Drupal Port

Drupal Port
We are looking for a skilled Drupal developer to port a large website over to the Drupal CMS. Below is an outline of what you will be expected to do. You will *not* be expected to port the current skin of the website.

— Database port (LDU -> Drupal)

Users (including post count, rank, group entitlements, premium status etc.)
User gallery

— NB: News posts (& comments) are replicated in the forums

Articles/Pages (Including categories, subcategories, images, comments)

— Module installation / creation / customisation

Premium accounts + IPN (premium members see no adverts and have unlimited download allowance to SYS)

Ad management (linking into premium accounts)
Administration / moderation utilities

SYS (Media) — this is currently linked to the forums. Please research this carefully. If a suitable Drupal module exists for the sharing and moderation of media uploads then we will consider it. We must be able to set download limits per user level. The media centre’s structure must mimic the structure currently in place. All link references in the database must be ported over to the new system.


— To Exclude

The design. This project is almost entirely database / module customisation work. You will not need to implement the current skin of the website.

— Other notes

The drupal website does not have to be an *exact* copy of the website. We are willing to take on new features / remove some / change some if it fits in with our view

Simple Login Page (php/mysql)

Simple Login Page (php/mysql)
Hello everyone –

I need a programmer to create a simple login page. I don’t need any design or styling, but the page must be html, have a Username and password, submit, which upon completion will allow access to an html page.

If there are other alternative coding methods aside from PHP/MySQL, i am open to new ideas – please use the PMB for this or any other questions.

Magento Custom Feature Needed.

Magento Custom Feature Needed.
Dear Magento scripter,

I need the following feature for my Magento based clothing shop:

In the shop i have many configurable clothing items with different color and size options.

For example:
I have a T-shirt with a simple print in the colors black and red but also come in different sizes (small, medium and large).
These different items have different stock levels for the different sizes which i want to be able to show (also if there’s “no stock”, i want to be able to show that there is “no stock”).

see the attachement for a screenshot of my design.

I want to be able to do the following on the product page:
The different shirt colors (which can be more than just black and red) needs to be shown by color swatches (which i can create myself ofcourse) who can be clicked.
If you click one of these swatches the following needs to update:

-The product image (to the right color shirt, which i also have)

-The selected color (see screenshot)

-The price

-The stock levels which must also be shown directly on the product page (like in the screenshot)

For the color swatches i have found an magento extension (http://www.temgra.com/index.php/magento-extensions/color-swatches-plus-magento-extension.html) which does the right job, but doesn’t show the stock level so sadly isn’t of any use.

Templ. Existing Site To Whmcs

Templ. Existing Site To Whmcs

I have an existing site and want to move the pages to WHMCS(see whmcs.com) and user WHMCS as base system. Pls only respond when you have experience with WHMCS.

So; the site has a TOP, a LEFT MENU, a CONTENT section and a FOOTER.
I want you to make from my site a WHMCS template wich I can simply load into WHMCS.

Please response to get the URL with my current site.
I need this yesterday!

Further; I you have experience with server modules etc. I have more work for you after this.


Learning Disabilities Website

Learning Disabilities Website
I post this project before but the programmer was canceld from GAF and I was foce to start a new project.

Please note that I wi’ll not release any money from escrow intill the project is done. please bit under this conditions only. the other programmer was asking for 50% only with one template and this is not the way I want to work.

I need a website for a Group of Teens that have fiscal problems and or learning Disabilities.
This Websites need to be Serious young and happy at the same time.
We do not want to used a small letters please used a good size not to big not too small.

We need a control panel where admin can add or modify text or photos in all the pages where admin can add links etc. and if is possible a way where admin can create sub administrators where other people can help. If they forgot their password an email to them we’ll be sent after placing their email address.

In the albums we need to be able to create new categories and I don’t want the frame to be like a regular paste photo please create a nice frame for the album section if I upload 10 or 20 photos they all need to have some Cain of frame around them automatically. Please add one frame like that in the team area for one photo for the all team.

This is very important I don’t want to have a problem uploading the photos because they are too big. you know now the digital cameras produce large photos and I need this website to be User friendly because they don’t know how to resize images. I want to be able to add a little description under each photo and been able to add multiple photos at the same time like 5 or 10 but no more than that.

1. Home

2. Our Services

3. Team

4. Calendar

( Here in the calendar we need to be able to create events and when people click on that event they are going to be able to see the event details we need to be able to add photos to the event too for example we are going to have an event tomorrow so I’m going to mark the calendar. After the event pass I as Administrator can go in the control panel and Edith that particular event and add some photos to it so went people wants to see the pass events now they are able to see the pictures too.)

5. Album ( I mentions this part above )

News ( In the front page we need to be able to have a space where people can type their email address and subscribe for the newsletters. and have the options in admin panel to remove any body from that list. and a link on every email that we sent to them where they can select to be remove from the monthly letter or news letter. Admin need to be able to see all the people that is subscribed it to this and been able to sent one letter to only one user or to 5 users or to all users from the control panel.

6. Contact Us. We need a drop down menu in this contact list so people can choose the person that they need to contact in the contact form. in admin area we need to be able to add this people or remove them
and a space to add the office phone numbers address emails etc.

7. About Us

8. Testimonial Page where testimonials need to be approved by admin first and admin can add or delete

Please provide same samples of your jobs.

I need the template from 1 or 2 days after you acept the project They like orange a lot so please combine orange with other colors and remember Professional site young and for teens mix all of this together. One or two with flash where images can be change, replace in admin panel

and finally I need a logo for them please provide 2 logos.

Please read all the requiems before any bids to this project
Unfortunately there is not a lot of money for this project because we all want to help for this teens. So I did not charge regular price for it.

If you are using any script that is free I dont want to see any copy rigth of anybody. I’ll ned the full PHP source code etc and orginal .psd firework, flash or illustrator files that you used to build the graphics too. witht all the rights.

Clonse this template ( http://www.arwaco.net/demo/desiserve/

This is wht they want please remember that those photos in the flash movie need to be able to replace from admin panel so we can change those photos at any time.

Thank you all for your time.

Exit Popup Script

Exit Popup Script
I need an unblockable exit popup script that works for both IE and FireFox. This can be the standard windows dialogue box type of popup.

The Exit Popup must only trigger when the online visitor closes their browser window tab (x) or when the online visitor presses the back button. I do not want a popup that opens when the visitor simply moves their mouse towards the browser’s navbar or near to the back button or the close button tab. I need them to actually click the back button or the close (x) tab.

I will need to be able to change the text that is contained in the windows popup dialogue box.

When the visitor closes the windows popup dialogue box I want another windows dialogue box to popup asking the visitor if they would like to continue exiting or stay on a brand new page that will be displayed beneath the 2nd popup box.

I need to be able to enter the new website URL into the script for the new website address that will show underneath the 2nd windows popup.

I will also need to be able to change the text that is contained in the 2nd windows popup dialogue box.

When the 2nd windows popup box is closed, the visitor should stay on the new URL that was displaying underneath the 2nd windows popup. If they choose to continue to exit then the browser should close.

This functionality will be similar to the one on the exitsplash site.

This script should work with both html and php files and should be simple to implement on any existing webpage code.

WordPress Thumbnail Plugin

WordPress Thumbnail Plugin
I am looking for someone to write a plugin that will compliment the photoQ plugin for wordpress. It has a proprietary image system that does not use the regular media section of wordpress. I would like the plugin to create a thumnail strip of images that can be placed anywhere on the site with a [shortcode] The plugin user should be able to set the number of images to be used along with the dimensions. Its should pull from the PhotoQ thumbnails and generate random images that can be clicked on to take you to the full image page.

Here is a sample of the exact function i am looking for using another platform. I want this recreated for wordpress. Refresh your browser to see how the images are fully random.


Blog Posting – Link Building

Blog Posting – Link Building
Dear Freelancers,

My name is Matt and I have an fairly simply project. I have several lists of “Dofollow” high PR blogs. I need someone to go in and post to them with relevant content that will get approved.

I would like the bid for 500 do follow blogs. The work is fairly simple.

1. You read the blog and then post a short 3 sentance comment based on the topic. If there is an author, you identify his or her name.

2. You post our Keyword in the name area.

3. You post our URL in the website area.

4. I’ll give you an email to use for the email area.

5. You’ll need to use proxies so that we have USA proxy so that the comment isn’t marked as spam.

Each post should take no more than 1 minute each. This first one is for 500 Blogs. If you do well, then we’ll get you more posts.

NO SOFTWARE ALLOWED FOR WRITING THE COMMENTS! I want good comments and perfect english. Because of the unique comments you’ll be doing, many will get approved and I will review. So if your grammer is bad, then please don’t bid.

Again, you don’t have to be a computer expert either here, just need to be a good writer and know how to use proxies with firefox or IE. If you can do that, then you can do this job.