Programming Project 1262347119

Programming Project 1262347119
Hi all happy new year i need urgent if one can help i need someone to re-edit my site by making it LOOK and FEEL, redesigning the WEB LAYOUT, putting the graphic images in the right positions and the video that i have on the right position this is the video code:

<script type=”text/javascript”>
URL= “”;
<script src=”″ type=”text/javascript”></script>

so that it can attract customers and so as to look the same with all the web pages.
And in mind i want to use my site on google adwords so i need a good job. Its just a matter of redesigning what i have not a new project


Bidrivals / Swoopo Clone

Bidrivals / Swoopo Clone
looking for a bidrival/swoopo clone with all the funtionality of both in a new design.

the site must be secure/w3c comliant.

the design and layout will need to be unique and simple to understand, it will be up to you to design but subject to our final approval.

the features of the website must be the same as swoopo and bidrival including:

– easy to use admin panel.
– each funtion must be able to be turned off/on for each Auction.
– Refferal function.
– Voucher function.
– User registration and account verification.( which puts the email addresses in a data base to be used in future emails).
– The time increasing by xx seconds when a new bid is placed after certain time. (settings via admin panel).
– Auction reserve/minimum price (Auction won’t end till certain price. which will be set on individual Auction).
– Automatic bidding system (eg: bid agent or bid butler) via admin set the time in seconds when the Bid Butler bids example: 4 second before ending).
– Bid Packs also bid packs for the auction with image. Winner gets the bid package automatically added.
– bid packs & cost can be edited (via admin panel)
– General pages such as terms and conditions and a help section which you can edit. Add your own pages also. (Fill out by my self).
– Ability to add payment Gateways eg Paypal. Authorise net optional.
– statistics on last bidders and total bidders (for each auction).

we are looking for quality at a low price and hoping for an on-going relationship as the website grows.

other details will be given to the developer later.

Proftp Mysql Paypal Billing

Proftp Mysql Paypal Billing
I have set up a proftpd server using the following

I require an order form that will incorporate the sql fields in order for an account to be created on the server.

Order Form Example
etc etc

I also want a package field and a server field on it so customer can select which one they want

After submitting form customer if forwarded to paypal and after payment account is created/activated.

Admin Panel
View users
Suspend/Unsuspend user
Delete user
User notes
Add/Edit Server

User Panel
Change password
View stats ie disk usage which again is pulled from already created sql fields.
Billing ie next bill date etc
Ability to upgrade packages

Payment gateway paypal

All DB work is done only needs code to pull information from it so shouldn’t be a big job.

Just to clarify this script will be hosted on one server and once user creates account it will be created on their chosen server a/b/c etc.

WordPress Website Error Fix

WordPress Website Error Fix
We are a medium sized church with a wordpress website on our own domain. Yesterday I was in the dashboard updating some content and I saw that I had 2 plugins that had available updates. I clicked on upgrade automatically for both (one was a CSS dropdown menu plugin; I can’t remember what the other one was) and the website was gone. When you go to the site, all you see is the theme skin, and this error mssg: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_css_dropdownmenu() in /home/”url”/public_html/wp-content/themes/”url”/header.php on line 55”

Clone Print Site

Clone Print Site

online designer( Design online function) for some products, customer account login and artwork recall and shopping cart integrated with Google Checkout or Paypal.

But Design Online we need only for

Letterheads (A4, 210 x 297mm)
Flyers A4(210 x 297mm) and A5 (210 x 148mm) both portrait and landscape
Carbonless Forms A4 (210 x 297mm)

We will need to add more product designers over the next few months under a separate arrangement with yourself.

The designs will be provided by us. Only thing you are doing is the functionality.

WordPress Webservices

WordPress Webservices
Need to integrate webservices with my wordpress site. Ideally the user would register on WordPress and get automatically added to another database that uses this webservice:

So 4 fields from my wordpress registration: first name, last name, phone, email get passed to the idxbroker database.

Also require the code and instructions on how to replicate the same solution on other wordpress sites we own.

Open to any other solution that would accomplish the same end result as well.

Route Description Site

Route Description Site
I am looking for a script to make a Site, where User can describe Tours and Trips.
There should be possible to name the starting point (Cityname), target and intermediate points (also cityname).
Example: A user describes a Tour from New York via Boston to wherever, He should have a Mask to put in the Startpoint (New York)
then a Box to describe the Route
and then a Box with the Target, and a button with “add intermediate target” so a new Textbox appeares where user can put in Boston
and also a Textbox to put in the description from Boston to wherever after this again a box with the Target and a button “add intermediate target”.
the search function should look to the intermediate target as a normal startpoint, so if a user searches after a city name, all tours starting from this point appear (in this example boston)
the possabillity to add infofields would be a big advantage.(for example to add tags like streetnames…)

the script must provide:
– multilinguality (separate Lang. file) – I can do translation myself
– User registration with username and full name/address and so on…
– Image Upload – where Images can be added to a route
– Route rating (to state the difficulty of a route – important for offroad!)
– possabillity to add comments to a existing description

I hope I did not make too much confusion with my description 🙂

Phpprobid Problem

Phpprobid Problem

I will be buying the PHP Probid v6.06 program this month, but I need it to understand and work with Cyrillic Script (Bulgarian language) in all areas except the admin control panel which I want to remain in the English character set. Its vital that its enabled for Cyrillic not just for page buttons etc, but also for when clients send communications to each other on the auction site and for when the site will send email communications to clients.

If this is possible I will be buying the program this month and hiring a programmer to make the adjustments. Will pay with paypal or through this site.



Quick Php Website 2

Quick Php Website 2
5-8 page php website, very clean and good design, cms for management of a few of the pages, site is basically a lot of content and some photos to be managed via cms,

restrict access to site to users only that i control via cms, no sign up required, the admin will create and manage all of the users that have access to site, so no sign up etc


will show a few examples to help you, but also depend heavily on your design skills to make it looks great, thanks!

Personality Test Mod (elgg)

Personality Test Mod (elgg)
I want something like this:

There’s an existing module that you may probably be able to customize to suit our purposes here:

The user should be able to take the test and the results should be published to his profile as a badge (or badges, as the case may be).

The questions, weighted scores, and interpretations are in an Excel file for you to use.

Clipshare Problem

Clipshare Problem
We need someone to fix a problem we have with clipshare.

We have a problem when we try to upload videos:

We currently get this error message —

Failed to get video duration! Converted video not found!?


Plus, the videos are not being converted. They upload and are in the /video/ folder for the site, but they don’t get moved over to the /flvideo/ folder.

So currently the uploader uploads the video file, then it shows up that the file was uploaded… BUT the THUMBS are not working and the conversion is not working.

We need to get clip-share working 100% with no issues.

We need to make sure the server is prep to run clipshare. We already paid someone here to do the install of ffmpeg etc., so your job is to make sure they did the right install.

Will pay via script lance | paypal.