Unique Website

Unique Website
Site Title:
Need or Greed

Because Charity Starts at Home…

Preferred Coding Method:

Payment Terms:
On Completion

Design Location:

A website where members can sign up and post charitable ads (with pictures) attempting to convince people to donate money to them (via paypal). ads will be fully searchable/filterable and members will be able to post into categories i.e. need money for e.g. mortgage payments or greed e.g. for beer! The website should be split into this distinct groups hence the name need or greed. Must be well SEO’d. Website must be unique, no templates!

Joining/posting ads is free, however there must be a range of options for members to be able to upgrade their adverts to premium/bold listings in order to get better visability. Premium/featured listings remain listed at the top of the search results within the search criteria. Room for advertising/google ads.

Back End:
Fully administratable. All elements including members/advertising/listings password control etc must be customisable from the back end.

Must be top class NEW and fresh.

I am looking for a top class designer/coder for this one, you’ll be heaviliy judged on your previous work so please send examples. I would also like to hear your ideas, I’m looking for someone to work with so would like you be bring ideas to the table. Design mock ups would also help your case.

Web Desktop Bookmark App

Web Desktop Bookmark App
I want a Web Bookmark Internet Desktop application built using PHP, MYSQL and AJAX. The application will be exactly similer to the one at www.iloggo.com
I want a developer who loves experimenting and would experiment and come up with more ideas during the development period. The project includes both app dev + design.
While bidding please mention the code “SHOCK” in the description or comments.Please bid only if you are ready and equipped to handle the complete project. I looking forward for completion timeframe of around 2 weeks. Payment will be made only after completion of the project.

Adv. Search For Cubecart3

Adv. Search For Cubecart3
Advanced search area for Cubecart 3.

As the title, I am looking for someone who can make me an advanced
search area for Cubecart 3. Pretty much as the already build-in Cubecart 4.
You should know how Cubecart works!

So this search should be in it’s own file, but still be viewed in the main area, as any other
existing files.

Please see the attached file for the layout of the search and nessassary forms.

I need:
*search area
*tick box (to be checked at start) to include subcategories when searching
*3 dropdown:
— 1 with ONLY the TOP level of category -> Store/TOP category
— 1 with ONLY the 2nd level of category -> Store/TOP category / 2nd
— 1 with ONLY the 3rd level of category -> Store/TOP category / 2nd / 3rd

This is very important!

Please note that the user does not have to select every dropdown menu to search.
It should work with one dropdown selected.

Then a submit and canel button.

We only use one language so all text can be written in English and I’ll change that manually

I want to be able to follow every step in an easy way. FOr example:

1) Find the following code …
2) Replace with…


Save and close.

Upload file a, b and c to store location/includes/ etc…

Pretty much as any other mod install instruction. I have some knowledge
but It’s much easier with proper instructions.

I have not changed any of the existing database values, so it should all be standard.
I have, however, added a few extra searchable lines but they are working fine with
the standard search.

If you have any questions regaring this project, don’t hesitate so contact me.
I am new on this page but will have several projects to offer in the near future!

Kind regards,

Decode Ioncube Files

Decode Ioncube Files
I need the files located in this download link decoded. I paid a programmer a year ago to do some custom work for me and he coded and set expiration dates on these key files.


I hate dishonest programmers they give all of the good guys a bad rap.

Please download these files and give me a quote and time frame for delivery. My online script is broken until this issue is solved.

Thank you

Im For Social Engine Script

Im For Social Engine Script
Hi, i need an IM system for Social Engine script (http://www.socialengine.net/), that would work like Facebook’s IM or Yahoo Email’s IM, in the browser, from the browser, like this: when a user is logged in to his account, he is automatically logged in to the IM, which opens as a Yahoo Messenger looking column to the right of the screen, column that can be minimized, but not closed. So every user logged in is also on IM automatically. All users online should be listed in the IM with option to click on their name and open private chat windows with everyone, also if someone contacts you, a windows should popup with the IM message, and with options to block that user, or add to friends, and if clicked on username, to open the profile in the window. Now, this IM should be omnipresent on all pages, so no matter what page are you on, or navigate away from, the IM should be still and steady in the same spot, just like a shadow. AJAX IM could be a good one, integrated as I explained. Details of the project can be further discussed after the bid, but basically, every user online should be on IM and be able to contact and be contacted in real time by others that are also online. That’s it.

I have seen some integration of the Ajax IM here, but it is not as I would like it, as it opens in a different window and I hate that, it all has to be in the same window, just as Facebook and Yahoo Chat integrated in browser:


No escrow before work, payment after the work is done, and demo provided to me. After that, escrow ok, not before.

!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT BID OVER THE BUDGET PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Redo Header On Secondary Pages

Redo Header On Secondary Pages
I am not happy with the header on the secondary pages of my website located at these following example URL addresses:



I need a uniform header for all these pages.

If you are interested in bidding on this job, please send me a mockup to approve.

The header needs to be a combination of CSS, XHTML, and images. But you can grab the logo image for now.

Just for additional information, my website is a cross between Wikipedia, ebay, and craigslist so the main page header looks like this on the home page:

However, I am having trouble coming up with a header for all the secondary pages that will give the whole site some sort of congruity and uniformity. Can you help?


Flash Template Customization 3

Flash Template Customization 3
I Have a very easy flash template for customization, I’ve already done many parts of it but since I need the website ready sooner I’m going to give it to a freelancer.
Basic some text changes and picture changes and small structure change.
Attached you can find the proposal word document of required work.
The Template we’ll work on is :

Rewrite & Improve Mafia Mmorpg

Please note :
If you bid on this project, you accept and do agree that you’ll get paid ONLY Upon my complete satisfaction of the final work.

Have good bidding.

Penny Auction Website. 2

Penny Auction Website. 2
We are looking for a graphic design/programming team to develop a w3c compliant penny auction website. The auction site must have
the same functions and controls as SWOOPO & BIDRIVALS, but must have a different/unique appearance – NO TEMPLATES – Original
graphics work only. Would also like the Website to be accessable from mobile devices (ie: Mobile Phone).

Specific information will be given when started

DO NOT BID IF YOU WILL BE USING PRE-BUILT TEMPLATES. Experienced people only please.

Quick Php Form

Quick Php Form
Hi there, need someone to clone one of our php forms and just replace it with NEW fields. We already got the form code and captcha on our forms. Just clone and replace the fields. Need done right away please.

Field1: Company Name
Field2: Address
Field3: City
Field4: State
Field5: Zip
Field6: Employer ID #
Field7: Contact Name
Field8: Email
Field9: Phone #
Field10: Type of Business
Field11: Years in Business
Field12: Number of Employees
Field13: Average Annual Payroll
Field14: Payroll Processing System