Writers Needed (1)

Writers Needed (1)

I preferably need a team of writers that are willing to deliver a minimum of 20 articles daily (500 words minimum) through out the week (7 days). I have just received a bulk order of re-writes/fresh articles but don’t have the man power to complete. The order is for 10,000 articles so the pay isn’t as high as other projects but the quantity is there. The more you do the more you earn. The pay will vary between $1 – $1.25 per article.

Payment will be made through paypal on a weekly basis. I will be willing to pay in advance for the first few articles to build a relationship of trust.

Please PM me with a sample of your work so we can start right away. The quicker the better.

Include “Urgent project” in your messages so i know you have read the requirements.


I Need 5 Articles

I Need 5 Articles
I need 5 original and unique articles that are structurally and grammatically correct. I will provide a phrase/keyword that each article should cover.

All of the 5 articles will be about the same primary topic. The articles need to be at least 400 words in length and have at least four paragraphs. You will also need to include a 8-12 (average) worded short teaser description/intro of the article.

I would expect you to use the internet and all of it’s resources for any research.

The articles MUST be unique. I will not pay for nor accept articles copied from somewhere else. I will confirm this using copyscape.com,articlecon.com and my own software. So if you feel that you can not write grammatically correct articles in English that are original, please do not bid. Poorly written articles will always be rejected and the project cancelled, wasting both of our times. So do not bid if you can only write in broken English.

The project guidelines need to be followed exactly.

In your bids, please place the TOTAL cost that you expect to be paid for the project and the TOTAL time you expect it will take , not the cost per letter or time per article.

Please put a sensible “delivery within” time, as overtly optimistic timescales suggests that you do not understand what is required.

Write 10 Blogs 2

Write 10 Blogs 2
Need a very English fluent writer to write 10 100-word blogs on a indie movie website. Must be able to portray the movie as the BEST MOVIE YOU’VE EVER WANTED TO SEE! (Even if you don’t like it) The director is ME, so if you don’t like–don’t tell me and write to get paid for it! LOL! If you’ve won any of my other projects in the past few days–yes, it is the same movie.

Blog posting is not necessary. I just need the writings on MSWord to copy and paste elsewhere. Paid via Scriptlance escrow!

Marketing Video Required

Marketing Video Required
I have written the (suggested) script but I am not good at making marketing videos, I just don’t have the voice for that. I want to hire a pro to do it for me.

The video will be to explain the image attached and the suggested script for the video is below. Please bid if you would like to make this video for me and show examples of your previous work if possible.

___Suggested Video Script___

In this video I am going to show you how all the Viral Marketing Method tools work together to perpetuate the promotion of your marketing campaigns.

A “Twitter Form” sits on a “squeeze page” offering a “free gift” download of value. Visitors can simply click “Tweet” and be redirected to a page to download the free gift.

When they do this, 2 things happen.

1. They follow you on twitter
2. They tweet a message to their followers about your page.

This creates a loop of traffic as their visitors tweet your message to get the download.

Your download page can also contain a subscription form for your mailing list, or you can add subscription as an interim step to getting to the download page.

Soon we may upgrade the tweet forms to give you (and your visitors) the option to also subscribe to your mailing list when they click tweet (taking the email address directly from their twitter account and subscribing it to your 3rd party autoresponder, when they allow the VMM app).

This is a very common marketing system that is often used to great success by marketers, you get a targeted lead subscribed to your twitter feed and perhaps on your mailing list too, and as they subscribe they promote your page to their friends and followers on twitter.

The next step is to plug a “cloaked feed” into both these marketing outlets to perpetuate the promotion of the product.

Probably the main reason why most affiliate marketers fail to make any money is because They either only promote a winning product once and not long enough to find out it is a winner or They spent too much time and too many resourses promoting a loser.

The feed cloaking tool allows you to use the merchants content, his blog posts, his articles, his videos etc to promote your own affiliate link for the product he is trying to sell in the messages.

You can set things up so that cloaked feed items will automatically post to your twitter account and become a part of the newsletter you set to automatically send to your mailing list.

So, you will always be sure of promoting the winners and if you end up promoting a loser, it does not really matter, as it’s not you spending your time or money on the promoting the product, you are simply building a targeted resourse of traffic and allowing merchants to market to it for a commission.

This is a much smarter way to try to make money as an affiliate.

There’s even more ways this marketing system can generate traffic for you.

Every feed item link contains your affiliate cookie and the Viral Toolbar. The Viral Toolbar contains a link to your Viral Marketing method Profile page, targeted texts ads easy tweeting and social bookmarking buttons. If anyone tweets or bookmarks the page, they do so through your cloaked affiliate link!

This is the closest thing you are ever going to get to a “Traffic & Money Pump”. It’s a simple system that automatically promotes and markets itself. The idea is that you use it to run “long term tests” on several affiliate products in several niche markets, building targeted traffic through twitter and your mailing lists, in each niche as you go.

Psd To Html/css And Other

Psd To Html/css And Other
1. Need psd design of website to be sliced and converted to html and css. Please no tables. Also please name the images and divs appropriately. This is the homepage of the site design so the middle areaneeds to extend down when more content is added.

2. A fix to a linkbar already installed.
(two of the links are not clickable for some reason)

3. Linkbar added to a blog. I
already have the image for the linkbar I just need it coded

4. psd to css FIX – Another programmer was working on this but the pages scrolls from left to right and he is not able to fix it.

Need these right away. Please do not bid if it will take you more than a couple days to complete all four.
Thanks in advance.

I Ebook Writer And Sales Copy

I Ebook Writer And Sales Copy
I need an ebook writer and sales page writer with design for both.

The ebook will be about empowering the Youth of the World to make their dreams come true so that they can be productive citizens of socity. I also have a basic outline that I would like you to follow.
Send PM for outline.

In a nutshell this is what I need.
1 ebook – 25pages
1 sales page
ebook cover and page graphics

Please provide samples of your work.

I will consider splitting this into two projects if needed.
I will need Master rights.


Php/mysql Website Changes

Php/mysql Website Changes
I have two new programs to write in PHP/MySQL environment: End of Year Process to historize two transaction flies; and a simple program to stuff user Id into URL Parm when missing.

I also have 4 existing programs to change: Add error checking in one, Add identical updates to a pair of sister programs, and a paypal confirmation screen that will confirm payment made, create orders with paid status, email sent out and a bit of other back ground work.

I have attached a more detailed Statement of Work for your review.

Looking for someone very good, to do it right away correctly, and for a great price.

New Coupons/deals Site

New Coupons/deals Site
I need someone with experience to do up a deals and coupons website for me. The project will include the design of Logo for the site and also design of the website.
Web2.0 style and there will be 3 main areas: users account, vendors account and backend admin area.
Clients (Vendors) will pay for the subscription of space. Site must be setup to accept payments from clients for ads and banners and subscriptions. Clients will have ability to upload their information, or videos, images, coupons, etc from their login account.

Users register free. The site will focus on Special Deals/ Hot deals, Online coupons/Printable coupons and warehouse sale around the designated country. Users must be able to search site by: types of coupons or deals with categories and sub-categories such as: charity events, celebrity appearances, retail, goodies (freebies, coupons, samples, etc); search by INTEREST: sports, food, night-life, hobbies, etc.; by state and various designated cities; users can also post comments; rate things (like “best” or “worst”).

The full details will be given to you before you bid through PMB or private msg.
Please bid only if you have experience in doing this project.
And Please show previous portfolio of similar sites that you have done up before.
The maximum amount for this project will not exceed the stated maximum budget. Please do not bid if you are unable to accept the budget to avoid dispute. Thank You!

Php Basic Cms

Php Basic Cms
I need someone to create a basic PHP cms for news site.
admin files should be in /admin folder with username & password auth. from a users databse.
every action should be in a deferent files-like this: “addarticle.php”, “editarticle.php”
just make the code very simple.

should be 3 tables in the database: Articles, sections, users:
– Title
– Short Description
– Content
– Adding Date
– Image (Image upload, to display photo)
– Author
– Section

I have a script you can modify, It only has Title and Content so far in the admin panel. But it is very basic, taken from http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/cms-php-mysql.php but updated and fixed some errors with the original script.