Penny Auction Project

Penny Auction Project

I have a penny auction(like project developed using asp.Now my hosting has been changed to linux so i need to convert it to php.

I can give you the psd or css designs.All the logic has been already developed.So you just need to implement it into php.But you can also make your own logic for this.

I’ll prefer the ready-made script.Therefore ill prefer those php programmers who can integrate the script with my own css desings.

Also show me the similar work you have done before.


Stick Rate Statistics Joomla

Stick Rate Statistics Joomla
Client needs a statistics mod to show the life of their customers over a 30 week course.

Needs to have a graph to show an average of users time subscribed to the site and should have the weeks on the bottom axis of the graph.

Additionally the graph should have analytics type statistics that can also determine where the member originally was referred from and be able to rank the referral sources and have a list showing the referral sites which provide the visitors which stay subscribed for the longest.

It should also be able to show what the “Stick rate” is, the “stick rate” is the average life of the subscribed members up until now.

This should be able to be accessed either within the admin panel or on a separate page with a login to see it.

Additionally it should be able to use the information in our database such as age, location and referee site and show which age groups stay subscribed longer, which locations have the highest stick rate and which referal sites provided the longest staying customers.

There will need to be daily progress updates and your english skills will need to be good.

WordPress Feed Plugin (2)

WordPress Feed Plugin (2)
Hi !

I need a rewrite of the extisting feedwordpress plugin with some extensions.

General Requirements :

– the Design of the admin-panels must be the same as from feedwordpress
– the Plugin must be fully localized, so every string could be translated with poEdit
– strict OO Design and use of the current WordPress API (e.g. the WordPress-Widget API from 2.8)
– the described settings could be edited global (default settings) or for each feed (like feedwordpress)
– all meta-fields must start with an underscore, so the fields are hidden from the wordpress custom-fields section.
– add a meta-postbox to posts with fields for all meta-values

Required extension (to the existing feedwordpress functions) :

Feeds and Updates

– New Section “Updating and Deleting”.
– Setting “Update existing post”. If set to false an existing post should not be updated by feedwordpress.
– Setting “Only import Post from the last X days”, where X is a numeric input. If this is set to a value > 0, feedwordpress should only import feeds that are not older than X days.
– Setting “Auto-Delete drafts after X days”, where X is a numeric input. If this is set to a value > 0, imported posts that are saved as draft should be deleted (with all tags and other data) after X days.
– Setting “Auto-Delete Posts after X days”, where X is a numeric input. If this is set to a value > 0, existing imported posts should be deleted (with all tags and other data) after X days.

Posts and Links
– New Section “Excerpt”
– Setting “Use the excerpt”. If this is set to false, the excerpt should not be saved.
– New Section “Images and Tags”
– Setting “Import image tags”. If this is set to false, the image-code must be deleted from the content, before the import.
– Setting “Import html tags”. If this is set to false, all html-tags should be stripped from the content, before the import.
– Setting “Retrieve Image from Source”. If this is set true, the plugin must be retrieve the image from a feed and store in at the local server. The image must be stored as wordpress-default (upload path, stored as attachment to a post). If it’s required that a special apache or php lib must be installed, the plugin have to check for this lib. If the lib isn’t installed, the setting ins’t usable. If there an existing image-link in the content, the link must be changed to the local image url.

Tags and Categories
– New Section “Auto-Tags”.
– Setting “Get X Auto-Tags from”, where X is a numeric input. If X is set to a value > 0 the plugin creates automatted tags that would be checked against (see plugin auto-tags).
– Setting “Get X Auto-Tags from Yahoo”, same as above but for yahoo.

New Widget
– New Widget “Contributors” with a list of all Contributors.
– Setting “Title”. Widget-Title
– Setting “Link to source”. If this is set to true, the entries should be a link to the contributor url, if not it’s only a text entry.

Sobi2 – Jomres – Ambra -payp 2

Sobi2 – Jomres – Ambra -payp 2
Have installed SOBI2 and am looking to use it as follows:

My site will have a subscription button (custom thumbnail) that leads through to PayPal to create a monthly recurring subscription.

While setting up the PayPal sub, the following needs to happen automatically for the incoming user:

1. a query to Joomla to create Credentials
2. a query to SOBI2 to create a default listing for the new user, which is linked to the Joomla Credentials.

Then the payment confirmation email (auto return) should come through with the new Credentials and the link for the new user to end up at the login page to go directly to editing only their new listing (Author access?)

No free listings are offered and only one payment option is required.


L00 Approved Comments On Blogs

L00 Approved Comments On Blogs
I need 100 APPROVED comments on Do-Follow MODERATED blogs.

All blogs must be at least a Google PR2
All blogs must be moderated
All blogs must be Do-Follow. Please do not bid if you do not know what “Do-Follow” means
All blogs must be quality blogs…No Link-Farms, Pop-up, Porn, Viagra, Casino, or “junk” sites. If you do not know what a “google-friendly, quality” site is then PLEASE do not bid.
No blogs that are hate-content, and no political blogs (no politics please)

The reason I want moderated blogs is because unmoderated do-follow blogs are terrible and usually stuffed with link spam. A moderated blog means you will need to be creative and post a good, relevant comment. You cant just post a comment that says “Nice article, it really helped!” Thats just a spam comment and any moderator will delete it.

I will send you the name & website to use on all the blog comments.

ALL COMMENTS MUST BE APPROVED for the project to be completed

You will need to submit a spreadsheet of 100 URLS of APPROVED comments when you are done.

I will audit the comments. Escrow will not be released until 100 *approved* comments on moderated do-follow blogs are live and posted.

Viral Invite Script Or S/ware

Viral Invite Script Or S/ware
I’m looking for a programmer to be able to do a script that will do similar things such as Viral Inviter. Check out the site here

Let me know how quick you can make this and for how much?

If you’re reading this you must reference “Myxzptlk”. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time.

Thank you.

P.S. I can decide quickly too.

Size Attribute Fix And Modify

Size Attribute Fix And Modify
need oscommerce and database expert

when clients select size for some items they are not being displayed so i need all size to be displayed.

for all handbags i need size attribute deleated

for all shorts and jeans i need size attribute to be 32,34,36,38,40, 42

for all polo shirts, all tshirts.. all shirts i need size attribute to be redone to s,m,l, xl,xxl


I am looking for a sure bet website very much like to be used in conjunction with approximately 46 different bookmakers (some XML feeds provided or perhaps pull data live or one odds feed), with the possibility to add more bookmakers.
The prog should operate on games where there are 2 results i.e. Win or Lose and also games where there are 3 results, i.e. Win, Lose, Draw & handy cap arbs.

It will also have the bookmakers odds, stake calculator and currency converter (automatic currency exchange update). And the ability to select other bookmakers for the same arb trade just like .

The prog should automatically with a click confirm, place all of the required bets in the bookmakers account or can be done manually (automatic preferred).

The arb should be updated every 30 seconds.
It needs to cover all two team or competitor sports
We need a private section where user can access through our web site by clicking member login in.

Pls PMB me demo link s with your surebet demo with useranme and pass in order to test it.


P.S. : next example site:

Two Page Layout 2

Two Page Layout 2
Got a simple job.
I want to get an image similar to onto my developer link on my website. I have cloned and added a few files like searchlisting01.php and others. The reason I added these files is I want the developer interface working with it*s own design. I have already started the design. You can already see the design taking shape. I have also added a interface **SHOW** to the admin panel under new_property_form.html.php and property_form.html.php and modified the property.php and property_class.php… basically this is to ensure **SHOW** and **SALE** can have a different layout and are not mistaken. The *SHOW* is to show developements. Some modifications to the database and the above noted files and more files would need to be done. Some of this job has been already done.. just need someone to finish up for me.

I will need some new database items added similar to to appear on the developer link. Pictures onto this interface seem to load without problems but another picture interface may be necessary in order to modify the size of pictures appearing. This is a easy clone job. Would be nice to have google maps, like redkey.. also the ability to have an external link to another site… Mysql database.. PHP

Php Word Tag Cloud

Php Word Tag Cloud

I have already formatted a keyword based tag cloud. I just need some help to display the words. I set up 8 different keywords to display on a single URL. I just want you to adjust the display. If the keyword has three words, I want to display each three URL. Right now, It came up three url and 5 empty Url. Could you help me to fix it?

I have the file and can send it to you.

