Ptc Host Comany

Ptc Host Comany
I wanna to do this type of business visit this site
About my knowledge.
I have internet skill and online business.
Basic computer

Who can help to start this type of business. If you can help to start thsi type of business please send me details information in PMB.

I need powerful admin panel to start this business. How much money i need to invest to start this type of business and how much i need to invest to buy web space etc.

All Information Provide me to start this business like budget technical knowledge or every thing.
who can provide me all information to start this businesses that person is get this project.

Expired Domain Name Website

Expired Domain Name Website
I need a Domain Name Research Website Built.

The site will use an api feed which I already have access to. The api provides lists of expiring domains and gives metrics such as Domain name, price, Time left, age, page rank, backlinks e.t.c.

The site/script you will build will be able to take these domain lists provided by the api and display them and all the metrics clearly in a grid format.

The site/script will have a search function and be able to filter the results according to the users preference i.e. by number of characters, by number of backlinks, show only domains above page rank 2, show only .com e.t.c.

Only bid if you fully understand what is required and are able to complete the job.

Please pm me for more details and the api documentation.

Joomla Registration Work

Joomla Registration Work
I’m willing to pay $110-160 for this work

My client has a Joomla site that will replace a local in-house payment system for an childrens american football league, to NFL not soccer. They need to track players, cheerleaders, and coaches.. The new Joomla system will have the following features.

Online player registration using an online forms and will integrate with Virtuemart for the purchase of registrations, pads and equipment.

They have existing user database is in MS Access and will need to be imported from an Access to MySQL. The forms flow will need to be created based on the following flowchart. The Virtuemart payment modules will accept Paypal and We also need to create several custom payment reports that would pull from MySQL. We will have a Scholarship option that will use a standard virtuemart coupon code. The admin will create the coupon codes for the scholarship requests that are specific only to the registrations not the pads or equipment. The admin will also flag users that did not return pads and equipment from the previous season. Any player that does not return the pads will be manually flagged by the admins and prevent the player from registration without paying the fee for the unreturned equipment.

A player will be able to edit certain details, and see payment history.

Joomla/word Press Css Fix

Joomla/word Press Css Fix
I have a finished site that needs some minor fixes that require a programmer who knows joomla and WordPress + CSS style sheets.

If you are familiar with the CorePHP WordPress for joomla integration, even better. 🙂

I. Joomla Only: Originally, all the subheadings on my page (module titles) had the first word in green, and the remaining words in gray. Somehow the green disappeared in most titles, except for one, which is now all green.

II. My WordPress blog shows on the index page of my joomla-based site — It needs to be lined up better under the Joomla title (higher up and more to the right on the page).

That’s it. PLEASE only bid if you know for sure you can do it.


Design Two Page Website

Design Two Page Website

How are you today? Please I will like you to design a two page website for me.

You will design the home and about us pages of the site. As for the rest of the pages, I will take care of them.

What is the least cost that you will charge me and how soon can you complete these two pages?

I hope that the website that you will design for me will be better than my own websites which I attached below.

Can you show me the BEST THREE websites that you have designed in the past?



Site Registration

Site Registration
I have a site now where members have to register but in order to complete registration they must click the link that was sent to them via e-mail within 24 hours or their account is deleted.

The dedicated server that my site is on now is overseas and I believe the IPs are blacklisted. Is it possible to setup a cheap hosting account and then we’ll have the e-mails sent from that server instead of the one the site is actually hosted on?

I believe most hosting accounts for like $5 a month allow 250-500 emails to go out an hour which is more than enough. If this can be completed, please let me know and place your bid!

Css/html Template Customizat 2

Css/html Template Customizat 2
I have a kubelance template which is basically css/html (with some php tags in it which are easy to decipher) and we want to change a few things on it – there will be 3 or 4 html pages that will need to be changed, some divs will need to be widened, some text will have to change color.

Simple job – 2-3 hours max should be ready

Scripting For Classified Ad

Scripting For Classified Ad
I am building a classified ad website and need someone to write the scripts. I already have the template designed. I want it to fuction kind of like hoobly or Kijiji. What I need is for a variety of customers to be able to create an account, so they can login and place items for sale. I want to have a “place ad” or “sell” button set up so that it can be clicked and it takes you to a form that the customer has to put their name, location, what kind of item they are selling and a description of what they are selling. I will have about 20-30 different categories for the customer to choose from. The customer will also have to input the price and their contact information. Then there will be a submit button and a Captcha. Once they hit the submit button, I need a payment form with button and a Captcha to be the next step. After they fill out the payment form. Once they enter the payment information and hit the submit button. I need to collect the payment and post their ad. I need their ad to be automacticly sent to a certian category and self update the site or the category. Now, this site is will have people looking to buy items coming to it. These people do not have to have a login. I want it so that they can browse the site freely. So they can find the items they are looking for. I also want to protect the my customers login information. Below I have icluded some examples of how I want the site to function. My template has is more custom and looks and completely different.

I want my site to funtion like above, but my layout is simular to the following site.
If you need more information please contact me.

Php Code To Remove Http Www

Php Code To Remove Http Www

I have code that works fine when used on a regular domain like but if used on a subdomain like it is not working, it strips everything but

Here is what I need it to do. The $domain is pulled from the database on the host site it could be or or even and maybe even sometimes

I need to check $domain for the host site against the $siteurl data that is stored in the database, all of the $siteurls are the domain only no http or www.

so what I need it to do is if $domain ( remove the http://www and compare it to the $siteurls stored in the database which would be, if a match then do this action.

Hope I explained that well enough for someone to understand.

Here is the existing code:

$pattern = ‘/\w+\..{2,3}(?:\..{2,3})?(?:$|(?=\/))/i’;
$url = $domain;
if (preg_match($pattern, $url, $domain1) === 1) {

if($domain1[0]==”$siteurl1″) {
$enabled = $sitestatus1;
$site = $site1;
} elseif($domain1[0]==”$siteurl2″) {
$enabled = $sitestatus2;
$site = $site2;
} elseif($domain1[0]==”$siteurl3″) {
$enabled = $sitestatus3;
$site = $site3;
} elseif($domain1[0]==”$siteurl4″) {
$enabled = $sitestatus4;
$site = $site4;
} //end prgmatch

Install A Penny Auction Scri 2

Install A Penny Auction Scri 2
Hello everybody,
I need someone to help me install a penny auction script. Its not a telebid script. The files are already uploaded onto the server, so all u need to do is install..
You also need to know some php.. because there might be need to change some stuff up.. rarely.

Well, if you have any questions.. please ask them before bidding.
I would really appreciate it .