Web 2.0 Sites
I am looking for a few people for a on going assignment.
I will provide a list of 100 web 2.0 sites example hubpages,squido etc
You will need to write a 600 word article and rewrite it for each site.
It must be written well and even the rewrites should be written well if it sounds like a kid wrote it are doesnt make sence I will not pay until it is fixed.
I want these setup for backlinks to my money sites.
Only bid if you have exp with web 2.0 site posting and can do 100 sites in a week max.
I will pay via paypal once the first 10 are done and approved to show I pay then every 10 you finish ill make another payment,
Logos (125) Needed – Basi ( 3
Logos (125) Needed – Basi ( 3
I will need roughly 120 logos done for some affiliate websites we are doing. I was using http://www.logoease.com and it worked great. Feel free to use that or another program.
We do NOT need original designs – just quick logos to go with our themes.
We will provide you the the (1) theme and (2) color of the logo. Just one color.. not multiple colors.
You then need to find the logo that relays what our site is (for example, flower for flower site, etc) and put ‘Your URL here’ next to it.
I have attached a sample that I did using the software at http://www.logoease.com.
Easy job, just don’t have the time!
Perfume Website
Perfume Website
A perfume website needs to be built from scratch. It must involve the following: Website design (template may be used on the condition it is safe from bugs, and has never been used before. The template must be edited.) Security from any hacking, Search engine advertising, hundreds of small and large pictures of fragrances to be uploaded with descriptions. Please ask for sample websites. You must show me a website of a similar nature, that you have completed. I already have a website registered.
Need A Logo Designer
Need A Logo Designer
This is Santa Again
This time i am in need of a logo designer.
I have some ideas about how the design should look like.
please contact me through project message board for knowing more about the work.
Cakephp Jquery Optimization
Cakephp Jquery Optimization
I have a CakePHP-based site with a fair amount of jquery used for presentation/ajax. Everything works, but it works too slowly right now.
I need someone who can spend a few hours analyzing the site and offering recommendations for optimization either at the code level (php, javascript) or at the server level (i.e. adjustments to server config files like php.ini).
Right now there are some activities that take up to 30-40 seconds and we’d like to get that down to half that time or better.
Facebook App And Php Functio 2
Facebook App And Php Functio 2
Follow these articles:
I want a simple facebook app and a php function, on that function I will be able to input text and attachment to appear on wall or pages or users who accept the app permission (extended permission if need).
Very Easy Optin Page Creation
Very Easy Optin Page Creation
This is a very easy project with more to come.
I will give you some text a logo and a wordpress template, and you will put the text in the page ,add in an optin form(I will provide you with the code), and make the page look neat.
Project Deadline: 1 day after I award the winner.
The criteria for the work:
The page should look neat/organized/symmetrical/exactly as I want, after you put in everything.
As soon as you are awarded the project, I will send you the page where you will put the text in, background color specification, the text and the logo that will be put on the page.
I am very prompt with payment, and clear with communication and detailed in what I expect.
I expect this easy project to be completed in at most 2 days(working).
Have you worked with WordPress before?
Future Benefits
We are a success and fun oriented company and we expect to grow rapidly over the next months.
I take this project as the start of a long term relationship.
You will be introduced to an increasing number of fun&challanging projects as our relationship progress, with possible Full Time work on our team.
Website Transfer
Website Transfer
We are looking for a professional to transfer our website as seen now at our existing domain to the new domain and make sure the website is working well. This is an URGENT project, so we need the professional to start and complete it today.
A Research Project
A Research Project
The job is to source a company that will provide us with a range of good quality cosmetics.
First of all to help you understand the background.
We are going to launch a new initiative shortly. It is going to be called
Colour Coaching
we will be teaching many of our Lady life coaches to be specialist colour coaches.
That means they will be able to go into the homes of ladies and help them to understand what make up to use, what clothes to wear and how to make themselves look very good.
Therefore we are looking to source a range of cosmetics that all of our colour coaches can use wherever they are around the world.
We need to find one company that will provide us with this range of good quality cosmetics.
I know that we do need
• a good quality mid to high end range of makeup
• that is not tested on animals and
• is Allergy Tested, Dermatolgically tested
• and Opthalmologically tested and has a full range of colours…
products to at least include: as an absolute minimum
• Liquid Foundation: sheer and matt coverage.
• Powder Foundation
• Concealer Pencils
• Powder Blusher
• Bronzing Powder
• Loose Powder
• Eye Liner pencil
• Liquid eye liner
• Lip Liner
• Eyebrow Pencil
• Eyeshadow
• Mascara
• Lipsticks sheer and cream
• Lipshines
It would be great if the Company do not sell through the High Street and can do mail order and will fulfill orders for us to our distributors. (not their clients)
So I would like you to do some comprehensive research and come up with a list of companies that fill our requirements.
We will then contact the companies in order to negotiate the best deal.
Although we are based in the United Kingdom the company we use does not necessarily have to be UK based.
They do however have to be able to supply their products to our coaches who will be in a number of different countries
I suspect this job will take no more than about five hours comprehensive research.
It is absolutely crucial that you cover all of the points listed above in your research.
It may be necessary for you to contact some of these companies by e-mail to ascertain the answers to some of the questions.
I require you to provide the research in an Excel spreadsheet with an accompanying word document giving all the information as requested above
We will pay by Escrow only, and payment will be made on completion of the job
Swishsite Animated Menu Button
Swishsite Animated Menu Button
My website is complete up and running. The menu buttons don’t always hyperlink to the selected page, most of the time I have to go back to home or about us then click another page to get to it. This works fine in test in the browser. The menu is animated and moves when you hoover over them and they get larger and change colors. I just want them to work better. I need to click on the page and it goes straight to that page. There is only a main page and 5 other pages. Please help.
Thank you
Script Installation Needed
Script Installation Needed
I have provide you design.
I need
mail Section
Contact Importer
If you have already made site to satisfy all above points then good, otherwise .
I have scripts of mail , messenger.
I need this job at lowest cost.
I will submit 50% escrow.
Php Script (working Day)
Php Script (working Day)
I need a php script(function) which receive 2 argument(date and day) and return a date. example:
function calculate(“2009-12-31 14:09:23”,40) {
this function should add 40 business(working) days to this date and calculate new date. The days are only working days and should not calculate weekend(Saturday and Sunday). it should return like: “2010-04-19 14:09:23”.
Iphone App That Plays Audio
Iphone App That Plays Audio
Simple iPhone app that plays an mp3 file. MP3 file is hosted on the Internet and when iPhone user downloads the app, it also downloads the mp3. When the iPhone user opens the app, it would open an audio player that is built in to the app. Around the app are ads that can be edited on the fly online.
Affiliate Tracking
Affiliate Tracking
I got a website where users can gather points by doing different things.
Now i want to make it possible for my users to gather points by doing leads and sales offers from affiliatenetworks.
This is the description from the affiliatenetwork on how it can be done:
All traffic will be validated via EuroAds’s tracking system. Should you have partners in your own tracking system, and you wish to be able to register the traffic in this as well, you can do this via EuroAds’s feature named PNI.
The PNI-value must be added to the EuroAds adurl as follows: ”&pni=xxx”.
Iframe banners:
iframe src=” http://tracking1.euroads.se/system/showadv.php?sid=xxx&cpid=xxx&adid=xxx&acid=xxx&pni=xxx” width=422 height=390 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 ALLOWTRANSPARENCY=”true” frameborder=0 scrolling=no bordercolor=”#000000″ hspace=0 vspace=0><iframe
Textlinks and other banners:
Your PNI-value can consist of either numbers or letters that you manually distribute amongst your partners or partner values from your own tracking system. In this manner we are able to include your values and these will be saved with the sales/leads that are made.
EuroAds can send you the PNI-value instantly in a backtrack URL. For this we need an URL from you, which the EuroAds system will call once a sale/lead is generated via one of your PNI-values. In the URL sent to you by EuroAds the PNI-value will be included, and your own system can register the sale/lead.
EuroAds can also send you the PNI-value if the lead/sale is not approved by the advertieser this is called Backtrack url not approved as seen below. You can set the two backtrack urls up at the link “Edit info”
Example of backtrack url:
Example of backtrack url not approved:
You can have other information as well put into to our backtrackurl besides the %pni%. Here is the list:
%adid% (Banner/advert id)
%cpid% (Campaignid)
%plda% (Pool advert id)
%value% (All other values which are put on our trackingurl)
%customerid% (Customerid from advertiser))
%orderid% (Orderid from advertiser)
%orderamount% (Orderamount from advertiser)
%eatrackid% (ID for the media where the user comes from)
You just use it the same way as with %pni%.
Example of use with backtrackulr:
Site Clone
Site Clone
I wont to clone this site the same include the design and all functions.
I wont this to be develop with php and adjax tec and not ASP *as it now).
the site concept is:
moveing companies can register on the site and they are adding to the DB automaticly by the info they provided like zip code and state
and there is the client / movers side.
when they can ask for a qutes from the movers by selecting were they moveing from and to which new location.
after submiting this info the system automaticly sending only 6 massages (randomaly) to the most closests moveing companies
and an email to the client which letting him know which companies will contact him soon the admin of the siite sould have to option to log in to the syste, and remove unwonted moving companies and edit content.
I dont have the PSD so the programmer will have to take the images from the this site and generate what ever he needs.
This project need to be done no longer than 2 weeks so if you cant provide it please DON’T bid on this project, we had bad expirience already and we will not tolarate such service.
Thank you.