Flash Cms With Video Completio

Flash Cms With Video Completio
I have a flash site with incomplete CMS.
There are three sections:
1. There are randomn placed message boxes with links upon mouse over and clicking. a. Mouse over shows simple text and a banner ad. b. Clicking shows Video player link(with sourcing from youtube links),Fixed Banner ads within otherwise a simple text box.

2. Is similar to 1 except has just 3 fixed links rather than unlimited random as in in point1.

3. Is a simple Hyperlink directory.

So there is some simple stuff to complete , the most challenging is the the video player placement providing youtube link. I preferably do not want to be storing video as my current service doesn’t provide video. If I absolutely must then I will consider changing servers.

I have files from incompleted work of CMS that I thought was coming along reasonably well although I understand if you’d rather start from scratch.

To see the site (minus the video/banner features etc yet to be created) truthcity.com

Php Programmer To Add Dreamwea

Php Programmer To Add Dreamwea
I have Dreamweaver Add-on, use it for creation of the Paypal interface module

my client need finally updating the site and is to go-live.

They have tried to upload some product images via the shop admin but are receiving an upload error

I need someone look into this and fix it

Also, the client wants to use Paypal as a Payment Gateway, would you be able to integrate this into the shop – it is currently setup for Protx

thats all.. i am online.. i need enough experienced man who can do it right now (today)

budget $30

Wp Automatic Posting Tool

Wp Automatic Posting Tool
I need to devise a way to auto post content to my blog using WordPress. Here’s what I need the script/plugin to do:

– you will pass the url of where the news/post is. Most of the content I’ll be working with will be in WordPress blogs as well, but some will not, so I gotta have options. Also will be working with both English and Spanish content.This can be done on a one-at-a-time basis or on a bulk job will be nice too.
– the script must be able to get rid of all unnecessary content (ads, header, footer, sidebars, etc) and extract only the content inside the post, with all existing comments if possible.
– Then it will “publish” all content to the wordpress blog, including images and/or videos and add all necessary info to the db. Once the content has been added it must not ne published immediately but rather go to “Pending Review” state.
– finally it must be able to automatically index to specific social networks/bookmaking sites (tweeter, digg, etc..) which I’ll let you know later.

Considering that WordPress is a script always in development and some of its features might change in future versions, you must be able to provide support if any of these changes causes the script to stop working. I’ll pay accordingly for this support when the time comes.

Payment will be only through Escrow.

Get 4000 Facebook Fans

Get 4000 Facebook Fans
This Job is to add 4000 legitimate fans to my facebook fanpage.

***Please note: fans, not friend requests*****

The requirements
1) They MUST be legitimate facebook profiles.My IT team will check the fanpage several times each day and will know illegitimate profiles from legitimate ones. Profiles should have DP and at least 15 legitimate friends.

2) We would like the fans to be from Europe the United States and UK. Predominantly, Europe and the UK and Ireland
Payment will be by Escrow.
50% deposited on acceptance of bid
50% deposited and 100% paid on successful compleation of 4000 new Fans

Articles On Freelancing

Articles On Freelancing
I need a blog about freelancing with some unique topics tricks etc.
Content should be SEO optimised. I need around 50 different topics.
But plz make sure content is not repetative from other sites.
Plz let me know if u have any doubts.
we ppl have similar type of work for our other sites too.
I need one sample page before accepting your bid.(own topic in freelance)
Thank you.

Article/reviews Writer

Article/reviews Writer
I am looking for a long-term relationship with a writer to write articles and reviews on different niche topics.

Here are the basic requirements.

1. min. of 1 year experience.
2. articles should be error free
3. articles should pass copyscape
4. well researched articles.
5. articles should be min. of 500 words
6. articles should be SEO friendly, and will target 1 keyword or phrase per article.
7. You agree NOT to resell or re-use these articles.

I will provide the list of keywords/phrases/products.

BONUSES will be given for excellent work / quick turn around.

Currently I am in need of 10 articles. Will be needing 10 articles almost every day if work is great!
Note: Please pmb a short article you have written earlier!

Prestashop Theme Modification

Prestashop Theme Modification
We need an experienced designer who can modify the current default Prestashop template so it will fit our business needs.

The website will be selling furniture and many parts of existing design will need to be changed.

The main changes include but not limited to:

– Custom Logo
– Adding main menu to the header (5 buttons) and basic flash slideshow with the products.
– Changing sidebars color scheme
– Modifying footer part
– Creating some new buttons
– Adding/Removing items from sidebars

Serious bidders only.

Thanks for your time.

Website – Everything Provided

Website – Everything Provided
All images and design will be provided by us in illustrator format to the programmer, it only needs to be converted into web format.

Project Description:
Multiple menus, sub menus on most pages, mouse over preview effect on images, also, a link on the side can be clicked to display each image in the same area it would have popped up on mouse over.

Simple file upload area, users will already have accounts created for them by us directly through cpanel.

Also, a google map needs to be added on the contact page.