Adult Website 4in1

Adult Website 4in1
Hi I’m looking for a great team with great feedback to design an adult website for me.

its 4 websites all linked together. I will be selling sex toys so I will need database and admin to upload pictures and text with a log-in for members as well as payment gateway.

A website for gay chat with lesbian chat, and website for 3x videos all with chat rooms.

only those with exceptional feedback will get the job!

A 15 Minute Surreal CMS Integration

A 15 Minute Surreal CMS Integration

You’ve already built your website, but how are you going to maintain it? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to integrate your website with Surreal CMS in under 15 minutes. We’ll go over some of the “gotchas” and have you editing virtually any static website in barely no time at all.


You’re probably wondering how you could possibly integrate your entire website with a CMS in just 15 minutes. The truth is, due to the recent trend of “light” content management systems, it’s becoming easier than ever to get small to mid-sized static websites up and running in them.

What is a light CMS? For the sake of this tutorial, I’m defining it as an easy-to-use, unobtrusive content management system that you don’t have to install. The nice thing about these systems is that you don’t even have to host them yourself, which is why integration takes very little time.

There are actually a handful of these CMS products available, including CushyCMS, Pagelime, and SimpleCMS. Most of these systems work off the same basic principle — you add class=”something” to almost any HTML element, link your website up to their system, and you’re done. Best of all, every one of these systems offer a free version.

Although every light CMS product has its pros and cons, I chose to work with Surreal CMS because of their vast feature set and simple interface. You’ll see exactly what I mean in just a moment, but in the meantime, here is the general process of integrating with any light CMS:

  • Create your website
  • Link it up to the CMS
  • Enable webpages
  • Add one or more editors
  • Begin editing

Just to familiarize you with the tool that we’ll be working with, here is a quick glimpse of Surreal CMS’ webpage editing screen:

Design Considerations

Before you begin working with a light CMS, it’s always good to think about things such as character encoding and the way you link to images and other resources. Surreal CMS prefers that you use UTF-8 character encoding, which is as simple as adding the following meta tag to the <head> section of each webpage:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

It’s also important that you link to documents, images, and other resources in a way that the CMS can understand. Surreal CMS works best when you use root-relative linking or absolute linking:

<a href="/images/photo.jpg">...</a>
<a href="">...</a>

The last but probably most important thing to consider before linking your website up to Surreal CMS is the placement of your content regions. Here is an excellent example of a very basic webpage that has a navigation menu, a sidebar, and a main content area:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
		<title>Example Webpage</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
		<meta name="description" content="This is an example webpage" />
		<meta name="keywords" content="example, examples" />
		<link href="/css/screen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />


		<div id="header">
			<h1><a href=""></a></h1>

		<div id="nav">
			<?php include("$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/includes/nav.php"); ?>

		<div id="middle">

			<div id="sidebar" class="editable">
				<p>Sidebar content here</p>

			<div id="main_content" class="editable">
				<p>Your content here</p>


		<div id="footer">



You may have noticed that I added editable classes to the sidebar and the main content region. This is how the CMS knows what sections of your page it should allow you to edit. You can add the editable class to almost any HTML tag, and you can have as many as you want on each page.

Another thing you may have noticed was that the navigation is being included from a separate file via PHP. Surreal CMS allows you to work with included files like this so you can update your entire site’s navigation without having to edit each page individually.

Once you’ve prepared your pages and setup editable regions, you’ll be ready to integrate your website with Surreal CMS.

Adding Your Website to the CMS

Surreal CMS offers both free and paid accounts. The free account has very few restrictions, and will be more than sufficient for the sake of this tutorial. Simply go to their website and create a free account.

Once your account is created, login to the CMS at This is the gateway to the Surreal CMS application.

Now that you’re in, select the button that says Add a Website. Here is the form that you will see:

Enter your website’s URL, server (usually, FTP username, and FTP password. You can verify that you typed everything correctly by clicking Test Connection.

For the Website Root, it’s best to click the Browse button and use the browsing tool. Essentially, your website root will be the folder that contains your homepage. It’s important that this folder be the actual folder that has your homepage so the CMS can properly map URLs to images and other files.

If you want to specify custom paths for documents, images, and media files, select the Advanced option. When you set custom paths, it will tell the CMS where other people who are editing your website are allowed to upload files. For now, you can leave these blank.

Enabling Your Webpages

Now that your website has been added to the CMS, the next step is to enable your webpages. In other light CMS products, this can be a bit taxing on your time, but Surreal CMS has a nice scan feature that auto-enables webpages with just a click.

To begin enabling pages, select your website from the list:

Next, select Enable Webpages. The following dialog will appear:

Select the page or pages that you want to be able to edit in the CMS. As you select them, they will appear one-by-one in the background. As a shortcut, you can navigate to any directory on your website and click Scan for Editable Pages. This will tell the CMS to enable any page in the current directory that has a class=”editable” attribute in it. When you’re finished, select Done.

By default, each page that you enable uses the <title> of the page as a label. You can easily change this to something more CMS-friendly by clicking on Edit Label. For example, you might change the label for index.php to read “Homepage” and the label for nav.php to read “Navigation”.

Updating Your Content

Believe it or not, the hard part is over. Now it’s just a matter of getting in there and editing content. Part of the reason I like Surreal CMS so much is that it streamlines most of the setup. That said, let’s move on to editing content.

After you enable one or more webpages, the next step is to begin editing. Simply select any of the pages that you’ve enabled by clicking on the appropriate page label. This will take you into the webpage editor, where you’ll spend most of your time using this great CMS.

In the webpage editor, you’ll see four tabs:

  • Content – This is where all your content regions can be found.
  • Properties – You can edit the page title, keywords, and description here.
  • History – View every revision of this page that gets published for up to 90 days.
  • Editors – See a list of all the editors that have access to the page.

Inside of the Content tab, assuming your page has at least one editable region, you’ll see something like this:

This particular example has the two editable regions we talked about earlier: sidebar and main_content. You’ll notice that the CMS converted the lowercase, underscore-separated IDs into Camel Case, space-separated labels for aesthetics. If you have more than one editable region on a page, you can switch between them by clicking on the appropriate button.

At this point, editing works the same way as it does in many other content management systems and word processing applications. You can format text, change alignment, insert images, lists, etc. Surreal CMS even has a built in File Manager that lets you view, upload, rename, and delete files and folders. To top it off, there is also an Image Editor that lets you resize, crop, rotate, and flip images with ease.

Depending on the type of element that you add class=”editable” to, Surreal CMS will provide an appropriate editing tool. As an example, here is what an editable <img> looks like:

The Edit Image button launches the Image Editor that I talked about earlier. It’s really easy to use, so you shouldn’t have any trouble at all manipulating your photos. Here’s what it looks like:

Once you’re finished editing, you can preview your changes by clicking Preview. A new window will open, and you’ll see your page exactly as it will appear when published. Of course, if you’re happy with your changes, clicking Publish will save them to your website.

Allowing Other People to Edit Your Website

Now that you know how to setup your website and edit it yourself, wouldn’t it be nice to allow other people access as well? This is especially useful for designers who want to give clients limited access to edit their own websites, and it’s simple to setup.

First, select the Editors tab from anywhere in the CMS and click on Add an Editor. The following form will appear:

Simply fill in the person’s name and email address to start. Then, select the website(s) that he or she should be assigned to. If you want, you can open up the Advanced section and allow the editor to clone pages, delete pages, and edit page properties. You can also enable or disable every option in the rich-text editor toolbar from here.

Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, select Add Editor and the user will be added to the CMS. By default, an email is sent to them containing their username and password. You can disable this, however, and the CMS will show you their temporary password for you to provide them with manually.

There are a couple things that you need to know about editor accounts. First, they don’t have access to everything that you do as a designer — editors only have access based on the websites and permissions that you assign to them. Second, editors don’t have access to things like full-page source code editing and the Tidy tool, which we’ll talk about shortly. The best way to see what the difference is between a designer and an editor account is to create yourself a test editor with an alternate email address.

Before we move on, there’s one other feature that you should know about editors. You can block them from editing specific pages on a per-user basis. Simply open any page for editing and select the Editors tab. Next to your editor will be an option to Disable editing. Clicking this will prevent that user from editing the current page.

Other Handy Features

So far, we’ve covered everything from integrating Surreal CMS with your website to editing pages. The fun doesn’t stop there, though. Here is a list of features that you can take advantage of once you start to explore deeper into what Surreal CMS offers:

Cloning Webpages

You can create new pages by duplicating existing ones. This is especially useful because you can setup one or more blank template pages and let your users create pages as they need to. You can also turn this on or off for each user, so more experienced editors can have more control over the site.

Styling the Rich-text Editor

Apply styles from your website to the rich-text editor to give users a similar look and feel similar to the website. To access this feature, select the Websites tab from anywhere in the CMS and choose a website. You’ll see a button labeled Change Editor Styles.

Editing CSS, JavaScript, and XML Files

You can enable stylesheets, scripts, and XML files just like any other webpage. Of course, you’ll be editing raw source code, so you might want to block inexperienced users from accessing these types of files if you enable them.

Editing Full HTML Source Code

While you’re editing a webpage, you’ll notice a button labeled “Edit Content Regions”. This actually allows you access to the full source code of the page. Editors do not have access to this tool.

Repairing Messy HTML Code with Tidy

Surreal CMS has a built in tool that utilizes the popular HTML Tidy library. This is useful for fixing nested tags or invalid HTML code that may cause problems while editing. You can access this tool from within the full source code editing page.

Viewing Editor Activity

You can see what your editors have been up to! This includes what pages they’ve accessed, when they were edited, and even the times that they logged in to the CMS. To view this information, select the Editors tab from anywhere in the CMS and choose an editor. Click on the editors name to see their recent activity.

Pro Features

Surreal CMS is free to use for up to three websites. After that, they ask you to pay $25 USD per month for their paid service, but Pro accounts have a couple other nice features, too. For example, you can access the CMS from your own domain or subdomain (i.e.

With a Pro account, you can also upload your own logo and customize the theme, which is ideal for designers who want to use the CMS as a solution for their clients. Here’s an example of what you can expect when you brand the CMS as your own:

Additional Resources

Now that you know all of the basics (and some advanced tips, too!), here are some useful resources for working with Surreal CMS:

Site Design Colour + Layouts

Site Design Colour + Layouts
Hey everyone.

My website is in need of a facelift, so a redesign (where needed).
This site is a yet to be released ADULT site and can be found at .

It will involve Australian uni students performing on webcams.

Must look professional and create a safe atmosphere (as people will be using credit cards on this site).

Please provide suggestions or a quick demo of what you can provide for my site.

Payment by 100% Escrow on completion or milestones.

Small Oscmax Changes 2

Small Oscmax Changes 2
I need these changes done quickly by an experienced programmer.
They are only small and will not take that long so please do not quote silly figures.

To prove you have read this – please describe your approach to changing the code.

I have a mooded instance of OSCMax and am using Product Attribute Pictures on the product info page

This all works well but what I want to happen is for the product attirbute selector dropdown to also change to reflect the product and also change the product image.

That is change 1

Change 2 is when the item is added to the cart I would like the product attibute picture to be shown in the cart and not just the master product image.

Will select programmer quickly….

website is at

Adult Website Style Makeover

Adult Website Style Makeover
Adult Website Style Makeover and Minor Functionality Change

Warning: this work is for an adult website, and is therefore only suitable for people who are ok with this.

I want someone to change the look and feel of totallyclips [dot] com. The website uses AVS software (, so it would be very useful if you have used this software before. I will be providing sample mockups and full instructions.

High level look and feel changes include:

– replace existing tabs with ones provided in the mockup;
– page layout changes. Sample provided in mockup;
– apply new CSS to some pages;

High level functionality changes:

– Allowing multiple categories when user uploads videos (currently only 1 category permitted);
– Display multiple categories inside admin console;
– Ad new advertisement spaces (content managed by Admin console) to website. Changes are required in both website and Admin console.

Please let me know your experience and I will then send the full details of the job to suitable applicants, so that you can make an appropriate bid.

Thank you for your time,

Script Modifications

Script Modifications
I’m looking for someone who can do for me some script modification’s
it will be softbiz freelance script, i’m modyfiing it into odesk clone, already found someone who create for me software, site will be in other language so don’t worry about english ;P mine is bad too…
Here’s list what I need to be done:

– after log-in, can see his dashboard with jobs that he work for + and how much does he have on account + everything what script have.
– in licitations he can bid and change his prices / hour (of his work), while he will writing it will be shown in 2 columns, in first price that he provided , in second price that he provided minus admin commision. After he will be chosen to job he will get info on his mail. And after that he will be able to start his job using ‘software’
– He will be able to request payout to his bank account [and it will have been shown on admin panel]
– In bid’s delete “Delivery Time”
– Delete message board, and add into account’s e-mail’s and communicator
– Add to script: edit bid’s(amount), add account important announcement’s
– Add verifikation process similar to employer’s verification.
– more info needed in registration
– button to request scammers

– You have to add table in dashboard with actual information about freelancers that work for this employer and about they’re job. And button to request scammer.
– You have to add possibility to show information on job application, employer should choose , job , and freelancers that work for it , and should write up to 160 letters message (if any).
– add more information in employer registration.
– add possibility to deposit money on account and possibility to send this money to freelancers that will work for him. After 2 weeks he have to pay to all his workers (that were working those 2 weeks, otherwise information will be sent to admin, and admin will be able to add extra fee for not sending payment, suspend him or even delete) And for week since those 2 week’s he will see info that he have pay to his workers via my site (of course).
– When the account will be suspended, he will be notified about that on his dashboard and via e-mail.
– he have to have ability to suspend work (or freelancer) or even finish job (or job for one freelancer)

– he have to have access to all account’s and all info’s about work, adn edit, suspend or even delete them
– he have to have possibility to verify users and write verified info to his own database (and noone except admin can see it)
– he have to have possibility to suspend or finish job’s (whole jobs or just for one or two freelancer’s)
– setting commision in any of this ways:
* stable (for example $0.5 for every hour)
* percent of hour-rate
* both of them or any of them with downline or upline limit
– possibility to add/deduct money from any account.
– possibility to suspend users (and they’re job) or even delete them
– see information how much did I earn on my commision’s and possibility to clear this amount – make it 0.00 (if I just payout those money)
– possibility to show users (exact users from exat job , or only form exact job , or all users) important informations in their panel
– see information who and when requested payout also all payment history (between employers and users), information of requested scammers (employers/freelancesr)

Webdesign And Scripting 2

Webdesign And Scripting 2
I need to create a hotel and hostel website where hotels and hostel property owners can sign up freely and create, edit and upload content (including images) to their user profiles. The profiles should be displayable on search. Users who sign up should have a back office through which they can log into their respective pages. A good example is (please try out the signup form and see how it works)

Let’s talk! Show me examples of sites or projects you have done. DO NOT EMAIL ME THE URLS OF YOUR SITES; I need to ONLY see work that is related to this.

Payment will be done via Escrow upon completion depending on how comfortable I am with your experience and ScriptLance profile. Do not bid if you have unresolved questions.

You should be accessible via online messengers to chat and communicate in English. I’m in Kenya so adjust your time zones accordingly.

Complex Order Processing Sys 2

Complex Order Processing Sys 2
I’m looking for an experienced website developer or a team of developers to design a complex quote and order processing system for our company in the promotional merchandise industry. I expect you to read the project description thoroughly, make sure you understand it. I am only looking for experienced programmers so please show me what you’ve done in the past in website design, php and javascript programming – if you don’t have a good portfolio to show, don’t bid.

What we do is sell printed promotional items like mugs, pens, etc. to companies. Companies ask us for quotes, samples, we get them from our suppliers, and provide this to our clients – there is usually a lot of chasing, negotiations, etc. involved so we need a system that will help us be on top of all this and give us alerts about when to call our clients. When order is placed we sometimes take payment in advance, sometimes not, and all this has to be accounted for in the software, then we need to establish layout of the artwork, print the items and send it to our clients. There is a lot of these issues and the software will have to make all these easier.

For an example of a software that is available on the market please see: Our system looks different but we use a lot of the features. You might also be inspired as to how to design our system when you see this. We’re looking for creative people that will be able to not only do what we tell but also offer a better solution if there is one.

We have already done around half of the project in php but it will need a few modifications/redesigning/simplifying so that it’s easier to use, faster and more responsive (this is why we’d like it to be done with javascript as well) – e.g. not having to restart the page to see changes that we’ve done – updates will have to be done in real time but data needs to be saved in our server databases. If you think that another language will be better for this project – please let me know and I might consider it. These are the areas that we’d like done for this project (areas done are marked with *):

1. *Password protection: we used Dreamweaver and it’s tool to password protect the pages
2. *Supplier Database: listing all suppliers, features to add, edit and delete – all has been done
3. *Client Database: listing all clients, features to add, edit and delete – all has been done
4. *Enquiries that have not been converted into orders yet: enquiries added manually or by a client submitted form; listing all enquiries, having multiple quotations for each enquiry; sending enquiries to client email address; listing, adding and editing user actions – this area will need a lot of modifications to be simpler to use, sending emails has issues that will have to be corrected, prompts will have to be set up for users to perform actions
5. Orders and Invoices: will have to be created from quotes; will need actions with prompts; editing functions; invoices will have to be sent by email to clients and printed as PDFs; our purchase orders will have to be created from these orders and emailed to our suppliers; then there should be an area where we can put in our purchase invoices from suppliers and compare then against our orders with them; then there has to be an area where we can see what we bought and sold and how much profits/losses we made
6. Products: listing all products and searching for them: most of the code can be taken from our main website; few modifications will have to be made

You will work with me through Skype on the whole project (you will only be dealing with one person). You have to be ok with this. I will not be paying anything extra on top of what you bid now so bid carefully – if you have questions that might change your price – ask now.

Payment will be made using SL Escrow. We don’t do PayPal or any other transfers. If you’re not ok with this, don’t bid.

Once this project is complete we’re planning to add additional features. If we’re happy with your work, we’ll also give you this job to do. It will involve things like: email system where all correspondence will be stored with each client; diary/calendar – working with actions from enquiries and orders; email marketing system for sending out mail-outs; client area where they can view their quotes and orders and make payments: ecommerce with setting up SSL. When bidding, please also let me know if you’ll be able to help with these projects in the future.

Temmplate Install On Magento

Temmplate Install On Magento

I purchased a template and need to have someone install it on my server. Magento is already on there, so are most of our products and information, we just decided to change template design.

We have a template on there already, so we need to uninstall that one and install the new one. Here’s the website:

I would like to have this done asap.

Thank you.

Simple Website Template Design

Simple Website Template Design
I need a nice .css graphic design template created for this site:

You will only have access to our .tpl and .css files in order to do this (I have listed their links below).

I want the site to look like it relates somehow to

I will be promoting their products on our site, so we would like it to look somewhat uniform with their site. However, I don’t want it to look exactly like their site. Use different images and pictures, but you can use a similar color theme.

Implement images across the template as you see fit to make the site look more alive and fun.

* All Candidates must be an individuals.
* All company or corporate responses will be ignored/blocked/banned.
* Must be able to communicate via AIM or Yahoo Messenger.
* Winning candidate must be available during regular California, USA work hours of 9am to 5pm Pacific Time. (GMT-08:00)
* Winner will work with us to create 50 to 100 more templates like this one for additional sites we’ve already planned to build.

Files you will be working with:

You can see how these files render on our homepage:

Please include URL samples of similar work you have done in the past.

Shopping Cart Optimization

Shopping Cart Optimization
I need to make these modifications to my shopping cart (CS-Cart)

Please, bid if you have good skill in Smarty, HTML, PHP and CSS. Provide your real portfolio.

shopping cart, Website Design, E-Commerce, Website Redesign, Cs-cart

I. Top:

block1. logo->>linkable to homepage

block2. Santo Domingo->>Editable (text), linkable to store information and location
block3. Santiago–>>Editable (text) store location and information
block4. Acceso al taller –>>linkable to system

horizontal bar where Makes are: linkable each make individually to make page. Ex.

Make text on the top of the category look better. Modify font and size.


A. Daily deal: editable as a category, I want to be able choose item to added there from the catalog.
B. Same for the other 2 offers below it.

Optimize look and feel of both. My design is just for indication.

III. Item description:
Change “añadir a carrito” (add to cart) to Share on Facebook and Twitter (Compartir en Twitter y Facebook)
But in category page change “add to cart” to “View more details” (Ver más detalles).

IV. Footer: Add links to footer. Will link created pages.

V. Search suggestion.

You can see actual store here:

Note: I need these changes in the latest version after update.

Forum And Blog 100 Posts

Forum And Blog 100 Posts
We need several good forum & blog posters.

The first task will be:

Post to forums or blogs relevant to the topic of our website.

Post 100 relevant posts about our website in the 50 sites (no more than 2 posts on the same website) that you found:

– Comments must be relevant to blog or forum subject and demonstrate that you read the ongoing discussion;
– Each posting must be from a different Username and must have different content;
– Minimum 35-40 words of original and quality writing per posting (Talk about our advantages, big bonuses… etc.)
– URL Link to our website must be inserted in each posting and be active.
– Your posts have to be with SEO in mind. I will give the keywords in PM.

Once you post 100 posts, you will provide us with a report.

This can become the long term job.
If we are satisfied with your work, we will offer you other projects upon the successful completion of this one.

Fix WordPress Image Problems

Fix WordPress Image Problems

I bought a WordPress theme and am having a few problems with it. I need the following things addressed:

1.) Fix stretched images in the Featured Projects Slider. Proportions are not right.

2.) Remove Featured Projects text image and make sure page still displays properly

3.) Remove Recent Projects text image and make sure page still displays properly

I’ll send the URL of the installed site and login after the bid is chosen.

Theme information can be viewed here: