Rewriting – 100 Articles 2

Rewriting – 100 Articles 2
I am looking for a creative writer to re-write 100 articles in “save your marriage” and “get your ex back” niche. It would be nice to find a long term writer.

Of course, I will provide you with articles… each of them will be optimized for one keyword. It is very simple and I will explain you exactly how to do it.

The word count of rewritten articles will be about 325 ( not including the title ). The articles will be submitted to the Ezine so they must be original and error free… their editors are very sensitive about both of these issues.

It is relatively easy project for a someone with a bit of creative mind but an excellent proficiency in English is an absolute must to qualify for this project. I am tired of dealing with “struggling” writers.

The articles must be well written and interesting to read.

The rate is $1.00 per article. Please bid only if this rate is O.K. with you and if you can provide at least 5 quality articles per day.

The SAMPLE ARTICLE is below. If you have any questions… please ask.

Thank you.

5 Signs That Your Ex Boyfriend Still Loves You!

Sometimes, after a breakup you can still be madly in love with your ex boyfriend, and desperately want to get him back. It’s natural and understandable. Keep in mind that your ex might be feeling confused and unsure. Look out for these sure signs that your ex boyfriend still loves you if you want to get him back:

1. The first sign that your ex boyfriend still loves you is that he’ll want to remain friends. He obviously still wants you in his life one way or the other. Try not to see this as a bad sign. You can always nurture the friendship and continue to be someone important and reliable in his life.

2. Another good sign is his reaching out and regularly keeping in touch with you via phone, email or text message. It could just be a quick hello, but that’s indicative enough that he doesn’t want to break all ties, that you mean something to him.

3. In case he mentions that he misses you, that’s a sure sign that your ex boyfriend still loves you! He’s probably missing the romance between the two of you and may be considering a way to makeup with you.

4. If he asks you whether you’ve started liking someone, that’s a complete giveaway! He wants to know where he stands, so be upfront. Don’t play games by trying to make him jealous. That can backfire real bad, so avoid it.

5. Another sign that your ex boyfriend still loves you is his behavior towards you. If the two of you go out for a coffee and he seems a little nervous, this could mean that he’s trying not to show his true feelings. Make him relax and feel comfortable. One of you has to eventually come out with the truth about your feelings towards each other.

Scrobble To Ical

Scrobble To Ical
I am looking for someone with knowledge of PHP, XML and iCAL to create a PHP script that will be housed on my LAMP server to automatically (via cron) check with every 10 minutes and using any new tracks it finds, create an appointment in my Google Calendar that reflects the track info, and is the duration of that track. This can either be done by creating an iCal public feed that I can subscribe to in Google Calendar (preferred), or by directly authenticating to my Google Account to create the calendar event. You can use a API Account that I will provide to access this data, or you can easily get your own API here: The first time the script is run, it will have hundreds or even thousands of tracks to grab to get the entire history into the calendar. After this, it should only grab tracks that have not yet been entered in the calendar (note that a way to keep track of what has been entered will be required). I can provide a MySQL database if it will help.

The following API can be used to gather [name], [artist], [date] and [album]
The following API can be used to gather [duration]

Private4 Andryx (php&graphics)

Private4 Andryx (php&graphics)
Creating a PHP template page with data being gathered from MYSQL database calls throughout the page.

Must be able to connect to the MYSQL database as well as re-format the output link via Apache mod_rewrites to create many search engine indexable pages via the same template.


Also, a unique graphical menu designed is required for a 6-level MegaMenu, Must combine different graphics elements to ensure the levels are visually separated to allow easy recognition, as well as ensuring the levels, while different, fully connect to the entire menu design.

Article Project

Article Project
Project is for 100 articles. There are about 30-40 topics, and then rewrites. Please bid accordingly.
Weekly payment through scriptlance, paypal, or moneybookers.
5-10 articles need to be delivered per day.
Teams of writers will be considered, providing all writers can write to the same standard.
Looking for serious bidders only who are ready to start work.
Please leave a sample of your work.
I’d like to pay $3 or $4 per article tops.
You’ll need to be sure that you can work on the entire project for the price you bid at, as I won’t be able to raise the pay once its been decided.
Payment is not made upfront. Looking to work with a writer in the long term. If you are available for this proejct only then please let me know.
Good luck bidding,

Multi League Site 2

Multi League Site 2
Hi all,

I’m looking for a team to do a website that can run any type of tournaments and leagues. From point leagues like soccer and NFL to xp gaming leagues.


The website must have (its a lot)=

Site must have sections for different leagues like platforum eg

Fast , server friendly Code with a single MySQL Database
Simple Installation with help files
Suitable For All Game and Platform Types (FPS, Sports, PS3, PC, etc)
Javascript Effects To Smooth Everything Out

Ladder and Tournament Features
Unlimited Ladder Capacity (Singles, Team)
Unlimited Tournament Capacity (Singles, Team)
Automated Team XP Ranking System
Challenge Based System on ladders
Report a WIN as well as a loss on ladder and tournament matches
Automatic randomized first round entrants on Tournaments
Strike / Warning System
Automatic Byes on odd tournament brackets
Play-by-dates for each round on Tournament brackets
Map Randomizer
Game Mode randomizer
Ladder Page Organized By Admin Defined Groups
Platforms or Game Genres as a top grouping level
Clan Manager With Profile Editor, and War Light
Members Can Join Current Teams, or Make Their Own.
Team Leaders can copy existing teams to new ladders
Clan Profile Page With Full Contact Details (MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Co-L AIM, ect.)
Ladder standings with Crown, Blasts, Stats, XP
King System (War for Crown)
Automatic Ticket creation on disputed results
Pay-To-Play Ladders and Tournaments
Comprehensive MatchFinder system

Social Networking Features
Each Members Gets Their Own Mailbox With Team Invites, And Friend Invites
Integration on registration and latest forum posts with PHPBB3.0 and Vbulletin
Member Profiles With Contact Information, About Me, Comments And More
Friends System / Ability To Become Private
Members Can Comment on News
Easily add cool blocks such as Live Chat, anything PHP based
Dynamic GamerCards integrated into site, showing stats with selectable graphics

Admin Control Panel
Admin Control Panel / Staff System
Easily add News, change the video and news ticker
Different specific Permissions For Each Staff Memberand role
Easily create and edit ladders and tournament
Ticket support system
Manage Pay 2 Play events
General script configuration settings

Other Special Features
Advertisement Areas
Drop-down menu system
Ability to change the Block positions
Full Featured Free Agent System With Commenting
Full Search System By ID or Name
Staff Applications

• Fully automated ladder ranking system allowing an unlimited number of ladders.
• Can be run as a stand-alone web site or integrated into a pre-existing site.
• Teams/Players ranked using complex ranking algorithm for more accurate ranking.
• Customizable ranking system to suit your needs.
• Installed easily in minutes.
• Fully customizable design.
• Ability to Edit Ladder and Tournament general settings from control panel.
• Suitable for all game types especially action games, sports, card&board games and strategy games.
• Built in theme system allowing you to switch between different layouts and designs in seconds.
• Users can select their own themes which activate when they login.
• Design your own themes easily, if desired.
• Alternatively, integrate the ladder code into your web site design. HTML knowledge required.
• Create unlimited ladders for team play or 1v1 play. Users need only sign up once.
• Advanced Admin system with separate admin accounts for each admin.
• Multiple admin access levels. Assign varying access rights to different admin accounts.
• Admins can report matches and edit challenges.
• Higher level admins can ban ips, edit/create ladders and edit/create admin accounts..
• Fully automated and highly advanced challenge feature.
• Each ladder can be set by you to be challenge-only, open-play only or both together.
• Rank, last rank, wins, losses, games played, streak, win percentage etc. recorded for each player account.
• Full contact info for each player and team account including email, website, MSN, AIM, Yahoo etc.
• Personal profile for each player and team including all their contact information, stats and logo.
• Country flag for each player and team which shows in profiles and on ladder.
• Fully automated sign-up and validation system.
• Completely automated ladder system, standings and statistics updated immediately after report.
• Player login to report matches, change account details and make challenges.
• Team leaders can login and invite/add new members to their team account.
• Match page listing all recent match results and details.
• Optional banner rotation.
• Lightning fast MySql database.
• Rules and staff page can be changed from admin control panel.
• Search page allowing users to search for individuals or teams.
• Newsletter function allowing admins to email all users on the ladder system.
• News shown on main page, either in headline format or in full story.
• Choose whether to have user or admin validation of accounts.
• Complete tournament system allowing multiple tournaments to be run at the same time.
• Run fully automated tournaments with anywhere from 4 to 512 players/teams per tournament.
• Players can sign up to tournaments using ladder team accounts.
• Support for numerous tournament types including double elimination.
• Admins can report tournament results to ladder system with click of a button.
• Tournaments can be run by admins via the ladder admin control panel.
• Admins can create,delete or edit tournaments with ease from the admin control panel.
• Admins can open/close signups, add/edit tournament rules and descriptions and much more.
• Fully automated visual brackets webpage showing latest results and progress to all.

4 types of leagues

1. Time trial software, people doing a qualifying sport e.g. motor racing. Can enter their time online and go up the leader board they have to arrange a time challenge (set by date and time) and then send in a ticket with their time on it (but can only be updated by staff once they see the ticket with their time and proof) Any Ladder can have any of the 4 leagues software?
2. Set points and fixture software like the soccer league and Indy car. Teams enter then after a cut off date set by staff the teams will be given matches to play at certain dates and times (set by staff) over a certain length of time (a season or 2months ect set by staff). If they win the match they get 3 points if they draw 1 and if they loose 0 staff can change the points.
3. Same as above for soccer but more than one team in one fixture like Indy car racing with points for 1st – 6th but can have up to 8 people in one race. For example if 8 people are racing who ever is first gets for example 10points 2nd 8points 3rd 6points 4th 4ponts 5th 2points 6th 1point and the rest none
Example Site for football=
4. Invite Only Leagues done by staff for example over 18’s only which staff would need to verify their age before letting them in (Staff with 100 rated Permission Only can accept people into these leagues)

User groups category can be used for new leagues e.g. soccer and time trial (if can be done).

1. Player ID’s (e.g. Psn ect and I can change what is required to be filled in) on team pages
2. Player Id’s / players names on profile pages, PSN one needs Fixed and adding a new profile field doesn’t work so needs fixed as well.
3. Challenge Screen extended options e.g. 3 frags on/off part doesn’t work (then what to set it to on or off bit) so needs fixed as well
4. Members cap for teams e.g. doubles ladders ect
5. Pop up message saying when you have been challenged on a members profile page or the home page when they click into the site
6. Ref lights on staff page (for all staff) to say that they are available to ref (blue light to say available) Like war light, can be turned on for a certain period of time.
7. People can upload Live Stream to their profile pages and team page, just need a box so people can add the code into on edit pages and a box 200 X 200 on the page.
8. Add apply to join a team to team pages
9. Team names can be hidden or shown on match finder

Example sites are and

Please send me a rough picture of the layout for the site and a pic of the admin layout that you have in mind.

Phpprobid Payment Gateway

Phpprobid Payment Gateway
Need an experienced PHPprobid programmer to develop a module for PHPprobid that works as a gateway to accept payments via PayGol payments.

PayGol works similar to PayPal, you can see more details on:

This gateway should work with the current version of PHPProbid 6.07, but if possible should also be backward compatible with ver. 6.00-6.07

IE9 May Actually Be a Fantastic Browser

IE9 May Actually Be a Fantastic Browser

Today, as part of MIX 2010, some exciting updates were released on the progress of Internet Explorer 9. The IE team is implementing some incredible features, such as HTML5, CSS3, SVG support, and a new lightning fast JavaScript engine, Chakra! Further, they’re currently scoring a 55 on the Acid3 test – a figure that’s surely to increase substantially before the official release. What about the idea of Microsoft contributing to an open source project, jQuery, with their proposed templating engine? Within moments of these announcements, the Twitter-verse spilled “tears of joy.”

Want to dive in and check out the developer preview? That’s available too, starting today!

Take IE9 for a Test Drive.

Finally, we announced the availability of the first IE Platform Preview for developers, and our commitment to update it approximately every eight weeks. We want the developer community to have an earlier hands-on experience with the progress we’re making on the IE platform. The Platform Preview, and the feedback loop it is part of, marks a major change from previous IE releases.
IE Blog


Check out some of the demos below in each browser to learn the unique code required for each.

New JavaScript Engine: Chakra

JavaScript Graph

“You’ll notice that IE9 is faster at this benchmark than IE8 and several other browsers. It’s interesting to note that the difference between today’s IE9 preview and the browsers to its right in this graph. It takes about 70 seconds to identify a 300ms difference between browsers.”
IE Blog

Miscellaneous Tweets about IE9 from MIX 2010

“Video tag and SVG support in IE 9 as well – and it’s crazy fast. Very impressed.”
John Resig

“Microsoft to Expand its Collaboration with the jQuery Community”:

“Today makes me very happy to have come to work at Microsoft. Very excited right now to see the reactions of the community.”
Rey Bango

“They’re asking for help in getting ppl to move IE6 to IE8. They want users on modern browsers.”
Rey Bango

“Open source, open standards, open Microsoft. Today I woke up to a different world than I thought I was living in.”
Molly E. Holzschlag

“So what we have here is HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1 in IE9. If I weren’t seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t freakin’ believe it.”
Molly E. Holzschlag

Check back for more details as they become available!

Sugarcrm Plugin + Customize

Sugarcrm Plugin + Customize

We have a fully functional SUGARCRM community edition installed on our system but we ned a couple things added to it.

1. We need our Joomla forms properly linked into the CRM
2. There are three plugins that need to be installed.
3. The login page needs customizing w/ our own logo.

the login page for the CRM is located at:

Thats about it.

If you have any other questions, let me know on the PMB.


Php Greek Translation

Php Greek Translation
Need translation of variables into Greek Language total about 4500 phrases – most of them are short.

There are about 50 automated email response files that need a careful translation (only the communication parts) all code and variables have to stay in English.

Files are in PHP format and need to retain English PHP coding, only certain parts have to be translated so automated translation is not possible.

Must be a native Greek speaker, so the translation is meaningful for Greek website users and familiar with PHP or general programming, so can easily distinguish parts to be translated:

Example file format:

define (‘MSG_USERNAME’, ‘Username’);
define (‘MSG_PASSWORD’, ‘Password’);
define (‘MSG_WELCOME’, ‘Welcome’);
define (‘MSG_JS_NOT_SUPPORTED’, ‘Javascript not supported’);

where only last phrase of each line needs to be translated (‘Username’, ‘Password’ ‘Welcome’ ‘Javascript not supported’ ‘MEMBERS AREA’)

Care must be taken to the punctuation as missing or wrong punctuation could make the whole file useless.

Files in plain text format and language encoding must be compatible and readable by most common browser setups used currently, like IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, on Windows 98, XP, 2K, Vista, Linux and Apple OS X.

I received some fake/useless translations before, so I will have to verify your work before I release the payment. No exceptions.

File with all text files that need translation is attached to this posting.

If you can offer other languages, we will consider as well…

Good Luck…

Good Writer Wanted

Good Writer Wanted
We are looking for a writer who can write articles and short stories about the modeling and music industries. We need both fiction and non fiction articles about different aspects of fashion and glamour modeling, and rock music. These articles need to be well written and original articles. The short stories must be good fiction stories. These articles and short stories need to be 3000 or 5000 words long, and we would like to see some different modeling topics than the usual ones. The writer should have excellent knowledge of the modeling and music industries. You need to be dependable and your article installments must be sent on a monthly basis. Your payment will be made using the escrow system.

Ajax/php Form

Ajax/php Form
I need a form that does the following:

$var1 = ‘x’;
$var2 = ‘y’;
$var3 = ‘z’;
$varn = ‘n’;

if(thescript is posted for the first time || script should be reloaded) {

ajax: post var1 to n to: input.php, do something
get output from input (ie $number1 and $number2}


echo $number1 echo $number2 (or more)
echo <inputfield>
</div=myform> inputfield to output.php

if (isempty(inputfield) then display $message under <input field>
if(!isempty(inputfield) –>2 options
if(error) then display <div error>;
if(no-error)then display for 0,2 seconds <div correct> AND after that the form should be reloaded by running input.php again. So the user can start with a fresh form. The form loops itself, but has to be reloaded with randomly generated numbers from input.

The most important thing for me is to get a working structure.

Zen-cart Update

Zen-cart Update
Please quote on the following items:
Stage 1
1. Make a header file using the design and style of the attached files (this will probably change later).
2. Change the Page Title to: Moringa’s Hope – Wholesale Supplier of Certified Organic Moringa Leaf Powder, Moringa Oil and Other Moringa Products
3. Change “Meta Keywords” to Moringa, Moringa leaf powder, certified organic Moringa, Moringa oil, Moringa energy products, Moringa energy drink, Moringa tea, Moringa products
4. Change BG file to match other color schemes (see attached original)
5. I need the following menu items:
a. Home
b. About Us
c. What is Moringa?
d. Our Mission
e. Contact Us
f. Blog
g. FAQ
h. Recent News
i. Articles
j. Videos
k. Moringa Products
l. Links
6. Make index.php page with the following copy
Moringa Oleifera has been called “The Miracle Tree” and for good reason. Every part of the tree is edible, nutritious and packed full of nutrients to sustain life. It also contains most all of the essential amino acids that is needed for body development and growth.
At Moringa’s Hope, our desire is to provide not only the nutritional benefits of Moringa, but also to provide a means of education and self-preservation for those who are without hope in many parts of the world.
Moringa can be grown as a food supplement, providing much needed nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids as well as powerful anti-oxidants’ to help fight malnutrition and disease.
The vision of Moringa’s Hope is to help educate and provide an income opportunity for families in developing countries who desire to learn how to grow, harvest and sell at markets worldwide to provide much needed income.

7. Make a nice overall background so that the main site really stands out.

Feel free to resize or redo the header image to fit. This is just a rough draft, so it’s really there more for placement.