A Test Model Proj For Students

A Test Model Proj For Students
I have need to a simple database that organize some data;
the data have several variables and time and place dimensions.
the database should allows users to extract subsets of data according to selected variables (e..g. variable 1, variable 2 etc.)
according to time range (e.g. from 1990 to 2008), & according to selected places (e.g. city 1, city 2 , etc).

The database will allow displaying the results as a web page and exporting the results of a query to a selected format (e.g. Microsoft Excel file)

There are two key factors integrated into the webpage :
variable definitions (i.e. the metadata) shall be displayed in a box When the user movers the mouse pointer on a variable in the result of a query.
some calculations of averages for some variable over time interval (e.g. average from 1990-2000 etc. ) and over places (e.g. average value of three or four cities) etc..
(basic skills in mathematical functions is important)

More requirements:

* The admin must be able to add and delete, and update variables, places and years etc.
* The admin must be able to make security constraints such as allow and disallow displaying the results of query from the database (e..g. user should provide password to download a file)
* This not the final product its just used as a test model project for students.
* the webpage will have some graphics and map that links each location to a page such that
when the user move the mouse pointer on the name of the location, it is highlighted on the map immediately..
(basic skills in maps and mapping is important)

Magento Customizations

Magento Customizations
Project is to customize our magento template and store functionality to resemble www.Dubli.com’s reverse Auction site. Also, ensure the quality of design work is at the level of www.Dubli.com “Xpress auction” design look and feel. We also have a customization that would include further detail with the choosen and successful developer for our second project.

Xpress Auction defined on Dubli:

All articles are displayed with one starting price that is valid at the outset of an auction. The actual price is concealed until you place a Credit. With each Credit placed, the price decreases, so the actual price is always less than the starting price – often considerably!

As soon as you have registered, you can buy various Credit packages (see above).

When you place a Credit, three things happen:

1. The actual price decreases by 25 cents
2. The current price will be displayed to you
3. You now have the possibility of purchasing the product for the price shown

Don’t hesitate for too long, or someone else may snatch up the item at a more favorable price.

Edit Kubelance Script

Edit Kubelance Script

I am looking to make some small changes to an open source script called Kubelance. the changes are minor.

The system allows projects to be posted and bid on and then completed and paid for.

Currently the system works like this:

Buyer – Posts Job
Provider – Bids on Job
Buyer – Chooses a bid
System – Checks buyer has sufficient funds and if not directs buyer to top up their account via paypal
System – Escrows total amount from Buyers account to a holding account
System – Emails provider to let them know they’ve won
Provider – Completes project

I need the following added:

A way for both buyer and provider to agree that the project has been completed

When both agree the system should release the funds less 10% to the provider

Project should be closed


Joomla based site using Twitter feeds/list account to aggregate local news information. Please look at the following link:


I would like the same basic design with the functionality of a CMS based Joomla site. One thing I would like to have is the ability to have advertisers Twitter their text ads and for me to be able to track/bill for that ad time. I can go into further detail when we start a dialog.

This is a one page, simple design that should be able to easily be replicated and used in other cities.

Website With User Registry

Website With User Registry
Please see attached document for project description.


We would prefer the site to be built with WordPress or Joomla or another CMS as long as all functionality we ask for in the project description is incorporated through plugins, extensions, or custom programming. However, we are also open to a custom solution should it be easier/cheaper.

Please read the project description and ask any questions you might have before bidding. Please note I will ignore/delete any “canned” responses that are submitted.


A one time job that should be extremely simple for anyone to do. I need approximately 25,000 emails collected (each email individually copied from a website, and then pasted onto notepad). It will take between 3-4 weeks to do, working 8 hours/day.

Zencart Template Work

Zencart Template Work
i have my zencart but needs a bit of a touch ups i would like the following changes:
-my website shows a blank page home page im not sure what it is but more likely it is a php syntax error.Ill need this fixed.
-add 10 modules. (i added a few of the modules but now website shows blank)
-delete an image from the menu and upload my new logo.
-change the menu to drop down style make it like neweggs menu with the same catagories
– the website also needs an area where i can add three small banners across page. I want this to show somewhere in the middle of the page.

Php Form To Be Re-done

Php Form To Be Re-done
I currently have a PHP form on my site uniformityconsultation.com/contact-me.php which I’m happy with. Unfortunately the form does not email to me each time. Some of the forms get mailed to me and other times they don’t. My current programmer is unable to figure out why this is.

I need someone who knows email forms very well and can fix the problem. My hosting company has the following directions for the form, please read… http://help.godaddy.com/article/510#gdform

I need this corrected ASAP.

Please only bid if you know PHP email forms well.

USE PMB for all contact with me.

Face Recognition

Face Recognition
I need a face recognition solution that will find a matching face quickly that I can implement into a web service. I already have a face recognition web service created using a face recognition SDK I have but the problem is, when looking for a match among many images,(over 1000) in a specific folder, it takes a very long time because it checks each picture 1 at a time. I have seen other face recognition programs/ websites that quickly find a match. I need something like this.

Fix Image Display On Site

Fix Image Display On Site
I own a stock photo site, and I recently upgraded the script, even though it is heavily customized.

One problem I am noticing is that the pages that display the images, i.e. search results or browsing a category, are messed up. I want the images to display in a neat manner, a certain number of columns and rows, however they seem to be completely random, and it is trying to display the same image twice with a different ID number, but it doesn’t work.

I need someone to fix these problems, probably only related to 2 or 3 files. My knowledge of PHP is not basic, but this is beyond my comprehension.

Also, the site doesn’t display properly in IE. The images only display a small sliver, some don’t display at all, and the fading image on the homepage does not show up at all.

The site is www (DOT) clearerimages (DOT) com.
here is a link to a page that shows the erroneous search results:
www (DOT) clearerimages (DOT) com/category/birds.html

As you can see, I want the images to be displayed in a more organized way, and the page numbers need to be displayed at the bottom.