Property Partner Extranet

Property Partner Extranet
A Full spec will be given to 3 x shortlisted bidders.

Project Requirement
My client require a partner extranet to manage their property partners. The company sells properties (from vendors [resort developers])

High Level User requirements
1. Content Management System (CMS) section (front page, t&c, )
2. Search – Map facility
3. Partner management
4. Lead Management
5. Vendor Management
6. Stock Management
7. Sales in Progress
8. Commission section
9. Report Wizard
10. Campaign Management
11. Upload to portals
12. Tags (multi level tagging)
13. Groupings of list (ie group certain leads/partners/vendors for later reloading etc)

Linking with PORTAL
1. The company have a portal (work in progress by another team)
2. The idea is that the property information in th extranet must automatially display in the portal as well.
3. This is a lower priorty and phase 2 but needs to be considered.

1. COMPANIES (NOT individual bidders) well experienced in developing extranets, crm and/or property portals – you MUST have a portfolio to showcase with DEMO details – CRITICAL!!!!!!
2. No payment upfront will be allowed, monthly payments will be made on progress
3. dedicated programmers that can manage a tight deadline
4. Proper testers – unit, stress, regression etc
5. Professional web designers – specially UI


Joomla/virtuemart Tabless Temp

Joomla/virtuemart Tabless Temp
Looking for Joomla 1.5/Virtuemart Tabless Template (clean coded and error free) from current website design.

Should appear the same in all browsers
Should be optimized for fast loading (you can check
Should be fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional (

Only serious bidders who are experienced who are customer oriented and available to complete this project in a timely and professional manner.

Must have portfolio of similar jobs completed and Must MAster the English Language.


Oscommerce Websie Edit

Oscommerce Websie Edit
if you view on ie you will see gif image for some reason looks strange and bg is displaying in off color i need i fixed.

“this product was added to our site” on such and such date i want removed from all products. i do now want date added o site to appear

in shopping cart after customer click checkout i want it to go to create_account.php instead of login.php

on create_account.php page i need following done
– remove fax number field
-remove newsletter question and automatically let all people joining to be added to newsletter
-remove suburb field

checkout_shipping.php i want “best way” text to be edited to “3-5 day shipping”

checkout_payment.php following text i wan edited from CREDIT CARD (gspay) to CREDIT CARD (Visa & Mastercard)

finally i need quires in my code o run faster. i feel on main page somehing is occurring to make google analytic to say my page ake 25 plus seconds for main page o load… my images are made in thumbs alrrady so figure out a new tactic i guess?

looking for programmer with experience and reviews who can do my project without any time delays. mos of requests are very small edits on site i can do myself but i need i done.. i am overbooked with work and willing to pay 50 usd max and i have new projects weekly…


Move Site To WordPress1

Move Site To WordPress1
Convert small existing website to wordpress via new layout (attached, all image files done, will be provided). Move all text, registration forms for lawyers and advertisers, database, search/advanced search capability for attorneys and paypal payment integration for registered clients.

This is a small and immediate task, to finish the job of another developer. 2-3 day turnaround time required.

Website Clone – WordPress Exp

Website Clone – WordPress Exp
I need a website clone of

* Need the wordpress theme to be ‘piggie bank’ or similar.

* Need to use a similar css stylesheet as

* All widgets should be similar to

I will provide other details to winning bidder. WordPress experts only with sample work!

I must be able to update website using a simple editor (fck editor)

Install Akismet.

Online Business Magazine

Online Business Magazine
My client requires a remake of their existing website. The new site would be quite similar to the existing one, only with different parts to it, and would allow for people to register as members, and therefore access their account.

To try and be brief, here is what the new website would need to have:
• A homepage similar to the existing one, only with:
o key topics lined horizontally at the top
o new articles lined vertically on the left
o centre news piece that can change daily or weekly
o Become a member / sign-in banner or box on the right
o Search engine on top right
o Banner with link to a voting page, exact name on banner will change every month according to theme
• 5 different topic areas (linked from homepage’s top horizontal banner, that keep top and left bars with links to pages and articles):
o News/Articles (business week type magazine look and feel with top articles and new articles listed + search by category or keyword)
o Workshops/Trainings (various training events listed with possibility to book a place, also with dates in a calendar)
o Networking Events (networking events listed with possibility to book a place, also with dates in a calendar)
o Business Services (business and consulting services listed in 3 categories with possibility to request a quote)
o Members area:
 Home page for registration or sign-up (certain level membership will require approval by website managers) – free and paid levels of registration will exist, and questions will need to be answered as part of registration (profiling as well as preferences and others)
 If person is already signed up it shows their account page with their details and their business details which they may edit
 Membership status, which they can upgrade via online purchase (they can also choose to be visible to rest of network or not, which they can change at any given time)
 Members directory link to a list of members, that can be searched by category and via a search engine entering keywords. Each person in the list can be tagged or picked to “my network” area (a way to save a contact as a favourite) – few people highlighted (chosen by admin) per category – networking events will show on person’s profile if they have booked a seat (only networking events, not workshops)
 Members’ Businesses Directory link to the list of all businesses entered by members, that can be searched by category and via a search engine entering keywords. Each person in the list can be tagged or picked to “my network” area (a way to save a contact as a favourite) – few businesses highlighted (chosen by admin) per category
 “My network” link to list of picked members as per above
 “Request/messages” link to any request form other members to use their services or messages
 “my calendar” with view of events they have signed up for, and view of events available for them to purchase tickets or book (with link to booking page)
 “Forum” – link to forum where all members can discuss various topics, request help/ask questions, give news or link to events
• We will need 3 other pages linked from bottom of website:
o Contact us
o About us
o Work with us
• We will need an easy way of managing the content, uploading articles and adding/managing events from the events page (this can be a CMS or other if you have cheaper alternatives)
• Admin access to our members database allowing us to edit their details and accept/decline certain membership level requests, as well as promote some members to be highlighted in directory, and give recommended status/tag to their profile page
• Admin management of the “voting” page for the businessman of the month:
o Theme changed monthly (one election per month) – i.e. best entrepreneur, most inspirational, best web entrepreneur, best man in tech, etc..
o 10 men to be listed by admin for election every month with links to article about them and link to their website
o Automatic “show results” button at end of every person’s vote, with percentages only

Any additional questions may be submitted for clarification.


Create A Excel And Visio Tmp 2

Create A Excel And Visio Tmp 2
I need someone that can create a template in Visio and Excel
4 tabs for three different network equipment rack configurations
The content is network racks one tab will be for 4 racks

1st tab is setting the racks at 42u
2nd tab is setting the racks at 45u
3rd tab is setting the racks at 48u
4th tab is for equipment icons that can be copied and pasted (or imported) onto the rack layouts on the first three tabs allowing me the ability to create rack face drawings on the first three tabs
1st icon is 18u
2nd is 22u
3rd is 2u
4th is 6u
5th is 3u
6th is 21u
7th is 2u

I need this done ASAP …if you are creative and can build me an amazing template lets make it happen…samples of your similar work would be greatly appreciated

Writers Needed 1 2

Writers Needed 1 2
I’m in search for individuals to join my team of writers. If you are a team of writers yourself than please do apply as I will be considering you as well. This is a on going project and the project details will vary depending on which project you are assigned. They will mainly be 500 word articles however you will be required to follow complete instructions.

The pay for each article will vary depending on the project that you are assigned to. They will vary between $1 – $2 per article of 500 words.

At the current moment we have one long term project that will be needing a daily output of 100 articles daily. Seeing that this is a long term project the pay is between $1 – $1.25.

I have another project that has a smaller daily requirement but pays slightly bit more and will dicuss that with the writer i choose.

I need you to be able to offer a minimum of 5 articles daily preferably 10 without fail.

You will be required to keep in regular contact through IM and Email as i can’t be chasing you up as i will have my hands busy with cliental relations.

Please only bid if you agree to the payment terms and other conditions highlighted above.

The projects will most likely start from next week but i need to arrange a team in advance to be up and ready to start work when ever i give the go ahead so this process is simply creating a team i can trust and rely on.

Payment will only be made via paypal as all my other writers are paid through this way. I will be paying you for the first 5 – 10 articles that you do immediately to gain trust and to show you that i always pay. Once the trust has been established, payment will be made weekly.

Please also make sure that you provide me with a few samples of your work and include the words “looking for writers” in your PM so that i know you have read the details and not just posted an automated response.

Happy Bidding!


I deal with all my clients privately which is why i have zero reviews. We are expanding our business which is why i’m using scriptlance as a way to hire more writers. You being made for the first few articles that you do will be the way through which we will be able to establish trust. But i need quality and timely work.

I Always Pay

Need 9 Page Website Done Asap

Need 9 Page Website Done Asap
I need a basic website done 9 pages nothing fancy, design and content must be done in html perhaps a flash banner and 2 forms contact us form and also another form you can clone from another site, and must done by Sunday, have template to go by in regards to design unless you can come up with something nicer.will be on my hoster.

Finish Psd To Html

Finish Psd To Html
Good day,

I got few PSD files of one page that needs to be finished. Another developer was not able to finish it on time…

This is really simple project, all files I own will be provided.

What needs to be done?
Few subpages (only with different content) and few popups (single divs).

Header, footer and content wrapper is already done.

Need to have it done before Sat, 16th Jan 14 CET.

Please post your REASONABLE bids and if you got any questions ask them at PMB.

Homepage is already created, few more pages are done too. You need only to finish the whole project and get good feedback for it.

A lot of work to do in the future for selected programmer.



we are students and have bought a script to generate a datagrid for our college project but unfortunately we are not able to make it work properly.
We just need an expert to show us the very basics how to display data from an existing database.
We have got a offer of a domain which we can use for testing.

server: LAMP
timeframe: urgently