Oaks Credit
We are a financial services company seeking a web site with basic design and function. The site is to be 8 total pages, with only 2 page of any graphic or design. the other pages are simple text pages (terms of service, privacy policy, contact, about us,patriot act, sitemap) these pages will only be visible via links at the bottom of the page and do not need any tabs on the first page.
We have our own graphic company logo for the site.
The home page is more of a sales letter page with simple graphics and design elements and an information capture form with 6 fields: First name, last name, e-mail, phone, mobile phone, address and 4 radial button selects. We would like the form to integrate with our constant contact account.
When the user hits the submit button, they will be taken to the second page which should match the first page in basic design elements and there will be added text and links to payment types such as; paypal, online check and we would also like a “Print and mail” button that would allow the user to select that option which would bring up a page that is pre-populated with the information from the fields on the first page so that they can print that page and then mail it to us for their order.
I have attached a mock up of the site and we expect the project to be done quickly and at a bid that reflects the basic nature of the site requested. Our site is hosted with GoDaddy so you know what programming and design they support. Other than that, the programs used are not too important to us.
Thank you for considering our project and bidding.