Object C Cocoa Visuals

Object C Cocoa Visuals

We would like a programmer to make a cocoa application to capture stills or videos from an internal or external camera (web cam) and present them in various ways on screen. This application must be highly configurable via its settings and contain many different transitional effects and settings that aid in a very stunning and highly visual experience.

would like the app quatz composer, core animation ect.

Survey Gateway For Files

Survey Gateway For Files

I have a file hosting website and I would like to put a CPA/survey/zip submit gateway on the download page like on this site: http://sharecash.org/download.php?file=436213#

Here is the basic concept:
1) People Sign up to my site
2) Upload Files
3) A gateway is put on their file with their sub ID
4) When other people go to download the file the gateway pops up and asks them to fill out a survey to continue to the file.
5) Using a unique SUB ID on the gateway I am able to pay the file uploader a share from my earnings from the surveys.

I’m planning to use AdscendMedia.com as the CPA Network, I was planning on using CPALead but they don’t allow cash incentives.

Here is a more detailed information about SUB ID and postback function.

I haven’t yet figured out how to make this work correctly, that’s why I need a freelancer do it.

Forced Matrix/mlm Script

Forced Matrix/mlm Script
I am currently working on a forced matrix/MLM site, and need some help with the registration, login and parts of the members area.

The matrix will have a fixed width of 5 people, and makes the member earn from referrals 6 leels deep. When a user signs up without beeing referred, that user must be placed automatically in the matrix. If one level is filled, the user must be placed in the next level. Else the user will be placed below the referring user (there’ll be a field in the registration form where the user can enter the username of the one referring him/her).

I need someone who can do the following:

1) Code the registration process that will insert the user-entered info into a MySQL database table (‘members’). Must include an activation bit where the user has to click on a link in an email to finish the registration (by setting ‘activated’ from default 0 to 1 in the database ‘members’ table). The registration form must use CAPTCHA to prevent bots from spamming it. In addition, I want to protect from multiple signups by only allowing 1 signup per IP.

2) Code the login part (including setting the session variables).

3) Code the following pages of the members area:

Account overview
Let the user see what information has been stored about him/her

Edit details
If the user wants to change his/her email address, password etc.

Sponsor info
Misc. information about the user’s sponsor/referrer, plus a form that enables the user to send his/her sponsor an email directly from within the members area.

Withdraw funds
Where the user can request a withdrawal (this will happen externally from the site by manual bank wire). If requested, the amount must be deducted from the user’s account balance, and the request must also be inserted into a database table (‘withdrawals’) as pending. Also validate against the database to check if the user has sufficient funds.

Matrix overview
Self-explaining. Let the user explore his/her entire downline. I thought this as an AJAX implementation that can expand/close dynamically so that the user won’t have to load the page a million times, but I’m open for other suggestions.

Log out
Kill the session and return to main area of site.

Close account
Let the user be able to delete his/her account totally and remove the user from the database. If so, the matrix need to be rebuilt in a way that fills out any hole the closed account leaves behind. E.g by moving a user from the next level up OR by inserting the next signup in the closed account’s place.

4) IPN script for LibertyReserve. To update the database by setting the ‘paid’ column in the ‘members’ table from 0 to 1 when a payment is made.

No payments to the upline must be done until membership fee is paid. Then, upline payments must be done in real-time, and not in a scheduled cron job.

The ‘members’ table can be modified to fit any necessary needs for the coder.

That’s mostly it, except this must also be implemented to a design I’ve allready made.

That is the project. What I have written here is not final, so any modification ideas or suggestions from the coder will be taken into serious consideration.

The hired coder must have good english/communication skills and be available on msn every day. I only accept bids from experienced coders with good reviews.

All code must be secure against XSS and SQL injection attacks. I don’t want any GET-variables in the URLs unless they are absolutely required to make it work. Clean code with no fancy and over-complicated stuff :))

Maybe this was a well over-done description, but I want you to know what the project takes before placing any bids.

CodeIgniter from Scratch: File Operations

CodeIgniter from Scratch: File Operations

In today’s episode, we are going to be working with several helper functions, related to files, directories, and downloads. We are going to learn how to read, write, download files, and retrieve information about both files and directories. Also at the end we will build a small file browser that utilizes jQuery as well.

Catch Up

Day 11: File Operations

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Final Example

Create Community Builder Layou

Create Community Builder Layou

I am currently using community builder for my joomla site to list my models and their profiles. Well of course community builder list them verticle with a lot of space on the side. Here is an example thugseduction (net) /enter/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userslist&Itemid=140

I would like it to look like breeditraw (com)/members/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=266&Itemid=235

I had to put it in like that for you to see. Scriptlance wont let me put in the world wide web.

Well if you have anymore questions let me know so that we can get started ASAP. I hear this is a simple job and I have more work for you if this comes out cool.

Analytics Script

Analytics Script
analytic script that i can put on my site so i can see how many people are coming in and what they are doing and how much time they stay there…

using cookies and ip

it needs to have clean and with graphs and other stuff like getclicky

i want to install it in the website using php

include ‘xxx.php’;

Php Spamassassin Checker

Php Spamassassin Checker
I need a custom-written PHP function that checks the content of outgoing messages. The script should be able to read Spamassassin ruleset files, and search the message for words, phrases, and other content that might cause it to be recognized as SPAM.

The checker will be implemented into a mailing program, so it only needs to check the subject and body. It does not need to have any of the other advanced features of Spamassassin, such as learning new rules from user input.

The function should return an integer for the number of rule violations in the message. The name of each rule violated should be passed by reference in an array. For example, “FS_AT_NO_COST” and “FRT_WEIGHT2” are two names of Spamassassin rule names. These names would be in the Spamassassin ruleset files.

The function should be in the following format:

$violations = check_spam($subject, $body, &$violations);

Other than the ruleset files, this function should be independent of Spamassassin and not require that Spamassassin be installed on the server. The ruleset files would be uploaded to another folder, so the script just needs to access that folder and gather all the ruleset files inside when checking a message.

I would need exclusive ownership of the finished code for this project.

Secured Pages And Admin Area

Secured Pages And Admin Area

I have a website and I need you to create 2 things:

– a secured members area;
– an admin area.

Secured Members Area:

In my website, I sell an online product. When people buy it, they should be redirected to a page where they place their name, email, and choose their username and password in order to enter in the secured area (all fields are required). Once they register, they access all the pages (there are several), and they must all be secured. If they close the window for example, and want to re-enter in the members area, they should place the username and password again; if they close their browser, the same should happen. All this pages that should be secured are under the same folder in my server.

So, you need to create a form for people to register and a form for people to log in, besides protecting all pages.

Admin Area:

This should be a page created by you. I honestly don’t care about the design. It may be a table with some rows, columns and buttons. What I need to have here is all my members’ information (name, email, username, password, and when they bought the product). I should be able to edit any of the fields, add a new member or even delete a member.

I believe the best option for this is to create a MySQL database where I have all members stored.

So, as soon as someone buys my product and they get to the register page to enter their name, email, preferred username and password, and fill all the data, this new member should automatically appear in this admin section.

If you have good knowledge about php or MySQL, you won’t have any problems doing this project. If possible, please show me some of your previous work so that I can see what you’re capable off.

Please let me know exactly how much time this project may take.

Thank you.

Two Simple Mail Forms

Two Simple Mail Forms
Hi , I`m looking for a programmer who can create 2 simple forms in php.

I need 1 form to enable visitors to schedule an appointment with a consultant ( selectable by selecting the consultant from a drop down list ). Three confirmation mails should be sent to > admin , customer , consultant/ Confirmation email should be done in html , the design will be supplied.

The other form is a simple application form with several fields. The confirmation email should be sent to the visitor and the admin. The design is ready.

Both forms should have a captcha to prevent spam.

The application form should have a upload option. Files should be stored on the server in a seperate folder. Only .txt , .doc , .doxc , .pdf files can be uploaded.

Let me hear your best offer.

Simple Php Changes 2

Simple Php Changes 2

my raffic exchange makes each new user surf 1000 sites to recieve there initial credit bonus

I need you to add a function to the admin area where i can change the numer of sites needed to surf to recieve there initial signup bonus


job 2
update admin area to do the following
add content boxes (text area form) that can be editied from the admin area to update the content of a txt file

each content box must update its own txt file

content box 1 will update file surfbar_left.txt
content box must have the option to save and delete information in the surfbar_left.txt file

code must be placed in the surf bar to call the contents of surfbar_left.txt file

from what i have read something like
<?php echo getad(‘surfbar_left.txt’); ?>
but i need many of these where as i can edit through my admin area that will update each individual file so i can call selected ad files for perticular locations of my site

********image has been added to show the type of content box i am referring to that can be edited in the admin area to show the content in another location on the site*************

Deciquesi .com Clone

Deciquesi .com Clone
Looking for a clone of deciquesi dot com
I’m looking to buy the Dolphin Software and looking for someone to design my new website using Dolphin but with the look and feel of deciquesi dot com
My site will be a networking site for the gay community but NOT an adult site.
Please note that I’m looking for design work only. NOT programming needed as Dolphin has everything I need.
I need a fresh, clean, unique, modern and yet fun look for my site.

Please contact me with samples of previous work. Must have experience in designing Social Network/Dating sites.

Thank you!

Video Player – Dynamic Content

Video Player – Dynamic Content
I need help finishing up my custom video player(flowplayer(….

We are very close to getting this where we want it, we just need:

-The slideshow (on the bottom) to stop playing when one of the videos starts to play

-We need to be able to pull content dynamically into the player via using a base url for the rtmp stream

-List of content being pulled by the slideshow and the video player needs to be able to be pulled dynamically from our database

Everything else is working as it should be for us, although we really need to resolve these last few issues.

matt L