Need Script Excel Leads Email

Need Script Excel Leads Email

I have 2 million u.s leads in excel format.
2 million leads are splited in 50k leads lists.

Excel list include: First name, last name, email,
home adress, city, states, country (U.S), tel,
Gender, Date registred on the list and IP adress.

I need you to make a script so i can import
each list in excel format and send mass email
to all my leads without any restrictions.

You will need to find me a hosting provider
that will not ban me and a server that will
not be black listed immediatly.

You need to be an expert with hosting, SMTP,
PHP, Excel, etc… No joke!

Before i will accept any bid, i need you to
guarantee me that we will able to deliver 2
million emails per week. NO RESTRCTIONS.

I need a fast turnaround!

Ready to fund escrow and release it when i
will send the first email to all the list and
see that it works.


we need an expert coversant in the use of CSS and XHTML to modify an exiating website.
The task:
1-change existing square tabs to rounded
2-change text colour
3-add background colour to existing box
4-change 3D menu to simple version
5-make all changes to be equally shown in all major browsers
some mockup images will be provided

timeframe: ASA


i would like to make a website look like in math operations but i need an other design a better one
and i need to add the following things;
1. a forum
2. a login area for the student
3. a stor to buy some mathbooks…..
4. a chat programe
5 .some usefull math links
and some other things

Xls To Html

Xls To Html
We have an xls file with some product data (column 1 has the product title, column 2 has product picture, column 3 product description and column 4 product price) – we need an automated way to put this products on a html page (with some styling if possible)

I seen this done with an xml of some sort, but i’m not sure.

Needs to be done fast, 3-4 days.

Mysql Data – Drill Down Fields

Mysql Data – Drill Down Fields
I would like to use a Drill Down Fields using the mysql Data,
The script can be a pre made PHP or Ajax script.

Please show samples before bidding on this project, if you place a bid and do not show a sample url then i will not accept and will remove your bid , so please read the full project details and ask any question before you show or place your bid.


i.e., if user selects the Country of the USA, using the [Country Pulldown Field] then the State Field should have a Pulldown to show only States within the USA only!, and then when the user selects the State of California from with the Pulldown Field, the city Fields should show a list of only Cities within that State selected by the user, so if the users selects the State of California then the [City Pulldown Field] should only show Cities within the State of California.

All the Country, States, County and Cities are all stored in the DB

Thanks in advance

Wp Built Site Arras-theme

Wp Built Site Arras-theme
A website built on arras-theme is near to complete. One issues remain:
1. Online purchase/process dose not work. Gold cart was purchased and installed but the process indicates credit card process errors (All settings are right and confirmed with
2. Add Seal logo (scripts are ready from
3. De-bugs and clean unnecessary files.
5. Make right long sub-menu short. Currently, the menu on the right is too long.
Wordpress/ setting expert needed.


Corporate Fitness Website

Corporate Fitness Website
I am seeking a professional and visually energizing website design for a Corporate Fitness Program client. I would prefer to utilize WordPress or Joomla as the CMS.

I would like an example Mock-Up for top consideration.

What I need for you in your Bid:

1. Sample Mock-Up
2. Complete Scope of Work – what’s included
3. est Time frame for completion

Thank You.

Pension Advisory Web Design

Pension Advisory Web Design
I am seeking a professional yet simple website design for a Pension Advisory client. I would prefer to utilize WordPress or Joomla as the CMS.

I would like an example Mock-Up for top consideration.

What I need for you in your Bid:

1. Sample Mock-Up
2. Complete Scope of Work – what’s included
3. est Time frame for completion

Thank You.

German Language Articles Blogs

German Language Articles Blogs
Please let me know if you can write fresh articles based on Tourism in German laguage.
We need 150-160 articles which are 500-550 worded and we need around 400 blogs each 450-500 german words.
This is a long term project.
Please let me know how much you charge per article, per blog.
I need to check Some Samples First.
Thanks and Best Regards

New Web Page Design

New Web Page Design
Dear Designer,

We would like to have the page below redesigned.


The page must meet the following criteria:

– it must be done as HTML
– we would like a sample of the new page before choosing designer
– you may place the word “sample” large across the page until payment

We need to get the page designed in the next 3 days.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Support Staff

Creative Dvd Cover Design

Creative Dvd Cover Design

I’m looking for a very talented graphics designer.
Each month we release a different product and we want someone we can rely on, to design the product covers, boxes etc.

Right now, we need YOU to design the DVD cover of our new product.


1) You’ll design the DVD box and DVD sticker. (attached to the project you’ll find samples of previous work done by others)
2) The style we need is a VERY APPEALING AND EYE CATCHING DESIGN with a MYSTERIOUS LOOK. Grunge styles preffered.

1) Must show us portfolio of graphics design work (not websites)
2) Constant communication through gmail chat or MSN
3) Meet our 48hrs deadline
4) Submit several options of the design to choose from
5) Most important: BE VERY CREATIVE AND TALENTED. We are looking for top notch HIGH QUALITY DESIGNS.

After bidding please submit your portfolio. If you are good, you’ll find that we will be a long-term partner.

My maximum budget is $30. Don’t bid if you dont agree. we are a small business.

We pay fast.

Happy Bidding!

Captcha Comments Fix

Captcha Comments Fix
Ok i have a series of 5 jobs for a highly skilled programmer that is less than 1 days work

firstly add captcha
secondly i want the wright a comment box to disappear and the need to press a tab for it to appear
thirdly the star rating system on my site stopped showing stars and just shows dots i would like them changed anyway into small pictures of my logo instead of stars anyway
backed when i click my comments box to delete spam the spam gets deleted but it points to the wrong page once deleted the site opens a different page
Also the final job is to inform me of any problems you spot with the site and how to fix it