Photoshop Designer

Photoshop Designer
1.I need a designer who is good at photoshop
2.I need to know if you charge by the hour or one flat fee?
3.I need to know how long i will take more than a day no need to
4.I need unlimited revisions ( no unlimited revisions) no need to apply
5.You must have skype or msn messenger
6.I need somebody can design headers, footers, logos, and banners.
7.I need to be able to contact you whenever.

Graphic Design + Banners

Graphic Design + Banners
Sales and promotion banner designs for a very trendy women’s clothing store.

some flash or animations are okay.

3x 666px × 351px banners
1x approx. 700 x 50 banner
1x fully designed 1 .html info page with information of our staff photos.

Creative designers with VERY good sense of color coordination. Must flatter our current site color scheme.

Please bid with your previous work. Deliverable must include PSD file.

Will provide model images to work with.

Ongoing work will be possible with good a relationship.

Deliverables must be made within 2 days.

Increase Magento Speed

Increase Magento Speed

I have a magento website at that is hosted on It takes about 10-15 seconds to load any page. I already tried to optimize it by modifying .htaccess (enabling gZIP compression and increasing php memory limit to 512m) and enabling compilation, but it didn’t help at all. I’m open to any effective solution, such as moving the website to a dedicated server, optimizing mysql database, etc. as long as all pages will load under 3-4 seconds.


Restaurant Web Design

Restaurant Web Design
we invite proposals for interior & brand design of a new concept restaurant

We will provide u photos and basic floor plan of site. However, if u feel u can work it on long distance – we dont mind – as long as u have good understanding of UK marketplace!

The site was formally a private hospital and our client wishes to transform into a modern chic city shisha lounge bar (that will serve limited amount of food). The site is based near the university district and is currently surrounded by other clubs, nightclubs, bars, restarants, etc..

Change Snitz To Vbulletin

Change Snitz To Vbulletin
This project is about making a full migration from a modified snitz forum with an access database to a vBulletin forum with a mySQL database. The project will involve converting the access database to mySQL and then making it functional with the vBulletin forum software.

Two very important issues:
1) The content of the access database is in the Greek language
and 2) The forum topic urls (in .asp) are already indexed by search engines. Changing to vBulletin will convert them to .php thus losing their indexed position online. This issue must be addressed in some way, either by some type of permanent redirect or some other way.

Software/script Installs

Software/script Installs
We are looking for a few people who can install a script/software onto our customers websites.

It is no more difficult than installing WordPress, and takes between 5 and 10 minutes.

We are not yet sure of the demand for the installation service, but will need people on standby in the case of high demand.

You must:

Have previous experience and good feedback

Be able to communicate with the customer, providing them with login details and all necessary information.

We will provide you with a videos to show you how the install is done. We are also wiling to pay a standard rate of $5 per install.

Please title your reply Script Install – so that I know you have read al the criteria.



Shopping Cart Cms Page Builder

Shopping Cart Cms Page Builder
Read .doc and place a bid on the project, below is just a summary…

I had a cms built like this similar on one of my other sites already, but I need it to be able to either look like a shopping cart and not function or look like a product information site. Its basically an admin/cms that makes building the adsense/affiliate sites easier so I can build a lot more.


1.Build CMS admin that will build and add real categories and pages on any domain or sub domain in domain root.

2.Can be built with options to either make it look like a real shopping cart with affiliate button url or just an information site with categories etc..

3.Create, add or delete real pages using specified extension with no mod re write. Allow for page name, and meta data on the fly.

Summary is general, details are outlined in the attached complete_job_description.doc

WordPress Help Needed

WordPress Help Needed
I have a WP Tube Site that I need some help with. I have a issue with the images not showing up but the video works fine. I have a few catogories that upload videos fine but have a few that do not.
I would also like to add some links from this, teamed up with and we are now ready to offer you morphed RSS content when you want it, how you want it! We have 4 brand new feeds, and the new system makes sure no affiliate site will look the same! Fetch pictures, videos and SEO texts right into your blog or site and keep it updated without having to do anything yourself.
My site url is Please go the site and you will see the what I’m talking about with the images.
Let me know if you can help.

Ghostwriter Ebook

Ghostwriter Ebook
This job will require research and e-book writng experience. It must be very professional. The project will be completed in phases.1) research of subject manner, knowledge of internet marketing and entrepreneur. 2) outline of chapter content. 3) book layout and writing 4) revisions will be required 5) final review and proofreading 6) e-book jacket design may be outsourced 7) final publication. Writer will stay in frequent communication with me during the process. The book should finish at around 200 pages. If you expect a quick turn around do not apply.This finished book will contain original content of value to potenital end user.Your bids are appreciated please reference examples of your work. Thank You

Need I.t Article Written

Need I.t Article Written
I need a 7 page article written about the following topic:

Distinguish between systems & application software

Now i don’t need some copy and paste job as i could do that myself with a little googling, i need it written in good english so that will require a native english speaker and i need it written in your own words although you can use other material to get the content it needs to be re-written in your words so it dosent sound like something that an I.T genius wrote although it should sound logical and be put together well.

The topic says it all really, also to confirm your not someone who knows nothing about I.T ill need to ask a couple of questions live via msn, i dont expect you to write a completely new one as i said your welcome to use other articles to gain the information as long as you dont copy it exactly so look at a paragraph, understand it and re-write it in your own words not change the last and first line of the paragraph kind of thing, so obviously youll need some decent knowledge of the subject to do this. I need this done quickly also as in today or tommorrow at the latest, let me know if youve any questions

it should be in standard size font for reading, just in case someone was planning on doing 7 pages of 120 verdana font or something lol

Status – Facebook Application

Status – Facebook Application

I need a simple fb app clone..well 3 app clone in one app:

status shuffle + status statistics + status symbols

main app over here is status shuffle, and other 2 apps are much more simple. If you check these apps you will see that it is not time consuming task for an experienced programmer. Therefore, I think 1 week is enough for full development. Details will be discussed on PMB

I need this to be implemented with .Net 3.5/4, C#, VS 2008, MS SQL, Linked to Entities as a repository layer, n-tiered architecture.

Website Re-construction

Website Re-construction
We need to completely re-do our website

Our programmer friend created the current version.

We have appx. 3 months to make this website TOP quality for
some investors to take it to the next level.

We will be adding features to this site but we will also keep the current categories.

-New Design needed with incredible animated / flash header
-A very user friendly admin content management system. This
site will be update daily with new reports, information, etc.
so it must have easy editor installed that is top quality.
-Amazing graphics needed because this is a surf site and want
animated/flash images of surfers and waves. You MUST be a PRO!

This needs to be worked on with me via skype as we progress through
each project. Communication is IMPORTANT!

You will re-do the entire site with me and will need to be put on
our dedicated server when finished.

I’m not the owner of this site. I’m hired to be the project manager
to get the job done RIGHT! This is a surfing site for Hawaii, BUT, if
this site is world class we are need for dozens of other countries.

We PREFER to work with somebody in Romania because we have had great
work done from this country.

We have 3 months to complete but I want a fast start and use most the time to make improvements and revisions. We NEED a creative thinker and MOST importantly somebody that follows INSTRUCTIONS and does the projects right the first time!

Once again, here is the raw site that needs to be torn down and re-built.