Four Web Pages/ 3 Mysql 5.0

Four Web Pages/ 3 Mysql 5.0
I have attached the same specs in both doc and docx.

Chosen provider will:

~ Have MYSQL experience.
~ Have received positive feedback
~ Able to deliver the completed pages in 5 days or less, without exception.
~ Offer a VERY competitive bid.

I am in California (Pacific Time) and I will be reviewing all submitted bids at no later than 7:00 AM on 3/6/2010.

Thank you!

Biology Articles Needed – 3

Biology Articles Needed – 3
I need three(3) articles written. 1000-1500 words each. Articles to be finished within 48 hours of the bid being accepted.

The three articles in question are about:
Sea Dragons

These articles should be factual articles about these fish. Similar in style to this article:

You can get pretty much all the information you need from the following links:


Sea Dragons (include both species):

Each article should contain at least: an introduction with description, their natural habitat, their distribution, number of species (can be a rough number), diet, reproduction, threats and conservation.

Must be written by a native english speaker, or someone that could pass for a native english speaker. Poorly written articles will be rejected.

Installing A New Wp Blog

Installing A New Wp Blog
This is a very easy project.

I want a WordPress Blog installed on my new site.

The blog should have two side bars, left and right.

It should allow widgets.

The site is for beginner internet marketing.

There should be a custom header and I will send you an image to add and the title.

Colour – blue or green. Something easy on the eye.

I want the permalinks changed to custom


Plugins required –

All in One SEO Pack
Google XML Sitemap
Secure Contact Form
Seesmic WordPress Plugin
Tweetmeme Button
What Would Seth Godin Do
Wordpress Related Posts
Wordpress Video Plugin
Sociable Zyblog edition
Subscribe to comments
No follow links
Wordpress Automatic Upgrade
Wordpress Privacy Policy
Comment Luv
Simple Tags

There is also a WPA plugin which adds affiliate products from Clickbank, etc to each post, which I want added and if there is a plugin which updates Facebook when a post is made, I want that added too.

This should be a VERY easy job and should be set up so I can start posting immediately.

I will send the image, title details and list of the sites to ping, together with log in details, etc. to the successful candidate.

Theme Development

Theme Development
Wanting themes developed for

Note that there is a theme / css editor on the site and themes should be created through this editor and submitted to the gallery.

To take a look, please sign up at, create a new network and then click ‘Theme manager’.

Would ideally like 4 or 5 themes creating and submitting to the gallery.

Please indicate that you understand the method of creating themes in your bids.



Video Posting To Php Melody

Video Posting To Php Melody
I have a PHP Melody based site and I need 40 videos posted. I’ll tell you the site where to get the videos from and how to do it. Takes about 1 minute to add easy video, I can do it in about 30 seconds. The basic task:

Copy FLV/MP4 Video link,
Copy Thumbnail Link,
Copy Title + Description,

Paste everything to PHP Melody video adding wizard and you done. Very simple. If you are reasonable and I like working with you I can easily have you do this a couple days of the week for me.


Public Adjustment Website 2

Public Adjustment Website 2
Insurance Adjustment Website
Professional Design
1) Home Page
2) About Us Page
3) Flash
a. Random picture of home and commercial disasters with sad music.
b. The flash is started manually
4) Services
5) Testimonials
6) Appraisals
7) Residential Insurance Claims
8) Commercial Insurance Claims
9) Contact Us
a. The submitted information is saved into a mysql database. The admin and adjuster selected within to form receives an email notification. The selected adjuster and/or admin can reply email through the website.
b. Allow adjuster to add notes to the customer contact. Admin receives an email when any adjuster adds a note.
c. Only admin can delete any saved contact information
i. First and Last name
ii. Address
iii. City, State, Zip
iv. Primary Phone
v. Secondary Phone
vi. Email Address
vii. Insurance Company
viii. Choose Adjuster (Drop down Menu – Adjuster names)
ix. Type of Damage (drop down menu)
x. Additional Comment/Concern (Text box)
10) Directions (Google Map)
11) FAQ
12) Join Us
a. Form that allows any user to join the company.
b. This information is saved into a mysql, and allows admin to reply back from within the website.
13) Adjuster Login
a. Allow Admin to create account for Team Member (adjuster)
b. Allow Admin to change passwords for adjuster

Lighttpd Web Server Slow Issue

Lighttpd Web Server Slow Issue
I am using clip-share video script for my video site, with multiple server plug in. The main site is hosted on a VPS, and 2 streaming sites which are and hosted on 2 dedicated server. I use lighttpd to stream all flv files.

There is a serious issue with lighttpd streaming right now. I give you an example on my

I configure the lighttpd.conf of www3, which has mod_evasive, mod_secdownload (enabled) , mod_flv (enabled). mod_kbytes_per_second.

Originally, it is configured as below
connection.kbytes-per-second = 150
evasive.max-conns-per-ip = 3

If the server has below 200 connections, the flv loads as normal. Once it has over 200 connections, the flv loads very slow. I can say it barely loads. This server is on 1Gbps dedicated port and I have tested its speed. It can boost to 800Mbps with no problem

I modified the lighttpd.conf a little bit like
connection.kbytes-per-second = 500
evasive.max-conns-per-ip = 3
but it won’t help.

Then I decided to test loading the file via apache. The flv file load superfast with no problem. That is how I am confident this is an issue with lighttpd, or a bug in lighttpd.

I need a super pro who knows lighttpd to fix this issue. The connection.kbytes-per-second = 150 is actually enough to load an flv so I need connection.kbytes-per-second = 150, and the file should load as fast as it is loading via apache.

If you are interested, please PM me for my live site, and the test link that you can compare between 2 same videos, 1 loads from lighttpd and the other load from apache.


Helping People-update#1

Helping People-update#1
This website allows users in need of help/services to become free members by posting a need tag (exprofile). Other users then become sponsors of these members by searching the database of exprofile tags and sponsoring a selected member by helping them with that need. Donations are voluntary. is looking for a dedicated and responsible programmer/company for this project and more on-going work in the future to help people in need around the world.
Programmers-please give your lowest bid while preserving quality and profesional work. Fluent English skills as well as payment through scriptlance escrow required.
Please review updates needed carefully and request website ID/Password from client if interested.
(all logos and slogans are copyrighted and property of Inc.)

Video Lesson Embed Website

Video Lesson Embed Website
I need someone to build a video music lesson site on drupal, joomla or any other suitable CMS (please provide reason if another CMS is suggested). I do not plan to host any videos on my server; instead there will simply be a database of video sources from across the web. Therefore the developer will need to proficiently understand video retrieving processes, the Youtube API as well as other video hosting site API’s. In addition I have some questions to better understand the developer.

For your proposal to be considered, please respond to all questions and provide 3 previous US clients that I can contact. This will help make any discussions more effective in the future. Also, please contact me if you need any clarification or have additional questions.


· Delivery time from contract confirmation?
· How many visual designs are offered to choose from?
· What are the payment terms?
· Release and approval process to confirm successful completion?
· Mitigation in case of non performance of functionality?


• Visual Design : I have created several (10) PSDs for the key components of the site to demonstrate what I’m looking for. Nevertheless, I would like the developer to refine my design and implement the visual customization.

• Video Submission Method : As previously state, I don’t plan to host any videos on my server. All videos will be links or embeds to videos hosted externally. Each database entry will simply have the sources of preexisting videos on the web with additional information fields that are only relevant to my site.

Users will have the ability to submit videos in 2 ways:
—— • Link : Link to preexisting videos on the web. I’m predicting that my site will initially support 6 major video hosting sites: Youtube, Metacafe, Vimeo, Yahoo Video, Myspace Video and Dailymotion. When a user submits a video URL, PHP should fetch some basic information (Title, Description, Thumbnail, etc.) while the user can add additional information.
—— • Upload : If a user wants to upload a video that is not already hosted somewhere, they can upload the video to youtube using my site. They will submit it to my site and then PHP will use the youtube API to actually upload it to Finally the source information will be saved to my database.

• Search/browse pages : These should function almost identically. The PSDs that I have created will give the best idea of what I’m looking for. Essentially there will be a clean table of listings with AJAX sorting capabilities.

• Forum : A phpBB forum will be seamlessly integrated visually and programming wise. Most importantly the user accounts should be universal so that users are automatically logged in to the forum component when logging into the main site.

Required skills:
• Understanding of whichever CMS is used

During the week I’m unavailable from 7:00am – 4:00pm. Please let me know what time would be good to discuss my project.

WordPress Blog Seo Job

WordPress Blog Seo Job
I have a wordpress blog that I need the SEO completed.

I am looking for high page ranking
Keywords backlinking
All of which are white hat.

If interested I actually have about 40 blogs/sites that I would use you to complete for me as well.

But first we do this one and then the rest.

If interested let me know and tell me what you would do the increase the page ranking.

If you have question please ask.

Share Note (cloning)

Share Note (cloning)
Need a website similar to, includes all its functionality and some of the and, such as Professor rating and reviews, Grade Distributions, Create Flashcards and Note cards, and etc…
* Please be sure to provide your analyze to complete this project’s requirement with a realistic completion date when you are bidding.
* It has to have very friendly interface and easy admin controls. And must be install on my host server.
* The programmer must be able to upload the progress work daily and keep the communication. Also the programmer should allow for changes in design to be added mid project.
Thank You.