Google Apps Send Php Fix

Google Apps Send Php Fix
I’ve been using google apps for some months now.
But it has come to my attention that a number of sites I own such as Vbulletin forums and video sites are not working correctly.
The subscribe,registration, message post alerts , contact us are not working correctly.d
The sites are sending the mail that does arrives to a number of free email accounts such as gmail,hotmail and others but not all. Most legit email accounts are not seeing any such mail arrive from my sites that are using google apps for mail. ( not in spam)

One of the sites in question using a send.php contact is a
Mail will arrive to many free email accounts and some registered domains but not all.
We have tried a number of configurations with send.php but no luck with domains hosted on my google apps account.
One of the domain google appss accounts not functioning is as you will note in send.php attached.
The send file will work with many accounts but when being sent to info at reao## the mail fails to arrive.

I need correct settings for google apps and other problems that might relate to realtytube site not working correctly when send.php is used.


Attached is a setting

Click Link Game

Click Link Game
I need someone to make a game script like those games where you get someone to click your link. And when they do they get “eaten/hugged/soul stolen/etc.”.

Like This:

Its needs to be easy to use, edit, and is secure.

Tripadvisor/clone 2

Tripadvisor/clone 2
Hi guys out there, were fresh new company and looking for some freelancer to realise our project: tripadvisor clone.

Its our first project and we dont want to spend loads of money!

It should integrate 100% of the functions of tripadvisor and not be a cheap free/software downloaded on a common page!

We search a trusted and communicative freelancer!

(If the website corresponds to our expectations we ask for collaboration in the future)
Best Regards

System Admin &web Progamming

System Admin &web Progamming
We are looking for someone to perform
repairs to sites withinin our CPanel. We
want to keep the coding within our
blogs from creating problems for other

The successful company may be considered
to perform this task of site maintenance and
other programming tasks on a routine basis.

If you have an interest please contact us to
get further details.

Passionate WordPress Coder

Passionate WordPress Coder

I’m looking for someone who I will use as my MAIN programmer for all my future projects. To be more precise, if I see long term potential with you, you are with us, as long as this project is alive.

The person has to be someone who is Passionate about programming(more important than anything else), is experienced with WordPress programming, is hardworking, loves challenging work, sticks to deadlines and communicates with me frequently.

This is a TEST project to weed out the excusers from the real deal, and to work with only those who really want fun&challenging work and a long term relationship.

I did the same for a Graphics Design Job, we have already completed 4 projects with that person in a very short time. Check my recent reviews and you will understand that I am always true to my word.


This might sound like a project that you might not really like at first site but keep on reading. I’m posting this chunk job, only because it’s the next step in our project right now. Otherwise I would have to make something up.

With our designer, we have created a new design for our WordPress site. It is a very WordPress similar design, with a header-menu-big middle container-small rightside container-footer. Because of this similarity I think you will have an easy time.


-EVERYTHING- you need design wise(slicing, resizing etc.) we will provide with our Graphics Designer.

I want you to be assured that we will be there to help you, not drown you with unneccesary work.


I only work with single programmers(team of 2 at most). No Agency, Programming Company, We are this , we are that bla bla bla. The reason is I need daily(almost real time) communication when we are in a project. And I don’t like working with middle men.

I only work with people who actually read the project descriptions. This is a HINT for you. (For a good laugh, watch how many losers will bid with, we are this we are that)

I am very prompt with payment, clear with communication and detailed in what I expect, I need the same level of seriousness on your part.


Since this is a special case, I will discuss with you over PMB about when you can get this done.(I will send you mockups as well so that you can see how it feels for you)

After we settle on a date, I expect getting the work done, by the deadline we set.


Please answer these questions for me :

How long have you been working with WordPress?
What is the thing that you like the most about programming?
Are you going to be available for future work on a consistent basis, or are you always busy?

Rss Feeds Grabber

Rss Feeds Grabber
I am looking for a script to grab media rss from major websites and automatically embed on the site to play in my site itself.

Rss should gather from major video sharing sites. But the following is a must

A prefect example for I am looking is (see this site and create a script exactly like it).

Template should be pleasing and google adsense ready.

User registration is needed and user submission to be approved by admin.
If more clarity needed contact me.

Hire Parttime Html/php Worker

Hire Parttime Html/php Worker
Hire parttime Html/php worker for small tasks here and there. Nothing major..

Here is an interesting request… Simply I’m looking or a reliable, fast working HTML/PHP worker. I am not the best at HTML and rely entirely on Microsoft Expressions Web and some things I’d rather not have to work thru to figure out what is wrong, (i.e.. pages not displaying layout correctly.. perhaps a table not displaying right, etc..). or adding a small modification to an HTML page, or php edit.. I will be basing my choice on Feedback, quality portfolio, experience, price, and availability.

Basic qualifications required:

– MUST be able to easily contact (emailing and waiting for a reply 2 days later is not exactly what I’m aiming for. If you have MSN that would be fantastic!
– MUST have a variety of VERY GOOD, HONEST, RELIABLE FEEDBACK. (I’m sorry but I’ve had bad dealing in the past)
– MUST be available on the fly.. I.e.. Not taking 10 hours to do an edit or html correction if it should only take 30mins if that..

Jobs include right now:

– I have a couple html pages that are showing some pixel spacing problems
– implementing a login to our phpbb3 forums program from our main layout (we already have a login form but not sure how to connect it and have it disappear when user is logged in)
– I was told you can incorporate Moodalbox so that if you’re not logged into phpbb3 that it could pop up a transparent overlay requesting to have them register and will continue to display every so often until they do..
And some other small jobs here and there every once in a while.

Silverstripe Php Senior Coder

Silverstripe Php Senior Coder
I need 1 or 2 senior coders who have a strong experience of the Silverstripe CMS, PHP, ajax, javascript and DB connections.

Perfet english speaker.

This is for a new project that finally got some more funding and could go on for 1 year or more, if the candidate proves himself suitable and the funds are garanteed.

I need someone operational now, full time (or nearly) who really does understand the Silverstripe platform and SVN systems because you will be working with a team already in place, commiting your work to our system at deadlines set by myself. You need to really pay attention to detail, work and delivery quality work as if it was for you, well tested so we don’t have to go back and forth a hundred times to get a module working.

If you are not confident in using the silverstripe platform, but are a guru in php, javascript, jquery and want to learn the platform (it is way better than Drupal and co), let me know, I might be ok to give you a week or 2 to get used to the platform.

This is for a long term commitment, I need extremely good reactivity to change requests I or my clients will put it, so for example 2 or 3 days of no communication is no good to me, so please spare my time.

The wage will be paid monthly directly into your bank account.

If this partnering works well, there should be work for the next 2 or 3 years. This is a very exciting project and I am sure you will love to work with our team. I have to be very specific on the job specs because I have had numerous problems with non serious coders, who had too many projects, asked for more money in the middle of a project, do work not to make something nice but to get rid of the job as quickly and go surf instead or are just man in the middle giving work to somebody else thus including delays. So I need to avoid that, because I will see it quickly and stop 🙂

Happy Bidding



Custom Penny Auction Website

Custom Penny Auction Website
We are looking for a graphic design/programming team to develop a w3c compliant penny auction website. The auction site must have
the same functions and controls as SWOOPO & BIDRIVALS, but must have a different/unique appearance – NO TEMPLATES – Original
graphics work only. Would also like the Website to be accessable from mobile devices (ie: Mobile Phone).

Specific information will be given when started

DO NOT BID IF YOU WILL BE USING PRE-BUILT TEMPLATES. Experienced people only please.

All previous bidders are welcome to bid again. We would like to get this project started A.S.A.P

Client Login / System Admin.

Client Login / System Admin.
I just setup SSL on our domain, and now I need to setup a secure client login system where the site owner will have an admin area (to handle all client accounts), and then clients will be able to login to their accounts to upload and download documents in a secure environment.

The whole system needs to look sharp, be secure, and be very easy for the administrator and their clients. The administrators will need to able to easily setup new client login accounts, and will be storing client documents in the separate client accounts. The clients will need to be able to login to their individual accounts to easily upload new documents and download documents.

The site is hosted on a HostGator ‘Business’ account.
On this page:
click ‘Compare Hosting Plans’ to see hosting/database capabilities.