Zen-cart Update

Zen-cart Update
Please quote on the following items:
Stage 1
1. Make a header file using the design and style of the attached files (this will probably change later).
2. Change the Page Title to: Moringa’s Hope – Wholesale Supplier of Certified Organic Moringa Leaf Powder, Moringa Oil and Other Moringa Products
3. Change “Meta Keywords” to Moringa, Moringa leaf powder, certified organic Moringa, Moringa oil, Moringa energy products, Moringa energy drink, Moringa tea, Moringa products
4. Change BG file to match other color schemes (see attached original)
5. I need the following menu items:
a. Home
b. About Us
c. What is Moringa?
d. Our Mission
e. Contact Us
f. Blog
g. FAQ
h. Recent News
i. Articles
j. Videos
k. Moringa Products
l. Links
6. Make index.php page with the following copy
Moringa Oleifera has been called “The Miracle Tree” and for good reason. Every part of the tree is edible, nutritious and packed full of nutrients to sustain life. It also contains most all of the essential amino acids that is needed for body development and growth.
At Moringa’s Hope, our desire is to provide not only the nutritional benefits of Moringa, but also to provide a means of education and self-preservation for those who are without hope in many parts of the world.
Moringa can be grown as a food supplement, providing much needed nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids as well as powerful anti-oxidants’ to help fight malnutrition and disease.
The vision of Moringa’s Hope is to help educate and provide an income opportunity for families in developing countries who desire to learn how to grow, harvest and sell at markets worldwide to provide much needed income.

7. Make a nice overall background so that the main site really stands out.

Feel free to resize or redo the header image to fit. This is just a rough draft, so it’s really there more for placement.

Jquery/css/ajax Coder For Menu

Jquery/css/ajax Coder For Menu
Hello Freelancers,

We are in need of a circular menu using CSS/JQUERY/AJAX coding done to a high quality and professionally.

We were working on a circular related category design menu.

I just noticed that ning.com had *exactly* what I was thinking of doing on their home page! Which is quite astonishing really. Please view the ning.com home page first. This should give you a clear specification immediately.

We have 300 images that relate to 300 exact business categories.
Plus a Database/list of Categories.

So if I choose “Business Services” category for example,
the 8 images that appear on the outside circle will be the top 8 business categories that relate to that, which are in the list as:

3.Recruitment Agencies
4.Management Consultants
6.Graphic Design
7.General Office Services
8.Small Business

So if I click Another image on the Outer Circle it will suggest
8 more related categories in the outer circle and so on.

So the mechanism here is 2 pages.

1st Page – just a search box, we assume for this project
the user has typed in “Business Services”. (one ning it shows top 8 categories and asks you to pick one)

(For this purpose we just assume the first outer circle result is business services, it will change to the nearest category that you type in search box later)

2nd Page – 8 outer images appear in a concentric circle, of 8 related business services. If a user clicks on an image, another set of 8 related categories are found and their images sourced and displayed.

The Mechanism is exactly the same as the ning.com homepage, you
can see exactly what we need there. The principal is identical,
except we only focus on business categories. On ning, they focus
on social networks in that category.

It’s more jquery than css really.

Source files are in Xara Xtreme Pro/jpg/Photoshop.

We don’t need this done very quickly critically in days, but within a few weeks from start. So not at the expense of quality. Time frames can be discussed.

The budget is around $50-$70.

Please submit your proposals and your work plan how and when it will be completed on time!


Coldfusion Programmer Needed

Coldfusion Programmer Needed
Fantasy Football Website

This website should be coded in Coldfusion with a MySQL 5.x. The site will allow users to create accounts in which they can then view reports based on the stored data. The users will purchase the rights to own an account via a PayPal pre-coded button which will be installed at a later time. The site will include 3 forms, one to capture the users new account info, and one that will email one of our experts directly, and a page that allows the owner to enter the players on their team. The site template has already been selected, so the designer will be responsible more for functionality than look and feel. Upon a users registration/sign-in, the home page will then give the user a more custom look based on the information stored in the user table. At this point the user will then be able to look at different reports via PDF’s and results of coded queries. Outside of the a couple of swapped images to give the user a custom feel, an email form and the one time original user info form, the site will be highly static. It will simply allow the user to look over information stored in our database(handled by imbedded queries, sorts), and reports created and uploaded by me.

The query driven pages will display the upcoming week projections and the upcoming year projections for Quarterback, Running Back, Wide Receiver, Tight End, Kicker and Team Defense. These results pages must give the user the ability to sort the data by the requested categories. There will be a query page that gives the user an optimal starting lineup by using his players that he has entered and comparing them to the current weeks projections. There will be a query page that displays updated player news based on the players the user has entered as his.

There will be a static page which displays the users picks of the week. These will be entered manually by me.

Need Php Programmer For Quick

Need Php Programmer For Quick
I have a PHP Script that is creating a pre-made URL for the end user that is formatted literally like “<script src=”http://www.yourdomain.com/paspeel/paspeel.php” type=”text/javascript”></script>”

I would like the part that says “yourdomain.com” to ACTUALLY reflect the domain the script is installed on.

If the script is installed on http://www.peeladsoftware.com/passpeel/passpeel.php then “http://www.peeladsoftware.com/passpeel/passpeel.php” would should up instead of “http://www.yourdomain.com/paspeel/paspeel.php”

I have attached the source files along with a screenshot of the area in question.


My Wp Blog Not Working Right

My Wp Blog Not Working Right
My blog;


comes up and looks okay, I’m still creating it.

Click on any of the pages and an error 404 page not found comes up. It will only show that first page. This is my very first blog and I can’t figure out what I’ve done wrong.

Also, I’d like this banner

put in the header left justified. When I’ve done it, it wants to make it fit and I only want it on the left.

Changes To Graphic And Wrdpres

Changes To Graphic And Wrdpres
Hi I have a website that I need 3 changes on one is the graphic, I need the menu item removed called articulos from the top ofthe header image, I also need it removed from the side panel in wordpress.

If possible I would like to reduce the header image/ graphic so it takes up less space, if possible I understand that there could be some issues by reducing it but if it can be reduced even a little that would be great.

The website is www.casinosyruleta.com

Clone Simple Ecommerce Store

Clone Simple Ecommerce Store
We are seeking an experienced developer who can build a site for us based off an existing site. The site is very simple, and has a few static pages, a flash sideshow gallery, and a simple shopping cart.

If possible, we would like for it to be built with existing codebases, so that we can do this quickly and effeciently. Perhaps OScommerce can be used for the ecommerce part if possible.

Needs to use PayPal as the payment processor.

Need to have CMS for the static pages of the site. This can be WordPress or something else simple.

Need asap, please bid appropriately and ask questions via PMB. The site url can be found in the attached text document.

Business Card Editor Tool 2

Business Card Editor Tool 2

My current Business Card Editor does not work


I am wanting one similar too 123print.com’s editor


I will need it very nice looking!

I will need it integrated with rest of site through the checkout process.

Please ask if you have any questions.

Writing – Bridal Related

Writing – Bridal Related
I have been in the wedding industry for many years and write all my own material. But not having enough hours in the day, I am in need of someone to help me write articles.

I am looking for a lady that can write material as though she is an expert in the topic. I am not looking for fluff to fill pages. I will provide the exact topics to the winner of the posting.

The articles need to be researched and I am not interested in keyword stuffing.

Right now, I need ten (10) articles approximately 300-350 words each.

I will most likely choose more than one writer for this assignment.

Thank you for viewing this project.

Magento Website

Magento Website
I need a Magento Ecommerce Expert to develop my B2C website. I will provide a layered .psd to be used for the design. The site will consist of a basic store (homepage, dynamic category page, dynamic product page)

The site will also include the following integrations:

1) Powerreviewsexpress.com for user reviews on product page
2) Google earth integration. I need to be able to add a .kmz file to each item in the back end. The .kmz needs to be displayed using the google earth plugin
3) custom fields need to be added to each item on the back end.
4) Other slight modifications that can be seen on the design file.
5) Use the lazzymonk plugin to integrate a wordpress blog. (http://www.magentocommerce.com/extension/296/lazzymonks-wordpress-integration)

I will provide you with:

1) A full layered .psd file to be used for full design
2) A .csv file with all items and information

Joomla Component Needed

Joomla Component Needed
Hello Freelancers,
This is Santa again with another project.
This time i am in need of someone to help us build a component to Joomla with a integrated Flash or Javascript editor.I am reposting this project as my previous programmer didnt even responding my mail and not yet provided anything related to this project even after six days.so please make sure that you can create this editor before bidding.

The basics idea with the component is to publish and administrate Ads.
The idea with the Flash/JS editor is to create Ads that then will be exported as a .jpg and administrated by the component.

With a external flashfile (also refer as the module) we want to be able to show the Ads on other websites.

You should possess the following skills:
Good skills in Joomla (and PHP),Flash or Javascript and the GUI must be web 2.0

You can see the project description attached.
Please go through the requirement throughly before you place any bid.

Please understand the project exactly and place you bids according to that.This will help both of us save time and money.

I am sure there are good programmers here in scriptlance who can convert this idea into reality.

Inviting Bid from programmers who have good feedback and have similar experience.


Best Regards
Note:This is a well paid project.So only serious people needs to bid.Time wasters please excuse 🙂

Seo Content Article Writing

Seo Content Article Writing
There are 2 parts to this project:

I would like to have 5 pieces of writing done for the following topics:

1. Tibet Tibetan Jewelry

2. Nepal Nepalese Jewelry

3. India Indian Jewelry

4. China Chinese Jewelry

5. Asia Asian Jewelry

You should search keywords and see what comes up on the first two pages on google. And, you will have to look for other related keywords such as the material s and styles and names that are related to those jewelries.

Other keywords that are needed to be included in the writings: rings, bracelet, necklace, earrings, pendant.

Each piece of writing should be around 1000 words. So, 5 topics would be 5000 words, altogether.

I need you to add some of content on wikipedia.com and link our site with those content to wikipedia as the source of reference.

1. Everything should be completed within 10 days, upon the start of the project.
2. You cannot copy content straight from other website. You can only rewrite the content form other websites. We will google your writings to make sure they are not identical with other sites.
3. We reserve the rights to ask you to rewrite the articles if the keyword density and the related jewelry information are not good.

Thanks for your interest in this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you!