Html To Php

Html To Php
I would like to change my html website to PHP, so I don’t have to change information on every page when I want to change a link etc…. I am looking to hire someone for a couple of hours to help me setup the php page and get me started. I can do it once I have an outline set. For someone that knows what they are doing this should be a very simple task.

Art Website Changes

Art Website Changes
Ok I need to have some changes and corrections on my website (Joomla).
1. Change the menu CSS (Side menu should be like top menu, I mean the color and one stop smaller in size)
2. Change Titles CSS (The titles should be in white color 🙂 )
3. Change The way that gallery displays images (Thumbnails of the images should be displayed completely and not cut to form the square.)
4. Add bullets to categories and sections list display (one of those already have this kind of change.)

Simple Web Design Project

Simple Web Design Project
I am looking for a web designer to help me design and code my Make-Up Artistry portfolio.
The page will consists of photos and other information. No shopping carts & such needed.
I would love some fancy flash work, but will see what people can do.
Please send me your resume &/or your portfolio (samples) along with your rates.
This job should take a minimal amount of time as it is a simple project

Need 25 Articles

Need 25 Articles

I need a writer who can complete 25 articles within 5 days.

All articles must be original and pass copyscape.
Payments are made through Paypal once accepted and paid by my client.

The articles will revolve around given keywords. I will provide the keywords to the winning bidder

My budget is $3.00 per article. If you do not agree to this rate please do not bid.

Samples appreciated. Articles must be done in US English.

Admin And Control Panel

Admin And Control Panel
When someone enters a referred by or agent code thats in the agent database (query with current database) it will save certain data of the users information under that agent control panel. It will also send the agent a email stating that a new refferal has been added. I will need an administrative signup page that will allow me to sign up new users as well.

Mp3 Player-bar In Footer

Mp3 Player-bar In Footer
[THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR A SIMPLE MP3 PLAYER! I would like to implement what can be seen on the two sites below, and nothing else]

I have Ajax implemented on my WordPress site. I would like to create an MP3 player that runs in the footer, but will automatically start playing/switch to songs that are played from the main post. For a perfect implementation of this, see I would like to replicate their setup almost exactly (though they are not using WordPress).

They are using JW Player as the main engine for playback. I really need to emphasize that I am not just looking for an MP3 player here. What I am looking for is one that will interactively function with AJAX, so that when the play button next to a different MP3 is clicked, the MP3 playing in the footer will switch to the song that has been called. Again, please look at for the perfect example.

Another example can be seen at, where, at the bottom left, you will see a “Top 10 Artists” list. Each of those has a play button that, when clicked, will dynamically call an MP3 player in the footer (that looks identical to Hypem). Their use of an extra frame to implement this is not ideal. The interface, however, is. You should notice that if you surf around Hypster, the music at the bottom will continue to play until you hit the play button next to another track.

User interface should be similar to that on Hypster or Hypem, in that the bottom bar displays the artist/track title based on the <a href=””> link.

Bookmark Relationships

Bookmark Relationships
I am looking for a programmer to help me do some coding in php/perl, mysql and web interface. The project is about reading bookmarks from a web browser (Firefox) and getting such information as title, url and frecency from the bookmarks. Based on these URLs (bookmarks) the program crawls to these sites and reads the contents of each site and saves it as text document ( X/HTML tags are removed) in MySQL database. From these saved documents, unique word frequencies are conducted and saved in the database as inverse tables. I would then want the program to compare these documents based on frequencies of the words in each document(URL) and possibly words from the title tags and see if any relationship (literal, syntatic, semantic) can be drawn. The result of the program could be depicted in a graph inside a X/HTML illustrating bookmarks that have similar or near similar content. The language and tools prefered to be used for the project are php or perl (search) and mysql. The choice of these tools is because I understand them. I have already done some of the requirements. However am quite flexible and would consider any other advices as to the choice of tool/language.

Need A Good Writer – Longterm

Need A Good Writer – Longterm
I need a writer to write 12 editorial pieces.

Each editorial piece will be no more than 3-4 paragraphs each.

All editorial pieces will relate to a primary quote which I will give to you.

The editorial piece will have a focus on women real estate investors and the real estate market.

I am looking for a good researcher/writer that is willing to work with me long-term and that can submit original work.

You MUST be a native English speaker that knows proper grammar, syntax, spelling and you MUST have the ability to write from a woman’s perspective.

**Before accepting a bid I will send you a sample quote and would like for you to write a paragraph or two and submit it back to me so that I can get a sense of your writing style.**

This project can lead to a long term relationship depending on your skills, professionalism and commitment.

Once selected I would like a quick turnaround.

Thank you and I look forward to your bid/sample of work.

Recursive Function To Find New

Recursive Function To Find New
I need a php script that will run in an php environment and reads recursively all the files inside a folder, producing 2 files:
– a snapshot txt file recording recursively all the dir and files under current directory, sorted by filename. Each line will contain the file or directory name, the creation date and change date, the linux attributes and if it’s a file the size.
– uses the previously created snapshot txt file, to detect the files that are new or changed(different file date or different size). It writes the names of modified file in a file with the same format as before.

Along with this function I need another one to test it. More details to the winning bidder.

Php Probid Template.

Php Probid Template.
Need a professional designer to custom design a phpprobid based auction site. The skin should be thesame as ebay, or at least like The relevant pages for me are main page and listing page. I have seen other projects here for around $100 dlls.


*Must see template uploaded and working before job is classed as done

*Do not bid if you are not a experienced designer, any experience of working with php Pro Bid will be an advantage.

*Payment will be made 100% imeadiatly on completion of work via Paypal, bank transer, money order, etc.

*And then feedback left, positive if everything is ok.

Please contact me with questions that you have BEFORE bidding!

Ms Sql Csharp Telerix Ui Dev

Ms Sql Csharp Telerix Ui Dev
We have a very simple web based SAAS CRM application. Which we need a developer to help us maintain it and to continue to enhance it’s fetures and functions.

***To be considered for this position you will have to live in the USA. Do Not Apply if you do not live in the USA!

The site is built on the following technologies:

ms .net
web apps
ms iis
sql server
stored procs
telerix ui

To be considered for this position you will have to live in the USA.

Please provide use with your full resume with referances and a portfolio of your past works.

We are open to this being a full time or contract position and are open to hearing all ideas as long as they are USA based.

Full communications with you will be very important to us.

Joomla Event Registration

Joomla Event Registration
This is what I have going on. I am a big fan of joomla CMS for my clients. Currently there is one component and it’s modules I am trying to customize for a client. It is for reserving fishing charters. I am using Event Reservation pro (GPL liscense) from and it is nearly complete.

What I can do is set up a ftp for you to get all my current source files for the project. This will include my current joomla install and components being used. I will send you a sql to import to your db so you will have exactly what I have. This is so you can set it up on your server to get what I need done.

My current production site is and here you can get a rough idea of what I am talking about.

I have attached a pdf to browse the areas of problems. Maybe we can treat each problem as it’s own project for you to quote out?

The first 4 are the priorites! The winning bidder will also be the one who can complete this the quickest as our client is getting impatient with this after us trying 4 different components. This component we are using is the closest we can get with only having to solve these 5 problems below.

1. In mini calendar it separates by category but when date is chosen it displays all categories. We need to show only that category and event that the mini calendar is assigned to. The other module next to it displays correct. So maybe you can get the other module to display as calendar instead?

2. After an event is booked, it needs to be removed from all front end views or either marked some how, maybe in red and not yellow for avaible as it does now, as not available from the start and not after clicking all the way into registering for the event, as it does now. basically it seems available right now but when user clicks through and trys to book it shows unavaible. It just doesn’t make sense?

3. I need to sort booked events in the backend. Currently it just sorts by title of category or date and so on. Not only booked events.

4. Can we implement an audit trail? Currently when logged in and a user is added to an event manually the details show “added by” admin. No matter who does it, it always says admin? We need to know (2)two things. Who created each event and who added users to an event, by method of username from jos_users preferably.

5. Collecting partial payments and showing balance owed. Basically a deposit system.

Thanks for your interest in this project!