Getafreelancer/elance Clone

Getafreelancer/elance Clone
Hi there,

We’re looking for a professional design firm to build for us a clone of or Elance. This script needs to have the same functionality as this site and incorporate all upsell pieces as well as Escrow and payment gateways.

If you know of a great script already built and can customise it to act the same (and look the same) as this site (or ELance) this is more than welcome, although the script MUST be:

– robust
– secure (in all forms including SQL injections
– built using PHP and MySQL
– be made using the latest methods of coding such as JQuery
– cater for many users without load issues
– allow for future additions
– contain payment gateways
– allow for rating system same as that found on ELance
– have great CSS styling for easy template changes
– work in all major browsers flawlessly

Again, you are more than welcome to use another script or CMS to accommodate this job, but the entire project needs to be a professional creation led by a professional team of developers/designers.

There is a lot of ongoing work associated with this development, so please take this into consideration. We are from a legitimate business ourselves so are not looking to be in the same marketplace as Elance or GetAFreelancer, but do wish to have the same admin capabilities of these great sites.

Please do not bid if you do not have a good rating and you MUST explain what you have done in this area before, SHOW ONLY RELATIVE EXAMPLES, and be precise in your recommendations to us if not building from scratch. Anyone not following this will be instantly removed from the bidding group.

Communication is key here also and contact must be on a regular basis with regular updates.

Happy bidding and looking forward to hearing from you.

Php/msql Project

Php/msql Project
please download attachment for full project details. Programmers who can complete this project fast and quote me the lowest and show me your portfolio will get the project.

Winning Developer will also get to work with me long term as i get new projects almost every week. So be smart and quote me lesser for long term more projects = more $$

Affiliate Network Tweak/change

Affiliate Network Tweak/change
First off I need someone very familiar with affiliate marketing tracking, and pay processor IPN tracking to start.

I am need of changing some of the main features on the way the the site operates. The current script is completely able to be edited/added/changed, etc. as it is not encrypted.

I have an affiliate network site that needs some changes.
The site already has the affiliate, merchant and Admin accounts set up that is operational but needs help to function to my satisfaction.

Changes to affiliate site

We will need to create a new page called “Advertiser Checkout”

We would like a system that requires the payments from a merchant for creating a program in a more organized manner. Basically, when the merchant creates a program it should be inactive, until they pay for it and once they pay for it via paypal..(or possibly other methods as well), the program then is enabled and able to be seen by affiliates. So until the payment is made the merchant’s content program they listed on the New Content program page will not show up

We want a more organized pool of programs like cxdigitalmedia, similar to .. and in addition to what’s there (and removing the “pre-pop“ thing), I’d want a checkbox with the label “Incentives Allowed?” Yes or No

Signup Page:
In addition to what we have (But organized better) we want a box requiring people to describe how they’ll advertise
we want a checklist of what type of traffic theyll bring — seo/ppc/email/social bookmarking etc

implement a system that something says on the affiliate page when they login that they need to submit a w-9 to us (and link to the w-9 form).. and then we can manually remove that from the individuals page through the admin panel with like a one click thing saying they submitted it

our payout system.. i want it to be hooked up to our paypal account for paypal payments so that we can just hit something like.. send payments or something to automatically compile masspay. For those that selected check payment, or wire payment,

We also want adjustable payout timeframe (net-7, net-15, net-30), with the standard payout being net-30, and adjustable via the admin panel for the individual affiliate. We want to get rid of the ability of the affiliate to request a payment at any given time, and just have a universal net-30 standard, again with the ability for us to adjust that.

Change Merchants to advertisers and change Affiliates to publishers.

When creating a program, we want there to be a choice of pay for impressions, clicks, leads, or sales .. rather than having them all together (and all required to be filled out when creating the program)

For merchants (advertisers) billing, we want a system that the advertisers are able to select whether they want to be billed weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly for the leads/sales they received. The weekly/semi-monthly/monthly payments would be invoiced for sales/commissions that are made in excess to their account balance (since they’re required to deposit at least $300 into their accounts to run any affiliate program).

Cpanel Addon

Cpanel Addon
I would like to add my software in Cpanel as an addon in cpanel Software/Services section.
I have WHM access and able to add new addon but don’t know programming.

Attached is document which will give you exact requirment.

If anything more needed let me know.


Ticket Broker Website

Ticket Broker Website
We are looking for someone to design/develop a ticket broker site that will be very similar to I would also recommend that you look at those sites in detail before making a bid.

The site should look exactly same in Safari, Firefox and Explorer .

* Need xml ticket site using feed from TicketNetwork Direct or Event Inventory.

* seo friendly urls

* Ticket Network api docs here:

* Good script documentation and installation

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them BEFORE bidding!

We have a no-nonsense approach: we don’t intend to waste your time & talents – we expect a similar professional attitude from you.
Upon completion of a 100% working (including an admin section), smoothly running, fully automated & absolutely bug-free website, payments are made straight away.
A full working demo will be required before final payment.
Payment will be through escrow.


Php/mysql Website Mods

Php/mysql Website Mods
Our Business Rating/Review Site is almost ready to go live. We have some additions to enhance the functions already working well.

This is a complex site and you must be well versed in PHP/MYSQL along with Javascript, JAVA, Ajax.

These additions are to complete area’s that already have programming in place, we just wish to enhance that particular function so we feel the programming needed should be somewhat minimal for most of the requests with only about 3 of the requests needing more work.


1. Add another Info field in the Admin Section.
2. Display Newest to oldest on Latest Rants page.
3. Copy same Color/font/thumbnails to second pages of the Promotions.
4. Show “Sub Categories” for business listings on Home Page
Programming in place, just not displaying.
5. Add “Browse” option for picture upload in User Account & Admin section.Field already there, just need programming to finish.
6.1st Review showing full review, shorten to display up to 3
lines only.
7. Add 2 new fields to the Users account and the same into
the Admin area.
8. Make all Website Urls for listings “live”.
9. Minor change of style or color of pop-up Coupon.
10.We have an option for restaurants to upload their Menus.
We would like to show the word “Menu” under the business listing
and have it be live so that the User can view the menu
without leaving the page.
11.The upgrade/Downgrade option in members account needs to
UPDATE the information in their account and admin panel.
12.Add the Star Rating and adjust minor layout on small
area of home page.

13. Adjust the Thumbnail pictures to display better.

We will supply you with screen shots of specific areas to try to make it easier for you to understand the requests and complete in your quoted time frame.

Essentially we want someone who is a cracker jack programmer and wants to continue working with us on an ongoing basis.

THIS IS A RE-POST due to lack of communication from previous bidders, we respectfully request only serious bids please.

Please PMB for more info and site Url.

Thank you to all bidders for your time and consideration.

WordPress Premium Theme 2

WordPress Premium Theme 2
I need a WordPress premium theme that looks like

The must integrate all the functions from

– page template for contact
– page template for gallery
– page template for news
– admin area where i could define a background (left side) image for each page.
– integrated lightbox effect for wordpress-galleries
– page template for homepage with an image-transition-slider (take the images from the attachments)
– automated image resize with timthumb (take the images from the attachemnts – no custom fields)
– all custom_fields must be start with an underscore

The theme don’t have to use any plugin.

You could take the theme vigilance to get nice admin-functions and an admin-panel.

The Theme must be fully localized with the build-in functions from wordpress (_e and __)

The Theme must have the same look in every browser (IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and checked against the W3C validator.

I also need 6 colorsets for this theme, choosable at the admin-panel.

Please only bid, if you are sure you could do this.
I only accept bids thats start with the word ‘theme’.

With your bid you accept the additional agreement as follows :
– If you deny or don’t respond to my provider selection, you have to pay a fee of 25USD to me.
– If accept the project but can’t deliver the project as required or in time, you have to pay a fee of 100USD to me

I only pay if project is finished as required. No Milestone or part payments. I only pay with SF escrow.

Convert Joomla To WordPress

Convert Joomla To WordPress
Job: Convert Joomla website to WordPress

This is a very simple job for someone that knows how to use Joomla & WordPress.
There’s very little creative thinking needed, this is essentially a cut and paste job.

We have a Joomla site, that we would like converted to a WordPress based site.
We’re looking for someone who knows both to first move the existing content over, and then to continue to manage the site for us on an ongoing basis (for the purposes of bidding here, please just bid on the first stage – moving existing content from Joomla to WordPress)

The site has 41 pages, two of which are unpublished but we would like to keep the content. (Insurance and Migration)
If possible, the 17 pages of separate blog entries could be built in a more efficient way.

We’d also like various plugins installed & setup – we’ll be led by you on which the best ones are (probably include: WP Google Analytics, All In One SEO Pack, Google Sitemap Generator, cforms & others you suggest)

The main reason for moving platforms is so that we’re able to edit content ourselves. We’d especially like to be able to edit the forms and ‘Quick Grabs’ of information (the name capture widgets on the right side – see below)

We’ll need you to install WP in a test directory of our site. Then once all content has been copied across & the new site tested, we’ll ned you to swap the sites over with minimal disruption to our end users.
All hyperlinks will need to be checked & confirmed working – we presume you’ll have the tools to make that a quick & easy process.

We can give you access to the Joomla administrator site & FTP access to the main site to install & configure WordPress

The site has 4 separate forms. They are:
1. Tax Estimate
2. Information Pack
3. Contact Us
4. Tax File Number

The site has two quick grab boxes (name capture forms) on the right hand side of the pages below:

The main form – ONLINE TAX REFUND APPLICATION has 4 associated pages that lead on to each other as below.

Creative Design Header

Creative Design Header
I am looking for a top notch graphic designer to design a custom Header for my WordPress site. I have my logo that I want to incorparate along with some other ideas I have. I will provide the sample. I have all the ideas. All you have to do is follow my instructions. I am not sure of the size I want . I’m looking for someone who can provide the following…

1) will submit different versions of logo for me to choose (preferable 2-3 different versions)
2) unlimited revisions on the final logo I choose
3) all for a price of around $30

I have attached what I want the header to look like. Basically me then my logo then my company name. Please provide in your PM how many versions you will create, and also show previous work that you have done, especially with Headers. If job is completed to my satisfaction, I would have another job for you.

WordPress Template Install

WordPress Template Install
Need a programmer to upload template to and edit this wordpress template which is the link below:

Modification include: 1. Changes on the home page, add our opt-in box in the featured content box and replace the video with our marketing video which will be provided.
2.Change heading internet business to unlimited richness logo and some page titles.
Eliminate the how to videos page.
3. Change some of the page titles.
4. change some pages by copy and pasting news information for page, for example one of the page will be change to our Services Page, so the copy and paste of our services will be provided to paste to the service page.

Additionally, would this be able to be completed by this week.

Plus if Programmers have experiences in handling wordpress securities.

Please bid.

Twenty Seo Articles Needed 2

Twenty Seo Articles Needed 2
Hello Everyone!!!!

I need an experienced SEO article writer to write 20 original articles on the topic of “Building Muscle”. These articles will be submitted to EzineArticles so they MUST be unique content.

I will provide you with the keyword phrase and the title of each article. Each article should be between 400 – 500 words and have a keyword density between 1%-2%. I will provide a couple example articles so you can see the writing style.

The ideal writer will have SEO article marketing experience, is familiar with AIDA style writing, and will have open communication.

The articles MUST use proper English and be grammatically correct. I’ve had problems in the past where I’ve had to correct articles because the English did not make sense. Proper use of English and grammar is a REQUIREMENT for completion of this project. If you have problems writing in English, please do not bid.

If interested in the project, please post a bid and send me a PM with examples of your work.

I look forward to working with you!!!!