items with restricted quantities, they should receive an error message stating ” Limit x per customer on this item please” with “x” being the number connfigured for that item.

Please do not encrypt files on my server. Fee will be paid to escrow immediately and released upon job completion only.

WordPress Paypal For Photoq

WordPress Paypal For Photoq
I use a wordpress plugin called photoQ to turn my site into a photography portfolio. I want someone to write a plugin that works with PhotoQ that will allow anyone using the plugin to sell their images via paypal.

I want to hire someone to create a plugin called “paypalsales” that works with the photoQ plugin or simply add this feature ot the existing photoQ plugin.

The paypalsales settings section should allow the user to enter their paypal email address along with desired currency. It will then allow the user to set as many print options they like. For example:

Size Finish Price
4×6 Glossy Print $x.xx
6×8 Glossy Print $x.xx

(Add Another Option)

Then, when you use the PhotoQ to upload images there will be a set of check boxes to apply the print option to the images. It should also let you click on options as defaults for an entire batch when using the batch mode for uploading.

The default setting, should the user not want to sell that image, should output: “This Print Is Not Currently Available”

I then want to be able to add a [shortcode] into my template and have the print option populate to the page.

When a visitor views an image, they can select prints by clicking a checkbox and adding the images to a cart. When they are done viewing the site, they can click a “Check Out” button and they will be taken to the paypal interface with a list of the images they selected. The paypal interface will show the imageID along with Title and Print option. This information will be sent to the plugin user, who is the seller, so they know which items were ordered and can send the visitor their order.

I have a similar plugin for pixelpost that I can show you for partial demonstration purposes if this is not clear.

Nice Html For Ebay Listing

Nice Html For Ebay Listing
Looking for experienced programmers, who can create HTML for ebay product. Bid only if you know exactly how to do it, and how it works.
Expecting nice, creative design.
You have to host the pictures which will be included in the design in a free unlimited hosting website.
You will need to briefly explain how we can change the price and some text in HTML.
I have attached the samples (but I don’t want to have a clone, I need my own unique, nice design).
I will provide myself HTML for megaupload filebox (like in the 3rd sample in the attachment), which you will have to insert in your created HTML.

Amend Affilistore Script

Amend Affilistore Script
I need to remodel my www.superclicks.org website on the website http://cluecle.org.

The owner of cluecle.org is providing a copy of his template, so it’s just a question of adding my graphics (logo and colours). Special attention needs to be paid to these two adjustments:

1) All clicks on any links/pictures shouldredirect straight to the merchant – currently they tend to open another window. (Cluecle links go direct to the merchant.)

2) The search results to be the same size on the page as cluecle.org

Finally, upload it by ftp to my site and ensure that it is running correctly ie. like Cluecle! I would like to avoid reuploading the datafeeds as this will minimise downtime.

(Note that the Affilistore credit which appears at the bottom of the page must not be removed or amended or the site will not operate at all!)

Astro Ecommerce Joomla Web

Astro Ecommerce Joomla Web
We require the web designing for the following :

1. An Astrology website where the content can be dynamically updated. Hence we require that Joomla or other CMS platform be used.

2. The website will contain informative articles and suggest remedies and astro products and services. Hence we also require an Ecommerce shopping Cart enabled – preferably Oscommerce or any other platform which can process payments through Paypal & Ccavenue.

3. The Website will Sell products as well as services.

Sample sites for reference : www.GaneshaSpeaks.com, www.rudraksha-ratna.com & www.kamalkapoor.com

with best regards,

Dr. Aditya


We are in the process of updating our website platform from the original oscommerce to the magnum version.

1. fixing the payment module on the new version so the order can be processed from start to end.

2. – updating the customer (only) database on the new website (transferring from the old website to the new website)

3. – amend the text content of the account activated email – i will give you the content for this. ie. the email content that is sent to customers once their account is activated.

Twitter Get More Follower App

Twitter Get More Follower App
As you know twitter doesn’t allow mass follow/unfollow. It uses a lot of rate limiting scheme to avoid it.
I have one tool for this. But the problem is twitter recently banned some of my users for using this tool.
Now I just need to know how should I setup my cron or how frequently I should call friendships/create?
I need some idea so that I dont get banned.
If it works, you’ll get paid.

I dont need experienced hand. I need the proper idea.

Here is how I am working on it.

I have lots of follow request.
I fetch one customer twitter id (CTID)
Then get the random twitter ids (RTID) that should be followed. So CTID will be following 100s of RTID. Got it?
After an interval (IN) they will be unfollowed.
So I have crons, follower cron (FCN) and unfollower cron (UCN).
We have also 1 white listed IP.
how the crons work?
FCN just takes an CTID then get a list of RTIDs.
It starts to follow them one by one. So CTID-RTID[0], CTID-RTID[1], CTID-RTID[2] etc friendships are created.
Every CTID can follow 150 RTIDs. 150 is our application limit. When at most 150 CTID-RTID friendships are crated, next CTID is fetched.
Thats how we are approaching.

UCN just reads the relations CTID-RTID pairs. and destroys the frienships.

FCN and UCN runs on separate time of the day.

So when FCN runs twitter gets a lot of friendships/create request.
And when UCN runs twitter gets a lot of friendships/destroy request.

Now tell me how I’ll change this scheme so that twitter wont ban me.