Need A Sunshop Programer
I need someone who can create a custom feed? I have a third party business that controls my inventory and need to feed their products in. The problem is their tab file is not compatible with sunshop.
Craigslist Crawler In Php
Craigslist Crawler In Php
I need a PHP expert to write me a script to load CL ads in to a database by using the following crawler class:
What I need in detail is to read a simple config file that contains:
1. an array of cities within a config file. (each city will already have the CL abbreviation)
2. an array of keywords
Then, crawl the found results, and save the ad text, image url , email address into a mysql database.
With the class already being developed, this is less than a 2 hour job so keep that in mind when bidding. Otherwise, you’re really just wasting your time. PMB if you have questions. Will be looking to select a programmer within the next hour and have a fully functioning script in the next 3 hours.
I Need My Site To Auot Update.
I Need My Site To Auot Update.
Hello i need my website to be able to auto update. is my website. It is a wordpress site. I have a admin section that will allow you to add any type of plug ins. I just don’t know how to add or use it.
So if you look at the site there are already articles. I want those articles to be updated daily. Through RSS Feeds or whatever you know. I just need to to be about Stop Smoking, Quit Smoking, Electric Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes.
I want the site to stay the same. So if you look at the articles and click on full story you are able to add a comment. I want all those features to still be there.
Please let me know what you can do for me and if you understand what i mean. Please send me a discription on what you can do for me.
Thank You
Articles On Soccer
Articles On Soccer
I am in the USA, and am a soccer merchandise manufacturer, and need compelling articles, with current information in the world of soccer. Must include the keywords in the article (there are about 15 which I can forward once you are the winning bid).
I need 1 article per day (5 per week).
Show me samples on Soccer articles you’ve wrote, please.
Reliable Article Writer Needed
Reliable Article Writer Needed
I am looking for a long term article writer. I need good quality articles that are 320 to 350 words I will pay 1.50 per article. Also will require eventually some 500 word articles and will pay 2.00 per article.
Must be original quality articles because they will be submitted to ezine articles. I will provide the topics the articles must be on.
I will start off with 5 articles to test you out and then go from there. Paypal is a preferred payment as it makes things a lot quicker.
One Nice Banner Needed
One Nice Banner Needed
I need a 468×60 flash / moving banner created to advertise my hosting site. I would like the banner to look like the banners that are advertised on
The banner needs to look very professional looking these ones you see advertised on there! Please be able to work on this now. Thank you! Please submit samples of your work, I’ve received some very poor looking banners in the past.
Design A Template Around Logo
Design A Template Around Logo
I am a website designer. Just too picky to design for myself.
I made a logo and want a VERY NICE design made around it…
Links can be renamed later.
Logo is below.
Must submit one mockup and a price OR I WILL NOT CONSIDER.. Do not bid and expect me to hire you without seeing a template mockup. I have lost too much money that way.
Colors must match and be creative, yet professional…
Mockups must be submitted by tomorrow afternoon, as I will choose a winner through the best Mock-Up design… NO EXCEPTIONS.
I like flash, and will pay a little more for it… But it is not necessary.
A design I LOVE is: (this is the best website I have EVER seen)
Logo is in a small one in Jpg… PSD CAN BE REQUESTED.
Search Results Upgrade
Search Results Upgrade
My site that I am in need of upgrading is lea*dsforlen*ders(dot)com (remove the asterics)
User Login/pass = demo at
1)I want to upgrade the search results page. You can access it by and clicking on the search button
I would like to replace only the search results with the attached look and format.
2)I want The color scheme to be orange and white rather than the blue and white.
3) my current results page shows the following 11 items in this order
Price |Lead #| City| ST| Loan Amount| Mort1.Balance| Mort1.Rate| Property Value| Loan Purpose| CreditRating| Property Type
4)I would like to add the following 5 items
Date|LTV|Times sold|view|Comments|
I will describe the purpose of the new items
Date= This is simply the date the application is entered into the db from the form
LTV= loan to value ratio, this is a calculation of the value(property value) vs. the amount owed(mort1.Balance) for example if the property value is 100,000.00 and the mort1balance is 75,000.00
Then the LTV would be 75% this is the calculation that should be posted in the LTV field
Times Sold= The leads can be sold up to 5 times. Each time its sold it needs to display that number here
View= view is a hyper link that allows the user to see more info such as city, zip, state, comments etc. I will attach the example here (Lead #190768 – Mortgage)
Comments= The form entered into the database will have a field for aprox 300 characters for the customer to add any info relevant to their loan. This info will be accessed from the view link
5) There is also an admin area where the administator can view the complete lead. I would like the info to be posted here as well. The user/password= dsmithson/Admin36
The above Items need to be functioning and viewable. The form that enters the data into the db is here
WordPress Plugin Updates
WordPress Plugin Updates
I have a photo gallery plugin for WordPress built as well as an events plugin completed. Both of these plugins need some updates and the person who built them is unable to complete the work. The updates are adding some extra functionality and fixing issues with the plugin not working on all servers.
I am hoping to find someone who is very familiar with WordPress and building plugins. As I said the plugins are built so you will need to examine the existing code and make some changes. I will provide more info later.
Modify Existing Xml File
Modify Existing Xml File
I need someone who has experience with vbulletin boards. There is a “plugin”(.xml file) that needs to be modified in order to work with current version of vbulletin(4.0.1).
There is not much to modify, just change a couple of codes/strings to call certain parts of the board.
If job is done well, I may hire you for future modifications.
Ad Serving Bug Fix
Ad Serving Bug Fix
*** Must be a skilled PHP coder
I need someone to analyze and fix unexpected behaviour in
a script. There will only be only two files to change but
to be honest I am just looking for a PHP expert because I
had this done previously and it was not done right.
I always plan future projects
Cleaning Up My Website
Cleaning Up My Website
I have few changes i would like to make to my website Remove the top banner and the Youtube TV on the center. Also remove the left side category that lists the jobs and move up the Areas. From the menu bar, remove the area menu. On the right side of the bar, remove the Mystate List Advertisment and Advertise with Us box. Also remove the About Us link on the top of the menu bar. Create a logo name similar to and put it exactly the way Etsy did it, have it saying MyStateList. On website where it has Your Place to Buy and Sell All things…Have ours saying Find Your Next Job and More!
Joomla Php Programming Sobi2
Joomla Php Programming Sobi2
I have a website that needs some PHP programming to fix some items with a Joomla component. The Joomla component is the SOBI2 directory component.
Some custom programming was done to create pop up, rollovers within the SOBI2 component. I have lost contact with the original developer and need someone to help finish.
The items I need completed are:
1) Move the items on the Advanced Search page.
– Display Extended Search Options by default
– Hide “Extended Search Options” button
– Move “Clear Selections” button to right of “Search” button
– Remove line/spacing for the two drop down menus, “Select Category” and “Region”. Make these appear directly below the “Search For” text box.
2) Image Thumbnails
– Allow users to add up to 3 images.
– Display images as thumbnails on the event detail view.
– Display images at top of detail view page.
– On click, show large version of image. Lightbox effect would be nice.
There are some more, minor items. But the two above are the urgent items.
Recruit Affiliates To Sign Up.
Recruit Affiliates To Sign Up.
I have already created the affiliates Clickbank Tools Page and all the resources they need to promote my site and get their 50% commission directly from clickbank.
I have also wrote a mini sale-page mainly to recruit affiliates to sign up to my clickbank affiliate program.
The thing I’ll like you to do to recruit affiliates is to get inside the minds of potential affiliates. Don’t just send them to a sign-up form. SELL the affiliate program. Send them to my page which explains the benefits of the program. Tell them why it’s so good.
Now tell me what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it. I am looking forward to recruit thousands of affiliates from where they hang out in various forums like The Warrior forum, Site point and others etc. and how long it’ll take you.
“Please enter the secret code: HELP to let me know you actually read through this application”
Thank You.
Programming Project 1265160129
Programming Project 1265160129
I need someone to make some changes to my template updating some images, links and add some good content to it.