Negitive Alibaba Article

Negitive Alibaba Article
I need a negative article written about
preferred areas to speak/write about

1. Weak security
2. How easy it is for a seller to be verified once they pay the gold member fee
3. The fact that it doesn’t have a feedback feature like eBay does
4. It doesn’t offer a secure payment method like others websites do
5. The high scam rate of the Ali Baba website
6. The fact that Western Union/Money Gram is almost completely non-traceable non-verifiable and very insecure

The article must be SEO friendly and full, I want you to research Ali Baba completely that includes
owners website scams etc. this is the just the first article that you will do eventually I will post
a part two to this project you see we here at biz brainchild LLC. Are planning to open a site similar
to Ali only difference our site will be much more secure and much more extensive in
verifying its users. So a future article similar to this one will be needed in the future but it will also
in a limited way promote our website. So if we’re happy with the work we will award you the other project
in the future as well. Budget is maximum $15 our budget is tight happy bidding.

Make 50 Articles

Make 50 Articles
Hello, I’m needing to create some original content for a series 50 similar websites. And I need this done with in 5 days.

I need you to write 50 completely original 250 word articles. I don’t want any spinning, scraping or other garbage that google might end up banning. I just want original written content. It needs to be written in clearly written english. If that’s not your strength then this project is not for you.

The subjects will be all very similar in nature: ie: a name of a city or province followed by the subject on “insurance”

Hello, I need you to write an article at least 250 words in length, completely original, on 50 similar subjects listed below.

The subjects are all on a name of a city or province located in Canada, followed by the keyword “insurance”. So ie:

1) Vancouver insurance
2) Toronto insurance
3) Montreal insurance
…. would be same for all 50 subjects.

So you’d talk about how many people living in the city or province are looking for insurance quotes. Talk about how an insurance quote can save them money, talk about home, auto, life insurance. Talk about why insurance is important, why someone should have it, where to shop for the best insurance rates, and how it can help the person. To make it unique mention something unqiue in a sentence or two about that city or province. To find that info use wikipedia or just google the name of the city and you’ll find unique information on it to incorporate into your article. ie: population, climate, major industries, important landmarks, or whatever, you can find about that city or province.

Each of the articles need to be as unique as possible. (and not copies of each other) The keyword should be included in the article at least 4 times.

I have another 2 of these exact projects to do after this one. So if you can get me this project done this week I’ll give you the next one if you want it. Email me back on here or at my email to let me know if you want to proceed. Thanks.

This is from a similar project, only it was on debt consolidation. But basically the same rules apply. Only for this project you’d be talking about insurance rather than debt.
—————————sample article——————–

Barrie Ontario residents are seeking debt consolidation more than ever before due to the challenging economic climate Canada is facing. Barrie is a nice sized city of almost 200,000 and in this quiet community on Kempenfelt Bay it would seem like debt problems would be the last thing on people’s minds. But for these southern Ontario residents unsecure loans and mounting personal debt is a serious concern. One of the biggest challenges is often not knowing where to turn or how to repair the problem. Between the various choices of proposals, consolidation, refinancing or even bankruptcy it can be very confusing road to financial recovery for people in Barrie ON. The first and easiest step is always speaking with a debt advisor who is an expert in this area. They can help you to evaluate your money situation and find the best possible solution to help you recover. Then they can help you get started in a debt recovery program that is right for you. Often these programs can help you to get back on your feet much faster, with much less stress, and for a fraction of the cost that you might pay otherwise. So if you live in the Simcoe County or Barrie and you’re feeling the pinch then maybe it’s time to get some help. Please don’t try and do this alone. Just talk to an expert. They can show you options that you never knew you even had. Start by filling out the form above to learn some options and begin the process to debt settlement and recovery now.

Joomla Component Improvement

Joomla Component Improvement
Joomla component improvement

We are looking for an experience Joomla component developer to customize our existent component on or website.

Please, see link below for project description:

Please, show link for similar project you may have worked.

We would like to start this project urgently.

Phpicalendar Modification

Phpicalendar Modification
I am using a customized version of PHPiCalendar:

I have it set up and working great to load 4 webcals from a remote server.

You can see an example here:
As you can see, there are 4 different calendars being loaded, and each one has a color. At the top, there is a legend showing the name of the calendar for each color.

These colors are not specifically set anywhere – they are assigned by the script in the order that the calendars are loaded.

So if you select only one calendar (at the bottom) to be displayed, the color for that calendar might change to a different color.

What I want to do is have each calendar always load with the same color, no matter which calendars are displayed.

The code is completely self contained and does not require a database. I will send you a zip file with the entire script and you can put it on any server and test it yourself. No installation is required. You can then make the changes and send the files back as a zip.

You can download the original source code at the site listed above if you want to look at it. My version is customized but mostly only for style changes. You will need to make any changes on my customized version.

This needs to be done within 2 days after awarding you the project.

Nyc Real Estate Search Engine

Nyc Real Estate Search Engine
Im looking for a programmer that could build a crawler that would crawl major NYC REAL ESTATE websites. Its purpose is to market real estate sales and rentals online. Similar to a search engine this website will crawl other websites.

Websites that will be crawled are the following:

Fix Two Bugs 2

Fix Two Bugs 2

Another coder disappeared off the face of the earth and left us with two things that need fixing.

On a website similar to – the voting mechanism was working, now it’s not.

Also, we have a feature that allows users to upload an image, but it makes the image squish to be a square and I need it so the aspect ratio / proportions are kept the same.

Add Comments To Website.

Add Comments To Website.
Sendstar Comment System:

== Abstract == is an ecommerce site that sell products locally and internationally.
It’s developed using mostly ASP Classic, JQuery and mySql.
Sendstars headquarters are located on Uruguay (South America) on Carrasco Neighbordhood. Phone, Email, IM, Skype or in Person communication is available / permitted.
We are looking for professional work that can handle and accomplish development and implementation in a fashionable manner in order to generate a continuing relationship between the company and the developer on further implementations.
We do encourage and help (if needed) in good coding practices and common sense.
We will bonus ‘on-time’ developments.

== Objective ==
The idea is to implement into the current platform a comment system that works closely with the current user accounts system.
The system already have multi-language support and the comment system must use it for multi-language purposes.
Any person can comment about the Sendstar site or any product through the website.
That person may use a existent user account, a new [incomplete] sendstar Account with only the relevant data for the comment input or a facebook account, using Facebook Connect.
Comments remains invisible waiting for approval from a sendstar administrator to prevent spam.
An administrator may classify the comment any time and will be suggested to do it upon approval process.
After approval, the comment is shown in place on the public site; On the product comment area or below on the site comment area.
Comments may have a liked answer by the Senstar staff.
Users can also vote for positive comments on the public site.
Comments have different types. – Reviews / Testimonials and Standard Comment.
There will be a point/score system for users writing, voting comments on the system.
Users will have different ranks depending on rules, based on classification of comments. (Example: if a user receive 5+ good comments, it will promoted as a Possitive Thinking User. If user comments on grammar will be promoted as Lecture User or something.)
The user ranks should be created / modified by admin and contain a description and an image (icon).
The system will reveal to other users, what type of user created the comment.

Make Site Multilanguage

Make Site Multilanguage
Dear programmer / designer,

I need a communtity profile website so be multilanguage.
I have templates now for a foreign language.
I want a template for the english language.
I think loading a different template when choosing a language will do the trick. Or am i wrong?

Language is hardcoded in the scripts. I need this to be put in lanuage files. Its not neccesary to put the complete website in english language file. If i know how to do it and get a headstart i can do it myself.
I prefer different langauge files for the different modules.

If you have another plan how to solve it, then i’m open for suggestions.

In short what needs to be done:
– make in the header 2 flags where people can select the language
and make sure the right template is used then.
– Make english template
– Make language files

Xls To Html 2

Xls To Html 2
We have an xls file with some product data (column 1 has the product title, column 2 has product picture, column 3 product description and column 4 product price) – we need an automated way to put this products on a html page (with some styling if possible)

I seen this done with an xml of some sort, but i’m not sure.

Needs to be done fast, 3-4 days.

Programming Project 12628862 2

Programming Project 12628862 2
I need a script to scrap ALL posts from all types of blogs (, self hosted wordpress, blogger, and typepad).
If a blog has 1000 posts, I want all 1000 posts to be extracted and stored in a database.

I will input a list of blog urls from an admin area and the script will get me all posts of the blog and store them into a SQL database.

The data extracted will be similar as what I will get from the rss feed of a blog. See below blog feed for an idea of the data i need…

If you have an existing script, please quote me a price.
If you need to develope the script, please briefly descript how your developed script will work.

Fb & Wp Easy App 2

Fb & Wp Easy App 2
i need a easy app for facebook in a wordpress plughin…

Is very easy, is a facebook app with the possibilities to insert in my page and a wordpress plughin to insert in my blog.

Like for

I have a button that open a pop up with a botton for became fan of my page and the list of my friend. If i became fan i have 10 point and 1 for all the friend invited.

After i have a classific of the user ordinated for the people that have more point, and a list with the friend that have became friend whit this tool.

This easy app can be installed on my wordpress blog with a plughin and on my facebook page…


WordPress Email Sender

WordPress Email Sender
Need a WordPress plugin for email list management and autoresponding.

The list of users for emailing should be created from the regular wp registration process. A lot of solutions available now work by creating a NEW registration form that adds users to a list – not what we want. We want them added via the normal WP registration process. (syncing would be fine if needed)

Plugin should enable the admin to:
*create new lists for segmenting, and moving users into
*create/save draft/edit/send/ email with the wysiwyg editor
*manually add and remove subscribers
*email blast all users to any list that is set up
*create email autoresponders i.e. someone registers – day 1 they automatically get sent an email, day 2 they get another pre set email, day 5 another follow up email, and so on.
*should allow users to automatically unsubscribe themselves from any email that goes out
*global input for address that to be added to footer of every email to insure CAN-SPAM compliance
*track opens, clicks

Mailpress does all of this. However it also does a lot more that isn’t needed and often conflicts with other plugins, etc. A much simpler version of that is what we would like.

The plugin should be free from an ongoing royalties with us being able use it on multiple sites. Plugin code to be transparent so we can edit it later if we need. No encrypted files.