Joomla Vitumart Custom T-shi 2

Joomla Vitumart Custom T-shi 2
I looking for a custom T-shirt Flash interface working with Joomla Version 1.5 and VirtueMart 1.1.4 like

Check features:
I need to load unlimited items like t-shirts, caps, etc…

Admin be able to define print areas, t-shirt colors, provide templates for the customer and get a ready-to-print Vector PDF file for all sides of T-shirt, caps, etc…

Customer be able to upload his picture or choise from provided templates, write text, use preview function, choise size and can buy per piece.



Budget 150$ to 400$ USD.

Please provide the demo of your project!!!

Thank you!


Text Dissapear On Click Form

Text Dissapear On Click Form
Attached is my subscription form code. In the name and email address field I have (Enter your email…) (Enter your name…)
when someone clicks on the subscription box I want the text to dissapear. Right now they have to clear the filed by highlighting and deleting. I just want the text within the formcode box to dissapear on click. I have looked around for the code but I am not sure exactly how to do it. I would like to avoid javascript if possible.

Add Pages – Joomla

Add Pages – Joomla
This is a simple –

I need someone to go to my joomla site admin
create articles for each page that just say “change me” and I want it to look like the homepage.

I will need you to create drop down menus as well (all in the code all you do is link it to its correct page and crap, pretty easy) I just dont have time for it.

Need it done today

Convert Html To WordPress Temp

Convert Html To WordPress Temp
Hey Guys,

If you know WordPress, this will be an easy job for you.


I need the following html page/template converted into a WordPress Template.

This is the page/template I need converted:

Here is the Zip file containing the html, css and image files:

When complete, I should be able to simply upload the files to my active theme folder then select the template when creating a new page.

I will be creating the content in the WordPress Editor, so the theme must pull the content from wordpress.

I need this done ASAP!! LIKE YESTERDAY!!

Print And Web Design

Print And Web Design
Hello I need a graphic designer to design several sales sheets, and gift card designs as well as website banner designs as well…

This will be a long term relationship for the right qualified designer I do not want any newbies working with me I need qualified serious professionals who can create amazing results from scratch without the use of templates as we have to be original on everything we print and publish….

I have many many projects I need to outsource in the above mentioned categories so please only bid if your serious, reliable and a true graphic design and print professional…

Thank you!

Ps. I know pricing structures very well and have outsourced for years so don’t try to over bid as your bids will be ignored!

Autosubmit Php Script

Autosubmit Php Script

I’ve got a one page PHP Mailer script where you input the list of email
addresses, the email of the from address, the message I want to send, and
the subject of the email.

I use this to send out a newsletter to one of my sites and right now everytime
I do it the server load crashes the server. The list is of around 200,000 plus

I wanted to somehow hook this process into a cronjob on the server but the one
thing that’s causing a problem is submitting the form automatically.

I wanted to divide the email list into around 10 to 20 different mailer’s or
use just one and submit the data to it one at a time with the cron. I really just
need a way to split this mail up to send every hour or every 2 hours.

I’ve tried using javascript onload feature but this just sends the script into
a huge loop.

I know that I may be able to run a curl script to auto-submit the form data one at
a time and splitting the list up and having it grab each part of the list in order
etc. But I can’t quite find the right solution.

So, I will send the first person who gives me a quick solution to my problem
$20 straight to their scriptlance account. No escrow and No project choices.

I am fairly experienced in using php code and other stuff so you can give me a
general solution/example and that would be all I would need.

Please let me know if you have a solution. This is a very quick job and will
be gone after 24 hours.

Photographer Hire Website

Photographer Hire Website
I need a new website created for a customer.

Need something like this website. But then for customers who are in need for a photographer, and that the photographer can get leads.

The details for as far I can see now are:

Information from the customer who need photo service.

Name, address etc.

E-mail address with verification check true e-mail.
Needs to pay for special extras like here. (for example if there is
a fast need for a photo session.)
Needs to be simple to place your hire add in the system.

Needs to be able to pay something true paypal.

For the photographer i need:

Payment system for leads. (He pays a amount for like 10 leads)
All his information like sample pictures and contact information needs to be in the system.
No direct contact between the customer and the photographer untill the photographer has paid for the lead.

This is just a basic idea.

If you have experience then tell what you can offer. The customer like to have investors as well. So if you can invest in this it will be a plus. Be short in your response. No long copy paste story.
No high bids above budget. I trow them away without looking in to it.
Sorry. It is just a trial. So I need to make it a good job.

It is important that you have read that there is maybe more needed, then above mention, but you bid on this is for the whole project. Tell me that you read this by saying. I read the whole project in your response. Sorry, but most projects are not read. It is hard to find someone then.

I also need someone that is communicating true Skype. So, if your mic is broken or you have no Skype, or whatever reason you can think of that you can not communicate true skype. Then do NOT bid on this project.

Do also NOT bid on this project if you have NO experience in it.
I need to see something like this before I choose you.

Thanks for reading this.

Marriage Life – Arabic Website

Marriage Life – Arabic Website
make website about marriage life in Arabic

it must have
1 – some articles about mirage – i will tell you where to find it
2 – positions when doing intercourse
3 – 2 or 3 other things

all the data i will tell you where they are located you only need to copy and paste

i want you to make all the design and entering the data…

you need to build the website from scratch you cant use any data mangment scripts like joomla or wordpress

Travel Website

Travel Website
Looking for Web Experts who can create a Dynamic Travel Agency Site from scratch in PHP/ My Sql
The Site will be targetting customers for Tour Packages, Hotels & Car Taxi.
The site will also provide information of some places of interest.

WE will provide more information to shortlisted coders.

The main important part of this project is, the team of coder must be expertise in creating site SEO friendly W3C standards

So this project is for
1. Creating CMS Based SIte & Adding Meta tag in Site – 70 Keywords .
2. Adding Content – approx 30 -40 pages (Content will be provided)

We will prefer coders who have experience in similar Travel Industry portals with Proven results

Send us your previous work link of TRAVEL INDUSTRY ONLY.

Portfolio Community Edit

Portfolio Community Edit
I just hired a programmer to make changes to my site: if you visit the site, you will see the errors I need fixed, and some additional features added. here is what needs to be fixed:
the spacing is real far away from each other
this is how the castings.php should show up
same spacing issue as casting footer is too high up, should be on bottom

toggle work safe mode is not working
footer is too high on page, should be on bottom adjust left margin please

after the search results, the very bottom grey bar is on the left of the screen, needs to be in centered
look on the very bottom no left margin

search page is messed up on internet explorer.

I need a 2257 compliance link added when a member wants to label their photo as nude,

I need an option to make photo avatar on the drop down when a member edits their photos

I want to make the new members uplaod at least 5 images in order for their account to be approved.

I want ad spaces through out site, on top and bottom and right column where there is space, and be able to easy change the ads by copy and paste code within my admin panel.

I want List feature for members to add lists, and have them show up on under their photos, so if a members wants to create a artistic nude list, the link shows on the bottom of the photo, and it links to a page showing all the members who they added to the list.

on blogs page, and casting page, and search page, I would like it to look nicer, like lines on top/bottom of each one seperating them.

would like header bar wtih links not so thick, and be like myspace where when you click one, it’s not hyperlink rollover, but hyperlink indents.

need to have option where members can add a MH# for credit for photos they upload

worksafe mode needs to work, so the images labeled as nude or adult don’t show up, unless work safe mode is off.

need travel/availability notice for members

on search page, needs to be like: and have a button for advanced search which will go to another page with all the current search criteria and more, like it currently has. but needs to work.

Programmer needs to understand there are a few other errors not listed, here, so I want the understanding that any errors I find during the job, must be fixed as part of this project.

when I say errors, I mean page layout problems.

any additional features, I will negotiate for a fee.

I am seeking a programmer than can be trusted to make changes for future request at a reasonable price.

I spent all the money I had to invest in this site, but now I have to hire someone to fix the other programmers crap.

Please be aware when placing a bid.

would like to be able to easily change logo from admin if possible.

I want a programmer who, while we are working, if I say can you do this or that, they do it and don’t have an issue. like change a background color on a table, or add something here or there, small things.

would like a differnt layout of buttons on members My Account view.

Need a photo of the day contest with voting option and results page.

I would like to try a couple differnt color schemes and background colors also for the overall look of the site, would like some paitence with this.

Once a bid is accepted, I don’t want to worry about any extra charges until the project is complete and we talk about othe things not listed here.

I also need search engine optimization, would like to change my meta data.

that’s all I can think of, so I guess that’s it.

Good luck.

there are a few changes I would like to make in member profiles also in regard to layout and buttons/tabs for details about work interests, bio/history.

The whole layout needs a bit of a face lift. Everything I am asking for, must meet my approval. Thank you.

Kubelance Based Application

Kubelance Based Application
I want a professional php developer or company to do the following on my kubeLance based website portal

They are as the following:

*I would like you to work on the interface to be quite similar to other portals like and others (GUI amends)

1- The email in the project and PMB:

2- The projects acceptance message:

So I basically need:
A) A message sent to the buyer asking him to escrow the money so that the provider could start working.
B) A message to the provider: asking him NOT to work UNTIL the money is escrowed (and another one when the buyer pays at least to cover our fee).
C) The awarded project to still appear on the projects page with it’s status as ‘awarded to bla bla bla’ and ‘closed’ only when the project is done.

3- The escrow system:
I think that the escrow system should be mandatory not optional. Although it may be already so but we need to acknowledge both parties, either by sending the messages A & B or as a message that appears once the buyer and provider click on ‘accept bid’.

4- I want to install a blog and forum they are already available but they need to be installed after the optimization of the Graphical User
Interface done (GUI amends)

The website portal database, files , blog and forum is hosted on a dedicated server in USA , The account information would be available for the chosen bidder

Final Year Dissertation (mph)

Final Year Dissertation (mph)
I need final dissertation for Master of Public Health(MPH). My field of dissertation is epidemiological study. Research methodology may be qualitative or quantitative which ever you feel comfortable including proposal.
In order to be selected for this project I need some 250 to 300 words about topic of your choice within the epidemiological study that I may chose the right person as I am short of time. The dissertation will be of 17000 words and the proposal will be minimum 1500 words. Topic must be of guarantee to get passing marks.

Remember one who got the best of up to 300 words promo will win the project.

Strictly no plagiarism and gaurentee passing marks.
Open for your ideas but within the field of epidemiological study.

Rest we will discuss in PM.

Thank you

Complete Framers Supply Search

Complete Framers Supply Search
List of Requirements for Complete Framer’s Supply, Inc. Website Update

• Clean up and modernize our “landing page” (possibly in CSS as opposed to HTML) we only expect that you will use the current elements on our website to create the new smooth landing page and the few other pages we currently utilize additionally on the landing page there should be a single bar search similar to the one you have created in the past
• Create Search Function/Engine within our site that replicates the search on the website (file attached) this search must have the same amount of fields as the sample site with pull down menus.. this will appear on the Mouldings page as below
• As part of the landing page change, the list on the left side of should be converted into tabs and one of the tabs can also say search
• Under the Mouldings Tab, we would like to maintain two things, the first is the same concept where we have pre selected groups as Buttons or a List as currently appears on our completeframers site, and on the other side of the page appears the “new Search” feature as per the internationalmoulding site
• To accomplish this we will need access to the control panel you will be creating as part of our website and it is our hope that we will be able to completely adjust the content (photos, titles, headers, buttons, tabs, links, etc.) on an ongoing basis from our own offices independently of your help in the future
• Also, we have the data on our 1000 + inventory items stored in Excel and as per our conversation, we want to be able to bulk upload that data to the control panel. We understand that subsequent changes can be made in bulk or individually and that we will have full control for future maintenance
• We also hope to be able to create additional “pages” through the control panel