Website Scraper Expert Req

Website Scraper Expert Req

i am looking for a programm that will scrape a property site lettingsearch dot co dot uk. i need the programme to be able to scrape this site, all its agents and put them onto our site. this scraper will require to update our site on a regular basis. It must be able to link the agents details (namem addressm region, post code, email address, telephone no, profile, and with all their properties, eg all pictures, short and long descriptions, region, location, postcode, no of bed, available date, property type.

If you are intersted, please visit the site and check that you are able to scrape all these details before bidding. Our site is built on LAMP.


Fix WordPress Search

Fix WordPress Search
I am using the search by category plugin for wordpress. It allows for searching by category. when I try a basic search of the letter “a” in the all categories option, the results show up fine.

When I search by a certain category it always comes up “no posts found”, even if there is actually posts matching that result in the category I’m searching.

I would like to have this fixed today.

Joomla Sobi / Adsmanager / Cb

Joomla Sobi / Adsmanager / Cb
I have been working on a site with some components installed and I am trying to get them to work together.

On this page :

You can see the tab that says “My Coupons”. I would like to get this same information to show on this page : Under the “Curent Coupons” tab.

This is a test site and you can login with the following:

UN: webrob
PW: 0ffn3t

Need Amazing Web Designer

Need Amazing Web Designer
I need a web designer who is capable of creating something with same quality as:

Your project will be to take my existing site and overhaul the design from scratch. I would like you to imitate the quality of:

The site will be about 5 pages. Please be honest with your skill level. I want my site to match the quality caliber of and The HTML & CSS should also be validated.

Full confidentiality required. Also all images used on the site must be 100% original and expertly designed.

Smf To Kunena Conversion

Smf To Kunena Conversion
I run a bridged (with joomla) SMF 1.1.11 forum at and i want it converted to the latest version of Kunena (joomla forum).

From what i know there are no official converters but many threads explaining how to do this, like this one for example

Please bid and let me know if you had any previous experience with joomla, smf and kunena.

Thank you

Ecommerce Website With Design

Ecommerce Website With Design
I am looking for the design and development of an ecommerce website. Please don’t bid if you can’t do both the design and the development.

– Professional design (I will point selected bidders to the type of look/feel I need)
– SEO friendly URLs (
– ability to set meta tags
– WYSIWYG editor for all pages
– Sitemap compliant for google.
– Integration with paypal
– Ability for website visitor to pay for item or send a message regarding that specific item.
– Ability for person to sign-up for automatic monthly payments (whether they bought the item online or not).
– Ability for person to cancel automatic monthly payments.
– Ability for pricing, quantity and special offers to be input/managed by:
X admin (access to all)
X regional manager (access just to pricing, quantity and special offers for all locations)
X location manager (access only to pricing, quantity and special offers for their location only)
– Range of reports to show activities, bookings, payments, etc.
– Installation and configuration of Post Affiliate program (I will provide licensed copy)
– admin panel to control all
– user panel to manage rented item and payment and to view payments.
– blog page (can be a wordpress installation if the design conforms to the rest of the website)

Project requirements:
– Can be done in Oscommerce or virtuemart or other similar system (please indicate which platform, if any you intend to utilize).
– The entire project cost can be escrowed but no funds will be released until everything is 100% complete, tested and working. You can check my reviews/ratings here and on three other freelance websites. You will get paid IF everything works as agreed.
– All rights, software, code, etc. will remain mine and none can be displayed (as a portfolio item or for any other reason), distributed, licensed, sold, etc. to others.

This shouldn’t be too complicated for any individual or group with experience. Please bid appropriately both the time you expect for completion and the cost for completion. This job needs to be completed on time, with no mistakes and clean code.

Please post any project that you think is similar, explain why, indicate what the website was developed with (e.g. oscommerce, from scratch, etc.) and if possible, provide access to similar admin panel so I can judge the quality and structure of work.

Thank you!

Mmo Game Development

Mmo Game Development
Hello! I am currently seeking a good game programmer who can take all of the graphics I have produced and create a game with the features that I require. My game (Port Galaxy) is a space-themed virtual world or MMOCC (Massively Multiplayer Online Chatting Community). The game will be using high quality isometric graphics. Different angles will be created to use for animations, movements, etc. These types of games have the following basic features:

1) Avatar Creation (Design character with change of hair, clothes, pants, shoes, and colors)
2) Chatting (Chat is entered, appears in the game inside a chat bubble, and eventually disappears)
3) Credit System (Users purchase credits through PayPal, which are automatically delivered in-game and can be used to purchase virtual items, clothes, etc)
4) Catalogue System (Lists all items, a user can purchase an item with credits, and their credits get adjusted. The item is put in their inventory, can also purchase clothes)
5) Items (Can be moved, placed, and rotated inside rooms, or placed into the users inventory)
6) Walking/Talking (Users click to move to a position, can walk around objects, behind objects, interact with objects)
7) Trading (Users can exchange items for other items, or for credits- with another user)
8) Admin System (Can manage other users information, credits, Ban Users, Mute Users, including admin panel and in-game commands)
9) Room Creation (Users can create a virtual room, name it, lock it, unlock it, place items inside it, and decorate it with virtual items)
10) Friend List (Users can add friends to a friends list, and private message them in-game)

Those are the BASIC features. A lot of which, you may find source code somewhere to help you with this project. Keep in mind I am planning on having ALL necessary graphics produced, including any interface graphics, and therefore this should not be considered in the cost. There are also more features which I have not included in that list. Some examples of these types of games can be seen at the following:,, YoVille on Facebook, and others. You will be required to create a Client & Server for this game, as well as the Web Pages needed to interact with the server/client (Design Character, Purchase Credits, etc). What I have listed here may sound like a lot, however it can be fairly simple if you understand what you are doing. The server will have to be capable of handling a large number of users at one time (2000+). After the game is produced, you may be required to continue to work on the server and client, doing changes, fixes, and upgrades, which you will receive additional Pay for when that time comes. This game will always require new features to be created (for additional pay). I need someone who is qualified to do unique features.
If you are using SmartFoxServer , I will have to purchase a license for that- so adjust your bids to include that cost. Please show me examples of what you can do. I will be paying through Paypal in USD. Files will be shared VIA a dropbox. You will also have access to our dedicated server and cpanel.

If you feel like you are the person for this project, please let me know.

Ads Around Phpbb Forum

Ads Around Phpbb Forum
We currently have a phpBB install with an ad structure written in Django. The problem with this is every time we update phpBB it breaks Django and the ad structure breaks and has to be re-written.

Here is how the current setup works. (can be seen at

Advertisers can place their ads on the main forum page, or if they want they can advertise only in cities of their choosing. (sub-forums)

They can also log in and see their views and click-throughs, They can also change their ad as long as it fits their pre-purchased size. (if they bought a 120×200 they can only replace that img with another 120×200)

The forum changes weekly as new departments are added so the ad structure would need to be able to change dynamically as the forum grows.

The ads also rotate their spots on the displayed page on each refresh so that each advertiser gets their time at the top of the forum.

We want to retain all the current functions and be able to update phpBB without breaking the advertising script all the time.

Print Site Updates

Print Site Updates
We are an online printer looking to have some additions made to our website. We are looking for a programmer with exceptional hand coding skills and a good eye for clean web 2.0 design. The project will be adding a couple of different product categories to our current website.

We would like someone with strong PHP hand coding and a strong knowledge of database management.

Fun WordPress K2 Theme Custom

Fun WordPress K2 Theme Custom
Happy day all,

this project involves css customization of a very popular wordpress theme framework, The ideal bidder has experience with this theme framework already.

the work is fairly straightforward, although we demand the highest quality css. We wish very much for the css to be legible too, well organized and without any sloppy rules or formatting. Much of the legwork is already done for you, we just need you to finish the theme. the following page templates are required:

1. Home – (the main loop, featuring excerpts of all posts)
2. Single – (single.php, the individual post which is almost identical to the home loop)
3. Page – (page.php, for pages besides the home loop, virtually identical to the other two templates required)

Also, it is necessary to style some widgets along with this theme, for presentation in the sidebar. the two main widgets that need style are:

1. search widget
2. subscribe / follow widget (with rss, twitter, and facebook icons)
3. links widget
4. categories widget

please let me know what questions you have, and happy bidding. To our brothers in India a Happy Republic Day to you!