Search Script Needed WordPress

Search Script Needed WordPress
We are in need of a search script built in php for a site running WordPress. The WordPress built in search won’t touch the custom tables. Other search plugins won’t work either. The site uses 3 custom plugins(php scripts) and some other lists and html tables. The site is here:

The user should be able to decide what to search (via checkboxes, possibly 5-6). The search should be able to query all 3 custom(non wp) tables, along with some other HTML tables that are on the site.

The search result’s page should display hyperlinks and highlights to the words searched for. The links should be able to be clicked through to the corresponding page and display the searched. (Or, I’m open for suggestions on how it should work)

The search should be a wordpress plugin future proof for upgrades to wordpress along with being XHTML valid using CSS.

Bidder should be proficient in the language of PHP and know MYSQL well. I have phpmyadmin access to the DB.

If this project goes well, I have other PHP coding jobs available.

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 5

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 5
I have 153 descriptions that are each 500+ characters long. I need them edited down or re-written to be 180 to 350 characters long each (…that’s about 40 to 70 words).

They are currently repetitive, grammatically poor and much too long. Some are of no use and will require a complete re-write.

The descriptions you will be editing describe mature sexual situations. In this particular job the descriptions are for gay porn sites.

The final product needs to be in good english, readable, make sense and do a reasonable job of describing the target porn site. I have examples for you to follow, including the URL for each site that you are editing/writing/describing.

Once you get rolling, if you’re fast at typing, this should take you less than 90 minutes to complete.

I need this job done in 24 hours.

Payment via ScriptLance.

I Need A Linking Numbers Scrip

I Need A Linking Numbers Scrip
I need a script where people can buy a number and then that number will be linked back to their website. There will be no expiration for the links since their purchase of that number is for the life of the website.

It will need a signup form that I can send the customer to after they complete payment with a normal paypal payment. I want the script setup so that I can generate how many numbers are on the site.

If you have an idea of what I want please bid on this job.

Fix My Ptc Website

Fix My Ptc Website
I have a PTC website, I just bough it but one thing is not working properly, when I send Paid emails, the email doesn’t show the link to visit and earn credits.

I also would like to ad 3 things to my site:

1: Human veryfication when users sign up and log in
2: Anticheater for autoclickers
3: Anticheater for speed accelerator softwares like “cheater engine”

My website is

Thank you.

Install Oscommerce Template

Install Oscommerce Template
I need an oscommerce template installed and it connected to paypal and google checkout.

Any modifications to the look of the site will also be needed to be made. They also want the front page to have a part of there old site (which shouldn’t be to hard).

I’m willing to pay $80-120 for this work. It must be done in less then 8 days.

Flash Mp3 Player

Flash Mp3 Player
I’d like an MP3 player for personal use. I’d need similar functionality to (I’ve bought that script so you can have & use the source).

Required changes:
*a MySQL backend to store the artist/album/song info (preferably through PHP). I’m a PHP programmer myself so I might be able to help out if needed
*before showing the album view it should show an artist list. So first I’d have to select an artist and then it’d show the artist’s albums in the same way the linked script works (but dynamically loaded from the database instead of an xml file).

If you know of a way to cache the MP3 songs so they’re not downloaded/streamed on every play that would be awesome, but if that’s impossible or too much work you can leave it out

Continue Multi Flash Backgammo

Continue Multi Flash Backgammo
Hello, my friend began creating the game backgammon for my website, there is no link to the game yet because it is not done, but it is pretty advanced.

Players who are registered on the website and logged in can play backgammon, search for a game automatically. There is a table in mysql that stores the player names that are searching game and matches them, the wins and losses are also recorded at the end of the game, there is also a chat in the game.

Though the backgammon game itself is not advanced enough, it was left undone. There are codes to add, improve etc.
I can show you the game bugs by going in the game against eachothers… I will give you link if interested

The game is in .fla I think Flash CS3.

You also need to know PHP/MySQL well because the flash game communicates with PHP/MySQL and PHP is used for displaying the ladder statistics of the players on my website, but there are already codes for this for my other games so its basically copy paste.

Leads Management Site – Php

Leads Management Site – Php
we are imitating site eleadz [dot] com
l: jsmith321

it is a site where mortgage leads are sold to users.

watch video:

1. ‘applicant’ info is captured on site such as amerisave [dot] com

2. ‘applicant’ info is displayed on user-interface at eleadz [dot] com

3a. ‘user’ must deposit funds at site in order to view complete info of selected ‘applicants’
-otherwise, only some fields are visible
3b. or ‘user’ may select the individual ‘applicant’ information to purchase

4. ‘user’ can select to be notified of new applicants by different search filters

5. ‘applicants’ are separated into 2 categories (basic / premium), premium will contain more fields and will be at a higher price than basic
5b. ‘applicants’ info can be sold to upt o 5 different users
5c. ‘applicants’ info can be sold “exclusively” to 1 user, and then will not be available for purchase by other users (the price for this is higher)

6. ‘applicant’ info can also be entered manually into the system by ‘admin’

7. ‘user’ can set notification options (copy eleadz format)

8. ‘user’ can submit a dispute by entering the ‘applicants’ id number and submitting a form (copy eleadz format)

Please quote secret word “mleads” to be considered for this job.

Amember/1shoppingcart Expert

Amember/1shoppingcart Expert
I am looking for someone who is an expert with 1ShoppingCart / Powerpay / / aMember to help set up multiple domains with multiple products.

Each site will be developed in WordPress. I currently have a WordPress site developer I am working with that may be involved in the resulting projects.

Some products/domains will be one time purchase (digital delivery e-books, audios or e-book/audio combinations). These are very simple, with a sales page, a thank you (delivery) page, and standard Privacy, Terms of Use, and Sales & Refund pages (total 5 pages).

Some products/domains will be subscription (varying membership levels with different price points and different levels of access). My vision is for the membership site access to be determined by the level of subscription. For example, the “Basic” membership (Free) will provide access for a defined period of time to a specific current product (audio or digital). A higher level of membership will provide access to the current product, plus all historical products (audio or digital). In both levels the subscriber will NOT be able to download the products, only view/listen to them while logged in to their respective membership area.

I would also like the products (audio and digital .pdf) to be available for download by separate purchase – one price for basic or free members / a different (lower) price for paid members. One price for audio only. Another price for .pdf transcript only and a third price (something the customer can’t refuse) for both the audio and .pdf transcript).

A third subscription level will give the subscriber access to both audio and digital files with download capabilities for all current and historical files.

To manage the membership site, I intend to purchase aMember through 1ShoppingCart for the membership applications.

All products (one time purchase and recurring membership) will have affiliate programs that will also be managed through

I will also utilize the UpsellExpress feature withing 1ShoppingCart to consolidate products in an upsell. For example, they purchase the audio product for a given price. The 1st upsell may be to get a downloadable .pdf of the transcript. The 2nd upsell may be to get a CD and hardcopy of the transcript.

At this point, I am still defining project scope and working on my vision for the websites, but I am looking to make contact with qualified vendors. I am interested in finding out more about your experience and capabilities.

I intend to define, post and award the above in a minimum of 2 but not more than 3 separate projects. My intent is to award to a single vendor. I would like to complete all projects not later than February 15, 2010.

Please provide experience on similar projects as well as references. I am also looking for budgetary estimates (a range is acceptable for now) for the defined scope.

Please post your comments and estimates through the PMB with the terms “I know what you want for your sites” so I know you have read and understand this scope of work.

I will “award” the most suitable vendor of my choice $15 for submitting their best proposal / references for this scope of work. I will invite the top 5 proposals to bid on the projects throuh Scriptlance. Once I make an award for the first project, my preference is to award all future projects to this vendor.

If you have any questions about this specific project, which will pay $15 for your best proposal/references, or any future projects I intend to post/award through scriptlance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best of luck and I look forward to hearing from you!


Ms Word Skills & Proof Reading

Ms Word Skills & Proof Reading
I need to some with very good proof reading skills to convert a pdf file into a Microsoft Word document. Its a very simple project, that needs you to reproduce the word equivalent of the pdf, but needs someone who can pay particular attention to detail.

You would have to convert the pdf file to MS word (less than 5min process), ideally with a software program of some sort, then proof read and format the resulting MS Word product.

I have attached a sample pdf of what I might give you.

In addition, there is the following criteria:

– You will need to finish the articles by the deadline you state in your bid.

– The final product needs to be accurate, and I will not accept articles with several grammar mistakes or punctuation errors. I do not want to spend my time revising your articles due to improper grammar, word usage, etc.

– You agree that upon sending me the articles all rights to the articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these documents in any way. I will check also in the future that these articles are not sold again, otherwise I will contact the Staff (sorry but I have to do that).

– Please be able to communicate 1-2 times per day by email or messenger.

If you cannot comply with the criteria above, please DO NOT BID on this project.

In your response please send a sample of your work e.g. attached file, only if you are serious about this project.

Instead of the generic reply, please type “I fully understand” in your bid. This way, I know you have read and understand the terms.