
I need an inforgrapher who is:
– excellent in writing English
– excellent in graphics (Vector illustration – 3d – Photoshop – etc)
– excellent in research for data and information and writing bibliography
– can keep information secret for his own good
the project can go for 1-3 years on monthly fixed budget between 200-300$ (favorable). would consider more depend on what you offer
the person will be doing infographs for projects , products , ideas and theories. Monthly minimum of infographs produced is 4 (1 per week). (depend on infograph work size number may go lower)
This site has good examples of what I want:

InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices

Other examples of work required:

Bids with no sample work will be ignored or reported as spam unless you are willing to send an example later on PM.
Place a bid for monthly budget not total.

Best regards to all 🙂

Oscommerce Template Conversion

Oscommerce Template Conversion
Hi there I have an oscommerce theme which I would like to get converted to suit the latest v3 of oscommerce (it’s currently for 2.2). I have the psd files for the home page and inner pages along with the integrated 2.2 version files which I will supply.

For a preview of the theme please see:

Thanks and looking forward to working with you 🙂

How to Generate PDFs with PHP: New Premium Tutorial

How to Generate PDFs with PHP: New Premium Tutorial

PDFs may well be the best format for distributing documents on the web. In today’s tutorial and screencast, I’ll show you how you can generated PDFs with PHP. Help give back to Nettuts+ by becoming a Premium member!

Example PDF Created with PHP!

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NETTUTS+ Screencasts and Bonus Tutorials

For those unfamiliar, the family of TUTS sites runs a premium membership service. For $9 per month, you gain access to exclusive premium tutorials, screencasts, and freebies from Nettuts+, Psdtuts+, Aetuts+, Audiotuts+, and Vectortuts+! For the price of a pizza, you’ll learn from some of the best minds in the business. Help give back to Nettuts+ by becoming a Premium member!

Quick Tip: Cross Domain AJAX Request with YQL and jQuery

Quick Tip: Cross Domain AJAX Request with YQL and jQuery

For security reasons, we cannot make cross-domain AJAX requests with jQuery. For example, I can’t call the load() method, and pass in ‘’. As we’d be loading in scripts and such, as well as our desired content, this would present a significant security risk. Nonetheless, there may be times when this is specifically what you require. Thanks to YQL, we can allow for this functionality rather easily!

The Script

// Accepts a url and a callback function to run.
function requestCrossDomain( site, callback ) {

	// If no url was passed, exit.
	if ( !site ) {
		alert('No site was passed.');
		return false;

	// Take the provided url, and add it to a YQL query. Make sure you encode it!
	var yql = '' + encodeURIComponent('select * from html where url="' + site + '"') + '&format=xml&callback=?';

	// Request that YSQL string, and run a callback function.
	// Pass a defined function to prevent cache-busting.
	$.getJSON( yql, cbFunc );

	function cbFunc(data) {
	// If we have something to work with...
	if ( data.results[0] ) {
		// Strip out all script tags, for security reasons.
		// BE VERY CAREFUL. This helps, but we should do more.
		data = data.results[0].replace(/<script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi, '');

		// If the user passed a callback, and it
		// is a function, call it, and send through the data var.
		if ( typeof callback === 'function') {
	// Else, Maybe we requested a site that doesn't exist, and nothing returned.
	else throw new Error('Nothing returned from getJSON.');

Call the Function

requestCrossDomain('', function(results) {

Stripping Out the Script Tags

I had to progress rather quickly in the video, so perhaps the regular expression that strips out the <script> tags require further detail.

.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi, '');

When we load our desired page, it’s also going to load scripts! You must be very careful when making cross domain request. It definitely helps to strip out the <script> tags, but you should do more in an actual project.

Let’s take the regular expression step by step.


Find all open script tags; however, they could come in many forms: <script type=”text/javascript” src=”bla.js”></script> , or <script type=”text/javascript”>lots of code here…</script> . For this reason, we add a character class ( [^>]* ), which mean, “Find zero or more of anything that IS NOT a closing bracket. This will take care of the attributes and values.


Next, we want to strip out all code, as well as any spacing. \s refers to a space. \S refers to anything that IS NOT a space. Once again, we add a * after the character class to designate that we want zero or more occurrences.


Finally, find the closing script tags.

Further Reading

This is only meant to provide a glimpse of how we can achieve this functionality. Only so much can be covered in a five minute video. Feel free to discuss in the comments, and you’re always encouraged to fork the source code to improve upon it!

Add Commission History Table

Add Commission History Table

First, here is an overview of my system. Whenever a member
purchases points and the payment status is “instant” or
the E-check status comes back as “Completed”, the points
are added to the member’s account, the commission is added
his referrer’s account and an email is sent to the

Sometimes PayPal’s IPN fails. When this happens, the
url_package_fee table is not updated, the points are not
updated to the member’s account, the referrer’s
commissions are not updated to his account and the email is
not sent to the referrer.

When the PayPal’s IPN fails, I search the url_package_fee
table (this is where the details of the purchases are
updated) to see if the transaction was updated there.
Sometimes the info is there and sometimes it’s not. So it
would be hard for me to tell if the referrer’s commissions
were updated to his account when the PayPal’s IPN fails.

So in order to help me to determine if the referrer’s
commissions where updated to his account when the IPN fails,
please do the following:

Note: Attached is my PayPal IPN file (notify.php) so you can
see the exact code. The only thing you will need to do is
create the commission history table and in the notify.php
file, have the script update this table whenever the payment
status is “Instant” or when the E-check status comes back
as “Completed”.

Below is what needs to be done:

1) Create a Commission History table and name it

In this table put the following variables: (Note: Most of
these variables can be found in the url_package_fee table).

– $user_id (This would be the referrer’s user id which is
the person who is receiving the commissions)

– The commission amount (This is the amount the referrer
received as commission from the purchase). This variable is
already in the notify.php file.

– $package_name

– $buy_date

– $payment_type

– $trans_id

– $user_id (This would be the user id of the referral which
is the member who made the purchase)

– When the transaction status comes back as “Instant” or
the E-check status comes back as “Completed”, the
url_package_fee table is updated, the points are updated to
the member’s account who just made the purchase, the
commissions are updated to the referrer’s account and the
referrer is sent the email. Now right after the email is
sent to the referrer, the last thing the IPN should do is
update the “url_commission_history” table.

Now let’s say that the IPN fails. (Note: Sometimes there is
a partial failure meaning the url_package_fee table is
updated Only and sometimes there is a full IPN failure
meaning the url_package_fee table, the points and the
commissions are not updated and the email is not sent to the
referrer). I always know if there is some kind of IPN
failure, because the points are never updated to the
member’s account.

So when there is one of these failures, I should be able to
go to the “url_commission_history” table to see if it was
updated, since this table is updated last in the IPN
process. Now if the transaction is not in the
“url_commission_history table, I can assume that the
commissions were not updated and that the email was not sent
to the referrer.

The goal here is to be able to accurately determine if the
commissions were added to the referrer’s account whenever
there is a partial or full IPN failure. Let me know what you
think is the best way to logically solve this problem.

– Whenever I delete a member from the admin panel, the
script should check the “url_commission_history” table and
delete all records in this table pertaining to that member.
(I delete member’s account from the admin panel, by click
on the “User Management” link, clicking on the email
address of that member and then clicking on the “Delete”
button underneath his account details).

******* NOTE: The commission history table should only be
updated when the payment status is “Instant” or the
E-check status comes back as “Completed”.

2) Commissions Not Added When E-check is completed. The
following problem only exists when an E-check comes back as
“Completed”. When a payment status is “Instant”, every
thing is working fine.

User ID# 4194 E-check was completed. The points were added
to his account which is correct. But here are the problems:

– The commissions were not added to his referrer’s account
User ID# 4193

– And User ID# 4193 did not receive the referrer’s
commission notification email.

The code is already there, you will just need to figure out
why the commission is not being added to the referrer’s
account and why the email is not being sent to him when an
E-check comes back as “Completed”.

3) Url’s not hyperlinked when I send a Plain Text email to
ALL members.

Whenever I send a Plain Text email to all member’s, the
url’s in that email are never hyperlinked. The url’s
should be hyperlinked. You can log into my admin control
panel and click on the “E-mail Members” links to check



Need Web Designq 2

Need Web Designq 2
I need a web design for a website evaluator site.

Front Page Design:

Simple version of:
Make it simplified version, just have logo, search bar, and under should be couple of text boxes for text, and ads.

Logo: Some sort of spinning stats icon like:

On top right corner.

Logo Text: WebcoStats

2nd page (Search Results)

Similar to:

Should have logo on top and the blue sidebars should say:


When clicked on each side menu sidebar buttons, the following should come up:


– Alexa ranking
– Alexa traffic ranking
– Pagerank
– Indexed pages (should show a number of indexed pages on google, yahoo, bing, msn, aol, etc.)
– Number of backlinks (should show a number of backlinks linking to that site)
– Social bookmarks (Should show where and how mnay times that website appeared on dilicious, digg, stumbleupon,
facebook, myspace, reddit,etc..)
– Link price (possible price of a link on that website, calculated by traffic, pagerank, etc.)
– Site value (possible value of the website, calculatedby traffic, pagerank, etc..)

All i need is sample box with text and icons for each element.

Lists all links linking to that website showing if those sites are follow, or no follow, their page rank, text,
and alt tags.

Lists all tweets for that website

– Lists all possible keywords for that website(taken from the sites meta keyword tag) and shows what position are those keywords linking to that website.

3d Page:

Contact us page (simple).

I need only design and psd.

Php/mysql App Fixes

Php/mysql App Fixes
we have a small PHP/MySQL app that saves registration data

we have 1-2 very small scripts to run to fix some little date errors (or null fields)

and less than 12 other small php fixes to app

(if you/we find more errors to fix, we include that as bonus payment)

see error list here …
login with reg_dev/4reg389

you can see REG USER (not Admin) form here …


Website Build – Cms 6 Pages

Website Build – Cms 6 Pages
Please view the attached pdf document, with all necessary pages that will be required (added will be a terms and conditions page and a copyright notice).

The designs on the PDF are to be replicated exactly into the finished site, i need this website to be created using a content management system e.g. joomla, mambo, word press or similar, for easy editing of text, and products. The blog page is already set up and just needs to be viewed on the page that is created,(e.g. an iframe window to show the blog). in the pdf is a checkout feature, this is not essential, it can be done through the pay pal check out feature (is preferred) full login to CPANEL, FTP and PayPal, along with all images will be supplied on approval of this project

Static Site Converted To Jooml

Static Site Converted To Jooml
We require the current website theme and content to be converted to Joomla. The site will require navigation with nested links that remain visible when viewing nested pages. During the design process for proofing it would be helpful to have the website hosted by winning bidder and on completion the site will be transfered to our current website host.

Seo Keyword Reseach

Seo Keyword Reseach
Need an expert in seo keyword research and development to find keywords that will bring high traffic with low competition/KEI ratio.

I will provide a list of about 25 herbal products that need primary keywords and secondary keyword phrases and a keyword that will be used mainly for home page and will be a theme through out the website example: “herbal supplements”.

The expert will also need to look at the competition to see what is working for them and what we can do better as far as keyword(s) development.

Expert will provide the following:
– 25 primary keywords “AND” secondary keyword phrases.
– 1 keyword/phrase that will be use as a theme word carried out through the website.
– provide keyword data(traffic, competition, KEI ratio, #searchs,ect.)
– Keywords need to be delivered in xl format.
– all keywords must be in English.

When bidding please message me with a quick strategy of what you will do to find the best keywords and experience.

Payment will be 100% escrow.

Must be completed within 5 days of hirer.

*Have the word “Imperial” as subject line so that i know you have read all this and agree.*

Rental Warehouse Control

Rental Warehouse Control
Inventory Script
The script is for a rental company warehouse control. The idea is that the system will have a complete list of all items in the warehouse (all items will have a barcode on them) and when any item is taken out, a transfer order must be generated. The transfer order will be generated scanning all items leaving the warehouse. Once the items return to the warehouse, employees must re-scan all items to make sure that everything that left is being returned. All transfer orders will need to be printed to keep paper traisl of all movements. The system must identify employees using unique usernames and passwords. The passwords will be read using a barcode scanner. Admin will have complete control over the system

The system will run locally on a pc with any apache/mysql package you recommend


User management with two user levels
Admin – Can Add, Edit, Delete Items
Users – can only create transfer orders and receive items

– 3 types of items (Individual, Sets, Multiple)
o Individual: an item code corresponds to one item
Ej. Mackie SRM 450 Speaker
o Sets: the code corresponds to a box that contains several items (each with an item code)
Ej. Microphone Rack (Contains :)
• 4 microphones
• 2 mic cables
o Multiple: one code corresponds to a type of item that has multiple stock
Ej. Extension Chords (130 in stock) system must ask user how many he/she is taking
– System must have unlimited item categories
– System must have search function. Search function must be able to locate partial searches ex: “xlr” must be able to find any item with xlr on the name. ej. Xlr cable
o Search items by
– Some items will have same code for multiple items. Example would be extension chords. Once these codes are scanned the system must prompt the user the amount the he/she is taking out of the warehouse so once the items are being returned, the user knows the amount of extension cords that must be returned

– Information for Items
o Item ID (Automatically Generated)
o CODE (Manually Inserted) this will be the code on the barcodes)
– Brand
– Model
– Serial Number
o Notes
O Maitnence Records

Create a new Transfer Order
User will have to be logged in and in a menu with options the user has privilege to use. Mainly CREATE Transfer Order and RECEIVE Transferred Equipment

Create a transfer order
The idea is to have an employee scan all items leaving the warehouse and have the script ask for the following information when creating a new transfer order
– Transfer Request ID (Automatically generated using a format of MMDDYYYY-NNNN) Must be displayed in the pdf document in barcode style and numerical (NNNN will be 0001, 0002 according the the amount of request forms created in ONE day) example. 11062009-0001 would be an order created NOV-06-2009 and be the order number 0001 for that date
– Activity Name
– Activity Location
– Activity Date
– Transfer date (today’s date)
– Transferred created by: will be determined according to username used to log in
Once all items have been scanned the user must select [complete the transfer request] and a pdf document must be generated with a specific format (will be provided later) that will include the information requested above and a list of all items scanned. This pdf will be stored locally in a folder and will be printed to be signed and archived.

Receiving Items on our Warehouse
User can locate a previously created transfer order by scanning the transfer order ID (BARCODE) or by looking through a list of all transfer requests that have not been returned.

Once the equipment is returned to the warehouse. The employee must open the transfer order and re-scan all items telling the system that they are being returned. Once finished the system must check that all scanned items originally scanned when leaving have been scanned on the return date. If some items are missing the script must inform the user that some items are missing. At this time the user will have to partially return the gear and finish the return process when the additional items arrive and must generate another pdf document to be printed listing all items that have not been scanned. If all items are accounted for. The script will generate a pdf document with a complete transaction report confirming that all items have been returned

All items must have a CRM type log that will show all movement for the specific item. Besides in and out statistics all items must have a maintenance function which will allow out warehouse techs to include pertinent maintanence information for any item included on the inventory.

Important Notes:

– the final script must be in Spanish. We will do all translations. The script must be able to be translated. Preferably using templates.
– Script MUST look user friendly and must have a simple to user GUI icon based.
– Script has to be created keeping in mind that future additions will be added. Must be expandable
– All information must be user configurable since the system will be used in more than one company.

This project had been awarded to a previous programmer who did not honor the time period agrred for the proyect. We are way behing schedule and need the programmer to be fully involved in the completion of this project asap

Will pay via scriptlance ESCROW

Programmers will permit a testing period before final escrow is paid