Mantis Php Pc Service Mang App

Mantis Php Pc Service Mang App
pls see attached info …

this is a php/mysql web app to manage warranty jobs and parts

it links to two other mysql/php apps (IDS & REG) for data retrieval and data updating. ON SAME (WIN) SERVER.

please go to our project management app, MANTIS, for more information

and login with saps/test

you should be able to see screens and Visio & PDF docs (also attached here)

see also sample screens from this service app that look something like our app could look …

these screens give you some IDEA of how we think app should look/work

rather than reinvent the wheel, we think we coudl use teh open source PHP app, Mantis, that we already use as a base for this as Mantis already has 1/2 or more functionality we need

but if you thinak faster/easier/cheaper to do from scratch then you can


you need to be very good at app & form design – because all forms and data used need to work and link and display really well … but by all means borrow from other well designed service sites/forms

let me kmow any initial questions


don card

Php/mysql Pc Service Mang Ap 3

Php/mysql Pc Service Mang Ap 3
pls see attached info …

this is a php/mysql web app to manage warranty jobs and parts

it links to two other mysql/php apps (IDS & REG) for data retrieval and data updating. ON SAME (WIN) SERVER.

please go to our project management app, MANTIS, for more information

and login with saps/test

you should be able to see screens and Visio & PDF docs (also attached here)

see also sample screens from this service app that look something like our app could look …

these screens give you some IDEA of how we think app should look/work

rather than reinvent the wheel, we think we coudl use teh open source PHP app, Mantis, that we already use as a base for this as Mantis already has 1/2 or more functionality we need

but if you thinak faster/easier/cheaper to do from scratch then you can


you need to be very good at app & form design – because all forms and data used need to work and link and display really well … but by all means borrow from other well designed service sites/forms

let me kmow any initial questions


don card

Features Needed For Adult Web

Features Needed For Adult Web
We are building an adult web site that expands upon the open source software. We seek a developer to add the features and functionality as listed below:

*Home Page*
Organise the submissions three ways;
– By type (picture gallery, videos or other link)
– By first name of the girl featured
– By tags entered by a user or moderator

Clicking any letter of the alphabet listing (in the header of the attached screen shot) takes users to a list of girls whose first name starts with that letter.

Clicking a category in the Pick Your Interest section takes users to a list of picture sets, videos and/or girls within that category

Live search feature suggests results as you type

Featured sites: Web-based form allowing a moderator to upload a picture and add a link and title. Animated in a similar way to

Tab system provides links to girls, videos, picture sets and galleries – organised by most recently added

Below that, a second set of tabs organises the girls, videos, picture sets and galleries by those most popular in the past week. Popularity is determined by the total number of clicks in past week multiplied by the overall rating of links.

*Girl’s pages*
Picture sets are displayed in thumbnail form. The thumbnail may be added by the user or moderator. If not, it should be pulled directly from the linked-to site and cropped and resized to fit on the fly.

Tabs give users quick access to pictures, videos or other links

Each girl has a main profile picture which only the moderator can upload. There is also a link to her official site – which again only the moderator can add or edit.

Girls are given a rating based on her overall popularity rather than a user rating. Popularity is determined by adding the number of visits to the girl’s page, the number of links she had clicked and the number of saved and highly rated picture sets

Users can save picture sets to their own area and can rate picture sets 1-5. This rating will be shown next to each picture set once it has been rated more than five times.

We expect other features to be added at a later date and are particularly interested in developers interested in and able to complete another tranche of work.

Lists of links (girls names starting with a, b, c etc – list of other links)
Lists of girls names – each has their profile thumbnail cropped to specific size (to be determined), next to which comes their rating and the total number of links each girl has.

List of links – standard <ul> with list of links to forum posts, other sites and the like – these are the only ones not to have thumbnails. The only thing which appears on this page part from the link is the site name (in brackets) and the link type (forum post, fan site etc).

*User profiles*
List of saved links, ability to unsave links, ability to rate links out of five.

Codeigniter Membership 2

Codeigniter Membership 2
Don’t just send me a list of websites. All bids that do this will be automatically rejected.

Payment is broken down into modules, as each is completed uploaded to my server, tested and approved, money is released.

Integrate work from other providers into membership module.

$100 BONUS if you keep to deadlines and finish on time.

Provider must have extensive Code Igniter experience. Provider will complete current membership functions that are either not complete, fix existing bugs and create new codes as stated in Membership MSWord document. The site is built on Codeigniter 2.0 with Web 2.0 and be viewable on Window IE and Mozilla and Macintosh. Detailed document for Regular Membership and jpgs of page layouts will be shared with the provider chosen.

Membership has 4 levels – 3 paid, 1 free. There are payment calculations (member fee upgrade or downgrade), there are reward points for various activities, limitations to features depending on memberlevel, recurring billing for member fees. Payment gateway is Members can create groups, do mass mailing, upload multiple photos and videos which needs to be converted to .flv files and dynamic delivery, and much more.

There is use of FFMPEG with videos and provider is expected to install and configure it for membership.

There are other providers working on different modules of the website and provider will need to share codeigniter codes with those providers so that they interface properly with membership. For example, membership level, status needs to be validated in other modules prior to granting access to privileges, recording of purchases and reward points needs to be recorded in members’ accounts.

Thanks for your attention.

Mysql Database Project

Mysql Database Project

I need to upgrade a simple database that organizes some data; the data have several variables and time and place dimensions. The database is simply programmed but has several dis-functionalities left by the programmer.

The code needs to be annotated with comments to explain what is being done.

Some new variables are created from existing variables, e.g. sum, average, weighted average. This is done over time interval (e.g. average from 1990-2000 of a variable) and over places (e.g. average value of three or four countries) etc.. (programmer’s skills of mathematical functions are important)

Needed fix for various methods of data entry: manually, by uploading and by formula to create the values

Programmers should be flexible in accommodating changes requirements; This is a test project and more requirements and changes can appear as we go.

Collective Buying 2

Collective Buying 2
A custom built system similar that of and

Back end:
Easy to use administration with basic functions to add, remove, time limits, max amount sold etc referring to coupons.
The ability to add featured coupons from various businesses (published to the front page automatically)

Front End:
Exact features as groupon and social buddy.
Easy to use and clean front end design.
The ability to share coupon ads on major social networks and blogs
Email to friends and refer to friends.
Easy to use payment system with paypal and major credit cards
mobile site (optional)

Php Edit For Look And Feel 2

Php Edit For Look And Feel 2
Max budget is $20

Are you a web designer with php skills

There is a quick fix required on our website

We reckon it is a 2 hrs fix

Read the attached document

Got to the site

Check what u need to fix and if you can do it within 2 hrs and send us screen shot of it working, money will be escrowed and paid

No escrow before we see bug rectified

Captcha Typing Script

Captcha Typing Script
We need script writer who can make script or application for captcha autotyping and send to server same time.

Please read whole process as follows

We will provide you url of website alongwith login ID and password. After login on webpage images of captcha appear one by one and your script must read this and type automatically the same as in image into given text box and submit same time to server.

If you have previous experience show me sample.

Blog Writer – Affiliate Market

Blog Writer – Affiliate Market
I need of blog writer with experience in Affiliate Marketing. Must write in my tone.. which is young, hip, cool.

I will provide you with some themes to write about and you will have to do some research and write blog post’s in my tone.

You must be proficient in the english language.

You will also be re-writing my blog post’s as my english writing sucks. I am good at Marketing but not writing : )

Blog postings will be once per week on emerging trends, Facebook Advertising and anything i can think of.

Please post your experience

Thanks you.

Bus Ticket Reservation

Bus Ticket Reservation

I need you to write a module for Joomla (or recode existing one).
This is important & quick work.

Please find the description i posted last year below. I just want to make clear that this is an urgent call, i will give the project away very quick and i expect very quick work as well. Be aware that the system as discribed below is allready up and running, and you will need to check & include the data of about 70 customers that have allready booked after test of module & start of live run. Please read the complete project description.

I am providing Bus-Trips to different Events in Germany.

Until now, the whole reservation progress was made through a simple webform and forwarded via email.
An office worker than had to reserve the seats manually, create a bill and once paid, confirm the booked seats.
With growing passanger numbers this system gets very comlicated. I wish to have an automated solution coded.

The website of the project is right now purely .html based – with the planned relaunch it will be joomla cms based. (I am opened for other cms recommendations…)
I need a “Bus reservation” MODULE (You’ll have to test it on Joomla).
On the events (eg a music festival) page there will be a link “search your trip”.

Following the link, people will be directed to a page with all the outgoing trips with prices per seat.

On this page they can choose a trip and how many seats they want to book. Seating maps are not necessary as we work with free-seating in all our busses.
Then they can proceed to the next page.
Alternatively they can select “only come back” to go to the next page without selecting a trip.

On the next page, they are shown all the offered trips backwards with prices and can select one.
Alternatively they can select “only go” to proceed to checkout without selecting a trip backwards.

On the next page they have to put in their personal data and choose between Bank-Transfer and Paypal as Payment options before they can proceed (no payment processing needed!).

On the next page they get an overview over they booking.

On the next page they get to read and confirm the terms of service and to confirm the reservation.

Special requirements:
-Needs and interface where we can add Destinations and Departure with amount of Seats availible.
-Needs to take care that no bus is overbooked. So we add a departure with X-Seats and once the bus is full it is not possible to book it.
-Needs to handle X-Seats at X-Prices. Eg.: We put in a departure to a destination. We offer 53 seats all together. 5 of them are sold at $10, 30 are sold at $12, 18 are sold at $15
-If somebody selects a “Round-Trip”, meaning an out- and an in-going journey together, he gets a discount. (Round-Trip price).

After checking out, the script needs to create a bill (prefarably in pdf) by itself and send it to the customer via email right away.
Needs a backend where our office workers can change the status of bookings from “pending” to “paid/confirmed”. Once the status is changed, script needs to send an confirmation email to the customer.

For questions please ask me.

Please contact me for any questions. I can also give you a link to the system that is allready up and running.

Quick Text Manipulation Script

Quick Text Manipulation Script
This project is to rebuild a script that I originally produced in PERL. I’d like for you to do it in PHP, with CSS. It’s an easy script for someone who knows basic string functions and looping in PHP…because I’ll give you my original PERL script.

And, it’s just one page.

In other words, if this takes you more than a few hours, I’d be surprised.

I’ll give you details for what this is really about if you PM me, but let’s say that this is a script to take 2, 3, or 4 columns of words and combine them together in all the different combinations.

So let’s say that the first column had these words/phrases:


And column two had:

Is my
Is your

And column three had:

Favorite color
Least favorite color

The output of the program would be:

Blue is my favorite color
Blue is my least favorite color
Blue is your favorite color
Blue is your least favorite color
Red is my favorite color
Red is my least favorite color
Red is your favorite color
Red is your least favorite color
Green is my favorite color
Green is my least favorite color
Green is your favorite color
Green is your least favorite color

Get the idea?

Except that:
1) There will be four columns
2) There’s a button to make some columns “optional” or turn them off completely (ie skip this column)
3) There are some punctuation options.
4) There are some other “minor” functions which this page has, which I’ll explain.
5) The page will eventually have some user authentication, but does not require that at this point. I just want you to know that, because I may want to add that at some point (ie it’s NOT part of the current spec).
6) Click “submit” and the page refreshes, and the text field at the bottom of the page will have the new list of combined phrases.

Easy, right? Frankly, you could probably knock out a basic script like this in 5 minutes, even without my sample code.

If you know enough already, feel free to send me your bid.

On the other hand, if you want to see a screen shot of the previous Perl app, message me and I’ll send that to you, along with the real application for this tool.

Crawl Itunes For Iphone App

Crawl Itunes For Iphone App
I am looking for a script to be built that will crawl the iTunes app directory located here:

I am looking for 100 apps from each of the main categories categories. I will need the data as follows in coma seperated values:

App icon
App name
App description
App author

Prefer PHP, however if this can be produced in VB for Windows 7, that would be ideal. Post questions or suggestions in message board

Article And Content Writing

Article And Content Writing
I am looking for an article writer that can provide quailty content on specific jewelry topics. Each article will be at least 500 words at 3.50 per article. I will provide topics/keyphrases. You Must have a strong knowledge in the Enlish language. I would like a total of 10 articles for now. If you are very good, there will be many more projects to follow.

I will gladly put money in escrow, but you will not be paid until the articles are accepted into articlebase or ezinearticles, so they must be unique.

Do not bid if you have less than 10 reviews, I won’t consider you.

In your bid, include the phrase “I love jewelry” to show you are human and read my details.