Web Form Validation 2

Web Form Validation 2
I need my web form validation scripts modified in order to perform the desired actions. The first form ( http://azhearing.com/catalog-request.php ) needs to trigger a php file (attached) to email me ALL the form results while posting them at the same time to http://www.azhearing.com/cgi-bin/PDG_Commerce/catalog.csv (Script needs to create this file if one does not exist.) Once form is submitted, the user will read on the screen, “Thank you, <firstname>. Your catalog will me mailed out soon. Form submitted on <date> at <time>.” Most of this information is already in the script, but not working properly. ** If possible, I’d like the ZIP mask integrated on this form. ** See all js files attached ** The second form ( http://www.azhearing.com/PDGCommTemplates/CheckOut2.html ) needs the javascript debugged to perform the submit action once the form fields have been validated. If the user has JavaScript turned off on his machine, he/she should still be able to submit the forms.
PLEASE NOTICE: I’m not asking for whole new forms redesigned. I ONLY NEED THE CURRENT SCRIPTS MODIFIED. I want to be able to control the validation variables IN THE FORM ITSELF, not in the script. PROJECT DOES NOT REQUIRE SCRIPT INSTALLATION, I CAN DO THAT MYSELF.

Rewriting – In Bulk

Rewriting – In Bulk

I have two writers already working with me and Now I am looking for 1 more rewriter to rewrite articles on a regular basis. I will use your service for long term which means you have to be good.

You must be familiar with ezinearticles and how strict they are. I don’t want 5 rejected article out of 10 submitted. If they are rejected, I will send it back to you for revisions.

Your task is to rewrite articles from any article directories from any subjects. Minimum words are 415.

To start, I will need 50 articles to rewrites.

You must be native English speaker/writer. The rewrite articles will need to be concise and to the point. I cannot accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.

You must be able to accept paypal. I will usually pay within 24-48 hours of completion of first 20 articles, so the sooner you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive payment.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and Punctuation also they must copyscape since articles will be posted to ezinearticles.

Also, the articles must be at least 85% unique, they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

REMEMBER: You are bidding on writing me 20 articles.

I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing aren’t met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements.

Note: You must be able to do min 10 rewrites per day. (This is important). The more you do per day the better, I will pay for any numbers articles you submit in one day. The more you do, the more you get paid.

You must follow my guideline when submitting the article to me like in what format and in what subject.

My budget is $1 per rewrite, if you can do 50 in 3 days then it’s good for you, if you can do 100 in 5 days, you will be paid $100 in 5 days. The more you do the more you earn.

If you want to a long term task, this is it but I want the best. You must work minimal mon – fri or minimum 50 rewrites per week or 200 rewrites per month. The more you do the better.

Locating Mobile Phone

Locating Mobile Phone
I have a company of various departments with drivers in each department. I need a system to track every driver’s movement through their mobile phone. Each department can track all the drivers under its department and not the drivers from other department. I as a administrator can control access to these users. Allocating, assigning, enabling and removing each handset client to each users.

I need
1 x Client for Blackberry handheld
1 x Client for Window Mobile Handheld
1 x Webpage that display Location of mobile phone location using Google Map. The webpage will be used by our side to integrate with other parts of the website.

The client is installed in the mobile phone so that it could report its location through buildt-in gps. Upload the coordinates into the webserver MYSQL and upon opening the web page it could display the location of the handheld using google map.

– Client must be activated upon startup automatically.
– Client will work at the background with little signature.
– Client cannot be disabled unless with controller password.
– Allow to configure the interval of each uploading of coordinates by controller.
– Able to set up different user accounts in the webpage.
– Each handset are allocated individual ID so as administrator can set privileges to different users who can view only different handheld set as according to their access allowed.
– Webspage able to plot route of coordinates and display it on google map.
– Webpage able to search for history for the route travelled. Example From 28Jan2010 18:00hr – 28Jan2010 18:30hr will plot the route in between the time given.
– Webpage able to display multiple location of different handheld set at the same time.

I deal with only Escrow. Thank you.

Couriers/messengers Software

Couriers/messengers Software
Need a program to handle a LOCAL transportation courier/messenger service orders. The program MUST be a full clone of OnTime Management & Dispatch (http://www.ontimesystem.com/Overview.aspx) or CourierComplete (http://www.couriercomplete.com/product_tour.html). I need ALL the functions working the same. I also need it to look nice, as the sites mentioned above. Both sites have detailed explanation of their software functions and capabilities. Please make sure you take the time to review module by module before even responding to this bid.

Among other things, the program will be able to:

– create transportation service orders from registered customers who call in for packages to be picked up at one place and delivered to another place in a specific time frame and date specified. Each job will have its own consecutive control number, and will be updated as it progresses.
– create scheduled orders or routes for those recurring jobs on specific time-frames.
– rate jobs according to service type, distance traveled, pieces and weight, waiting times at either pickup and/or delivery points, overtime or out of business hours, and other additional charges. It should be able to determine how many miles are from a zipcode to another zipcode by using the API code from mapping programs such as Mapquest, or by any other means.
– it will also determine paying chart for drivers during each job in percent of the cost of the job.
– it will generate many reports based on data available, per customer, driver, dates, job number etc.
– it will generate a detailed invoice report with consecutive numbers in pdf format per customer, that can be emailed to each customer automatically if possible or printed out. Invoice will indicate job#, date, caller name, time called, pickup location, delivery location, time delivered, name of signature at delivery point, and details on the charges for each job such as service type requested, base cost, fuel surcharge, waiting times, overtimes and total.
– it will generate pay statements per drivers in a specific period of time with same details as invoices.
-Access to a screen that will show summary of active jobs, indicating if assigned to a driver or not, organized by drivers id number, and showing quick summary of pickup and delivery locations, delivery time frames, and pickup and delivery status to help visualize status of jobs. Jobs cleared are removed from screen.

Databases should have among other things to speed up order taking and ratings. Order taking should be easily achieved by dispatcher in less than 15 seconds. This is accomplished by maintaining a complete database of calles and locations previously saved which pop up as dispatcher takes teh order. Some of the databases will inlcude:
(1) customers details including billing and order entry defaults;
(2) name of common callers specific to customers,
(3) common pickup and delivery points specific to customers for easy filling out orders;
(4) service types (leisure, standard, rush, other); service types determine in how much time are jobs to be accomplished and what rate chart to use.
(5) cost tables based on distance between pickup and delivery zip codes, service types, and other considerations to be discussed;

Software should have different levels of administrative privileges to keep lower level users/dispatchers from accessing vital information that only administrators should have. Administrators will be able to determine what areas of the program will a user have access to.

– Program should work online with access over the internet to the databases linked to software in local computer so work can be handled from anywhere. Continous automatic update between local pc and internet server. If intrnet is down, program is 100% workable. It will update the servers database once the internet is restored.

– generate invoicing and drivers settlement reports that can be used on accounting software to save time from duplicaying the information manually for accounting purposes(Quickbooks)

Samples of other companies’ programs to get idea of the application program:
– http://www.couriercomplete.com/product_tour.html
– http://www.ontimesystem.com/Overview.aspx
– http://www.keysoftwaresystems.com/xcelerator.aspx
– http://www.adoc.com/dispatch.aspx

Please do not bid if you do not have experience on similar projects. This is no regular flash or eCommerce website program but a complete Business Application. Don’t waste your time and mine if you can’t duplicate either program exactly.

Appstore Data Extraction

Appstore Data Extraction
I need a script to routinely extract data from iPhone app store. The basic script using curl is done. You are expected to enhance it and store the data in a database for further use. Schema for database will be provided.

You need to be proficient with:
– PHP/Perl
– Curl
– Regular expressions

To make a qualifying bid please send a PM with:
– Explanation of your approach
– Any issues you’re aware of when extracting data from iTunes store
– Examples of work related to curl and regular expressions

More details will be provided in PMB


Free Blog Themes X 100

Free Blog Themes X 100
I require a total of 100 x free (but decent quality) two column blog themes randomly selected and modified as follows:

1. Each free blog theme can be selected randomly but must be a decent quality two column theme suitable for eBay EPN use.

2. Each and every one of the 100 blog themes MUST have the header.php, footer.php and sidebar clear of any backlinks, Adsense or any other advertising/links which will create a footprint.

3. Each theme must also be compressed using .tar before delivery to me.

Each blog theme will be individually inspected to ensure that they meet the above requirements. Payment will not be made unless each blog meets the requirements. So please only bid if you have the experience to fulfill this project.

Thank you for reviewing my project.

Autoresponder Email Marketing

Autoresponder Email Marketing
My server has an autoresponder setup.

My database (MySQL) has several thousand names.

I have several HTML email templates that need to be put into the autoresponder. This HTML needs some fields matched to the database and autoresponder.

I will give to you these templates to work with. You will add maybe 3 test emails with test data into the autoresponder and test them so I can see it is working A-OK. After your test is working A-OK on my server next you will put all of my emails into the autoresponder.

You will activate all features the autoresponder has, including opt-outs, and other features listed here:

It will send out test emails using my Ezine email templates containing text and video.

You will take the names from MySQl, and csv files now saved in the server, to input and use into the autoresponder. This is so I can send mail to my lists.

You should be able to read the “help” files provided by the software and have excellent English skills. You will of course help make the images and graphics match my website!

To complete this project, you will make an MP3 file telling me what to do next time so I can send the Ezine templates with no trouble.

Your Skype will be how we communicate, and you will have sms access into my mobile phone. This allows you to use FREE gmail to send a small message into my phone asking me to meet you online at Skype or Yahoo Messenger (Y!).

Pay? I will pay NEAR the average earned by citizens in your area, as reported at https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html in the ECONOMY section. Do not bid if this is not acceptable to you.