Javascript Quick Fix

Javascript Quick Fix

I need someone to make a small adjustment on a Joomla template, a demo of which can be seen here:

The module title-spans currently have the first word highlighted with a background color (Orange, Blue, Black etc.), I need this background to span all of the words in the title and not just the first word.



Website Designer/maintenance

Website Designer/maintenance
we are in search of a website designer which has unique design skills. You must be capable of creating a website from scratch to finish. Also, we are in need of a maintainer which could maintain existing websites of our clients on a monthly basis. Best design skills are required. Because you will be dealing with one of the top UK, America, Asia companies. A good communication is official and must have a quick turnaround. Please submit only if you are capable of handling big amount of work. We look forward doing business with you.

Reservation Site

Reservation Site

We’re doing a reservation page for a boat club (school project), we have the database/mysql queries and GUI completed, all we need now is help with a php login andlogout page and a reservation confirmation page. we’re about 85% done but the PHP has been taking a while to figure out.
-The login page code will take the user’s name and password, confirm that it is correct and log them into the reservation page.
-The reservation page will allow users to rent a boat for a specific date and time and enter the reservation to the database. Once a user submits a reservation, the reservation will be available to view on the “reservations” page of the site.
-The ‘reservations’ page will display a member’s reservation (if they have one) and will have a “cancel reservation” option that allows a user to cancel their reservation.

This is all we need, pretty simple stuff but we’re learning as we go and we want to get this done quick.


Logo Creation

Logo Creation

Create a new logo for a GenX Grafix – company which establishes itself as All in one Hosting, Design and Site solution. Unlimited possibilities on logo design. Interested in creativeness, and non linear thinking.

Company websites include but not limited to:

looking for a logo that encompasses a designers dream. Also looking for creation of a flash logo if can be manipulated.

Simple Parse Script

Simple Parse Script
I need a simple PHP script that does the following:

Take a url that has some fields after the ? and parse out the affid and the email fields.

Append the contents into a text file like this:

affid, email

Only append if unique (ie: the affid, email combination does not already exist in the text file)

Thats it!

I do not want to use a database for this. Just a simple text file in the same directory as the script.



Quickfix: Php/mysql 2

Quickfix: Php/mysql 2
Getting this error on our forum after installing a captcha:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at abp/forum/posting.php:2) in /xxx/xxx/forum/posting.php on line 65

Need someone to fix it.

2) Another section running Classifieds script:
Members are getting logged out automatically… The coder from SL who worked on it has disappeared after creating these problems while working on other areas.

Need someone to go in and fix these. ASAP

Rewrite: 45 Article Rewrites

Rewrite: 45 Article Rewrites
I have 45 keyword phrases.

What i need you to do is find an existing article which is directly related to the keyword phrase from ezines/goarticles/any blog etc and rewite the content so that it is not picked up on copyscape.

Make sure the exact keyword phrase is within the content say at a keyword density of 1-2% (about 3 – 6 times for a 300 word article).

The rewrite only needs to be 300 words.

Must be excellent english (US).

That’s it. Project is both time and price sensitive.

James Forster


Take our existing ‘flash’ website, and modify it to include the following functionality:

1. Change FLASH on header of site. Possibly create a company logo.

2. Redo the ‘Services’ Page to include an area for drivers bios, wheelchair services, contracts, Swam certification, courier service etc.

3. Add a user forum for customers, staff and drivers

4. Add online chat functionality for customers to interact w/ our dispatch.

5. Add a ‘Calculate your fare’ page where customers can input their pickup/dropoff, number of passengers and time of pickup and a google api will spit out a map w/ the route including the actual miles and then a calculated rate based on their input using our ‘rate’ structure. (embedded and uniform to the design of the site)

6. Functionality for other businesses to advertise on our website. (maybe an ad module or widget)

7. Customer Signup and Profile with password authentication.
a. Profile includes customer name, address, phone, verified email address, ability to save
Payment Info for reocurring trips or for convenience for those who travel frequently.
b. Travel history and ability to tally ‘reward’ points that go on a ‘Valued Customer Card’.

8. Add Online Reservation ‘back’ end code that will:
a. Record – name, pu – address, pu – time, do – address, do – time, credit card# and related info
b. Submit Credit Card info for payment
c. Order Verification with Confirmation Number online and sent via email to customer and company.
d. Add option to use and paypal processes to obtain payment via paypal.

9. Add a company blog inside the site.

10. Add a cellphone widget that can order cabs online and text to our phones, email and website.

9. Page that embeds ‘taxi’ cam where you can see people riding in the taxicab – live.

…or suggest a better design than the template we already use.

Ioncube Decoder

Ioncube Decoder
Does anyone have working IonCube decoder that can decode files without PHP errors ?

I am looking for decoder that can decode PHP4 and PHP5 files. I have decoder that works on some PHP4 files but it gives :

$__tmp = _dyuweyrj4( 30052792, 911828760 );
return $__tmp[0];
return 1;

when trying to decode PHP5 files…

I will include one file for testing.

Please only reasonable offers.

Configure WordPress Plugin

Configure WordPress Plugin
I have a wordpress Website. I need to have a payment gateway integrated to allow online payment using the the ‘WP shopping Cart’ plugin, or a suitable plugin. I have all the specs and PHP code necessary from the Bank. This is not Paypal. It is a gateway the MCB bank in Mauritius use to process online payments. Not alot of work for someone who knows what they’re doing in this area.

I have all the elements and support from the bank, I’m looking for someone to piece this together, integrate the payment gateway with a Suitable WP plugin.

Modify A Pro Joomla Template

Modify A Pro Joomla Template

I have a commercial Joomla template that needs to be modified, along with integration of a few components into the site.

The template is based on Mocha from JoomlaJunkie, and will be purchased and provided.

You can view the Mocha template here:

(If you feel there is a different commercial template that might be a better starting point, I am open to that too).

I have attached a couple of JPGs of how the site needs to look. (One quick note: though the colour styles are different on the two JPGs, only one colour style will be needed).

The site also needs to incorporate a few key components:

1. Online registration system – The Joomla component DT Register offers everything that’s required, and will be purchased and provided to you.

2. Integration of DT Register with the JEvents Calendar module (this is a free module) – DT Register has a plugin for JEvents integration.

3. Integration of DT Register with Acajoom Newsletter – again, DT Register has a plugin for this.

4. Tie in to standard social media feeds – Twitter, Facebook, using available free plugins

Note: Please bid ONLY if you have previous Scriptlance feedback, have very good skills in Joomla, and can provide samples of earlier Joomla/CMS work.

Thanks for bidding!

Optimize Vbulletin Forum

Optimize Vbulletin Forum

There are a vBulletin forum with 4800 members and it’s load slow but it use only 1/4 of a Quad core CPU.

VB_SEO is active and is necessary.
MemCache is Active.

I want to upgrade vB from 3.8 to the last version.
I also want to speed up the template of the forum and optimize the Database, is very big.

Note; 4 day ago this forum has ben hacked on old server, so i need to optimize security of the forum and template.

Thanks a lot

Prestashop/ Php/ Mysql

Prestashop/ Php/ Mysql
Still need someone who ideally has previous experience with Prestashop for the following job :A new module which integrates with existing Prestashop as follows :

Registering, Login and Invoicing functionality must be taken out from the shop level and put in this module.

There will be a unique ID of a single customer for all the shops and only one invoice goes out to the final client, which contains all the subsequent products bought in different shops.

All other functionalities regarding check-out procedure ( tracking and loyality points, retour handling… etc.) must stay at the shop level.

On the backoffice side I need to be able to add/modify/delete a vendor and I also need an interface which makes it possible to hook-up different images and information to the Home Page of the mall.

I provide the design of this homepage and detailed algorithmic description of what it should happen and when.

The hired coder must have good english/communication skills and be available on yahoo messenger every day. I only accept bids from experienced coders with good reviews. All code must be secure against XSS and SQL injection attacks. I don’t want any GET-variables in the URLs unless they are absolutely required to make it work.