Web Scraper Script

Web Scraper Script
I require a quick script that can can comb through a website and aggregate names, addresses, phone number company info and emails for each person listed and output them into a CSV file.

Below is the description of the csv file

CSV format the numbers in parentheses indicate the maximum characters a field accepts
Field names must appear in the columns

Field Name Data Type

First Name Text(40)
Last Name Text(80)
Company Text(255)
Address text (address)
Website url(255)

These three fields are currently not necessary but will be used for a future website

Annual Revenue Currency(18, 0)
No. of Employees Number(8, 0)
Industry Number (8,0)

I must test the script before payment is sent and have attached a sample html page that resembles what I need scraped.
I would need to be able to run the script myself.

I Need A Shopping Cart Website

I Need A Shopping Cart Website
I need a website similar to soldsmart.com.au in an auction format like http://stores.shop.ebay.com.au/Lenycik-SoldSmart-Online-Auctions__W0QQ_sidZ64720189QQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14?_pgn=6 with The countdown clock same as the swoopo.com
The website must be very easy to use, with cms for easy updates, changes, photo/product uploads, category addons or new product uploads from admin. Must have all payment facilities, live chat like skype, twitter, facebook and youtube interlinked into it. It must have a live chat (currently online/ offline) facility so customers can ask questions about products or send requests for products they require. If you have more questions feel free to ask, otherwise happy bidding.

Watch-series Dotcom Clone Fa 2

Watch-series Dotcom Clone Fa 2
I need Watch-series Clone

You dont need to desing website template. you must use PHPsmarty for template editing.

Website in PHP and Mysql working on Both Operating system (windows and Unix with apache server or IIS)

You must add Live Cricket Category with multi link support just like Documentry category.
URL must be SEO Friendly (mod_rewrite)
Backend Control Panel. (admin panel)
Newsletter support.
Manage all TV-Show, cartoon, movies, cricket and movies etc.

If you need anything else just contact me.

Website Revamp Needed 2

Website Revamp Needed 2

We have a website that is in wordpress that we need alterations. These are mainly shifting things around, new navigation etc.

The first page is to have a flash banner at the top of the page but the other pages will have a secondary navigation without the flash banner and all be the same in terms of layout.

I can provide sketches of what we are expecting and what we would like.

It must stay in WordPress and bring all the current content over.



Xbox 360 Gamer Tag Script

Xbox 360 Gamer Tag Script
Need a script for xbox 360 gamertag to show up on a webpage also with gamer invites for the website

here is the break down of what im looking to do

#1 want gamers to be able to register there gamer tag with there gamer info showing up.

2# Need them to be able to invite each other to play games with each other just on the web page like a friend game invite .

3# So the gamer who registers logs in to the webpage see’s other gamers and sends game invites to them to play on there .xbox 360

This script should be in php with database info.

pls send me your offers.

Craigslist 100 Postings 4new 2

Craigslist 100 Postings 4new 2
I am looking for someone to post 100 ads in 100 different USA cities.
This is for a new world wide business opportunity in soft launch. And I would like it so it can be renewed in craigslist account and not deleted due to craigslist TOS.

I will supply the ad.
Thank You

This is the second repost of the job,it keeps getting deleted the other one.

Writer (tourism Information)

Writer (tourism Information)
I am looking for writer to write 50 descriptions related to selected airports-cities around the world. These articles give tourism information: airport location, demographic, geographic, attractions and climate.

The person must have a perfect English writing.

Each description contains between 1000-1200 characters around 200 words.

The descriptions must be writing by your(exclusive) so you can take information on sites like Wikipedia; but they cannot be cut and paste of integral texts that you find on the web (important). They will be checked by software.

Here is an example:

1-Sydney Airport is located in the suburb of Mascot in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

2-Information on Sydney, Australia

3-Sydney is the largest city in Australia, and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney has a metropolitan area population of approximately 4.34 million and an area of approximately 12,000 square kilometers. It is one of the most multicultural cities in the world, reflecting its role as a major destination for immigrants to Australia. The city is home to many prominent parks, such as Hyde Park, Royal Botanical Gardens and national parks. This is a major factor, along with Sydney Harbour that has led to the city’s reputation as one of the most beautiful in the world. Sydney has a temperate climate with warm summers and cool winters, and rainfall spread throughout the year. The weather is moderated by proximity to the ocean, and more extreme temperatures are recorded in the inland western suburbs.



Hello, we need a copywriter to write content for our website (email marketing industry). We have a content already, but it is “too standard” for the industr, (means-many websites have same text).

We need 2,500 – 3,000 words for begining, and later we will need about 3000 more (in about a week).

Please give your bid for 3000 words.

Thank you.

Baby / Child Related Articles

Baby / Child Related Articles
I am looking for one or several writers who have children and understand baby and family to write original articles submitted on a weekly basis. 5 Per week. They are not to be content spooled or copied from anywhere and need to be interesting which is why it needs to be written in perfect English by people who understand this topic. Best ways to put baby to sleep, Best things for traveling with baby etc. etc.

They should be SEO friendly with good titles.

They are for a popular website and this would be ongoing work if you are good.

If this is for you than let me know. ssnyc

Refactor Jquery Or Css On Ror

Refactor Jquery Or Css On Ror
I have an existing application that works well but needs some refactoring. It has Ruby on Rails on the server side and JQuery on the front end. It currently runs on Windows using Webrick. You likely will have to work on Windows.

There are 2 main tasks:

1. Refactor CSS
The CSS for the RoR templates is spread over serveral files. Layout looks good on FF and IE8, but has some problems on IE6/7
a)Clean CSS without any changes in appearance, preferable in one or two files.
b) Short, clear comments for each section.
c) validated html
c) Tested on FF, IE8/7/6.

2. Refactor Javascript/JQuery
There is a folder browser in the application done in JQuery, and a couple of other JQuery things (drag/drop). Most JS is in application.js and in a separate file for the file browser.
a) refactor JQuery code into 1 or 2 files with clear organization
b) turn some post requests into GET
c) a small extension for the folder browser, will be detailed later

I am looking for someone very ORGANIZED with a sense for clear structures.

I will consider using 2 contractors for this job.
So if you think you are very good with CSS, but don’t know JQuery, please apply. The same is true the other way around.

There is no or little actual work in RoR. You need basic RoR skills to make everything work, but if you don’t have a whole lot experience, that’s fine.

Let me know what your strength is, JQuery or CSS

Onepage Website Comparing Prod

Onepage Website Comparing Prod
I have about 40 domain names that I have not been able to develop into websites.

Rather than let them sit until I have time, I need someone to develop a 1 page website for each.

Want each site to compare three (3) clickbank or cj products/services, which I will supply the links too.
Model/example site is: http://www.swooporeviews.com/ or http://www.sellputoptions.com/

Must include an attractive layout, intro paragraph, graphic for each product/service, and a paragraph write-up for each product/service.

Must be SEO enhanced (high keyword density (2-2.5% density), search engine friendly, etc.).

Bid is for two websites. Based on quality rest will follow.

Must be completed within 7 days of winning bid.

Include in your PMB, “I like website designing” so that I know that you read this complete project 😉

Fix An Error On My Php Site

Fix An Error On My Php Site

I have installed the “Turnkey website autosurf” from dot com builder
on my site www.cliquebanque.com and when a member register the script
go see if the page is ok but i have a ERROR FORBIDDEN in the top…

So i need an expert who can put this website on track 100% FONCTIONNAL
in no time.

I need a fast turnaround,

Ready to fund escrow,


Windows Mobile Application

Windows Mobile Application
We are looking for a Windows Mobile 2003 application that works with an Symbol PDA with barcodescanner.
When a barcode is scanned, the application must look in a MySQL database for the barcode. If the barcode is present in the DB, some values have to be set in de DB.
The MySQL database is located in a local network, and is connected trough a WLAN connection. The IP of the MySQL server has to be a variable address in the configuration of the application.

Contact me for any further information.

Basic Web Chat W/flash & Red5

Basic Web Chat W/flash & Red5
I currently have a simple AJAX-based chat on my site that polls a PHP script ever 2 seconds to get new posts from the MySQL database. I want to make this real-time with push and think using a small flash file that uses shared objects to update the chat window through javascript (this part doesn’t need to be made for me, once the data is to the flash file I can take it from there) and Red5 would be the best way of doing this. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out where to start, so I am looking for someone to make a simple one for me so that I can then modify it for my needs.

I have installed Red5 on my server, but I need a small flash file made that will connect to the socket server to then push new chat posts from the database. I assume a Java file has to be made to get the SQL data and then send it down the socket connection to the flash file.

Just to reiterate, an actual flash chat is not needed, nor wanted. The only thing being made in chat is a small file (that can’t be seen) with which to connect to the socket and to receive the data.