Store Front Design

Store Front Design
hi coders !
i want to:
– create a new online storefront from a Magento website admin panel
– create categories for products
– import Free Open ICEcat content(products and images)into the new storefront/domain
– upload/import shop prices
– all data in XML format
– 200 sponsoring brand
– 250,000+ datasheets
– install/configure and activate MAGE CONNECTOR extension obtained from community extension(if not already installed)
– set up cron correctly to download images daily.
– Check out ICEcat at

only serious coders are requested to place bid, no escrow, payment will be given on the completion.
i am very afraid from the previous balcke listed coders who waisted alot of my time, so no argue on escrow. i only pay on completion.
happy biding

Vbulletin Plugin/modification.

Vbulletin Plugin/modification.
This is how I visualize this paticular modification to work

An admin of the forum creates a Category with a companies name, or guild forum for a clan, for example “Gaming Guys”

Once that’s done, he or she would then go into the Administration panel and add a moderator to that Category and in the process, tick checkboxes on that page with additional permissions that don’t come with VBulletin, such as..

Can add/delete/edit forums. (Default: Unticked)
Can edit style assigned to this forum (Default: Unticked)
Can edit permissions of this forum (Default: Unticked)
Can add/remove/edit moderators to this forum (Default: Unticked)

Once that’s done, the assigned moderator would then log into the MODCP (Moderator Control Panel) of VB and would be presented with the same options that are normally reserved for admins, but they ONLY apply to the forums he or she is MODERATOR of.

If the moderator in question were to add a subforum to their category, they would be automatically given full moderation of that extra subforum, with the extra permissions already applied.

Additionally, the newly created forum would also inherit any custom theme settings setup on the parent category. (if any theme is assigned)

If a style is assigned to the category or newly created subforums, the moderator would then see an option in MODCP for editing of the assigned style, but ONLY that style which is assigned to the forums he or she is “Manager” of.

The moderator would also see options for access mask control of his/her assigned forums, as well as the ability to block or allow access to usergroups via forum permissions (but again, ONLY the forum he/she is assigned as moderator to)

Widget Expert Required

Widget Expert Required
Hi we have a site at We need someone to create a few widget for us. This is a wordpress website.

The widgets are very basic

1. Namely draw images and randomly display —> For 2 categories namely Celebrities and Movie Reviews

2. Create 2 RSS feed for 2 sections to create RSS widget of latest post —> For 2 categories namely Celebrities and Movie Reviews

If design help is required i can provide. If the budget is too small. You can quote just for option 1. Since for 2 i can just use springwidgets.


Portfolio and reference are the most important criteria for the bid.

Create WordPress Photoblog

Create WordPress Photoblog
Please see the attached PDF for what I want.

I already have a WordPress blog set up. My version of WordPress is 2.9.2. I will need someone to be able to configure it to be a photoblog, so it functions like the screens in the PDF attached. If you have a plugin and theme that will achieve this, great!

*** Please show me some examples of photoblogs you have created.

Php Curl Script With Captcha 2

Php Curl Script With Captcha 2
I need a PHP curl script that automatically logs into a secure website and fills a captcha. Please note that this is NOT for spam purposes. I would just like to make the login automated, since I do not want to fill a captcha each time. I have already done the LOGIN part. All I need is help around the CAPTCHA. Attached is an image of a sample CAPTCHA.

Sinuspain Website Template

Sinuspain Website Template
I need a simple HTML template or web page for a web site. This page will be:

– appear like a wordpress blog page, that is a background with a box on in the foreground
– background to be a gradient from dark to light, bottom to top
– background color, see logo to pick complimentary color
– Box Top: will have a banner at the top, with the logo
– Box Body: leave blank, I will add content. No columns please.
– css styles: Verdana

Here are some examples:
– Gradient background example:
– Background/Box format like wordpress:

I think this can be done quickly by a talented individual so I’m putting two days down for delivery. If someone wants to work on it today I will be online and could provide quick feedback.

Cheers, P

Layout For Blog

Layout For Blog

I’m in need of a blog design for a client’s site. The site already exists, it just needs a blog to match the theme.

The client likes the layout of this blog:

So, in conclusion, we have the colors and design but we need a blog layout (no HTML) similar to the above one.

My budget is pretty low but if you do well on this project, lots more work will come your way.

Happy bidding!

P.s. Please PM me your portfolio or your bid will not count!

Copywriting For New Website

Copywriting For New Website

I am developing a simple website for a company delivering high-quality graphical services for companies and private customers. The client’s services include graphical manipulation of existing material, retouching of photograpies, upgrading of b&w photographs to color photographs and vice versa. They provide complete solutions of graphical illustration, design, artwork etc. for marketing materials, brochures, articles, etc.

For private clients they provide a range of different services regarding to private letterhead, calling cards, photo retouching, preparation of postcards etc.

They also design CD covers, book covers.

They can present graphics of high quality in a long range of styles, from medieval painting styles, through retro and abstract illustrations. Everything in extreme quality but to very competitive prices.

I need a couple of selling texts for the different sections of the website; texts that are to the point, interesting and catch the reader’s attention and interest instantly.

If you have good experience with preparing high-selling texts, let me hear from you. If you are chosen, we will discuss further about the details via chat. During your work I will be available via messenger so we can communicate online.

Finally, if you get the job well done, a continuing co-operation will be initiated as we have several clients in the pipeline. Furthermore, there will be continuing maintenance and expansion of existing sites as the needs arise.

To give a rough impression about the actual client’s services, please see the overview diagram in the attached file.

Anyone with experience in Search Engine Optimization will be especially appreciated.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Careers In Web Data Entry

Careers In Web Data Entry
Careers in Web Design – Become a Profession Web Designer

A perfect match for your Data Entry Needs
Outsourcing data entry has become a common practice among global organizations, letting them save overheads and concentrate on other business activities.
The economic success of offshore data entry has encouraged many global businesses to take the positive step of outsourcing their Offline Data Entry Projects.
Data Entry India has great expertise in handling offline data-entry projects. We can manage entire setup professionally to meet your requirements. We offer high data accuracy for your outsourced data entry work.

Our services include:
Data Collection from various sites
Valuable URL list collection
Offline forms filling

We have a team of data entry professionals who can efficiently key-in your data into a database program or word processor of your choice, to execute your project within the acceptable quality parameters.
If you have any further query about our data entry services, contact us with your project requirements and budget, and we will revert back with an effective solution.


I have a website created in Joomla.
There are functionality errors in some sections which needs to be perfected and improve and optimize the design to a professional level. Add Video section. Add the missing sections in the admin panel, Make it fully SEO and search engine submission, creation of robots.text file. On the homepage there is news section which slides down when fresh news is added. There is a image slider. There are ad banners. There are various other modules. Some sections like Matrimonial and Business directory need to be replaced with better module/extensions. There is also a blog which need to replaced with a better one available. There is a event calendar. The site need to be made better user friendly in all respect to the browsing audience. The backend admin panel also need to be made complete in every respect for easy operation.
The revised site should be all major browser compatible including IE6 and above, web 2.0 enabled.

The site is hosted on Go-daddy windows server

I will provide complete backup of the site in zip file formate for restoring on your pc server for necessary changes and perfecting.

Give me the perfected/improved site backup in zip formate which can be restored on the server as well as on pc.

Fixing Php Code

Fixing Php Code
On my job board it shows that I have 14 jobs on one of the job links e.g. (civil engineer),but when you click on it, the jobs are not there.When people sign up and post jobs it’s ok, but when I post a job in the admin and go to the home page it says job posted but the job want be there. Also I would like for my site to accept job bulkpost feed or job bulk posting.