Windows Needed 2

Windows Needed 2

alright im going to be straight up and frank, this site is 99% complete. It’s all in form, need you to upload to a web server (windows) and test it, and edit any bugs, plus create an autobid system with a bit of design IF NEEDED. The autobidding bot will autobid specific items upto a specific price after a member has placed a bid, within the last 1-5 seconds of the auction.


Programmers For Web-portal(s)

Programmers For Web-portal(s)
Our project is a portal for amateur sports, cups and tournaments in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. It will therefore be 4 languages, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and English.
Translations will be provided by us.

It is a complex project, who also will link up to / share database with a travel / accommodation site for the same areas, with another web-address / portal.

The portal will show coming tournaments for youth-sports, with access for arrangers to fill in information about the event, manage applicants, manage payments, set up play-plans and so on.

There must be google-maps with drive planning possibilities, and automatic suggestions for stay from the db at the travel-site.

There is also need for a forum, where participating teams can communicate towards arranger, and also between members of participating teams.

We also want a connected blog, where team members can report for their families and local community.

Portal front is also, besides showing ongoing and coming events, planned to keep a news-section with automated feed for local amateur sport events.

For arrangers we are also providing a “tool-box” covering tips about arranging their type of activity, rules for their sport, like lane measures, regulations, and that kind of information.

The major benefit for users to actually use the portal is making things easier. Therefore we need automated services like e-mail notification for participating teams, automatic invitations to built in club-lists, automatic registration up till the preset number in each class and other features.

Our portal is also meant to be used for clubs / teams communications, also when not participating in an event.

There will in the future also be a loyalty programme, with web-shop, partner offers and so. We will also have transport/bus-companies as partners, and a way for our customers to order transport trough the portal.

The travel portal will be made on same platform on a later stage.
A travel portal “light” for coastal areas with things to see and harbours and accommodation for boat users will also use information from this.
From the same base there is also planned an event – site based on Nordic themes.

We do understand that our requirements are massive.
We do also understand that programming this is a big job, and not for everyone to begin at.
Economically we will also need to take one step at the time.

We will therefore need to have samples that shows that both our goals with this project is understood, and also some samples of earlier work that can show that we are talking the same language around this project.

A programmer or team that can sell in their skills and that communicate good and don’t let us down, will have good chances of being with this project for a long time.

Anyone biding for this project must be loyal to our demands that this project not appears as a clone from their hands. We do also demand that our company keeps all rights for the works paid for, and that any site to appear on web must not be property of any other company or person.

We are looking forward to many skilled bidders.

Need Classic Asp Coder 2

Need Classic Asp Coder 2
hi coders. I am looking for an experienced ASP 3.0 (not .net) coder to assign daily small tasks. I pay $50 weekly max. Again, it will be very small tasks in .asp files from a regular customer we work with .. The fact they are small doesnt’ mean they will be easy to code or not-time consuming, thats why experience is a must

I need a very experienced ASP / database programming coder, specially someone to be online when I need it in order to assign a task . I need the guy to be online everyday, through yahoo messenger /msn

good english communication is a must
please leave your ASP samples through PMB

this can be a life-time position. If I like your work, chances to assign new projects are high
you will be working for a software company, mine

happy bidding

Mod-rewite Expert Needed

Mod-rewite Expert Needed
I need the htaccess file mod-rewrites fixed up or adjusted for my website. I have Google telling me there are crawl errors and duplicate website page titles etc.. in webmaster tools for the same page. I had some programmers fix up this php based review script for my website so it doesn’t show “…index2.php?item_id=# ” for the page url and make it show “../review-items/name-of-review”

The problem is Google is crawling multiple variations of the same page and calling them duplicate from the webmaster tools account.

Writter For Sales/pitch Copy

Writter For Sales/pitch Copy
Im working on a website to use for a clickbank campaign to help sell the 8 script bundle package found at and require some sales copy written.

I guess the typical marketing pages “work” or else they wouldnt be so popular – but they seem to be a little too “gimmicky” for my taste … so I would like a healthy mix of the standard sales/pitch pages and a more laid back approach.

I will need to see samples of your work in the PMB

Programming A Marketing System

Programming A Marketing System
Hello all,

I am not exactly sure what needs to be done, how long or how much this project will take/cost so I do not have a time frame nor a budget.

All I know is that PHP/MySQL will be used.

I need a custom scripted way for people to be able to register/log into my existing website and have a basic customizable profile, where then they will be able to list items for sale.

I also need two custom searches for the people who register.

The first custom search will be to search the items that are listed for sale.
The second custom search will be for the people who are listing items for sale.

The last thing I would need would be a way to export the sales list with some code for a person to take the code and paste it into their own website and have that sales list be there.

Look forward to your bids.

Post Events And Send Emails

Post Events And Send Emails

Looking for data entry person for light data entry work and email communication. Person will need to be computer savvy and have internet access for offsite work: work Involves posting of events on web site and late one move over to uploading videos and music upload of music to web site.

1. I will forward email on events information to you which will be the form of a press release, flyer or /or point you to a web site to get event information.

2. Will than login to system and post information for events

3. Send generic email to the original source of the email using our company email to send out messages and cc two persons on it.
Please let me know the turning around time to post events and send out generic email How many events you can post for with a month is a small project but the work is not $25.00 per month. Work is not hard or intensive.

Create Flash Animation

Create Flash Animation

Take a look at our video of the guy drawing on the whiteboard at

We want to replace this video with a more professional animated flash version.

We have an existing 5min 18sec video on our home page showing a sales rep at a white board discussing our value proposition.
He draws simple diagrams, writes words and explains the value we add. We want this recreated into a professional looking web presentation with voice over.

We’d like a significant enhancement from the white-board presentation. For instance: He draws a cylidnar, writes in it and calls it a silo. Perhaps you could create 3-D silos that are obviously such and find a way for the words layover them. The more professional the better – it represents our company on the home page.

The timeframe needs to come down to between 3-4min

The voice-over needs to be a native English speaker with no discernible accent and the script should follow the existing video script (except for obvious changes like, “you can see here…”)

Include the phrase ‘killer video’ in both your bid and and PMBs you send so that I know you actually read all of this completely.

Final file should be optimized for running within all the major browsers.
In addition, we are requesting the raw file that can be edited on our end.

Our company URL, logo, color scheme and our initial attempt at this can be provided upon acceptance of your bid.

WordPress Chat Plugin

WordPress Chat Plugin
We would like to create a site wide chat system as a WordPress plugin that any visitor to that site can engage in a live chat (all in the same room so to speak). they would login via a open id (twitter/facebook/google/yahoo etc) we would host the database on our end so that each webmaster can simply install a snippet that populates the chat window with users visiting that site and logged in globally. So if a user switches to site a (code installed) to site b (code installed) the chat “bar” would populate with chat/users from the new site. We would like to to combine the “bar” and “advsertising” features of Meebo ( and the user management/spam reporting features of Babblebar (

Quick Tip: HTML5 Video with a Fallback to Flash

Quick Tip: HTML5 Video with a Fallback to Flash

In this video quick tip, we’ll review how to work with HTML 5 video in your own projects. Because older browsers and Internet Explorer do not understand the <video> element, we must also find a way to serve a Flash file to viewers who are utilizing those browsers.

Unfortunately, much like HTML 5 audio, Firefox and Safari/Chrome don’t quite agree when it comes to the file format for videos. As such, if you wish to take advantage of HTML 5 video at this time, you’ll need to create three versions of your video.

  • .OGG: This will make Firefox happy. You can use VLC (File -> Streaming/Export Wizard) to convert your video to this format easily.
  • .MP4: Many screencasting tools automatically export to Mp4; so you can use that file for Safari and Chrome.
  • .FLV/.SWF: Not all browsers support HTML 5 video, of course. To compensate, make sure that you add a fallback Flash version as well.
<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<video controls width="500">
	<!-- if Firefox -->
	<source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
	<!-- if Safari/Chrome-->
	<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
	<!-- If the browser doesn't understand the <video> element, then reference a Flash file. You could also write something like "Use a Better Browser!" if you're feeling nasty. (Better to use a Flash file though.) -->
	<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1024" height="798" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

There are a handful of attributes available to the <video> element.

  • Controls: Display the play/stop buttons?
  • Poster: The value can be a path to an image, that will serve as the display of the video before it is played.
  • AutoPlay: Immediately play the video when the page is loaded?
  • Width: The desired width of the video. By default, the browser will automatically detect the dimensions of the supplied video.
  • Height: The desired height of the video.
  • Src: The path to the video file. It’s better to use the <source> child element instead for this task.

Dos and Don’ts of HTML 5 Video

  1. DO create three version of your video to make Firefox, Safari/Chrome, and IE happy. (.ogg, .mp4, .flv/.swf)
  2. DO NOT omit one of these formats. Unfortunately, you can’t easily choose to serve HTML 5 video to Firefox, and the Flash fallback to Safari. Safari understands the <video> element, and will expect to find a suitable video format to load. If one is not found, it will display an empty player.
  3. DO keep in mind that full-screen support will not work in Safari and Chrome. However, with the release of Firefox 3.6, you can right-click, and view in full screen.
  4. DO remember that the reason why IE loads the Flash file instead is because it does not understand what the <video> element is. However, if a browser DOES understand that element, it will expect to find a suitable file to load.

Please note that, if I can find a suitable work-around for the full-screen problem, we’ll be using this method on Nettuts+ in the near future!

Term Paper For Czech Republi 2

Term Paper For Czech Republi 2
Topic: Czech Republic

-The first part of your paper outlines the basic political context of decision making process (this often includes state agencies, coalition governments, political parties, legislative body, private interests, organized interests, powerful corporate actors, social organizations) and also identifies the main policy procedures, and governing institutions. This part constitutes a draft and should be 2-3 pages long. The second part which consists of a critical review of the depth of the impact of the crisis, its challenges for the political system such as government stability, balance of political forces (does this crisis favor one organized group over another?), democratic consolidation (is the country still developing a mature democratic system?), social/economic programs (redistribution, poverty, development, technological competitiveness), political priorities, relations with the rest of the world. Again, your focus will depend on what kind of case study you selected.
– Research paper 6 pages (Not longer).
– assignment due on the 13th of MARCH. 2010
– You must have all used references, but they can’t all be the same (A note about sources: Wikipedia is not a legitimate source of academic impartial accurate information. Please use academic sources available in our fine library. Proper sources consist of journal articles, books, book chapters, a smattering of newspaper articles, but Wikipedia is not acceptable.)
– This is being turned into which is a website that shows plagiarism throughout the entire paper, so you must list all references.
– I will pay at your request anything, I just want to know if your writing this or if your buying an essay because I wont pay if your buying an essay.

Fb – Delete Pend. Friend Reqs

Fb – Delete Pend. Friend Reqs

i need a program/script that deletes all pending requests from a facebook account.!/friends/?filter=ac

I want that every user with status “Friend Request Pending” gets deleted. (the blue cross on the right side) Not just the first page, i need all pages =)

If you can do this then please bid.

Thank you.

Clone A Band Website

Clone A Band Website
We are looking to have a band website/blog created. A website that has the same functionality and similar design as “The Foo Fighters” would be ideal.

The site would have 8 pages as follows: News (homepage/blog), Bio, Gigs, Music, Photos, Videos, Store, Links. Some of the pages (ie Music, Video, Photos) would have the “standard” template design with code embedded to allow streaming from external sources, such as our YouTube channel. Other pages (i.e. Bio, Gigs, Links) would be a blank template in which we could insert our content (ie Bio).

Detailed design specifications and website functionality are attached in the file website.doc. We are open to suggestions in terms of how site functionality is created. We would like to have as much of the site as possible customizable (ie background, banners, colors, text, etc). We will be responsible for the content such as the bio, gigs and any embedded code required (e.g. our YouTube channel, flickr gallery, etc).

Thank you.