Article Writing – Furniture

Article Writing – Furniture
Hello there!

I would like two articles on: Chippendale Furniture and Sheraton Furniture.

There is a lot of information on these two furniture designers. I would like at least 700 words in each article. The subtopics of each article should be: 1) biography on the designers and 2) the features of the respective furniture styles. You can split the content evenly.

The articles will be checked with Copyscape for plagiarism. Please write original content. Note that I keep the rights to the content after the transaction is complete. This article must be free from any copyright restrictions whatsoever.

Thanks and good luck bidding!


If you are new or relatively new, I encourage you to bid. I will give preference to a new scriptlancer to help you out with your ratings. I would like someone who wants to write and wants to develop a niche in writing, not a programmer who wants some extra money. If you are experienced, you can bid, but, if you don’t get it even though you submitted a great price, at least you understand why you didn’t get this.

Please tell me why I should select you over other new bidders in your email. You can write personal or work-related reasons.

Website Directory Structure

Website Directory Structure
The chosen candidate would be required to devise a unique website directory structure composite of the Google Directory ( and the Yahoo! Directory (

It should use some rewording and shortening strategies, to yield a smaller overall structure. It’s not a huge problem if it is not as small as required, but it must not have repetitive categories at all, it should not have sub-categories placed in the wrong parent categories and should not be a mere combination, which is bound to have repeats.

This is quite a simple and urgent project. You must be fluent in English so that you can understand the similarity between two category names and omit one.

Simple 2 Page Php Site Needed

Simple 2 Page Php Site Needed
I wish to create a site called ‘Find Me A Game’. I need a site where users are able to upload requirements for a football match, which will then be shown in a list.

The main page of the site will have to have the following table columns.

Date Required – Club Name – Club Level – Level Looking for – Venue Required – Contact Information

The other page, will be an input page, where users are able upload the information which will appear on the front page.

Date Required – Date Format
Club Name – Text
Club Level – Text
Level Looking for – Text
Venue Required – Drop Down List – H/A/N
Contact Information – Text


Php/ajax Calendar

Php/ajax Calendar
Please look at the attachments below to see the full details of the project. Read all the details first, and then provide a bid. I already wasted 2 weeks of my time with a company who promised they could do it and weeks later they tell they can’t do it. Look at the attachments for a better idea of what to expect.

Features that are very important:
1. Click and drag feature
2. Multi-Calendar feature
3. Import/export to other calendar (i.e. google, ical, 30boxes, etc)

This calendar will pretty much include what 30boxes has plus what is in the document. I plan to put this calendar into my website so I will provide my database structure to help in the planning process.

Joomla Or Drupal Site

Joomla Or Drupal Site
I’m willing to pay $150-200 for this work. It needs to be done in 15 days or less. I want it done in drupal or joomla. I’d highly prefer it to be in drupal though. I’m going to pay someone to do the design. You will though have to chop up whatever psds they make an put it in the site. And of course you’ll have on to move stuff around and what not if the client needs that.

Functionality of the site MAIN PAGE of the site
The company is an Interactive Retail-based Scavenger Hunt.
Consumer…meets Retailer.
Shoppers login on the homepage (via Lightbox) through their Facebook or Twitter accounts and are notified, via countdown clock, when the next hunt is or how long until the day’s hunt is over. The scavenger hunts will occur at a specified time each day weekday (ie: 12 EST) and will last for 1 hour.
On of those interactive videos certain companies make describing the site and product will be on the homepage. My client will buy that product. It will instruct people how to participate in the hunt. They will point out all of the key features and location of certain useful items.
Each registered user will receive daily email alerts about the Scavenger hunt that they can click into my site from. The email alerts will serve as a reminder about the hunt as well as give them a heads up on the retailer of the day and their product offerings.
On the main page of the site, consumers will see a few things:
1. Large box that profiles the retailer of the day with a “Play Now” ribbon at the top corner with our bar at the top.
2. A series of smaller boxes for the monthly advertisers that are in cue for their hunt day.
3. Blurb about the retailer of the day (Owners, City, State, Phone #’s)
4. Clues the consumer will need in order to complete the scavenger hunt (3-4 clues)
5. Countdown clock: If they load the site while a hunt is not actively taking place, they can still see the retailer of the day as well as any monthly retailers profiled. They can click on their icons and go directly to their websites. If a hunt is actively taking place (12noon until 1pm) then they can click a “Play Now” button and participate in the hunt. The countdown clock will show how much time is left for the day. After the hunt, the countdown clock will revert back to the countdown leading up to the next day’s hunt.
The retailer of the day is in a monthly rotation (based depending on when they pay and what date/s they select) A Calendar feature should be added and linked to PayPal for this purpose. The retailer of the day has a certain product that they will donate as part of the game to consumers. The first (# of identified users) to enter the right url (into a light box) for the item will be given that item for free per an agreement with the retailer as part of the promotion. It could be 5 brand name pink scarves for example. The clues will be centered on whatever the items are and will change each day. The desire to find the item will drive the consumers through to their website where they will search for the item in question as well as inevitably familiarize themselves with the various product offerings from the retailer.
Shoppers have minutes to search though the retailer’s website to find the item. Once they’ve located it, I would like a badge or ribbon in the corner of the main, featured advertisement box that will say “I FOUND IT” or something similar that a user will click to input the url. They can try it as many times as they wish, but can only win once in 30 days.
I will need Facebook integration as well as Twitter integration. Integration will allow us to post items to a user’s feed (Facebook) or stream (Twitter) for winning/losing a scavenger hunt. Here is an example:
“Sally heard about THE SITE from a friend, and went to check it out. After seeing a timer on the page that indicated a hunt was happening in less than thirty minutes, she hurried and signed up with her Twitter account. As soon as she signed up, a tweet was sent out on her stream about it. While she was waiting, she was shown a “While you wait…” screen that listed the company the hunt would be for, and encouraged to browse. She also took a look at the welcome e-mail sent to her and quickly emailed 3 close friends to get them in on the day’s hunt. They quickly logged in through their Facebook and Twitter accounts and started the hunt too!

Once the countdown clock hit “Start Hunt Now” The clues were posted and the hunt began. After deciphering the clues, she went into the advertiser’s website looking for the day’s item. (I need to make sure that the hints are able to be seen on our bar so that the user will be able to still see them while they are on the advertiser’s website.) After she thought she figured it out, she copied the clues into the light box and was notified instantly of her win/loss status. If she didn’t win, she continued searching and would try it again. The countdown clock now read 13 minutes remaining in the hunt. Her friends were trying to crack the code too. After Sally finally got all the clues and entered the answer into the light box, she was notified instantly that she was a winner. With 3 minutes left, one could see how this was an adrenaline filled hunt for her and everyone else that participated. Once Sally and the other 4 winners won, their Facebook and Twitter streams were updated with “(name) just won a <brand name pink scarf> on THE SITE. See if you can beat her to win in tomorrow’s hunt” The other participants streams might read something like“(name) almost won a <brand name pink scarf> today on THE SITE. See if you’ve got what it takes to win tomorrow’s hunt”

Now that the hunt is over, the featured retailers’ clues are removed and are replaced with an offer:

Today’s Scavenger Hunt Item:
A Brand Name Pink Scarf, Retail value of $50. (picture of scarf here)
Click here to purchase this item or anything in our store for 40% off, Today Only!
The consumer will click through and be back onto the retailer’s website, but this time, to purchase that item and perhaps something else they spotted during the hunt, now that they’re getting that discount…today only.

That offer remains for the Brand name Pink Scarf until the next days hunt starts (a full 24 hours from the start of hunt). People who didn’t participate in the hunt that day, but are members, will be able to purchase from the retailer by clicking on the link. The advertiser won’t have the prominent placement on the second day; they will be moved to a small feature box off to the side of the main page. The next retailer in cue will take the prominent placement and the next hunt will begin. Repeat daily.

I will need a analytics pages for the advertisers to look at. I can easily make a pretty impressive case study out of it and use it as promotion material for new advertisers to get excited about. Also, since we’re going with the top bar, we can literally watch everywhere the user goes and be able to track attempts at winning. At some point down the line, we’ll want to be able to export that information in several formats that the advertisers can download and number crunch on their own.
While I’m starting the initial concept off with 1 scavenger hunt in order to test the popularity of the project, my goal is to add multiple Scavenger Hunts per day to the site as it starts to gain momentum through various social media outlets and word of mouth from participants.

Each week, we will profile the winners First Name, last initial and city they’re from along with a picture of the item they won and their comments (if any) about the items. Additionally, if consumers want to upload pictures of themselves wearing the items they won, they have the option to do so.

FAQ section
A separate company will produce another intrative video (the person talking on the side of the page) covering the most frequently asked questions about the site such as how does the site work? how do I login?, how many times can I win? Etcetera
• the list of OFFICIAL RULES will be on this page.

Retailers will have their own page of the site. They will have the opportunity to be posted for 1 month while their store is in cue for the scavenger hunt. Consumers can click on their sites at any time during the month to peruse and become familiar with their offerings. Only the first several retailers that have paid for premium placement will have the opportunity to be displayed on the main page for that month. All others will be on the advertiser page.

The work will be done on my server then put on the client’s server after the work is done. I need it done on my server for 3 reasons: I can’t show the work to my client if it’s on some other companies url, 2 I want to be able to see the work you have done. Too many times programmers have told me “I can’t show you any work because it’s on my local server”. Some tell the truth, but other’s lie and just haven’t done any work,
3 I’ve had client’s steal my work and not pay money. A lot times this happens when programmers don’t do enough browers and site funtionality testing. So anyway having it done on my server eliminates the chance of them stealing the work. If they want the work they have to pay me and you.
Also if you agree to this project you are agreeing to give me daily updates (excluding Sunday). If I don’t get daily updates I’m cancelling the project.
I live with mentality that I’d rather work with a programmer who has a lot issues and runs into a lot issues but communicates these issues with me, then a programmer who can get all the work done, but only emails me every 3 days.
All people who accept the project will do all the installation on my server and the client’s server when the work is done.

Zencart Improovement

Zencart Improovement
need for zencart based shop this mofications:

– restore internal search engine, was corrupt in the change of host.

– Restore a custom internal delete module, that erase product uploading an xls file containing the product model

– mofication for not existing page or deleted product: system must disply home page, instead of the “not found” page.

Write me emails for clarifications


Joomla&flash/javascript Job

Joomla&flash/javascript Job
Hello Freelancers,
This is Santa again with another project.
This time i am in need of someone to help us build a component to Joomla with a integrated Flash or Javascript editor.

The basics idea with the component is to publish and administrate Ads.
The idea with the Flash/JS editor is to create Ads that then will be exported as a .jpg and administrated by the component.

With a external flashfile (also refer as the module) we want to be able to show the Ads on other websites.

You should possess the following skills:
Good skills in Joomla (and PHP),Flash or Javascript and the GUI must be web 2.0

You can see the project description attached.
Please go through the requirement throughly before you place any bid.

Please understand the project exactly and place you bids according to that.This will help both of us save time and money.

I am sure there are good programmers here in scriptlance who can convert this idea into reality.

Inviting Bid from programmers who have good feedback and have similar experience.


Best Regards
Note:This is a well paid project.So only serious people needs to bid.Time wasters please excuse 🙂

Need 60 X 500 Word Articles

Need 60 X 500 Word Articles
We need 60 X 500 word articles written. Our budget is $1.50 – $2.00 per article.

We need 12 articles per day If you cannot write 12 X 500 word articles per day then please do not bid on this project.

All articles must be written in an SEO friendly manner with the main keyword appearing once in title (i.e. article headline) and 2 to 3 times throughout article.

You will need to have the ability to research and must also have a very good command of written English. If your English writing skills are not of a very high standard then this project is not for you.

We have found that very often the quality of the actual work a freelancer delivers falls far short of the samples they showed us in their portfolio which they claimed they had done. We will therefore require you to write 1 sample 500 word article based on a topic of OUR choice. If you are not prepared to write a sample 500 word article based on a topic of OUR choice then please DO NOT bid on this project.

Once again, we will pay $1.50 – $2 per article.

Please leave PM if interested in this project.

Affiliate Script/program

Affiliate Script/program
I need to be able to create affiliate links and an affiliate network with my products.
I have some products to sell and I want to be able to give the link to who’s interested and being able to manage who’s selling and how much commission I have to pay them.
I need a simple program that must be able to calculate affiliates, sub affiliates and sub sub affiliates commission and links (it would be able to generate and detect sub links that were generated from affiliates and to calculate how much in dollars or other currency is the commission that I have to pay for both of affiliate and sub affiliate) and must be able to give me a report of what is going on with my network.

Must be very simple to use and must be error free.
Must be able to use in MAC and or PC.

It would be good if I could export the MLM to excel all affiliate and commissions information.

If a programmer has a similar script that can be modified to meet my needs, show me I’ll be interested.

If you have already a script you can make work, please include a link so I may check it out.

Show me results of your ideas, show me only your portfolio related with this type of projects.
Please read before bid this project:

a)Only programmers who place bids – cost and deadlines will be considered and I will not respond to copy and paste bids.

b)Make sure you understand, know if you can make and complete this project.

c)Tell me everything I should know, all the advices, all the steps etc, about what is going to happen with this project.

d)I need a 100% quality work and expert.

e)In order to have a professional job completed, after the project is done you need to give me 3 months of warranty and bugs fixing period and you will do it ASAP provide technical support and in order to be able to detect any problem or bug on the programming. This way if I have any problems dealing with the administration of the website you can help me until I understand how does it work. If you’re a real professional and efficient programmer you won’t have problems with this if you do a perfect work.

f)Need a serious and honest programmer so we don’t get any problem or trouble in the future, I will only pick a programmer that can show me a great experience on this area by the curriculum, better feedback and ranking.

g)I need to see the project wile you’re doing it, keep me updated and put the project online for me to be able to see the progresses. 

h)Don’t bid if you’re not able to do my entire project.

i)For the product and its source codes you’ve done with me, you promise NOT to develop any project BASED ON THIS SOURCE CODES, unless you are invited/hired by me. 

j)You promise that you will not show to public any info about the product that you’ve worked with me.

k)If you have been selected to complete this project, we’ll see wile you’re doing it if the quality of the work is according with my requests, if it’s not I will reject you asap with notice.

l)In a way of doing an excellent work and better understand the idea of this project, you can ask me all the questions that you really need to know.

m)At the end of the project you will have to give me the product finished, with the project files and a tutorial in a word file or other type of format with all the steps of how to manage it.

Thank you

Html 2 Php Conv Install Script

Html 2 Php Conv Install Script
I need to convert a html site created to php format as the script used is in php. script so need to recode my design of template into php and install on the server with the new template over the code.

Kindly bid if you are good with php and scripts like and can install this template over the script thanks.

Encode Psd To Ecommerce

Encode Psd To Ecommerce

We need a vendor to encode a psd into a custom php based ecommerce solution prestashop to complete our website.

The work needs to be w3c compliant and css compliant.

1) Homepage will have a slide show in header
2) horizontal navigation
3) Inner page side navigation
3) featured scrolling images on homepage

Please quote accordingly and we need to get this encoding done as soon as possible. Thank you

Amazon Ezs3 Tutorial Video

Amazon Ezs3 Tutorial Video
This is a simple project for someone who knows what they’re doing.

I need simple and short (around 10 mins) video and supporting MS Word tutorials, showing me how to put video on my blog sites using the EZS3 Amazon-hosting system (see

The tutorials should show how to:
* sign up for an EZS3 account and an Amazon S3 account.
* upload video/ and audio files to the AmazonS3 account.
* how to put self-hosted, AmazonS3-hosted or video from video sharing sites (such as Youtube, Vimeo, etc) onto our blog posts and blog pages.
* embed/display video files in various common formats (including .flv, .swf, .avi, .wmv, .mp4 and other file formats on a blog page an blog post – including, and wordpress self-hosted blog sites.
* embed audio files in various common formats (including .mp3, .XXX) and other file formats onto a blog page and blog post (including, and wordpress self-hosted blog sites).
* How to display a video with different skins and controller panel styles, or without controller panel.
* How to set the video to play only when the controller is clicked or to play automatically when the web page is opened.

The Index of the Word document should list all elements of what the video will show us how to do, with page numbers and the video minutes:seconds for each principal blog type/file format covered.

The video should include an introduction that outlines what the video shows us and the main sections/blog types/file formats covered.

The selected bidder will use my EZS3 account and own-hosted wordpress blog but should set up new (free) and blog pages with dummy headers & text to demonstrate how to post videos.

The videos produced should be produced in Camtasia and delivered in .avi and .flv formats, together with the Camtasia (version 5 compatible) project files for editing, if necessary.

The supporting MS Word document should include sufficient screenshots to enable a beginner-level operator to follow all instructions successfully without needing to watch the video tutorial.

Delivery is required within 5 days of project award.

Sliding Panel Contact Form

Sliding Panel Contact Form

I’m creating a new site that uses this technique of having a sliding panel on the site:

How To Create A Sexy Vertical Sliding Panel Using jQuery And CSS3

I’m including a contact form I’ve made in the panel that users can fill out once it slides out.

The problem I’m having is that while the forms work fine (it’s a contact form that sends an email), when the “Submit” button is hit, the sliding panel does not stay open so the user can see the confirmation message – it just closes. If they user then clicks the sliding panel link, it then shows the contact form.

I need a programmer to fix that problem and to make the contact form look neater in the slider.