Article Writing Cameras

Article Writing Cameras
Looking for someone who knows the camera an electronics area well to write me some articles, 500 word and 2.5% keyword density.
These are the keywords, I need very good grammar and spelling an it to be in the USA style of writing. good and funny but communicates well.
Looking for 30 Articles of at least 500 words that is 3 per each keyword set
Needs to pass copy scape or be mostly original
Must know the subjects well and have written on them before.
I would like them to be written in review style for these.

The Articles must be written with the exact keyword set.


Articlewriting Creditdebt Help

Articlewriting Creditdebt Help
Looking for someone who knows the credit debt settlement/consolidation area well to write me some articles, 500 word and 2.5% keyword density.
These are the keywords, I need very good grammar and spelling an it to be in the USA style of writing. good and funny but communicates well.
Looking for 30 Articles of at least 500 words that is 4 per each keyword set
Needs to pass copy scape or be mostly original
Must know the subjects well and have written on them before.

The Articles must be written with the exact keyword set.


Article Writing Seo

Article Writing Seo
Looking for someone who knows the SEO area well to write me some articles, 500 word and 2.5% keyword density.
These are the keywords, I need very good grammar and spelling an it to be in the USA style of writing. good and funny but communicates well.
Looking for 30 Articles of at least 500 words that is 4 per each keyword set
Needs to pass copy scape or be mostly original
Must know the subjects well and have written on them before.

The Articles must be written with the exact keyword set.


How To Article Writing

How To Article Writing
Looking for someone who knows the “How To” area well to write me some articles, 500 word and 2.5% keyword density.
These are the keywords, I need very good grammar and spelling an it to be in the USA style of writing. good and funny but communicates well.
Looking for 30 Articles of at least 500 words that is 4 per each keyword set
Needs to pass copy scape or be mostly original
Must know the subjects well and have written on them before.

The Articles must be written with the exact keyword set.


Write 50 Articles 2

Write 50 Articles 2
Hello, I’m needing to create some original content for a series 50 similar websites. And I need this done with in 5 days.

I need you to write 50 completely original 250 word articles. I don’t want any spinning, scraping or other garbage that google might end up banning. I just want original written content. It needs to be written in clearly written english. If that’s not your strength then this project is not for you.

The subjects will be all very similar in nature: ie: a name of a city or province followed by the subject on “insurance”

Hello, I need you to write an article at least 250 words in length, completely original, on 50 similar subjects listed below.

The subjects are all on a name of a city or province located in Canada, followed by the keyword “insurance”. So ie:

1) Vancouver insurance
2) Toronto insurance
3) Montreal insurance
…. would be same for all 50 subjects.

So you’d talk about how many people living in the city or province are looking for insurance quotes. Talk about how an insurance quote can save them money, talk about home, auto, life insurance. Talk about why insurance is important, why someone should have it, where to shop for the best insurance rates, and how it can help the person. To make it unique mention something unqiue in a sentence or two about that city or province. To find that info use wikipedia or just google the name of the city and you’ll find unique information on it to incorporate into your article. ie: population, climate, major industries, important landmarks, or whatever, you can find about that city or province.

Each of the articles need to be as unique as possible. (and not copies of each other) The keyword should be included in the article at least 4 times.

I have another 2 of these exact projects to do after this one. So if you can get me this project done this week I’ll give you the next one if you want it. Email me back on here or at my email to let me know if you want to proceed. Thanks.

This is from a similar project, only it was on debt consolidation. But basically the same rules apply. Only for this project you’d be talking about insurance rather than debt.
—————————sample article——————–

Barrie Ontario residents are seeking debt consolidation more than ever before due to the challenging economic climate Canada is facing. Barrie is a nice sized city of almost 200,000 and in this quiet community on Kempenfelt Bay it would seem like debt problems would be the last thing on people’s minds. But for these southern Ontario residents unsecure loans and mounting personal debt is a serious concern. One of the biggest challenges is often not knowing where to turn or how to repair the problem. Between the various choices of proposals, consolidation, refinancing or even bankruptcy it can be very confusing road to financial recovery for people in Barrie ON. The first and easiest step is always speaking with a debt advisor who is an expert in this area. They can help you to evaluate your money situation and find the best possible solution to help you recover. Then they can help you get started in a debt recovery program that is right for you. Often these programs can help you to get back on your feet much faster, with much less stress, and for a fraction of the cost that you might pay otherwise. So if you live in the Simcoe County or Barrie and you’re feeling the pinch then maybe it’s time to get some help. Please don’t try and do this alone. Just talk to an expert. They can show you options that you never knew you even had. Start by filling out the form above to learn some options and begin the process to debt settlement and recovery now.

Children Park Web Design

Children Park Web Design
I need urgently a web design for a site of a children park. The park is a small place with different kind of attractions (small funfair rides) and activities for children.

The design has to be done in HTML + CSS. Usage of flash is possible, but the site MUST be compatible with ASP.NET backend!

I need:

– Welcome screen: a very attractive and nice page that serves as entry point to the site.
– Main page: a page that includes a nice and graphical menu from where the visitor can access different sections of the site.
– Sections:
— News / “Today in the park” page: small news / promotions section
— Information: about the park (attractions, services, etc)
— Prices (food, services, birthdays, etc)
— Attractions – details about the “rides”
— Pictures – gallery of birthday pictures

– Small link at the bottom of the page:
— Company
— Contact
— Terms and conditions

The project has to be done very quickly because of a big failure of hired designer. If you are interested, send me a private message and I will give you what the previous designer made and the contractor called failure.

Oaks Credit

Oaks Credit
We are a financial services company seeking a web site with basic design and function. The site is to be 8 total pages, with only 2 page of any graphic or design. the other pages are simple text pages (terms of service, privacy policy, contact, about us,patriot act, sitemap) these pages will only be visible via links at the bottom of the page and do not need any tabs on the first page.

We have our own graphic company logo for the site.

The home page is more of a sales letter page with simple graphics and design elements and an information capture form with 6 fields: First name, last name, e-mail, phone, mobile phone, address and 4 radial button selects. We would like the form to integrate with our constant contact account.

When the user hits the submit button, they will be taken to the second page which should match the first page in basic design elements and there will be added text and links to payment types such as; paypal, online check and we would also like a “Print and mail” button that would allow the user to select that option which would bring up a page that is pre-populated with the information from the fields on the first page so that they can print that page and then mail it to us for their order.

I have attached a mock up of the site and we expect the project to be done quickly and at a bid that reflects the basic nature of the site requested. Our site is hosted with GoDaddy so you know what programming and design they support. Other than that, the programs used are not too important to us.

Thank you for considering our project and bidding.

Website Design Concepts Psd

Website Design Concepts Psd

We are looking for a website designer to develop a number of website samples. I have attached the project brief.

To help us select the designer you MUST provide a sample design (graphic) based on the attached brief. We will select the designer who provides the best sample – and will work with them to refine the samples.

As you can see from our profile we have been with Scriptlance for a long time and have always had excellent reviews. So this is NOT a cheap way for us to get free samples – it is simply the best way for us to find a designer who can fulfill the design brief.

Please do NOT send us 20 links to previous sites that you have designed. The sample design will be sufficient.

We will have other projects – so hopefully we will be able to work with the chosen designer(s) in the long term.

We need the initial samples within 24 hrs. Please include your budget for developing samples.

If you have any questions or concerns please use PMB.

Happy Bidding!

Php Shop Modification

Php Shop Modification
PHP online shop – Add new function & modification.

We need some experienced developer to help us to modify and add up functions onto our website which is based on code using PHP online shop.

For example on links where you can tries. You should lookup the sample to get an idea of the work involved.

1. When upload products images from admin control panel images has to be create two different size thumbnails depending on size of image are upload from each time.

ex) upload 600 x 794 image should create thumbnail 250 x 331 image
ex) upload 794 x 600 image should create thumbnail 331 x 250 image

At this time only 1 thumbnail side is working.

And remove Price Setting, Color & Size Setting, Shipping Specifications, Option Setting section. From Add Product page & Edit Page

2. Product images needs to display 2 different size images at the each category area.

If we have images size of 160 x 120 or 120 x 160 it must display accordingly. this image has to display size of 331 x 250 not 250 x 331 like this style with bigger size will display at the product detail page.

Remember QUICK SHOP need to work as well display the collect size of image each different product.

3. Each category dropdown menu has to be modifying with By Mfg (item_make), By Origin (item_orgin).

4. For product detail page – Remove the Color, Size, Qty section it does not have to be display.

But I want to display Mfg, Origin and other…
Also modify Add to Cart to E-mail for Quote

Example) when you go to this URL click the E-mail for Quote than this page will show up
I need to have same form & function with product image need to send together.
When user login than Contact information should display automatically. If not login than it should show all empty field.
Remember QUICK SHOP need to work as well. Modify Add to Bag to E-mail for Quote. Add link to go to product detail page.

5. Add to wish list should work.
When user login saved Items should display with Select. Photo, Products Info, Mfg, Date, Delete Only thing has to be modify remove Size, Color, Price, Qty than add Mfg.

And for Select check box is selected than Request Quote instead Add to cart. using same form as E-mail for Quote form above.

Above the work should finish ASAP with NO ERROR MESSAGE.

If you have done a project like this before, please provide me with a sample of your work.

The budget is very tight and we will choose the bidder who can do it for the best price with shortest delivery time.

My website using PHP & MySQL.

Pleas help. It is very urgent.

Looking to get this done right away.


Repair Vbulletin Db Asap

Repair Vbulletin Db Asap
My VBulletin forum isn’t working after using the Optimze database function

I keep getting this error:

SQL query:

FROM `vb_post`
LIMIT 0 , 30

MySQL said:

#1017 – Can’t find file: ‘vb_post’ (errno: 2)


when I looked at the the vb_post table in myphpadmin it says “in use”
I downloaded a back up and I see all the VB_Post info is still fine… I just can’t get the forum to read it.

I restarted mysql and apache and it stays the same. I know it can be fixed but I don’t want to mess it up…

Phpld Spam Removal Script

Phpld Spam Removal Script
I need a programmer to develop a spam removal script for PHP Link Directory free version 2.1.2 . I would like this script to run automatically each time links are approved which I also have set up to run automatically. I would like this script to remove spam based on a list of key words. I would like the ability to update these keywords regularly in one spot. For example…I have 25 sites with the script. The script calls up one site to pull the keywords from. I only want to have to update that one list rather than having to update 25 sites individually.

I would also like to have this script automatically add the IP address of the person than submitted the spam links added to the blocked IP list (IP Deny Manager in Cpanel) if it is possible.

If the programmer has any other ideas on how to make this spam tool even better I am willing to listed to suggestions.