Edit Images

Edit Images

i have 240 images that need to be edited. see attached samples. each image is a box wich is sliced. the problem is the folllowing: the border is a bitmap image with solid white background. the background must be transparent and not solid white. all images are similar except some have square borders and some round. each image is in its own file and all 240 images must be edited.


Autobid Bots Penny Auction

Autobid Bots Penny Auction

I have a penny auction website and I wanted to better monetize the system with a program autobid bots.

I use a script BPSWOOPO the website.

I need to be able to put the names of users and preferably place at the auctions that I want.

The system has to bid between 10 to 1 second random and also have to disable a particular value for individual auction.

IMPORTANT: If you can show me a demo.

I appreciate quick response.


Scrape Keywords & Upload To Db

Scrape Keywords & Upload To Db
I need to scrape keywords on schedule, about every 3 or 4 hours from one site. The script will log into this website and follow several “archive links”, then scrape the keyword data on those pages.

The keywords and related keyword data are all in tables. This data would then need to be uploaded to a mysql db and I would need a web interface so I can view all data. I don’t need anything other than sortable columns and an export to .csv feature.

So basically I need to replicate the look of the site I am scraping from.

Full details in PMB. If you’re familiar with web scraping this job shouldn’t be too difficult.

Facebook App And Php Functio 3

Facebook App And Php Functio 3
Follow these articles:


Publish facebook page status or wall post automatically

I want a simple facebook app and a php function, on that function I will be able to input text and attachment to appear on wall or pages or users who accept the app permission (extended permission if need).


WordPress Member Plugin

WordPress Member Plugin
I need a full featured Plugin for WordPress to manage users and memberships with all the functions of aMember Pro.
Attached you’ll find the aMember Pro feature List.
I don’t need a integration of aMember. I need a new and stand-alone Plugin for wordpress.

General Requirements :

– manage memberships, membergroups and rights
– manage payments
– oo-design
– use of the current wordpress API (like the WP Wiget API of 2.8)
– only support for wordpress > 2.8
– full documented source-code
– full integration in the wordpress member and rigts system (extend the default member, post, categories forms with the given wordpress hooks)
– all features from the reature-list below
– wordpress-like admin-area
– user functions must also be at the wordpress front-end
– add required template-tags and widgets (login, myaccount …)
– templates for all eMails, changeable at the admin-panel with the wordpress editor
– fully localized (with the default wordpress translation functions)
– hooks to integrate other plugins
– gravity-forms must be integrated to add/edit/change custom-fields

If you can’t do the plugin as required or in time you have to pay a fee of 250USD to me.
I only pay something if the full plugin is finished as required. No part or milestone payments.
Only SF Escrow payment.

Feature aMember Pro
Customer side features
– Automated signups and expirations Y
– Checks your database to avoid duplicate usernames Y
– User is able to check unique user name availability during signup Y
– Can generate simple usernames and passwords for users (optionally) Y
– The signup form fields checked for completeness. Your custom checking may be simply added Y
– Can protect any files/directories. Your customers never see annoying popup login window again – The login form is completely customizable Y
– Unlimited number of products (subscription types), each with own price, expiration and ANY other parameters. You able to handle any number and combination of products/protected files and(or) directories Y
– Members may have multiple subscriptions simultaneously (for different products) with only one username/password for all them Y
– Automated account expiration handling. Memberships are automatically terminated after expiring. Members will still be able to visit special their member profile pages and renew their subscriptions Y
– Automatically monitor visitors with the same username/password. If the configured limit is reached, the account is disabled instantly. Y
– E-mails the username/password to the customer after signup is completed Y
– E-mails to the customer when (before or after – configurable) their subscription expires Y
– E-mails to customers when they didn’t complete payment Y
– E-mails to customers when they completed first stage of signup Y
– Special customizable pages for members with a list of completed payments, renewal control and links to pro-tected areas Y
– Members are able to change their profile information, such as phone number, address, email and password Y
– Ability to send password by email for members who forgot their passwords Y
– Admin side features
– Powerful Admin control panel Y
– E-mail broadcast to your customers. E-mail to all of your customers, expired customers as well as customers of a specified product Y
– Search members by username, name, email, sub-scription type (product) and/or by any string in profile Y
– Manually add members and add subscriptions with desired start & expiration date Y
– The script has it’s own error and access log Y
– Customizable reports Y

Supported Payment Methods
– 60+ third party payment processors supported – full list here
– Free – to allow free signup Y
– Moderated Free – admin must approve accounts Y
– Offline payments: ex.: Western Union, Money Order, offline cheques Y
– Ability to easily create new plugins (powerful and easy plugin interface) Y
– Available protection/integration plugins
– 30+ third party scripts integrations available – full list here
php_include Y
– Adding unlimited number of custom fields to products, subscriptions and members without changing database structure!
– Ability to assign validity checks for new fields. Y
– Ability to add your own protection and payment plugins. Easy integration with your existing site solutions Y

Two New Wordpres Plugins (2)

Two New Wordpres Plugins (2)
I need 2 new or rewritten wordpress plugins.

1. Booking-Manager

– same functionality as the hotel/premium-release of the existing booking-calender-plugin !!! Please take a look at the homepage of the plugin to watch the functions (you could find it at wordpress.org). I don’t have this plugin.

additional features

– possibility to add timeframes. Global timeframe managemet and management for each day. (e.g. 09AM – 10AM, 11PM – 12PM) If no timeframe is managed the day only could be full booked.
– booking possibility for each timeframe.
– possibility to add the number of parallel bookings for each day and/or each timeframe (09AM – 10AM = 10 Bookings (10 persons, 10 seats ..))
– possibilty to add price-ranges for each event (e.g. bad-seats = 20USD, good-seats = 50USD)
– all possibilitys must reflect at the front-page

2. Event-Manager

– same functionality as the existing event-manager-plugin (you could find it at wordpress.org).


– add possibilitys to manage recruring events for one day (e.g. from 15:00 to 20:00, every 1 hour)
– if booking-manager is installed it’s possible to manage bookings for each events with the possibility to define the number of bookings for each event. This must also works with recurring events.

Both Plugins must :

– OO-Design with current wordpress-APIs (like the widget-api from WP 2.8)
– full localized (so it’s possible to translate the strings with poEdit)
– all Front-End Outputs must be template-driven with a template-system like the one from wordpress, so it’s possible to add/change the layout for different themes.
– full documented code

I only pay with SF escrow after project is finished, but only if the project fits to the all of the descibed requirements.

With your bid you agree to pay a fee of 250USD if you could finish the project in time or as required.

Stylish Web Design

Stylish Web Design
Dear Web Designers,

I need you to create a great web design for a celebrities website.

I am looking for a designer who can create a design with the same style and feel as:

biteclub (d o t) com

Please, in your bid mention 2 links of your best website designs.

Also, mention if you can convert that template to Joomla. Its not required but it will be a plus. If you are a great designer, its all that matters for me.

I will send the design specifications to the bidders that have great designs to show me.



hello everyboddy i have a project which i want to create
i want to create a hight website of internet marketing (Affiliate Marketing)
and i want to drive thousend of visitors to my web site each day and i need him like this site http://www.freeinternetmarketingcourses.com/

Top Site Clone

Top Site Clone
Reposted due to people bidding and then not contacting me , only serious bidding please…

I wont to clone this site the same include the design and all functions.


the site concept is:
a redesign of the script torrenttrader, but accepts .nzb files instead of .torrent into the database.

My Server Is Sending Spam Help

My Server Is Sending Spam Help
I have a dedicated server and it was suspended because it was sending unsolicited email attacks.

I need someone who can fix the problem,
message me on exactly how you will deal with my problem,
lowest bid will be considered and in return will be given a great feed back and more projects to come

Linux CentOS
Im using OStube2.6

I received the message below from my hosting services:

Dear customer,

It has been over a few hours since we last notified you of the complaint we have received that your server is engaging in sending unsolicited email attacks. We are concerned that we have thus far not received from you any response or acknowledgement of this notice.

As we noted in our previous message, we are responsible for any malicious acts connected to our IP addresses, as well as the security of our network and our other customers. It is therefore urgent, at this point, that you respond to this notice so this situation may be resolved quickly.

If you fail to respond to this notice within 24 hours we will be have no choice but to fulfill our responsibilities so noted in the previous paragraph by the only means at our disposal: by blocking your IP addresses or disconnecting your server and freezing your account until the matter is resolved. According to our policy abuse issues are legal reasons for the disconnection of service.

If you believe the source of the abuse is one of your customers or end users, then resolve the situation on your end immediately by removing the offender and replying to this notice informing us of the action taken. If you are not able to resolve the matter yourself, please respond immediately to this notice, and open a ticket to tech support. This is our final notification to you before we take action unilaterally.

Please note once again that only replies containing the full correspondence on this matter will be acknowledged and processed.

Thank you for your time. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further questions or problems.
Our Support Team will be happy to assist you.