Create Wizard For Wp Theme

Create Wizard For Wp Theme
I have a WordPress Theme and want to have a simple fill in the blank wizard inside the admin panel so I can update the site easily without edit in the theme .php file.

Please download the JPEG and PDF for further explanation.

To get the WordPress Theme files, please PM me with the code “wptheme7”
and I will send you the theme files so you know how to do it.

Thank you!

Dynamic Web Application 2

Dynamic Web Application 2
take a look at
For now i do it manually with Dreamweaver, i need it Dynamic

I need a dynamic and esay application to upload pictures to a page of my website (resize the picture to make it fit)and choose from a list some field ‘by checkbox’ that will be added near the picture (see in bold’, and a space where i can fill manually some details.

Once the house is sold, buy a simple click the word ‘Sold’, ‘Vendu’ will be added to the picture and some fields will automatically ‘Uncheck’ and not show on the page anymore.
Last detail, buy a clik i can make the hole box appear or hide frome the web page.

For any details, do not hesitate. Antoine

Mathimathique Script

Mathimathique Script
hello programmer
i would like to make a website look like in math operations but i need an other design a better one
and i need to add the following things;
1. a forum
2. a login area for the student
3. a stor to buy some mathbooks…..
4. a chat programe
5 .some usefull math links
and some other things

and for the premium area i have a password for step by step solution
pass is 6986254

please be sure that u can do all the math operation before posting any bid

kind regards

Configure Googlemap Api

Configure Googlemap Api
Need someone to help us set up our GoogleMap API. Our site is built with Joomla 1.5 and you may use a Joomla plugin to accomplish this. The map will show the route of our historic flight across the United States so it will not follow driving directions, but rather a series of straight lines. When zooming in, each city center will show markers of our local sponsors to include their logo, address and two links – one to their website and one to ours.

Here’s a summary of what we need from you:

1. Map 135 city centers and draw a line to each one (according to our route). We can provide lat/longs for each one or you can map to city center.

2. Set up the local city sponsor markers, and teach me how to add more. Each markeer will show logo, address, and two web links.

3. Provide valid code for me to install a broad view of the entire U.S., showing the route. I will install this map on the top of my website’s homepage.

We are a small grassroots project to inspire the world to dream again, so our budget is very limited. Please be kind. Will also be happy to provide publicity in exchange for your work if you are intersted. We have several of the worlds largest pilot’s organizations behind this project and our realistic goal is to reach 20 million people through our intitial media coverage. We see this as the people’s project not just ours so let us know how we can help you too.

To learn more about our mission visit

Articles Writen

Articles Writen
Hi I need 10 Articles written all articles must be aimed at the UK
All must be written UAW so we have variying content over the three for posting
1. IT Support in Birmingham X 2
2. IT Support
3. Moving premisis IT move
4. Server Support
5. IT Support West Midlands
6. Saving Money In IT Support compared to employing an IT Manager
7. IT Security
8. Employee IT Data Theft
9. Remote Computer Repair
Must be interesting articles

Twitter Background Design

Twitter Background Design
We need a professional designed twitter background. The background should be in the style of: so like the flash street and the shopsite itself.

Feel free to discuss the background style and come up with good ideas.

Additional information for extra text will be given to the winning bidder.

Only bid if you have done this before! Must be perfect and for a good price. You can expect more work for our other website / twitter backgrounds.

Need Perl Expert

Need Perl Expert
Client uses 2 different server for his file sharing website. We need to display mp3 length to put this data as variable to flash player. If we don’t do this, flash player automatically set duration to 8-9 seconds. I temporarily adjusted this to “5 min”.. Now, all mp3 files plays for “5 min” but client is not happy.

So your task is to display mp3 duration.
Please bid accordingly.

PS: When you bid, please tell me what kind of access do you need? (ftp,mysql,ssh etc.)

PS 2: Another programmer here already started to this project but don’t respond me for 15 DAYS. If you do same, I’ll give you 1/10.

Flash Lite Application – Nok 3

Flash Lite Application – Nok 3
We at EquityWeb need a mobile application built for NOKIA phones.

Here are our terms.

1. Are you willing to sign a non disclosure agreement before work proceeds.

2. How many years have you developed Flash Lite applications.

3. Are you able to develop them for Nokia S40 and S60 phones.

4. Are you available for later maintenance/upgrade work.

5. Are you able to develop a Flash Lite application that utilizes data from PHP/MYSQL.

6. Are you willing to demonstrate capability by making one module of what we require before NDA Agreement and payment escrow.

Check out this adobe list of phones that the application should support.

Check this pdf for flash lite version & screen resolution


Php Curl Programmer Needed

Php Curl Programmer Needed
I created script which login to website using PHP Curl and post new thread with same login username. It was working great yesterday but now it stopped working. I successfully login, cookie details are pasted into cookies.txt on my host. But script doesn’t allow me post message and return to login page again.

I also need to add following features:
– Allow login of different users for SAME website.
Example A: UserA and UserB can post thread in the same time using same script.
– Allow login of different users for DIFFERENT website.

I think this can be done by creating different cookie.txt file, but I’m not sure. Also, I don’t want to create different .txt for each website. It’s not efficient. If you know better way, please let me know.

I need someone to fix this problem immediately.
I’ll NOT escrow amount in the beginning. I’ll put escrow when you fix first problem. Also, I’ll send you bonus:

If you complete everything in 2 hours bonus will be : $10.
If you complete everything in 4 hours bonus will be : $5.

After 4 hours, I’ll CANCEL project. No joke.

Clone 2

Clone 2
can someone clone this site for me and

i want to use the same css as my site racfad if i can but different layout if possible
i like the themes of racfad
everything must be functionable and ready to go

New Shop

New Shop
I Need a website developed for a shop selling Koi equipment. The site must be seo freindly as i will be passing onto our SEO people afterwards
look like
bradshawsdirect dot co dot uk
I need in html
Home Page
About us
delivery and returns
Product reviews i add a review on each product which is then linked through to the product for sale

The shop in PHP but i need it designerd well with calculations for postage and VAT Paypal intergration along with the option to intergrate credit cards
Must Be finished By end January 2010

Vbulletin 4 Skin Design

Vbulletin 4 Skin Design
I would like to have a custom skin built for my vbulletin forum. I just upgraded to version 4 so I figured this is a good time to start fresh with a new skin. Forum is based around Motorcycles Street And dirt, i need something sleek and stylish. i need somone that has built a v bulletin skin before and has allot of experience with xml v bulletin templates. i have several ideas to help get you started.