Need A Speech Writer

Need A Speech Writer
a speech writer to write different speeches like below. I need speeches written for all occasions as you see in these sites
I prefer a writer who has written speeches in the past. Please show me your past speeches that you wrote. Please dont bother to bid if you’ve NEVER written a speech before

Longterm .psd Designer For Wp

Longterm .psd Designer For Wp
I am looking for someone that can do 2-7 wordpress themes per week for me to my specifications/ideas (sometimes I will just give you the reigns).

I am looking for .psd’s only, nicely laid out.

I am looking for someone to be efficient and fast, turnaround 1 days time, with revision changes taking another day (so that the themes can be ready and coded within a week’s time).

Looking for maximum $10 / theme , this will be bulk work, you can earn $100-200 / week

Simple Job – Good Programmers

Simple Job – Good Programmers
This is a simple job for an experience programmer who knows what they’re doing. I need this job done **URGENTLY** and quickly in a professional manner. If you’re able to dedicate your time and pump this out quickly and if you’re able to help us solve a solution that allows us to cut down on phone calls and make us more productive, then I’m looking to hire you.
I’m looking for a fairly inexpensive price, and I will judge the best person to do this according to experience, feedback, recommendations, solutions/vision, etc.
I work with a tax office. One problem we are trying to eliminate is the amount of phone calls that we get asking, “Excuse me, have I gotten my tax return filed?” I’m looking to create a script that falls somewhere along the UPS “Tracking Number” system.
I have a special page on my website called “Check the status of my return”. On this page, I just want to add something very simple that has a single-box form and a submit button. I just want something that says, “Tracking Number” and has a “Submit” button. After the person clicks submit, I want it to check a database file in our system (that will be constantly updated and changing) that has a person’s First and Last name, tracking number, and Status of their return. The name and tracking number will be different for every single person, but I want the status to return either one of three things: “In process” or “Completed” or “Accepted”.
That is everything that I want the client to see from the website.
However, from the employee side (the side that will hold all of this information), this is what I have in mind. We deal with over 4000 clients every year for the tax preparation service, so the amount of phone calls we get is absurd and it takes a long amount of time for us to individually check every single person’s tax return each time they call up.
There are multiple employees who are going to be CONSTANTLY changing this information, so I want something that multiple people would be able to log onto (possible at a time), but change the information easily and without hassle.
I want the employees (who all have their own individual clients) to be able to go to one “master file” and after they’ve done their tax work for a person, be able to input the following: First Name, Last Name, Tracking Number, Date of Appointment, Client’s Email Address, Status of return. I want them to be able to update this on a simple excel sheet or either a “database like” page on the website that they log into that allows them to update/change this information.
I want the script to display First name, last name, tracking number, and status of return, but date of appointment and email address only on the server (for staff reference purposes, not for public).
Because I want unique/specialized tracking numbers, I want them to just consist of the following (“client’s bday” + “first 3 digits to social”) Example: If my bday is 1/14/1952 and my SSN is 15384747373, then tracking number would be the following: 1141952153.
Now I don’t want the server-side/employee side of the script to create the tracking numbers, I’m just going to have the employees follow that basic format, but I just don’t want tracking numbers like “1, 2, 34” etc.
I want the employees to be able to get done with a tax client, upload this information into a database-like file and be able to have it on the web in a very short amount of time.
Now in the document/database file, whenever the employee initially files it and/or changes it to “Completed” I want it to also email the individual saying “Your tax return has been filed…please do not reply…etc.” along with it telling further instructions about what the person should do next. I want to have the ability to change the message for this, so I’m thinking that an admin panel/control page where I could log into and change the autoresponder would work best for this. So basically, I want whenever the “client account” (this is what I’m calling it for all information name, tracking number, etc), I want it to email the person saying “Thank you for filing with us…here is your information….your tax return is in process” and also, I want it to email the person whenever the status changes from “In Process” to “Completed” and to “Accepted” with another email—on top of that, I want the ability to change the emails.
I have a HostGator account with CPanel and an email address, so it would be able to send these messages.
I just want something very SIMPLE to add onto that has simple installation instructions and will be easy for me to install. I want the employees to also be able to use this from their side with ease.
I just need this solution in order to cut down on the number of phone calls we get and basically automate our system from manual/over the phone to completely automated and over the internet and through email.
I want the full source code for whatever you end up doing.
**I need this done URGENTLY as tax season is kicking up in full swing right now.**
Reply with price, understanding of what I need, any further solutions you could possibly implement, contact information, and how quickly you could get it done.

-Alexander Robinson.

Business Report Writing

Business Report Writing
I would like an academic report written for a question that will be disclosed to the bidders depending on their qualification and if they are what I’m looking for.

You have to be an academic.

*Remember* this is not your normal web content or article writing.
You must have a business academic background at least a college degree if not university or access to academic resources if you feel as you will need to quote and reference different business books, journals and different authors.

Quite a lot of academic journals are available online in the form of eBooks and journals.

This report is going to 3000 words.

This is a relatively *Low* budget project but the chances of future business are quite high and I’m not just saying it so that you bid the lowest for future business. I mean it.

Happy Bidding.

Article / Blog Writer

Article / Blog Writer
New Blog Created: I will provide you with different topic and keywords to use and relevant information for you to write about. This will be done on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

1. Content need to be top notch or will not be accepted- no grammatical error, well-written English that flows.
2. Someone with experience in writing professional content for different websites
3. Need to have show some creativity in your writing to help sell the business
4. Native English speaker and understand American English and colloquialism
5. Understand or and do research in the field of custom tailoring
6. 100% unique content, Owned by us and not reused.
7. Appropriate word count and keyword usage required.

Please provide examples of your previous work and bid on this project as a whole project include: To start with10 articles. Additional ongoing blogging can be added later for additional fee.

The quality of your work is the most important aspect here, bid price is not as important. By bidding you understand that anything written by you for this project will be owned by us and cannot be used anywhere else.

Twitter Api Site

Twitter Api Site
I am looking for a site that has the same functionality of Must have the same features and search capability that searches twitter based on categorized and geographically targeted tweets.

Please indicate you familiarity with created web based databases that access API’s and your anticipated time to completion.

Direct Sales Job

Direct Sales Job is now hiring:

Thank you for your interest in working with CartHoster Solutions. We currently have several positions available on our Marketing Team for qualified individuals who are interested in making a full-time living marketing for CartHoster. Please note: Being on the Marketing Team of is entirely different from being a member of our Affiliate Program.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the CartHoster Marketing Team:
* Earn 75% Recurring Commission From Every Sale.
* Our Marketers Can Earn Up To $37,460 Every Month.
* Only Wait 45 Days After Each Sale To Be Paid Commission.
* Get your own CartHoster URL:
* Have access to your own CartHoster email address.

We do use the same tracking system for our Marketing Team as we do for our Affiliate Program. So, please familiarize yourself with the system so that you will know how to track your commissions and make withdrawals.

Becoming a part of our Marketing Team is an exclusive opportunity not only to join a quickly rising company, but also to build your reputation in the marketing world. You will be free to use any form of marketing you wish as long as it does not involve sending any form of spam from or your CartHoster email address. You will be working as an Independent Contractor for CartHoster Solutions and all payments will be sent via Paypal. You will be able to print out any needed receipts from for tax purposes. If you are living outside of the United States, you are still eligible to work for CartHoster Solutions and we would love to see your application as well.

There is only one requirement for all people on the Marketing Team – you must be able to make at least one sale every day. Although many of your probably find this humorous, you would be amazed at the amount of full-time marketers who cannot produce a single sale every day. At least one sale must be made every working day – Monday through Friday.

Commission/Payment Structure
You will earn $37.46 for every person you get to signup for hosting. As long as the person you refer continues to host with us, you will continue to earn $37.46 from them every month. You may get up to 1000 referrals in total – this means you would be making an average of $37,460 every month. You may request to be paid at any time; you do not have to wait until you have $100 in your account like our affiliates do. Once you make a withdrawal request, you will receive the money in your Paypal account within 24 hours. We use Paypal due to the fact that we have members on our Marketing Team from all across the globe.

Website Redesign Prefer Flash

Website Redesign Prefer Flash
I need a website to be redesigned, preferably a flash site. I have been so busy lately and time is not on my side to do this. The current website is located here

One of my friends has kind of envisioned what the new website might look like; this is what he came out with – check it out:

I don’t like the RSS FEED he put there on the left, but I guess, I will see what you can do. I also don’t like what he did with the Navigation, but we will see how good you are:

There is enough ideas for you to play with. Let me know what you can do.



P/S: The site doesn’t have to be flash, but we prefer flash because you don’t have to keep on loading images, and pages will be opened mostly on the same page.

P/SS: The Navigation based on the sample site we created can be moved anywhere you want. We will allow you to use your creativity. (

P/SSS: We still want the banner at the top right corner from the original site to appear on the new site at exactly the same place.

If you don’t know how to create a top class site, please don’t respond to me. I am looking for someone who is GREAT at doing this. I am a designer too, so I can’t be fooled. I just don’t have time to sit down to do this.

I want to see samples of your work; I don’t mind paying good money to get this work done.

Urgent 100 + Backlinks Needed

Urgent 100 + Backlinks Needed
Please can you provide me with 100 + backlinks to my website

1. The page our link is actually on must have a page rank 3 or higher
2. links must contain relevant content
3. The link page must be included in the Google index
4. No links from websites with a Google penalty
5. links must contain our keywords as a text hyperlink
6. links must be completely different class C IP addresses
7. links must be on english, spanish, german, french language sites
8. The page where link is placed should be 1 clicks or less from the site’s homepage
9. No more than 20 links on the page where link is placed
10. All links must be permanent crawlable links in HTML: they cannot include a nofollow tag, be excluded by a robots.txt file or hidden in javascript, meta or redirect scripts
11. No link exchange programs or web rings such as,, etc.
12. links cannot be from porn, casino, blacklisted websites or submitted to search engines.
13. No paid site links
14. No link schemes or link farms or FFAs
15. links cannot be placed on flash sites, article websites, forums, guest books, directories, social bookmarks or classified ads
16. No links to be made using spam or black/gray tactics
17. Blog linking in related topical bogs is acceptable. The blog must have at least one unpaid link for every paid link and meets all other requirements.

Please send a plan for approval before placing links. A link report is required – links must be shown on website following the above list before payment. Fast payment made via your prefered method

High Paying Marketing/sales

High Paying Marketing/sales is now hiring:

Thank you for your interest in working with CartHoster Solutions. We currently have several positions available on our Marketing Team for qualified individuals who are interested in making a full-time living marketing for CartHoster. Please note: Being on the Marketing Team of is entirely different from being a member of our Affiliate Program.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the CartHoster Marketing Team:
* Earn 75% Recurring Commission From Every Sale.
* Our Marketers Can Earn Up To $37,460 Every Month.
* Only Wait 45 Days After Each Sale To Be Paid Commission.
* Get your own CartHoster URL:
* Have access to your own CartHoster email address.

We do use the same tracking system for our Marketing Team as we do for our Affiliate Program. So, please familiarize yourself with the system so that you will know how to track your commissions and make withdrawals.

Becoming a part of our Marketing Team is an exclusive opportunity not only to join a quickly rising company, but also to build your reputation in the marketing world. You will be free to use any form of marketing you wish as long as it does not involve sending any form of spam from or your CartHoster email address. You will be working as an Independent Contractor for CartHoster Solutions and all payments will be sent via Paypal. You will be able to print out any needed receipts from for tax purposes. If you are living outside of the United States, you are still eligible to work for CartHoster Solutions and we would love to see your application as well.

There is only one requirement for all people on the Marketing Team – you must be able to make at least one sale every day. Although many of your probably find this humorous, you would be amazed at the amount of full-time marketers who cannot produce a single sale every day. At least one sale must be made every working day – Monday through Friday.

Commission/Payment Structure
You will earn $37.46 for every person you get to signup for hosting. As long as the person you refer continues to host with us, you will continue to earn $37.46 from them every month. You may get up to 1000 referrals in total – this means you would be making an average of $37,460 every month. You may request to be paid at any time; you do not have to wait until you have $100 in your account like our affiliates do. Once you make a withdrawal request, you will receive the money in your Paypal account within 24 hours. We use Paypal due to the fact that we have members on our Marketing Team from all across the globe.

Capture Page Creation

Capture Page Creation
We need one video capture page created to capture name and email addresses. We want the names to be automatically emailed to an email address that we will provide. Also we want the flexibility to change the color and video for each. We will provide more more details when we accept your bid.

We need this in 3 days from the day we accept your bid!!