Article Wiiter Indian Recipe

Article Wiiter Indian Recipe
Looking for a talented article wirter from India, to write key word rich Indian Food Recipes (Each recipe must have ingradients and amouts in pounds and oz for each dish, serving size and prepration methods). You can choose and categorize the dish from Available Vegetarian and non-veg dishes from all Indian states.This is an ongoing project. We also need articles about latest Indian fashions, ornaments and hairstyles, latest shoes.Your bid is for first batch of 20 -400-500 word original articles for an Indian Fashion website exclusivly for ladies.This is a simple project for those interested in cooking and fashion.Ladies with homescience or fashion technology degrees preferred, but not necessary.

Football Match Preview Writer

Football Match Preview Writer
I work with an online sports news website that publishes previews of various sporting events (Premier League Football matches, , Spain La Liga, Serie A, France leaque 1,Germany Bundesliga 1) and we are looking for a long-term sports writers/journalist to write predominantly football match previews for mentoined leaques.

The candidates will need to be completely proficient in the English language and have a great knowledge of sports, particular football, with the ability to research for upcoming events and write relevant, factual and interesting previews in a given format. Experience in the field of sports writing is not necessary, but would obviously be a bonus. All work must be 100% original and free of an grammatical or spelling errors, all articles wll be checked by COPYSCAPE.

Ultimately what we are looking for is someone who has experience and/or a keen interest in sports writing, and can write preview articles on sports events to a deadline and word limit when projects are given to them.
This job is likely to be a long-term project, and so the winning bidder could have a regular source of income from this position. The winnner will generally cover anywhere between 50 and 70 previews per week.

Php/mysql – Modifications Cm 2

Php/mysql – Modifications Cm 2
Hello everyone,

we have a cms system (based on smarty templates) which needs some modifications/small additions, it is probably very easy for skilled php experts. We just need some small modifications, everything is working (for example paypal integration,signup and so on..) but we have a few requirements that need to be added.

– edit two pages of the login area: some small changes (easy template and php modifications – also includes mysql db connection so mysql knowledge is needed)

– The cms uses php sessionid and one php script is creating a pdf file when clicking on a link. But the sessionid is not used in this one. –> it would be a security problem because anyone could see the pdf of another user just by using the url in his browser. I am sure this is fixed easily by checking the other pages/sessionid creating.(they are okay)

– modify payment gateway (php) interface to support moneybookers also(paypal is already included and working).

we are looking for a fast working php coder only, who really knows what he is doing, we need someone with access to msn or gtalk to allow better and faster communication.

Please only bid if you can deliver professional code and if you can provide example work of php/portal sites you have worked on before.
If you can deliver good work many projects will follow.


Make And Design A Browsergam 2

Make And Design A Browsergam 2
I need a Browsergame like the Game Panzergeneral.
Look lik this Pictures:

It must be habe fields and the units has different moves of field per round.
there must be a base where the units can be buy.
Othe base can be captured. destroying other bases and units gives money, with u can buy other units.

Its a round based game. If im ready with my moves, then i click on a button and the other games have to move. in the game there should be a chat, where the gamers can chat.

This game is like chess. Round and field based game. Mainbase and different units thatcan move differnet times and field each round. the units have different strengthen weakened forces.

Important is the design. There must be maps with moutains, landscape, Water hills and stuff like this.
All these points have a advantageous for the fight.


Upload Photos Using A Zip File

Upload Photos Using A Zip File
I have my own CMS and I want to add this option:
Upload photos using a zip file:
the description as follow:

in my CMS I have:
1- upload photo + name + description + active/inactive status
2- the photo will be uploaded into a specific directory
3- the photo will be renamed in a specific creteria

what I want to add
1- in the same upload form above a new field to upload a zip file

who this will work
1- get the main photo uploaded in the previous step
2- upload and extract the zip file into a tmp dir
3- create a directory name as the previus image
4- move the zip content into this directory
5- rename the images to the same directory name with serial _suffix
6- submit the images into mysql database field (will be created for this reason) using array format
7- delete the tmp dir content for later use
8- show uploaded results in a view file

Configuring Joomsef Component

Configuring Joomsef Component
I was using joomla coreSEF and now i have switched to joomSEF.
Now i want to 301 redirect the old URLs to the new ones. Example:

NEW URL…da-prof-ivanu-dikicu

I have “Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF?” turned on in the configuration, but its not working for some reason and i dont want to add a redirection for each of 300+ URLs manualy.

I also want to remove ALL duplicate URLs to avoid google penalities, there should be no duplicate URLs pointing to the same content upon completion of this project.

Six Unique Articles 2

Six Unique Articles 2
This project should not be difficult for anyone with article writing experience. I intend to find a regular writer, which I can hire for more projects, as soon as possible. I may pay more in future if I find a good writer.

For this project I need 6 articles written. Each article should be 450 plus words. The 6 articles are on diverse but generic topics, they are not focused on one niche. You will be provided with a list of 6 keywords that must be used in the articles (once in the first 50 words and then 4 more times evenly spread over the article) and in the article titles.

You must be a high quality writer, please do not bid if you cannot write grammatically correct English. You must be willing to do adequate research to be able to write quality articles. The articles must be authentic, free of factual and grammatical errors, structurally correct and interesting to read. For search engine and reader purposes the content must seem 100% unique/original (this will be checked with Copyscape).

I will need one test article before you proceed with the rest of the articles. Poorly written articles will be rejected and the project canceled.

I will own the copyright to the articles.

You must be able to start immediately, please state an accurate estimation of the total time you expect to take.

Conservation Article

Conservation Article
Need article on sea dragon conservation (Phycodurus eques and Phyllopteryx taeniolatus). Will require some research on your part. I would prefer someone experienced or at least interested in the subject matter or related (biology, oceanography, diving, etc . . .) . Does not have to be SEO optimized (in fact, I would prefer it were not). 1500 – 2000 words. Must be original writing, I will be checking against other texts for plagiarism.

Article should contain 3 parts –
1. Introduction to what seadragons are (can be a short paragraph)
2. Body of article, the information about conservation and threats to sea dragons.
3. Brief summary of threats and conservation efforts, and what the individual can do to help.

Lots of links to information to work with here here:

This is a work-for-hire request, meaning once payment is made, I would own the copyright to the article.
Other sources:

Native english speaker only – or good enough to fool me. 🙂 Low quality articles will not be accepted and project canceled.

First draft needed within 24 hours of the project start, any changes within 24 hours of sending it back.

Article Rewriting 300 Article

Article Rewriting 300 Article

i need for serious and good article rewriter, to rewrite 300 articles in 15 days ( 20 articles / day )

Please take note of the following.

1. You can rewrite articles but make sure no 3-word are similar to the source.
2. Articles must be in between 350 to 400 words ( we give you article and you rewrite him
3. You will send me 20 articles / day in TEXT format.
4. 300 article must be finished in 15 days
5. Serious and good article writer have good experience, and like to work for a long term relation ship
6. bidder must know some informations about forex world

i will select only serious bidder, before i select you, you must provide proof that you can do this project, We require all bidders to submit 1 article sample (i have upload 2 sample with this project download one and rewrite them) via PM with in any of the following. No sample, no chance.

Your reviews is not a guarantee that we select you. Quality is the most important to us and we can only check that through your sample… Give us your best shot.. We give our best offer to best rewriters.

This is just a partial order, we need more in the next couple of months… up to 600 articles per month…

Web Design Expert

Web Design Expert
I have an existing wordpress ecommerce site (note this is a unfortunatley it wont link properly in scriptlance)

I need an experienced talented designer with clear communication skills, to redesign 4 areas of my site. These designs must compliment the existing colors and style of the site.

The areas I need redesigned are:
1. A new page background that includes a sign up box and site search bar at the top (see example ).
2. A scrolling feature area for the top of the index and category pages that showcases the main benefits of our site plus appropriate images. If you look at you will see the style of feature box I want. The feature box will have 4 slides and be 792 x 350.
a) $9 postage Australia Wide – no mater how much you order
b) Free Gift Wrapping
c) Send a Greeting Card for FREE – complete with a handwritten personalised message
d) 100% customer satisfaction Gaurantee.

3. Eye catching designs for the bottom feature panel “What our customers are saying” and “The lastest from our Blog”

Please do not bid if you have not looked at the page examples given and know that you can integrate these specific designs, as I have already had 1 programer not be able to complete the design work.

Please indicate in your bid if the price includes installation or is for design work only

Oscommerce – Add Border Etc. 3

Oscommerce – Add Border Etc. 3
Hello, I need someone to start immediately and have the project complete on Saturday.

Please – You must be able to understand/speak english.

1. Apply a border the exact same as www. sensory edge .com around the entire site. Please be willing to let me see a couple examples of different colors/patterns – I have some to try. It’s difficult to tell what color to use until I see it on the site.

2. I have a flash show that is already designed and I will supply you the file. You will just need to install it in the “welcome message” area.

3. Install a small info box above the flash show – I have copied the one from www. sensory edge .com (it is the box above the flash that says “save 5%…” submit email.. I will give you the link for this.

4. I changed from #0033CC to a different shade of blue and that blue is all over the main page (I’m not sure of the code). I would like to get rid of the borders around products and through the check out stage that are still in the old blue and change to the new blue.

5. I want to enable an info box called “sales” or “shop by brand” that will go under the “featured” menu bar. You will need to create the same orange menu bar to match that one for the “sales” menu.

Please see site the boys depot .com

Four Web Pages/ 3 Mysql 5.0

Four Web Pages/ 3 Mysql 5.0
I have attached the same specs in both doc and docx.

Chosen provider will:

~ Have MYSQL experience.
~ Have received positive feedback
~ Able to deliver the completed pages in 5 days or less, without exception.
~ Offer a VERY competitive bid.

I am in California (Pacific Time) and I will be reviewing all submitted bids at no later than 7:00 AM on 3/6/2010.

Thank you!

Biology Articles Needed – 3

Biology Articles Needed – 3
I need three(3) articles written. 1000-1500 words each. Articles to be finished within 48 hours of the bid being accepted.

The three articles in question are about:
Sea Dragons

These articles should be factual articles about these fish. Similar in style to this article:

You can get pretty much all the information you need from the following links:


Sea Dragons (include both species):

Each article should contain at least: an introduction with description, their natural habitat, their distribution, number of species (can be a rough number), diet, reproduction, threats and conservation.

Must be written by a native english speaker, or someone that could pass for a native english speaker. Poorly written articles will be rejected.