Joomla Website + Add Ons

Joomla Website + Add Ons
We need a joomla website with blog module addon. we will also need social module which will include member blogs, calendar of events, connect with most popular social sites, including Facebook and Twitter, upload photos & videos. Access to certain videos and blogs posted by site admin will be accessible only to certain members of a designated groups.

Fresh Template + Payment Sys

Fresh Template + Payment Sys
please check the website
freemilan dot com

i want a fresh template for the site that should look same in all browsers

and i want the following option to be added to the website

the admin should be able to
1) Enable/disable payment for account signup mandatory
every user should pay to register, so that means account will be activated only after the payment is made.

Payment through if paid sucessfully then the user gets activated automatically or otherwise it should show manual payment info,

there will be no billing cycle like monthly or yearly, just one time payment to get your account activated.

so no accounts page is required for looking at payments made

one more thing required is you can access the admin page of the website at

freemilan (dot) com / admin

user : admin
pass : admin

Amember/wordpress Troubleshoot

Amember/wordpress Troubleshoot
I am looking for someone to update and make changes to my aMember and WordPress integration.

You MUST have experience with the two platforms and be able to troubleshoot and repair any problems (update software, aMember won’t send out membership emails).

If you don’t have experience with these two platforms, DO NOT APPLY.

Pdf To Ms Word Conversion

Pdf To Ms Word Conversion
I have a project that requires converting the contents of PDF files to Microsoft Word. There are 130 pages/PDF. Once converted to Microsoft Word it needs to be proof read for accuracy when compared to the original. The content MUST be equivalent to the original. It is a simple project if you use OCR (or other software) however the content MUST be equivalent to the original. You MUST pay attention to detail as some words are dialect hence MS Word spell check will not recognize it. Again it will be important to compare it to the PDF.

Please see the attached sample of what the PDF will look like. Please note we do not need the columns and tables (this makes it easier).

My criteria:

– The conversion must accurate and proof read. I do not want to spend time fixing any errors (grammar, spelling, punctuation errors).
– Do not reuse the data or sell to another client. We will report this to scriptlance.
– Communicate status daily by email.
– Complete the project by the deadline you provided in your bid.

Instead of the generic reply, please write “I understand your project requirements” in your bid. This way, I know you have read the project and understand the requirements

Need Sleep Apnea Nutritionist

Need Sleep Apnea Nutritionist
I am looking for an expert on sleep apnea and weight loss. I need someone to research and assemble a list of 5-10 experts who meet these criteria:

(1) Have worked with sleep apnea sufferers who have successfully lost weight, and have eliminated their sleep apnea through weight loss

(2) Are experienced/knowledgeable in preparing meal plans (and weight loss programs more generally)

(3) Have a degree/professional accreditation in nutrition (or a related field)

(4) Have an website that shows their experience and credentials

(5) Be based in the United States

The deliverable for this assignment will be the names and contact details (email, telephone number, and website URL) of the 5 – 10 experts.

Post Video To 100 Dating Sites

Post Video To 100 Dating Sites

Do not send me cut n’ pasted responses you send to everyone. Individual responses only.

This is your task

This video (take embed code) and will need to be EMBEDDED into 100 dating/mens sites blogs/forums that are:

1) Large and PR5+

2) For men (such as

3) Provide me with the user names and passwords you create for each and should be in the signature. Or something along those lines, it must have a link and the video must be able to be directly embedded into the page, posting the youtube link is not enough. Also the message will have to be changed slightly each time because a lot of the same people go to similar forums.

4) The video should be posted at the top of the page in a topic related to picking up women / kissing women. With the video post one of the articles attached just for content. Create a new thread and post one of the articles using the articles title as the subject of the thread. e.g. “How to Approach Women”. Make sure all the formatting in the articles stays the same including the “bold”. This way it will still look legitimate.

5) The forums / blogs / postings should not be “hidden” e.g. their robots txt in their tags should not be set to “no follow”. The pages on the blogs should be able to be picked up by google, and not be visible to members only.

You will be paid in full once I receive the spreadsheet of usernames / logins / links (note, you can post on good blogs too if it allows you to embed and it’s a high ranked relevant blog).

Design One Html Page

Design One Html Page
I need an amazing graphic deisgner that understands marketing to redesign an html template I use to email my clients. This email is a confoirmation of their purchase that is also intended to get them to buy additional items to enhance their purchase. It needs to be clean, easy to read and above all, makes them want to buy these extra items. See attachment. This is what I currently send. All this information needs to be there as well so maybe the best way to go is to remove the links and clean this one up to be just informational. Then design a separate page that only features the upsell of the other items.

Script For Firebug Testing

Script For Firebug Testing
I need a tool built that will go to a set of URLs and record all the Javascript that runs and records the redirects- I would prefer the FireBug framework.

I can send a screenshot of a Firebug example.

I need the Javascript and URLs that load on the page and their response times to be recorded in a mysql database. I then need a basic report that shows which URLs loaded on each day. And also a monthly report of all JS/URLs that loaded that month for the page.

If a redirect happens this needs to be recorded.
Example: file1.js loads, it redirects to

Sample Report:

WEBPAGE CHECKED: URL that is loaded

Lead Database Script

Lead Database Script
I need a script that uses input from users to create a database of information and than uses the info to create statistics and bar graphs.

It will be a multi user script.
the user name and passwords will be assigned by the admin.
The admin is able to see and print all the data and statistics and graphs.

The questionaire that users will fill out will be “fill in” and “check mark” and “yes and no”

I should be able to print the questionaire and use it in a paper form for training or just to use and than after transfer to the site.

The script will compile the data and generate graphs and statistics for all fields in the questionaire at admins will.

There will be around 20 questions. Mostly check mark with a few fill in the blank like first name, last name, city phone number, year, make, model, stock number and also Yes and No answers

I need a deadline that you will keep. NO NEW PROGRAMMERS Only if you have done this before .

I will email you all the questions and layout.

Review Site Navigation/design

Review Site Navigation/design
Please review my site to make sure it is easy to navigate. I do not want the site to be hard to find items/products or difficult to move around in. It should be easy to look around at the items and find what you are looking for. I will pay you to come up with as many suggestions as you can. I will pay you even more if you are able to fix the problems that you find. The web site is (no spaces of course): shop holly days dot com

Please PM me 1-3 suggestions that you can find now and I will pick the programmer that comes up with the best 1-3 suggestions. Then you will continue to look through the site to advise of any changes to the menus, layout, design, etc.

New Website Development Projec

New Website Development Projec
I need a 6-page website broken out into code from PSD files. The website needs to include the following:

Layout Example:

The website must be designed with CSS and be w3c complaint and cross browser compatible as well.

The navigation menu will have a mouse-over button change effect and must be set to link to all six pages.

Also a contact form will be needed on the contact us page with up to 25 fields with validation and capatcha code.

The Flash header will be a simple fade out to fade in effect going from left to right on the header banner with XML file for image and text change configuration per slide.

The Menu and Private Parties pages will have this XML Accordion file ( on each page with a right-side panel for images and description. FILE WILL BE PROVIDED.

Mysql To Quickbooks

Mysql To Quickbooks
I am in need of someone that can create a PHP script that, when triggered will pull data from a MySQL database based on a unique id. The data will then need to be saved in a .csv or .xls file format, depending on what delimited file format can be imported into Quickbooks and other com probable software packages with ease. The user should then be prompted by a forced download.

Unique Social Networking Proj.

Unique Social Networking Proj.
Unique Social Networking Project for Network of Blog-Community Sites, PHP, MySQL, Javascript

We need an experienced programmer, or programming team, to create a unique social networking engine. The engine and its tools will integrate into a network of blog-community web-sites under development. Please read this entire posting before you respond.

This is the first of several projects. THIS INITIAL PROJECT includes:

1. Session or Blog creator – Allows users to CREATE A PROFILE, UPLOAD PHOTOS, and/or UPLOAD VIDEOS.

2. Profile Editor – Create tool to allow user to manage their profile including pictures and blog memberships.

3. Database Creation and Mapping – Create a master database of user information that will be used to run user, visitor, and administrative search queries. Other uses will include, but is not limited to, analysis of user and visitor activity, statistics and demographics.

4. ONE LOG-IN or ONE-ACCESS – Create a log-in tool that will cross-populate profile information within the network of blog-community sites.

5. Integration of SITE SEARCH TOOL for specific community site and/or across the network of blog sites.

6. Integration of Design Work – We have design work and logos in .psd file format. Programmer must create html pages from our mock layouts and integrate in our graphic designs.

7. Community Linking – As one of the most important aspects of a community network, all links and interlinking must work flawlessly.

8. Master User Admin Tool—Create an online master-user tool/dashboard to manage site content without programming knowledge, including the ability to review new sessions, feature sessions within specific communities, delete violators of site T&Cs, and present statistical information about users (e.g. demographics, number of users, etc)

9. Facebook and Twitter Interaction – Programmer must have knowledge of Facebook and Twitter API’s to CREATE interaction between website community and Facebook/Twitter.

Development should be in SQL, PHP, and Javascript. It needs to be scalable with load balancing. It should NOT be built on any open source project. The timeframe for development is 30 to 45 days. Please keep in mind that this social network project is unique and you will not be able to use a previously developed social network script that you may have already created. The site must be self contained and fully functional based on its own scripts with no fees for other services. Commercialized social network software or software that is dependant upon any other source is UNACCEPTABLE for this project. All source code will need to be turned over and fully owned by our company. Testing will be required prior to the official launching of the site(s) and final payment. Some changes, corrections, and improvements should be accommodated for and expected prior to final payment.

If you have any further questions and are willing to sign a noncompete / nondisclosure agreement then we will be happy to send you a detailed description. It is imperative that the site(s) loads and runs on any browser.

When you reply to this please put the word LOLEO in your reply so we will know that you have thoroughly read the project details. The provider with the lowest bid and the best reviews will be selected. Your price needs to be very competitive. If you have done similar projects in the past, please provide the URL to view the website in your response. This is very important. References will be checked and validated.