Modifications To Thunderbird

Modifications To Thunderbird

I recently switched from Outlook to Thunderbird and I would like to hire a programmer to make the following custom modifications to Thunderbird:

1. Right now, when I send a calendar invite, I get a pop-window asking me about outlook compatibility. I need this reminder disables and also tell me where i can find this setting to change manually if needed.

2. Right now, in the address book, when I select a name, a preview of that contact’s information appears at the bottom of the page. Please modify this preview so that I can cut and paste an address with this format from that preview pane:

John Doe
123 Main St.
Anytown, NY 99999

3. Folder Sort – I need Thunderbird folder view modified so that if I sort by a column title and then type several letters, that the script jumps to the place on the page that match the letter combination (Example: “hea” for healingcrystals)

– Is this coming in V3.0?

– Secondary Sort – modify Thunderbird folder view to have a secondary sort. If the folder is already sorted by date and then we sort by recipient, then I want the page to display all of the recipients in date order. Right now, if the emails are sorted by date, and I click on recipients, the page resorts, but the recipient emails are not in date order any more.

4. Then, when going to the address book and viewing the Contacts list, modify the script so that if I type a letter on the keyboard from this view, then by default the contact view scrolls down to the first contact name that begins with that letter. Please write the script so that also it recognizes if I am typying multiple letters for one word such as:


and this will go to the beginning of the contacts beginning with ABC such as:


Right now, Outlook currently has this same functionality that I am trying to mimic.

5. Modify the number/list icon in the fckeditor so that the numbers use the same font/size as the body composition settings. Right now, I set my body to be 12pt Arial and the numbers show up in Times New Roman.

Please post to the PMB with your questions and comments.

Thank you,

Shawn Adler

Site Similar To Groupon

Site Similar To Groupon
We are planning to launch a site, that behaves similar to the site (= a group coupon buying service from the US).
Therefore please check out their site before biding, to get a better understanding of the functionalities and the appearance they have implemented, because our site will be very similar to that one.

The site should be based on the CMS Drupal. We need to be able to control the site through an interface, with a secure login, so that an administrator can login.
For completeness i will list some features that will be needed to be programmed for the platform. of course these are not all, so please see for more details. Pls only bid on the project, when you can fulfill them:

– Ability to create multiple administration account with different rights/priviledges
– Ability to definec multiple cities/platforms, so the user can switch between the cities.
– Each city has its own categories (around 4)
– Within each city/platform, we need to be able to create new coupons independently
– Each coupon needs to have the following fields: ID, couponprice (that needs to be paid), original price/value of coupon, description, Pictures/collage, website, location of coupon (address), etc (see also
– we need to be able to set a maximum number of units that can be sold of one coupon. If the limit is reached before the coupon runs out, the deal closes and no-one can buy it anymore.
– every coupon should have a startdate when the offer is opened to the public and an enddate, when the deal closes (incl. time)
– If a deal is on (falls in between start and enddate, and has not reached its maximum buyers), it is promoted to the mainpage of the city/platform in its specific category
– When a deal is over or sold out before, it is displayed on the mainpage, but users cannot buy it anymore
– We need to have the ability to create an HTML email, which is sent to all buyers of a coupon, that includes the full name of the buyer and their emailaddress. The email will be used to print it out and show to the shop owner to get the discount.
– Site needs to allow to view display page for any coupon
– Site needs to allow me to see (through the interface), all buyers & their contact details of any coupon
– site needs to allow to save all buyer infos into a CSV file
– site needs to allow to click which dead deals to display on a “prior deals” page for that city/platform and which not
– site needs to allow to select one column or two columns to display prior deals and total displayed.
– Displays only specific information to the expired deal in the prior deal view but each should be clickable to a special prior deals directory displaying the normal page but not allowing the item/offer to be purchased.
– Transactions should go through PayPal
– Auto-Generated Customer Email with stylized graphics-included coupon upon purchase completion.
– translation of frontend into german language (the wording can be done by us)
– Need template driven front end (customer facing)
– sharing on facebook, twitter and email

Hide Portion Of Image Feature

Hide Portion Of Image Feature
I want someone to be able to upload a full-body photo of a person, then edit it to black out the face of the person before it is published.

Then, regular visitors of the site see the image with the face blurred out, but they can click the face to reveal it.

I will need help integrating it with F My Script –

Yahoo Like Menu

Yahoo Like Menu

I would like to have a menu developed and designed that is similar to the one on on the right.
Basically it should be done in php with a backend panel where you can manage all the menu options of what you can add/edit/remove from the menu and what the users of the site the menu is on can add/edit/remove.
The menu should be able to be embedded into any site at all. To embed the menu there should be a small html code which you insert into you site which will allow you to embed the php menu into your site. The menu should be able to be completely customizable from the back end, (ie should be able to change the colours and theme to match the website, should be able to change all menu items, be able to add webfeeds to the menu, ie from your blog, twitter account and etc.)
If you have any more questions then feel free to ask.

Php/mysql Website Changes 2

Php/mysql Website Changes 2
I have two new programs to write in PHP/MySQL environment: End of Year Process to historize two transaction flies; and a simple program to stuff user Id into URL Parm when missing.

I also have 4 existing programs to change: Add error checking in one, Add identical updates to a pair of sister programs, and a paypal confirmation screen that will confirm payment made, create orders with paid status, email sent out and a bit of other back ground work.

I have attached a more detailed Statement of Work for your review.

Looking for someone very good, to do it right away correctly, and for a great price.

Need A 5 Page Website User Log

Need A 5 Page Website User Log
My website is

I need a simple 5 page website: Home, About Us, Sign up now, Login, Contact Us

I will need a Login Module where a client can login to their account and be able to see their invoice and files they we have uploaded to proof their artwork.

I will need a admin to upload their invoices and artwork that they can download.

We are a Direct Mail Postcard company that sends out postcards for local companies.

I like the look and feel of

Just don’t need all that info or fancy options.

You go to to see our logo and colors.

Math Solution

Math Solution
hello i would like to make a website like For this math solution, it is better to have a some attractive pictures and graphic.
r u able to do this with good quality.and i would like to add a math forum and a stor of some math books a videos and a multi language on the site.

Edit And Sales Copy Improve 2

Edit And Sales Copy Improve 2

Remember you will only be editing content that is already written…not writing this from scratch.

I need someone who is a professional in copy-sales… in website text that is designed specifically for executing sales. You will be editing 8 pages of copy. You will be doing the following.

1. reviewing, identifying, and removing any spelling errors, grammar errors, etc so that the text is problem-free.

2. improving the section titles, etc so that the sales-copy is written in a way that inspires the reader to click through to the order page…and highlighing key words and phrases to emphasize why someone should purchase

Here are a couple of sites that have high converting sales copy

Five Articles 25 Dollars

Five Articles 25 Dollars
5 Pre-selling content articles are needed.

Total number of words per article: 500+
Total Budget: Max. $25 >>>> Otherwise please don’t bid.
Delivery Time: Max. 3 days

These Pre-selling content articles are related to skin care and target audience is people who are interested in anti aging skin care solutions. Keywords will be given to the winner.

In these Pre-selling articles some keywords used will be given primary focus while some will be of secondary focus. These articles will be relevant to the benefits of the specific brand and products. The brand and skin care products are from Xtend-Life,

First 2 articles will be submitted within one day after project awards, for proof reading.

Please write word “Doctor” in your bids which will show you have read all the instructions carefully, bids without this will not be considered. Writers with excellent English, grammar and attractive feedbacks only. Happy Bidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Family Community

Family Community
I want to create a “family community” Sort of like a facebook for your family. There will be an interactive calendar where you can post things, a chat, a wall where you can post links and messages aswell as a place to upload photos. Think of it as your family online. You will have your own profile and be able to communicate with your other family members.