Need 15articles In Nxt 30 Hrs

Need 15articles In Nxt 30 Hrs

I need 15 articles of 370 words written in the next 30 hours..

Bid only if you can meet this deadline…and are available for contact throughout this period,.

It is important for all articles to pass copy scape and should be unique … if any article is found to be copied then ….the service will be canceled.

I will be paying $ 0.75 for every article..

This is start of a very large project…


Payment Gateway Integration 3

Payment Gateway Integration 3
Hi, I want to put in this payment gateway script.

Watch this video

And download the technical

It’s a fairly straight forward thing. I want PAYPAL installed inside too.

I got it in Visual basic script but we want it in C sharp and PHP.

1 WEEK complete deadline..

Let me know and we can discuss further.

Articles 2

Articles 2
Hello Folks,

I am looking for a seasoned writer of the English Language to create a number of Articles on our range of company product offerings, this should be Excellent KEYWORD rich content, the content of the ARTICLES should NOT be the same as that already available in WIKIPEDIA etc, you can use this for reference, however the content must be reworded, unique, and KEYWORD and SEO Friendly.

Your ENGLISH LANGUAGE WRITING SKILLS must be TOP CLASS, this project requires someone who not only READS, and WRITES ENGLISH, but actually understands what they are writing about, and are able to think out of the box and tell a story.





Please send details of your offer, along with samples of your previous writing work for immediate review and selection.

Thank You In Advance



We need someone to replicate for us:

Please note: is not our site and we don’t have the code; we just like it.

– Two sites: one full flash and another one, non-flash.
– We need the ability for the brower to display the flash if flash is detected in the browser, otherwise, the browser should display the non-flash website.

Thank you.

Create 10 Static Webpages

Create 10 Static Webpages
URGENT – I need this done in under 6 hours – URGENT!

1. If you can respond within 3 HOURS of winning the bid – Please DO NOT bid!
2. When responding please give some examples of work YOU have personally performed in website design and building.

Bidders NOT complying with these 2 requests WILL NOT be considered! If you are selected and you do not complete in under 6 hours you WILL NOT get paid. The project will be frozen and given to another bidder.

Please DO NOT bid for this project if you can not complete in under 6 hours. If you are successful and do not complete the project in the 6 hours, I will FREEZE the project and engage another programmer.

Content, design specifics and T&Cs will be forwarded uponnsuccessfully winning the project.

1. Update 3 static pages to include two new lines at the bottom (with new hyperlinks);
2. Create 9 new static pages for legal documents using a template;
3. Create 1 new ConfirmYourOrder page with an autoresponder form.

The site must remain crisp, clean and professional.

This job should be very quick and easy for someone who knows web design because I am providing you with all of the following:

1. Fully coded HTML templates for each page;
2. Very detailed instructions for each page with a description of exactly how I want to see it on each page;
3. All HTML code for Autoresponder forms and shopping cart BUY button;
4. All legal text for each new page;
5. All graphics; and
6. Project examples.

Note – All you are doing is building ten (10) simple static HTML documents using NO CMS and modifying 3 existing static web pages.

This project should take an experienced web designer who knows what they are doing NO MORE than a couple of hours to complete.


I pay quickly by ESCROW ONLY. I pay BONUSES for prompt, exceptional service and high quality design work. See feedback comments.

This project is URGENT and will only be open for 24 hours. I may choose the winning bidder BEFORE the 24 hours has elapsed.

Thank you

Writer Required

Writer Required
there are lots of projects coming after this one…


1-500 word review
5-500 word articles
7-250 words
1- 10 pages report

should be done within 5 days and my budget is $30… i am gonna select a bidder within few hours… good grammar is required… remember winning bidder will get many more projects and the payment will just be made on the acceptance of articles and quality check..

Vtiger/scrm -student Loans App

Vtiger/scrm -student Loans App
We are a not for profit organization which provides flexible loans for college or graduate studies (a student gets a loan and after graduation he repays it based on an previously agreed monthly fixed percentage of his salary)

We want to update our current selection and monitoring system to a new one (LAMP based) which comprises roughly the following processes:

1. Applications
We require a system to handle applications, similar to a recruitment process where we can filter and pre-select (discard) candidates.

2. Filter and selection
Pre-select candidates and notify them to update their profile with needed info/documents and schedule an interview.

3. Activities update
If a loan is awarded the status of the user changes. The contract is added to the user’s profile with several variables (ex: contact information, program data, loan repayment variables and conditions, etc.). During the academic program users update their profiles with relevant data (ex: transcripts)

4. Repayment cycle
After finishing its academic program the user status changes. He will start repaying its loan based on its contract conditions. Therefore the user should be able to access its balance and upload / update its payment records accordingly. A personalized payment calendar/table is displayed.

5. Report generation
Reports should be able to be generated based on different criteria according to the stage of the process.

We want this project to be based on top of vTiger, SugarCRM or other similar application as a module, so only bid if you have experience on these type of packages.

For these type of apps there are already some available modules that could be used (ex: eRecruiting, spiceHire, Customer Portal, loan/mortgage manager, and so on). Therefore it would be needed to determine the best package/module options, integrate if needed, and customize.

A complete overview, functionality requirements, data schema, UI mocks & summary of deliverables will be provided in the full brief. This project will be one of many vtiger/sugarCRM projects happening throughout the year.

Selection criteria:
– Must have demonstrated vtiger/sugarCRM module development experience
– Fluent in English (communication is key)
– Must be able to commit to deadlines

All interested developers please submit a summary of rates, vtiger/sugarCRM experience relative to the job & where possible an example of previous development work. As mentioned we are looking to form a long term relationship.

The project will commence as soon as the developer is selected.

Best regards!

Online Store In Php

Online Store In Php
I need an online store created with the features below. I wan this to be created in PHP(No joomla).

Some of the features needed are listed below.

– product variety will not be too high initially – let’s say 10-25 options, however, those 10-25 options will have variety ( an example would be a ball cap that you can buy of your
favorite team – one cap, but many different team designs)
– would want repeat customers to view past account information
– easy backend upload of new product
– sign up as members
– email members
– sales tracking
– order system

Paypal Website Payments Pro 2

Paypal Website Payments Pro 2

I have a custom made shopping cart which was built for my site with PHP and mysql. At this time I need to integrate it with PayPal Website payments pro with PHP. We already have the shopping cart part done ad it is working with PayPal Website Payment standard and also working with Google checkout. We also need the PayPal Express Checkout implemented as well along with the IPN notification response done. We only need someone with experience with Paypal integration mysql and HTML only experienced persons will be considered. You must show samples of your previous work.


Project Script .php Trouble

Project Script .php Trouble
Project script .php trouble

Hello im looking for someone how has very good knowledge of .php script.

I have a website for file hosting for users been able to upload files to and also share.

I have mounted a second hard drive that premium members files would upload to this server.

And set up a subdomain with an IP Number so the second hard drive would take the uploads when needed.

All was working fine till four days ago and when working on the website i have caused the website not
to function properly now.

The reason why i was trying to resolve a problem when trying to upload files of over 700mb with URL Uploading.

I have done something incorrect and has caused the problems.

Myself think it may be a bug in the cross.php or config.php but again im not sure it could be a bug in any of the
files conected to the website that is causing the website not uploading to the second server now.

Or for some reason the IP subdomain added has stopped allowing out going connects now on main server via Cpanel.

Again be disabling outgoing
connection for some reason now again.

Also when uploading to the second server with smaller files when it was working the progress bar was not working.

And it was not sending emails with download links when requested by user. but all these functions work with no
problems on the free account that uploads to the first server.

It will upload to the first server with no problems.

But when i try as a platinum user it will not as this is uploaded to the second server.

Also i need that the platinum premium account allows uploads of up to 950MB

Also this has caused the files on the second hard drive not to connect to the files when i request for download.

So when all is completed that i can download these files again when needed from the second server again.

I would ask that if you dont have very very very good Knowldge of script .php please do not BID on this
project as your bid will not be excepted.

Please PM me and if you would wish to have a look at the website i can send you all site websites details.

Thank you and hope to here from the right person for this project soon.

Implement Completed Script

Implement Completed Script
I have completely designed my site and wrote all the coding for it included all the javascript. However, I am having trouble to get the javascript to run correctly with my site. I need to hire somebody to fix the issues on why it is not running. I have the site on a test server now and have a reference to a working site that can be used as an example for my desired outcome.

Convert Online Form To Fax

Convert Online Form To Fax

We need to be able to do the following things:

– Fill out a form online: form open to any body

– Upon clicking submit, convert the online form to pdf document, then save to a folder using first name underscore last name underscore date (information from the form (john_doe_03092010.pdf)

– Using a batch file, cron job, or whatever, send a fax to a predefined fax number using the pdf document and associated jpg file (john_doe_03022010.jpg). jpg file would already exist.

– Basically, send a fax with 2 attachments (the pdf and jpg files)

The above is what we want to do, should you have a better method/solution of creating and sending the fax with the attachments, you can use it for the project.

Thank you.

Rotation Tracking Fix Php/java

Rotation Tracking Fix Php/java
I’m looking to have a few changes added to a script to help tighten up our rotation and make it a little more solid.

1. The script currently is in place and what it does it someone visits the website when they opt into our form it rotates to the next person who gets the lead and goes to their aweber list as well as their thankyou page.

2. This continues and I have the ability to fix and alter anything I want via an admin.

Now what I need is the following done to it. This is all done in php/java/ajax I believe.

1. I need to have the tracking fixed it is suppose to track by day but that part is not working it has the same number by day as it does total.

2. Also it is rotating twice sometimes so people on the rotation get skipped want to put something in place to fix this and keep it from happening.

3. I would also like something where I can also pass the affiliate tracking ID to the aweber code so we have that for future reference as to where the lead came from. This is already in the URL and passed from the company doing the advertising for us.

4. I want to also add or have the ability to add the amount spend by the person on the ad rotation and have it keep a running balance and dwindle that down until it is runout. I need to be able to edit and add this amount in the admin.

5. I want to be able to change the lead stats in the admin rather then having to log into phpmyadmin when someone shows a lead but really didn’t get one this I hope we can put maybe a java button where when they press submit it will not rotate.

6. Also I noticed that if someone hits their back button it will rotate the wheel not sure if there is a way to fix this or not.

Optin Page And Blog Mini Pro 2

Optin Page And Blog Mini Pro 2

Your task is to Edit this Marketing Website (72 Hours or Less)

Edit the MARKETING_landing_page (with the following changes>>
1. Edit Talk soon, to Talk soon,
John Doe Emmanuel Lescouflair
2. Edit 2009 Business Name Inc, to 2010 Super Affilate
Enterprises LLC.

3. Edit All bottom links,turn them into links (privacy notice, disclaimer, etc they will link to the new blog

4. Edit the css style sheet so that it will enable me to insert code
later without messing up the appearance of the landing page.

5. Copy the terms of use,Disclaimer etc and place on the blog
(One Site disclaimer is attached, copy and paste onto blog)

For a Brief Example of what this should look like :

1. Visit and opt-in for the
free report., which is the
DOWNLOAD PAGE that allows you to download the free report.
4. Click on the “Download Now” link on the download page, and your free report will
load from, instantly.
– his main web site should have articles (which are actually blog posts), affiliate
promotions, etc.

If you have any questions please let me know. I’ll send blog username and pass in personal e-mail.