Data Entry Data Transfer

Data Entry Data Transfer

I need all the addresses for all the Century 21 offices for each state in a excel file. Some of the states have multiple pages. I need one person listed by each for address for contact. example


8830 E. Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85710
POC (point of contact) Julie Adams

6630 West Cactus Road Suite B-113
Glendale, AZ 85304
POC: Jan Fredricks

Iphone App – Simple Translator

Iphone App – Simple Translator

I need an iPhone application made that translates another language into English and in reverse as well. I know there are many out there, but none with the language I need. So this would have a slot where the user would enter the English or the other language, and it would show the translated results.

In some cases there may be more than one results. Example – if they type in “ladies”, they may get 3 results – “kdaaa” “praddu” “erwwor”

No – you’ve probably never heard of this language. I would supply you with a list of the English and other language translated.

I know there are some open source iphone apps out there that have probably done most of the work for you, so I would hope that would lower the cost.

This doesn’t need to be anything fancy – simple graphics – maybe one image.

Money is placed in escrow and released upon seeing the working product.


Web Site Tweaks

Web Site Tweaks
1: I have just put up a new CSS template on the home page and while it works fine on IE apparently it is not viewable on Google Chrome, so I need the CSS validated on that page so that the Flash shows properly in all browsers.

2. I need the contact submission page to work.
I just put it up, but it needs to send the submissions to: my email adress and give the client a response note that says that the form was successfully submitted.

3. WordPress blog needs CSS template installed.

4.Simple Machines Forum needs CSS template installed;

5. I need a clone of the Simple Machines Forum with the new CSS template. (I need two forums and I have one.)

I need these completed ASAP!

Simple Website Fixes 2

Simple Website Fixes 2
This is a very easy job for someone that knows what they’re doing. All I need right are a few simple changes made to this website here:

Here are the changes:

1: I need you to fix the buttons so they say something else. I have the orignal PSD file with layers, so this should be simple if you know Photoshop. I want the buttons to say:


The buttons will also need mouseovers, but again… that’s already set up for you in the PSD file. You just need to change the text, and the dividing lines between the buttons. You’ll also need to update the pre-load code so that the mouseovers load up when the web page loads. The code is already on the page. You just need to update it with the new info from your graphic changes.

The header is on its own separate page, so you’ll only need to update one page on the site, not all of them.

2: Do you see the orange column on the right? I need a some kind of separator between the testimonials. Maybe a very thin line that matches the look of the page. That orange column is actually on this page here:

So if you just update that page, the other pages on the site will reflect that update.

Also, do you see those white lines in the orange column that go across? I need those spaces removed. There are two in the middle and one just under the “testimonials” graphic.

3: Look at the main page here:

I need you to fix the coding so that the words wrap around her picture, but with a 20 pixel barrier between the words and the picture.

**IMPORTANT** – I will only hire people who comment on my job either in their bid or in a PMB. I do not accept bids from service providers that merely copy and paste the same generic “check out my portfolio” message for every customer.

I want to get this done right away, so I will be monitoring this job for activity. I’m looking forward to working with you.


P.S. – Since this is such a simple job that should take no more than an hour, my budget for this is $25. If this first job works out, I will gladly use you for other projects in the future.

Ajax Search Information Pop- 2

Ajax Search Information Pop- 2
We have an existing website with a large amount of text data and an existing search system using the sphinx search. (

It is installed and working well. We want to add a window that pops up using javascript and ajax that displays a list of the available words in the database as one types the words, and displays a representation of the search terms, the number of hits for them, and the number of hits for the query as it is typed. Please see the attached .jpg file for what this will look like.

This will require a php server-side script that does the searches with the sphinx search and communicates the results via ajax to a javascript script in browser that displays the results.

This requires someone who is actually expert at writing javascript for ajax and display purposes and new php code. Please do not bid on this if you do not have these skills.

WordPress Theme Header Graphic

WordPress Theme Header Graphic
Need customization to a wordpress theme and graphic for logo and header:

The site is at Here are the specific details:

Want the white space below the top navigation bar and above the header graphic to be gone. Want one grey horizontal line, not both.
Want the header/head banner to be not as high, maybe about 2/3 the height right now.
Need a good graphic for logo/head banner to fit in that space. I like that orange gradient on the background, so something to match. Want tech/internet/startup type of theme for the design/logo. Please do 3 different color/design options so I can choose.
Want a nice favicon to match.
Want the post title to be in the same grey box as the Date and posted in category. Also want that box to be closed on the right hand side (with a grey vertical line).
For some reason, Firefox shows some scripts at the bottom of the page, but it is not a problem in IE or Chrome. Please fix this as well.

Modify Wp Nextgen Gallery

Modify Wp Nextgen Gallery
I need the NextGEN Gallery to show the thumbnails and then show the image to the right of the gallery on the page. I can’t use the default image popup. I’ve diddled with ImageBrowser, but it replaces the gallery when a thumbnail is clicked on.

I think I need a bash of gallery.php and imagebrowser.php where thumbnails are still displayed when an image is selected.

Also, need to have a way to highlight thumbnail of currently displayed image. (can merely be border around thumbnail.)

Search Scraper Script

Search Scraper Script
I need a PHP script that does everything the desktop software on this video will do.

The script should scrape from Google, Yahoo, Bing and YouTube search suggestions.

Must have some sort of mechanism to prevent from being banned (primarily by Google) for too many queries at once.

This doesn’t have to be a pretty interface, just fast and clean code. Providers providing demo scripts will be given first preference.

Here’s an example php script that does partially what I want.

Good luck!

Backlink Problem

Backlink Problem
Hello everyone,

I’m really at my wits end, and am hoping someone can offer a solution.

After posting a comment on this site:

…my wordpress site has been attracting a TON of backlinks from this particular website, within a matter of days. I posted the comment with the hope of obtaining just one backlink, but now I’m being constantly bombarded with backlinks from this website.

As a result, my site has been penalized and my search engine ranking has plummeted!

A few days ago, I contacted the owner of the above blog and had my comment removed…but my website continues to get backlinks from it.

This whole issue is really frustrating.

What could be the cause for this sudden explosion of links? I only launched my site around a couple weeks ago, and already it’s gotten over 300 backlinks, mainly from the source I mentioned in the first paragraph.

I’ll be honest. I have VERY little technical expertise, though I do maintain and run the site myself. If anyone out there could walk me through this problem in ‘idiot-proof’ language, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks a lot,


Migration Script Problem

Migration Script Problem
Hi! We bought this script to migrate products from Cre Loaded to Virtuemart:

Step 1 – Migrate Categories – Went Ok!
Step 2 – Migrate Products – Went Ok!
Step 4 – Migrate Manufactures – Went Ok!
Step 5 – Repair SKU – Went Ok!
Step 6 – Migrate Customers – Went Ok!

* Step 3 – step is to add oscommerce products attributes to joomla virtuemart

Step 3 did not work, we need this script to execute properly and add the products attributes from Oscommerce to Virtuemart products.

I attached the script, I need it fixed and working asap please. Only bid if you can fix it fast, Thanks a lot